Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by coolangel Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:24 pm

adf23 wrote:In another scenario I would agree with you Kasha, but I have never seen a non winner garner so much (negative) opinion- it's crazy.  I know that as a whole, this board is anti Peter, I'm fine with that. I am not related to the man, people can think what they want.   Anything he does will be torn to shreds, got it.  It would be nice if the leaders of the board would should some neutralism.   A few that weren't invested in the season have shown that, and it's appreciated.  But only a few. IMO.

I respectfully disagree. IMO at the end of the day, moderators are members too and entitled to their opinions. I dislike the idea that people who spend hours of their day trying to make this place suitable and respectful for us to share our opinions and do it for free, should have to curb their opinions just to show neutrality.

IMO Contestants sign up for this scrutiny for their 15 mins of fame so they are fair game. As a day 1 Nick fan, I can say the negativity which Peter has gotten so far doesn't even scratch the surface. When people start talking about how he doesn't deserve to be loved, should be single for life, hoping to see him dumped by his F1 on FRC, hoping to see him fail in his professional avenues as well, then I'll say Peter is having a rough go. He got a good edit and is still loved by many. He can use the fan adoration to really make something huge of his business like Shawn B. Instead , he is sitting and cribbing about IG comments and inviting all this 'negativity'. If Peter stops his 'woe is me' behavior on SM, the negativity would die down IMO.


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Post by Kashathediva Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:25 pm

I am a member here as well as any of the other 7500+ members here. By mentioning moderators, I am in the subset referenced.
It does not take much intelligence to read between those lines.
It is a personal choice for any member when/where they choose to post. It is not going to keep me awake at night worrying.
Members are welcome at anytime to contact mods with issues and they do. If they have issues and don't pm mods to get clarity or resolution, nothing we can do about that. Any member who has contacted me via pm, has always got a prompt reply and attention to the issue.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Stacia620 Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:31 pm

Chgohighlife wrote:
Cocoasneeze wrote:He really should call out his family (at least father) and friends too, they've been egging on the bullying of Bryan and Rachel. Was this a new interview he gave, or an old one?

@Cocoasneeze, you're right and that's another symptom of the problems, IMO. What 30 year old boy has his daddy inserted in the middle of a stupid SM skirmish? And the two not-fit friends of the fitness guru? I can't. JMO

I can think of one certain "boy" and his mom. giggling jmo

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Post by Kolormiblnd Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:32 pm

adf23 wrote:. ...Done with pulling attention from the topic at hand, which is Peter and how he is a dangerous, emotionally unstable person,who is on the edge of kiliing someone apparently. JMO

If this is a dig about my post, I never said he was in danger of killing anyone. But IMO, he might be in danger of a nervous breakdown. Not only is he responding and deleting posts on his own IG page, now he is responding to comments on an IG page NOT HIS OWN. Who does that?

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Guest Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:33 pm

coolangel wrote:
adf23 wrote:In another scenario I would agree with you Kasha, but I have never seen a non winner garner so much (negative) opinion- it's crazy.  I know that as a whole, this board is anti Peter, I'm fine with that. I am not related to the man, people can think what they want.   Anything he does will be torn to shreds, got it.  It would be nice if the leaders of the board would should some neutralism.   A few that weren't invested in the season have shown that, and it's appreciated.  But only a few. IMO.

I respectfully disagree. IMO at the end of the day, moderators are members too and entitled to their opinions. I dislike the idea that people who spend hours of their day trying to make this place suitable and respectful for us to share our opinions and do it for free, should have to curb their opinions just to show neutrality.

IMO Contestants sign up for this scrutiny for their 15 mins of fame so they are fair game. As a day 1 Nick fan, I can say the negativity which Peter has gotten so far doesn't even scratch the surface. When people start talking about how he doesn't deserve to be loved, should be single for life, hoping to see him dumped by his F1 on FRC, hoping to see him fail in his professional avenues as well, then I'll say Peter is having a rough go. He got a good edit and is still loved by many. He can use the fan adoration to really make something huge of his business like Shawn B. Instead , he is sitting and cribbing about IG comments and inviting all this 'negativity'. If Peter stops his 'woe is me' behavior on SM, the negativity would die down IMO.


I'm sorry @coolangel, I respect your opinion, but no. Peter is gay......really?  I mean. Really.  So someone thinks he wasn't into Rachel, so now he is gay, really? Come on now.  I agree that contestants sign up for the scrutinity, but just because someone doesn't respond in the way that I might, doesn't make it fair to put something out there
with no basis.

Last edited by adf23 on Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Ladybug82 Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:39 pm

Stacia620 wrote:
Chgohighlife wrote:
Cocoasneeze wrote:He really should call out his family (at least father) and friends too, they've been egging on the bullying of Bryan and Rachel. Was this a new interview he gave, or an old one?

@Cocoasneeze, you're right and that's another symptom of the problems, IMO. What 30 year old boy has his daddy inserted in the middle of a stupid SM skirmish? And the two not-fit friends of the fitness guru? I can't. JMO

I can think of one certain "boy" and his mom. giggling  jmo

I've been waiting on those two to hangout and become besties... Both the guys and their overly involved (IMO) parent laugh out loud


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by lleyki Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:45 pm

I get that no one on this forum likes Peter.

That is quite a broad statement isn't it? I think it is a bit reaching and dramatic (not unlike Peter himself to be honest) to make it seem like there is just this sweeping, seething, never-ending hatred for Peter. This thread has actually been fairly quiet for the last month or so, when Peter was mostly just living his life and doing his thing. 

But some Instagram drama happened with him and people commented about it as they do for almost everyone else. That's kind of the point of the forum. To act like Peter is just this poor persecuted man is simply an exaggeration. The issue isn't this board's supposed awful hatred for Peter. It's that any time criticism of him happens, comments like these come in acting like he's a special maligned snowflake who is the only one who has been so mistreated and loathed on this board. And to that I say, bullsh*t. 

As Kasha noted, shall we mention how loathed Nick was and still very much is by many members on this board? Or how about we take a look at Josh Murray's threads where many members here are convinced he's a borderline psychopath. Ben wasn't exactly getting a lot of love in the months leading up to the breakup with Lauren and now with some of his actions post-split. Hell, Lauren got her share of criticism. And shall we talk about how some posters still make it a determination to bring up Bryan's supposed dubious and shady past any chance they get? And what about the comments about Rachel being petty and the snark about why she's so salty and petty if she's living her best life. DeMario throws shade at her and she was deemed petty by many for simply saying he doesn't know her and never her did. 

The fact is almost every contestant has gotten their share of fan love and criticism, which is why the board is divided into a fan section and a general section. Yes, some get it worse than others, especially if they made it further on their respective seasons. But the fact is no one is immune to criticism and judgments and snark. And frankly, the comments regarding this latest social media snafu with Peter wasn't even that bad in my opinion. Most people, including myself, just think that dude seriously needs to get off social media and stop caring so much what others think about him. It's not healthy. 

And finally, I find these types of comments very much in line with Peter's social media essays in that once again, this guy is so beloved almost everywhere online. Even this week, another celebrity interview pops up, this time with Mila Kunis where once again, we had to hear someone else say how they were #TeamPeter and Rachel should have chosen Peter. Something by the way, Rachel herself deals with on a daily basis on her social media. And yet, just because of a few posters on this one board, there's an outcry of how horribly hated poor Peter is. Like come on already. It's like dude would get thousands of fawning comments and he'll focus on like two negative ones. And it feels like the same here. This board has some who dare not fall in line with the Peter is the most genuinely beautiful and honest man so we're all a bunch of hateful people forcing others to not want to post. Yeah, nope, not buying it. JMO.

Last edited by lleyki on Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by skkkk Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:52 pm



Thank you for this post. The "hate" he gets is nothing compared to that of so many contestants you mentioned, especially Rachel. His stans have been incessant on how she is the biggest b**** and idiot for not choosing a man who doesn't love her.

IMO, he is upset that people are still not buying his lie/ narrative that he loved her. Hence, this meltdown. The charade must be hard to keep up.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Guest Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:59 pm

This is not a case of Peter vs. ____. But anyone who has replied has proven my case of why those that don't feel welcome to be active on this board, aren't.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Cocoasneeze Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:59 pm

There are a lot of previous Bach alumni who've received a lot of negativity in their discussion threads. Peter isn't a special snowflake even in that regard. To me, he's, imo annoying, whiny, entitled, obnoxious, and a hypocrite. When he does imo something annoying, I post about it. That's why the forums are here. To me it's also annoying, when some posters start with the 'former forum members don't want to post here, cause y'all hate so and so Bach cast', as if a way to try to monitor what others post here. I get that it can be frustrating, when other people have a completely different view point, than you do of a cast member. But it's unfair to start the 'you all are still talking about him, why, if you don't like him' stuff. If we were to post only about positive things about cast we like, these forums wouldn't be as active as they are. Jmo.

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by lleyki Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:01 am

The "hate" he gets is nothing compared to that of so many contestants you mentioned, especially Rachel.

I stumbled on a Bachelor/Bachelorette Instagram account during the last DeMario/Rachel drama and the amount of seething hatred these people had for Rachel was mind-boggling. The sl*t-shaming, mocking, name-calling - I literally felt like I needed a shower after looking at those comments and immediately blocked that account. 

I'm not saying that Peter hasn't gotten hate. They all do. It's the price many pay for going on reality television. The lucky few are the ones who escape relatively unscathed. But I am sorry, I visit too many places online where I see enough continued fanning for this guy to buy this victimization narrative.

This is not a case of Peter vs. ____. 

Of course not. Because that would completely disprove the notion that the big bad awful meanie Bach board is horribly hateful and unfair towards Peter and no other contestant has been treated so awful.

Last edited by lleyki on Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:05 am; edited 2 times in total


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 34 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by coolangel Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:04 am

adf23 wrote:I'm sorry @coolangel, I respect your opinion, but no. Peter is gay......really?  I mean. Really.  So someone thinks he wasn't into Rachel, so now he is gay, really? Come on now.  *EDIT* JMO. *EDIT*.

The sexual preferences discussion about contestants can make people uncomfortable and I get it. I am sure I wouldn't enjoy it if was a discussion about my favorite but at the end of the day, it's still just an opinion. Someone saying Peter might be gay doesn't make him gay. This crazy show had a whole arc when they pretended that Clint-JJ might be gay. There were speculations about other contestants as well - Peter is not the first. I think the problem happens when we, as members start taking the negative opinions about our favs personally. Eventually, even the worst kind of negative opinions die down esp. when fresh meat arrives aka a new season starts. laugh out loud I have held unpopular opinions here - I used to be defend Corinne and fan DLo pre-WTA coz they were no-drama and positive on SM (I was a sweet summer child laugh out loud) and I am still here. I can't speak for everyone but many members who got banned were disrespecting other members coz they weren't worshiping their favs. I was low-key called a racist so I speak from experience. I respect you as a fellow member but I shouldn't have to respect your fav for you to respect me back. That is all it takes IMO. Personally, I like this forum since there is no downvoting and even unpopular opinions have a place right there among the popular opinions so everyone has a voice. Smiley


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