Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by likeashipblown Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:18 am

Oh, dear. I'm just going to say this and then try my best to tap back out, because I am trying hard not to get caught up in tit for tat type stuff, but WHUT?

"Not watching Rachel prior to the show..." But, he said he'd self-eliminate if he thought that he wasn't going to get to the point he wanted to propose. And no way he doesn't know the general premise of the show. What is he even on about?

And, beyond that, umm, you wouldn't have had to watch her, she made it clear what she wanted to everyone, early on, and upfront. Who needed to watch her prior to this season to know what she wanted and why she was there? She told these guys! She was extra clear about it. On loop. HE. COULD. HAVE. LEFT. LIKE. HE. SAID. HE. WOULD. How about we go with that? If he'd done that, she'd have had no reason to feel like he wouldn't/couldn't get there, because he'd said he'd bow out if he couldn't. I MEAN. If anyone had reason to be confused about intentions... I see someone, and Peter, it is not.

People don't even have to like her, but yikes on trikes. She never ever misled these guys about why she was there and what she wanted from this whole process. How anyone could have missed that memo? Sure, Jan. Drop that whole talking point, P. Quickly. Run from it.

Peter, I'm trying to understand you, bro. I'm trying to keep it cute-ish because I felt you on my spirit in the beginning, but that commentary is some mess.

His management had been doing well by him, really well be him, but this press tour stuff right here, over a month later, with 39393939393939 conflicting messages and just absolutely nonsensical commentary like he needed to watch Rachel before this season to know what she wanted.... Lawdy. Not Peter's best week right here. It happens to all of them, at times, but... Eek.

I mean what kind of whiplash mess is all of this:

He admittedly (on ATFR) tried to contact her off/after the show. Reports say he tried to contact her more than once after the show ended if we're all being real. But nah, just kidding. He never tried to contact her. Ignore that he admitted as much on television for all to see. Huh?

He loved her. He had some type of love for her. He wasn't in love with her so this whole thing is no big, y'all. Just kidding, he was in love with her. In fact... He was in love with her AND got his heartbroken, that's how advanced his feelings had gotten. Oh? But never fear. He's soooo over her, he moved on long ago, guyz. Duh. Whut?!

He dumped her. He didn't dump her.

He's still watching their fan videos and catching feels trying to fight back tears or evs. But, guys... He's moved on. He's so moved on and past her it's not even funny. Oh?

We could go on. Pick a narrative. Any narrative will do. We've got lots of them to run with here. And in the beginning, I was doing cartwheels thinking, "Oh, well, some of this stuff doesn't have to be mutually exclusive, it's cool, I can sort of get..."

WE HAVE BLOWN PAST THAT STOP SIGN. This stuff cannot all be mutually exclusive-- even a little. It's totally contradictory at this point. Totally. Completely off the rails in how much it makes no sense. And now more than ever, I understand what Rachel was saying about trying to grasp what was going on in his headspace and where he was at. If this is what he was serving her as she was trying to figure out where he stood? HOLY SMOKES. WHERE IS HE AT? STILL? #lost

These conflicting stories are a hot mess. What is the goal of the conflicting stories? Everyone is entitled to tell their own version of their story, I don't even begrudge him that, and I'm even in the camp that thinks he and Rachel didn't get ~ideal closure, they got some of the messiest/"things might have gone unsaid" ~closure this franchise has seen, lbr. Which is why I understood her reaction on ATFR and her feelings on the press tour and why I thought I understood some of Peter's behaviors, too, but this is... something alright. What is THE story he's trying to tell? The more he talks (and the people around him), the more nothing adds up. What kind of game is he running, exactly? Come on, P. You can tell your truth, but the truth doesn't have this many discrepancies. Or even close to.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Guest Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:42 am

makeover wrote:I don't think it's a swipe at TOG. He is just making excuses for himself IMO. Why not just be truthful and say he's not into Rachel enough to propose? He's spinning so many stories and each one contradicts another IMO.

I'm a rare one in this thread that actually likes Peter, but this is the thing- in so many words, he HAS said this.  He wasn't there (yet)- he has never denied that. He admitted that he was not ready to propose, and he didn't.  Just because he wasn't ready in 3 dates, doesn't mean "he just wasn't into that her".  I am confused on why it's so black or white.  

I'm also rare one that thinks Peter DID fall in love with Rachel, but just like with the Bach stuff, I think he simply froze from fear.

In regard to him not running after her,  I agree that it shows that she was not THE one, at least not yet. Again, which is why he didn't do it- he knew he couldn't give her what she was looking for, so he let her go.   He needed more time, and he has admitted this.  Peter said Rachel made the right choice for her...... I am not understanding what the problem is with that.   It would have been really easy to just go with the narrative, propose and break up months later, but he didn't.  He is damned if he does, or damned if he doesn't.  

PLUS-  according to some of the guys in the house,  TOG was always going to be Rachel's chosen one.  So in that case, why does it matter if he never intended to propose, or it was all an act?  Can someone please explain this to me?    If others could tell it was going to be TOG, Peter had to have known as well.  May as well ride it out and get what you can from the experience (LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THE SHOW) right????

It is not the fault of Peter how the show was edited. Just like it's not TOG's fault, either.   I think people at times take out their frustration for how Peter was perceived on the show, on him.  Regardless of whether WE think he was into Rachel or not, she did, regardless of what she is saying now. Otherwise she wouldn't have brought him as far as she did.  Rachel's own words that got pounded into us in almost every episode were "I never have to question where I stand with Peter" and "Peter doesn't say things just to say them".    So Peter isn't the only one with different stories depending on what day it is, IMO.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by littlereddress Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:45 am

Last night on twitter he was asked if he fell in love on the show and he answered "fully". Read his twitter and his answers for more insight into Peter. Very friendly and engaging. Answers are revealing IMO.

Since the people who hate him feel he was leading Rachel on and was not in love this new narrative now makes perfect sense. Convince people he was fully in love with Rachel and did not drag her along as people suggested, was only there to win her heart, etc, but he was also unaware of her need for a proposal. He no longer is the bad guy. Instead he is heartbroken and still mourning the loss of Rachel who cruelly rejected him and did not let him say anymore after HE let her go. Now he can do the bachelor without the bad intentions that SM is putting on him and the critics will back off. The haters will realize he was fully in love and now heartbroken, he gets a green light to do the bachelor without any guilt or questioning his intentions.

His ardent fans now think he is still hopelessly in love with Rachel and they would be together if Rachel wasn't so stubborn. Before they thought he was over her but not now. Peter should be careful because they will be compaigning for Rachel to dump TOG and show up on Peter's doorstep with Copper ready to move in.

He also says he only watched 2 episodes of the bachelor ever, just first 2 episodes of Nick's season. Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 1f628 . I don't hold his high school statement against him because he was just a kid but how could he have known about the bachelor if he did not watch until Nick's season? Does anyone believe this??

He also says it is difficult to find love in Madison. The most eligible good looking bachelor in Madison. There are no single attractive women in his age group there. Who would have known? Bumble, tinder anyone. Surely it can't be that hard for Peter to find a date.

It's all adding up now. I wish him well. He's a mystery man for sure.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by summerdayze Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:55 am

The thing is, you don't need to watch Rachel prior to going on the Bachelorette to know the premise of the show and what the leads - for the most part - are ultimately looking for. Rachel is no different to the other 'ettes before her. He makes it sound like Rachel's expectation of getting engaged at the end was a total foreign idea that caught him by surprise. It's nonsensical.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by littlereddress Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:06 am

I think the bottom line is Peter is wanting the public to know he did not do the show to become the next bachelor.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by albean99 Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:25 am

I think you go into the show initially not expecting to get the end and certainly not even thinking of proposing. Most say they don't expect to fall in love and have real feelings on a tv show. I do believe Peter developed feelings for Rachel as time went on and he was torn. He probably should have pulled out by the end of the FDs although Rachel kept him when he was clear about not being ready to propose. I don't know if he thought she'd change her mind or if he thought she was going with Bryan. All questions only Peter knows.

I have zero problem with him doing interviews explaining about not being lead. There were a bunch of articles about many viewers not being happy that Arie was picked. This kind of goes with what CH was saying so I have to think that this was either set up or encouraged by TPTB. JMO

I get that if you don't like Peter, it's easy to question everything he does. I just don't agree. Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 4256136633

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Chgohighlife Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:36 am

littlereddress wrote:I think the bottom line is Peter is wanting the public to know he did not do the show to become the next bachelor.  
That's fine as long as he understands that much of the public is not willing to believe what he says now, at all as indicated by comments on this and other boards, IMO. He's lost credibility because many are weary of trying to make sense of nonsense. IMO, TPTB has flushed him and washed their hands and so has a growing percentage of the public. So let him keep spinning and doing interviews. The comments above are what he will get. We are "the public". JMO

Last edited by Chgohighlife on Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Kolormiblnd Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:29 pm

I suspect that Peter will be on Winter Games, and I also suspect that this round of interviews are to keep his base interested enough to watch him when it premieres - that is the only reason this whole nonsense makes sense. Hopefully, whatever the premise of winter games, there will be no emoting involved!!! If that's the case, he will do fabulously well there, IMO.

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Guest Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:29 pm

Chgohighlife wrote:
littlereddress wrote:I think the bottom line is Peter is wanting the public to know he did not do the show to become the next bachelor.  
That's fine as long as he understands that much of the public is not willing to believe what he says now, at all. He's lost credibility because many are weary of trying to make sense of nonsense. TPTB has flushed him and washed their hands and so has a growing percentage of the public. So let him keep spinning and doing interviews. The comments above are what he will get. We are "the public".

This is your opinion. Most of the public aren't going line by line psychoanalyzing the runner up's every word, esp not a runner up who supposedly never had a shot at being F1. The only people doing that are either sleuthers or those that don't like him to begin with, IMO. Honestly, most people have moved on and are happy for Rachel and TOG, hope it works out, and that's it.

It's also an opinion that TPTB have washed their hands of Peter- that's wishful thinking on the parts of people that don't like him. There is nothing to indicate that this is true.

Whether all of this is completely calculated on the part of Peter or not, he isn't the next Bach, so he took away argument of "how is he ready now if he wasn't ready to propose to Rachel????" So now it's moved on to "He was never in love with Rachel" ok. Well the speculation will go down forever with that one because we have no evidence one way or the other.

Whether either of those things are true or not, both will be irrelevant 6 months from now. JMO.


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by AllAboutLove Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:40 pm

Peter has more issues than a weekly tabloid subscription. JMO

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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Chgohighlife Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:03 pm

adf23 wrote:
Chgohighlife wrote:
littlereddress wrote:I think the bottom line is Peter is wanting the public to know he did not do the show to become the next bachelor.  
That's fine as long as he understands that much of the public is not willing to believe what he says now, at all. He's lost credibility because many are weary of trying to make sense of nonsense. TPTB has flushed him and washed their hands and so has a growing percentage of the public. So let him keep spinning and doing interviews. The comments above are what he will get. We are "the public".

This is your opinion. Most of the public aren't going line by line psychoanalyzing the runner up's every word, esp not a runner up who supposedly never had a shot at being F1.  The only people doing that are either sleuthers or those that don't like him to begin with, IMO.   Honestly, most people have moved on and are happy for Rachel and TOG, hope it works out,  and that's it.  

It's also an opinion that TPTB have washed their hands of Peter- that's wishful thinking on the parts of people that don't like him.  There is nothing to indicate that this is true.

Whether all of this is completely calculated on the part of Peter or not, he isn't the next Bach, so he took away argument of "how is he ready now if he wasn't ready to propose to Rachel????"   So now it's moved on to "He was never in love with Rachel"  ok.  Well the speculation will go down forever with that one because we have no evidence one way or the other.

Whether either of those things are true or not, both will be irrelevant 6 months from now.     JMO.

You are right ADF23 so, I went back and edited in IMO or, JMO where appropriate. 


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Twinning - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 17 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Seabear Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:18 pm

Peter is a Game Player IMO. And he has a very high opinion of Himself. And he wants Everyone to have the same high opinion of Him. Peter is suffering now because in his last two "poker" games he played the game to hard and got called out on His Bluff. Bye Rachel, Bye The Bachelor. Now Peter is pining over what he His own Actions. The more he talks....the worse he looks. Peter needs to learn when to cash in his chips and walk away from the table. Bye Peter. IMO  

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