Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Aria Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:54 am

Yes, Jason himself has admitted he was very conflicted and was in love with both, but he had made his decision before the LCDs. The fact that he was crying as terribly as he was is proof enough that this wasn't all pre-planned, because if he knew he would be somehow forcing Melissa into a mutually breakup (and somehow pushing her to immediately get back with her ex) in only 3 weeks and he would be getting back with Molly in 6 weeks, why would he have been that devastated? He was crying b/c he loved Molly, truly had the best connection with her, but let lust get in the way and let her go. And if Melissa's father had known anything, he would have pushed to have a hometown visit so he could see her and warn her. There was a lot of false information spread at that time, likely by Melissa's camp, and I remember it was often spread around like fact back in those years. Doesn't mean that it was.

Anyways, sorry for going so off-topic. I just don't think either scenario was pre-planned. Think Jason just picked lust over compatibility. And, I think Arie never truly loved either women and just is being Arie, who hasn't been in a committed relationship for a decade and was never going to happy with any woman he picked in the real world. I'm sure this was going to end up with Arie single in 6 months no matter what. Hopefully we'll at least get Becca as Bachelorette because of it. IMO.


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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by stuckinsc Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:11 am

Didn’t Melissa’s now husband pick her up at airport post filming? I remember Melissa basically had Jason on radio silence post filming. She did the show to make her ex jealous and it worked. Melissa didn’t want to be the ‘Ette because she was already dating the ex/now husband.

Sleuthing shows Becca with Arie post show. Vastly different than Melissa. Doesn’t matter, Becca is better off without a man who proposes to her while wanting someone else. JMO.

This mess makes me respect Charlie O’Connell more. If you are at all confused continue to date them both.

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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Aria Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:21 am

stuckinsc wrote:Didn’t Melissa’s now husband pick her up at airport post filming? I remember Melissa basically had Jason on radio silence post filming. She did the show to make her ex jealous and it worked. Melissa didn’t want to be the ‘Ette because she was already dating the ex/now husband.

Sleuthing shows Becca with Arie post show. Vastly different than Melissa. Doesn’t matter, Becca is better off without a man who proposes to her while wanting someone else. JMO.

This mess makes me respect Charlie O’Connell more. If you are at all confused continue to date them both.

That's been a long-running rumor, but it's never been confirmed. She did admit in her book that she always loved Tye, thought about him the whole time during filming (while she was saying on camera that he was a jerk and a terrible boyfriend), never loved Jason or even found him attractive, and that she went back to her ex right away after the mutual breakup. So, there's no way she was a victim. She got away with a lot, because no one ever called her out on the timing of getting back with her ex or why her words on-camera (being a 4th grade teacher, her ex being a jerk, etc) didn't match her actions. She played the victim perfectly so she could be famous and people just bought it.

It's funny you mention Charlie, because Sarah just did an interview with RS where she talked about everything that went down. It was pretty fascinating and she basically said that Charlie didn't let the producers make him do anything, ran the show his season, looked out for the women, and the producers hated him for it. It just shows that the leads have more power then they think. They might get a bad edit or lose DWTS or whatever, but they can always do what is right. IMO.


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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by stuckinsc Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:33 am

In fairness Charlie was a working actor, so TPTB has very little power. Arie is still in process and his willingness to be the bachelor after being jerked around by TPTB is very indicative he was going to play the game their way.

BTW, I dislike Melissa and always have. She was always in it for a tv career and to get Tye. I am not a Jason fan, but I do think he is lucky that he got Molly after letting his little head make his first choice.

I am sure Becca was hurt by this, but she is much better off without him, bachelorette or not.

She is probably better off without the ex too. I don’t think her ex showing up in Peru to propose is romantic, to me it indicates that she probably shouldn’t have been getting engaged either.

I have given up the bachelor and paradise, but I might watch Becca as the bachelorette. The bachelorettes are better at finding live anyway. IMO.

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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Aria Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:42 am

Sarah actually said he never worked the whole time they were together. I do see that he did a few TV appearances around that time, but I think he was mostly unemployed. I think he just knew not to be intimidated by the producers and he knew that he had power as the lead, because he had been in the business. I remember Jason used to talk about how he regrets letting them push him as much as he did and he could see that other leads stood up to him. I think Arie could have if he wanted (he had no problem going to see Emily or spoiling this season twice, so he breaks rules often), but he's been so desperate to be the Bachelor that he was going to give them what they wanted. IMO.


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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Lucas15 Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:53 am

stuckinsc wrote:She is probably better off without the ex too. I don’t think her ex showing up in Peru to propose is romantic, to me it indicates that she probably shouldn’t have been getting engaged either.

I wasn't too impressed with the ex. In Peru (sleuthed by license plates) he told the producers:

Becca's ex wrote:No - no - I don't - I don't want to be on this show. I want my girl. I'm here to get her back. I'm here - I'm here to tell you that I want to marry her.

The "My girl" is what puts me off - he doesn't own her - he just seems to feel that he does. What about their breakup makes him feel that she would be still interested in his proposal? Unless he thought she would be interested, why would he travel all the way to Peru and barge in on a filming location? How did he even know she was filming in Peru and where to go to find her? This setup has the producers slimy hands all over it IMHO and that makes me wonder what else were they manipulating at the very end ...


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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by stuckinsc Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:28 am

@Lucas15 TPTB obviously had a hand in the ex showing up. As a woman the my girl doesn’t bother me in a relationship. I have no idea about the breakup or why he thought she might want him back. My only guess was they broke up because he wasn’t ready to marry. But that is just my mind saying that is the only reason I can see someone showing up to propose to an ex that isn’t totally dumb and is more romantic comedy dumb.

Arie messed up proposing to Becca if he was still wanting Lauren. IMO. I just think any woman is better off without a man who is so unsure of what he wants. Relationships take work and compromise, not running as soon as the sparkle wears off. JMO.

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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by littlereddress Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:54 am

I do have to wonder what was up with Becca having a 7 year relationship with a man who is that possessive and controlling and yet did not seem to want to marry her before.  She seems so much stronger and independent than that, not to mention gorgeous, accomplished and smart.  She would not have to tolerate it and would have men lined up waiting to date her.   It would seem she would want to date different men and figure out who is best for her than staying with this guy for so long.  But then there are things I never understand about beautiful women who I think have everything going for them and their choice of men.  The mind boggles.  I am not criticizing her but more of an observation and questions. JMO but most people move on from relationships that we had when were barely out of the teens. He must have some hold on her.

I do understand him getting her through the loss of her dad but that was a long time ago.  I wonder how the producers arranged for this dude to come and propose and did Becca know about at all or was she blindsided by this as well?


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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Rolly Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:51 am

What do we know for sure about Becca’s ex? They were on and off in their relationship, she didn’t say they were ever engaged. He was supportive and helped her get through the time that her dad died. She said she knows what she doesn’t want in a relationship, maybe it has to do with her ex but it could be another relationship. We don’t know why the relationship ended, if either of them wanted to get married or not and how long ago the relationship ended. What did TPTB tell the ex about Becca and Arie? How much did they coach him with what to say?

I’m hoping we get some answers about who this guy is but now we don’t really know that much for sure.

I can see how people have on again off again relationships for years because I was in one. We got back together not because he had a hold on me but because it was easy. We had a history and it was familiar, we shared the same circle of friends, we were compatible and cared about each other and I liked his family. I knew it wasn’t ever going to end in marriage but at the time that was ok. I dated other people but it was hard work and my ex was easier. When it didn’t fit anymore we ended it but I don’t regret the relationship.

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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by littlereddress Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:54 am

Rolly wrote:What do we know for sure about Becca’s ex? They were on and off in their relationship, she didn’t say they were ever engaged. He was supportive and helped her get through the time that her dad died. She said she knows what she doesn’t want in a relationship, maybe it has to do with her ex but it could be another relationship. We don’t know why the relationship ended, if either of them wanted to get married or not and how long ago the relationship ended. What did TPTB tell the ex about Becca and Arie? How much did they coach him with what to say?

I’m hoping we get some answers about who this guy is but now we don’t really know that much for sure.

I can see how people have on again off again relationships for years because I was in one. We got back together not because he had a hold on me but because it was easy. We had a history and it was familiar, we shared the same circle of friends, we were compatible and cared about each other and I liked his family. I knew it wasn’t ever going to end in marriage but at the time that was ok. I dated other people but it was hard work and my ex was easier. When it didn’t fit anymore we ended it but I don’t regret the relationship.

Yeah, you're right. I am trying not to be judgemental but more understanding a 7 year on and off again thing which she eluded to. That is a substantial relationship but we don't know the details.


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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:59 am

If the guy I found is Becca's ex, I'm wondering how in the heck he could leave his job to go to Peru!

I can also understand why it was an off-and-on relationship because they didn't always live in the same area. This guy's job has led him to living in California, Alabama, Indiana and Wisconsin. All in the last 5 years.

I hope he was paid well for that little visit.


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TeamBecca - Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:00 pm

For the producers to bring the ex back at that point in filming almost seems like they thought Becca was F2 and they were building her story arc for bachelorette. They may have been shocked when Arie chose her. imo.


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Rebecca (Becca) Kufrin - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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