Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

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Post by mprssdbyu Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:55 am

Murakamee wrote:
Chgohighlife wrote:
Alanna wrote:I don't think Rachel and Peter ever need to be in a room together again for any reason laugh out loud they're a really bad fit and whatever residual feelings there are or aren't stem from addiction to drama and angst imo. Hard pass on their closure from me.

I don't think they could even have closure now that I consider it, imo they'd just fall back into their nonsensical drama. She needs to stick with being B's baby at this point laugh out loud

My sentiments exactly, Alanna. Peter and Rachel would take about six months to burn each other to the ground. When they are together he's passive aggressive, insecure and mean. She's combative, irritating and whiny. Talk about bringing out the worst in each other! They definitely have chemistry - the kind that keeps you fighting and arguing and hurt and insecure forever. There's a couple good kisses followed by insults and withdrawal, daily. She pushes all the wrong buttons in Peter - in fairness, he was stuck way back when she got out of the hot hottub with him and asked Will to join her on a one-on-one. Then, she tooled around Geneva in a Bentley and bought Bryan an $8k matching watch and they showed them off charmingly before she decided to turn Peter into a popsickle (sp?) on a sleigh ride. Mostly as a result of his perfect hair and beautiful eyes and body, that man is not engineered to process that kind of treatment. He's the king of Madison and his life's experience has not prepared him for competition from super-confident men like Bryan who by this point, Peter actively HATES, per spoon pal Dean. Then, Rachel really and truly needs ALOT of love, affection and attention so, Peter basically mostly pats her on the back and kisses her on the forehead which leaves her with smoke coming out of her ears and bloomers 24/7. These two people are NOT in love...they are running the scenes that lead up to a murder-suicide in a Lifetime movie.

Thank HEAVEN for Bryan. Rachel's lifetime of faith and going to church paid off because she was saved from a horrific fate by divine intervention and a seriously beautiful, strong, secure and loving man, IMO. Hallelujah!

I love your comment, it made me laugh, cringe, and nod, YES!
Lord this recap is so spot on in so many ways! It was great! What a good chuckle!

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:21 am

I've said all along that Peter and Rach would be Andi and Josh 2.0. A toxic dysfunctional ticking bomb waiting to implode/explode. They should both be thanking their lucky stars for Bryan.


Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Chgohighlife Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:21 am

Thanks! Too bad I didn't put as much effort into my work but, this is sooo much more fun!


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Post by Chgohighlife Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:44 am

Kashathediva wrote:It's actually pretty funny to me when I went to Dean's IG. I have to wonder what kind of empty headed women are attracted to Dean. IMO. I don't find him cute. He is immature and not real bright.  He's a mean boy. Then look at the IG photo posted prior to his last and it says it all. And he's still being considered as a possibility for the next TB? Suspect duh
I don't get it.

I think I'm kinda proud that women have evolved to the point where sometimes we don't care that he's immature and not real bright and can't cook or, clean cause he's just so pretty and young. He can be a trophy husband. Make all the contestants over 35. A more successful formula for sure. I'm riveted just thinking about it. Let's go to the man cave and drink beer while we develop this concept.


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Post by mysthelma Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:44 am

sdmom wrote:@agentcurls here's Peter's own word:

Reality TV World: It seemed as if you didn't really like Bryan on the show, that you weren't his biggest fan. Could you elaborate on why? Did Bryan ever say anything in particular that rubbed you the wrong way or did you paint him in a certain light because of his background, just being from Miami, and such?

Peter Kraus: The relationship I had with Bryan was never one of friendship, you know, we never really talked directly to each other. But I watched how he interacted with other guys when we had our group chats amongst the guys. He just wasn't the kind of guy I would hang out with.

Maybe it's because I got along with so many other guys so well and we all became good friends pretty early on, even to the point where those are some of my best friends for life, I think, at this point. [Bryan] didn't fit into that group that we were developing.

And I developed some really, really serious feelings for Rachel, and seeing her with him hurt me a bit, because if I couldn't be friends with him, why would she want to be with him? So I think I took it personally in a way that I shouldn't have, and I took it out on him because of it.

As for Bryan, his friend Pauldine who connected him with a casting agent, said "I knew she was his type. He's used to strong, smart and exotic women in his dating and family life. Made sense"

His other long time friend Jeff, also said " We talked about @therachlindsay being his perfect match before she was even announced #TheBachelorette, and his leap of faith paid off "

So I think Bryan would not be so OTT for other women.

Peter's reasoning for his dislike for Bryan is just dumb imo

#teanCalia #TeamBryan #Brachel #RnBLove  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f49b  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f49c

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Post by likeashipblown Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:51 am

makeover wrote:@likeashipblown ITA about your read on Bryan. That is my read on him too. He is not an ignorant guy. He knows exactly what people are saying about him throughout the season but he has the self-restraint to not show his hand too much.

On the show, he was the same as well. Sometimes he would be involved in the guy chats but he never let himself be manipulated by the producers or other guys to truly badmouth anyone. I don't think that's because he's a saint but he's aware of what's going on. Even during his guy chat with Peter, when Peter straight-up told him he doesn't want to be sitting there with him, Bryan didn't come up with an rebuttal but just raised his eyebrows. That same eyebrow raise when Rachel gave Peter the group date rose, laugh out loud.

@makeover We could not agree more on our reads on Bryan. Could not agree more if we tried.

To this point, yes, he's not a saint, it's not because he didn't care, it's not because he's so chill nothing ever bothers him, he just holds on tightly (publicly) to his poker face. And you're so right. It wasn't just Peter's group date rose where you could see him show his hand a bit. Another great example of that was when Dean got the one-on-one date in South Carolina. Bryan was not pleased and he did not guard his reaction quickly enough and the camera caught it. Lmfao.

He said he set 3 goals for himself when he decided to go on the show: 1) to focus on Rachel, 2) not to be involved in drama, 3) not to badmouth anyone. He managed to achieve all 3 goals, IMO.

I have also seen some comments here and there that he is a "yes-man" based on how he is always agreeing with Rachel in their post-finale interviews. I actually see their dynamic differently. I think he knows very well how to influence her because I saw it on the show as well. He would often tell her in a non-combative manner what he wants to happen (to paraphrase some: "it's NOT too good to be true", "stop trying to sabotage this", "let's kiss hanging up in the air", "we're going to fall in love at the end of all this", "the vibe is off on this date, please fix it", etc). I have a feeling he usually gets his way by influencing her slowly but surely.

YAS. I don't really think he's a "yes-man" so much at all. I truly believe he's very "yes" about all the things that really aren't on his "musts" list, even if and when they may not be his favorite things, he's still happy to be "yes" about those things, because it costs him nothing really and makes her happy. Almost like there's a box, or a circle, or certain parameters, and he's totally content to be chill within those boundaries. She can do her thing.

But everything else? I feel like he's very adept at getting his needs met and doing so in a way that best works for him/them. And while he's usually non-combative, true, he's very passionate and aggressive and almost tunnel vision when he wants something. If he wants something, he did not come to play, y'all.

See: How he pursued Rachel in general. Even your example of them kissing in the air, his "come on," when she told him "no," in that moment was completely aggressive. If he wants something, he's gonna get it, take it, or make it difficult for her to turn him down, at the very least.

Yeah, I don't get true "yes-man" vibes from him in any way, honestly. And to your point about "slowly but surely," yes, those were his exact words yesterday when discussing how he was getting Rachel on board to the idea of them getting another dog and she point blank acquiesced already in that interview and said, "we'll do it together," about getting the dog. He truly wants another dog. I'm betting it will happen unless Copper is like "eff no." Lol.

Also to your point, his mentality of getting what he needs from her/wants from her and his communication with her was honestly next level... I made this point in another thread, but very seriously, he's good at communicating with her in a way that he gets from her what he needs to be able to read her properly and act accordingly and when he can't read her and when she's giving him nothing to go on, like the minute he can't feel her, like the FSD night, he mentions it so she corrects it or has to fully explain herself and then... he can re-calibrate.

He's pretty straight-forward and direct in regards to tossing out leading questions or commentary that force her to have show her hand and Rachel will generally show her hand because homegirl has no poker face. Lol. In lots of ways, he sets the tone.

For instance some of the ways he'd just put stuff out there to get affirmed what he needed affirmed (paraphrasing):

1. "As long as you love me, you're good..." And then he'd watch her reaction. He'd get what he needed and keep it moving. 2. He discloses a fear to her and says, "This could happen again..." about breaking up with him. And then watches her reaction. 3. "As long as they know you love me..." Then watches her. 4. "When they see the love we have for each other..." And tries to read her.

Just a small sample of how not only was he telling her where he was in his head and where he needed her to be, he was also straight up telling her basically that she loved him, and all else... he was able to also get all he needs from her like that by watching her responses to him leading her, and never was he combative but he was almost always aggressive and leading and anything but a "yes-man." Lol.

The minute Rachel doesn't respond how he needs her to, he comes back at her. And sometimes, if you think he's let it go? Nah. he just needed a second to re-calibrate. We saw evidence of that when he was basically like, "You had me on the plane writing stuff down, hold up, we need to address this again... ." Lol.

This is the same man who told her he wasn't going to "let" her sabotage them. That she'd be making a huge mistake not picking him. Where do people get that this guy is a "yes-man"? He's so alpha/Type-A imo, it's bananas. I think his ability to seem so chill throws people off just how many Type-A/alpha boxes he checks off, tbh. But he's just mature and has a good self-monitor and I think most people are used to dealing with immature Type-A/alphas and ones that don't have good self-monitors. Lol.

Rachel is sassy on the outside but I think she's a big softie at heart. She has alluded that Bryan is the stronger one out of the two. And Rachel is more of an open book between the two.

This is all JMO and observations on two people I don't know in real life, laugh out loud.

And also yes to Rachel. I think her sass just masks how sensitive and soft she is. Bryan sort of implied as much in the same interview he said she's not really Type-A and he wouldn't have wanted her to be so much. He said her sass and charm turn him on, for sure, but it's a great combination, because she's genuinely really sweet and affectionate and loving.

Like you, I don't know these people, but from glimpses... My takes on them are much like yours.


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Post by Chgohighlife Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:59 am

mysthelma wrote:
sdmom wrote:@agentcurls here's Peter's own word:

Reality TV World: It seemed as if you didn't really like Bryan on the show, that you weren't his biggest fan. Could you elaborate on why? Did Bryan ever say anything in particular that rubbed you the wrong way or did you paint him in a certain light because of his background, just being from Miami, and such?

Peter Kraus: The relationship I had with Bryan was never one of friendship, you know, we never really talked directly to each other. But I watched how he interacted with other guys when we had our group chats amongst the guys. He just wasn't the kind of guy I would hang out with.

Maybe it's because I got along with so many other guys so well and we all became good friends pretty early on, even to the point where those are some of my best friends for life, I think, at this point. [Bryan] didn't fit into that group that we were developing.

And I developed some really, really serious feelings for Rachel, and seeing her with him hurt me a bit, because if I couldn't be friends with him, why would she want to be with him? So I think I took it personally in a way that I shouldn't have, and I took it out on him because of it.

As for Bryan, his friend Pauldine who connected him with a casting agent, said "I knew she was his type. He's used to strong, smart and exotic women in his dating and family life. Made sense"

His other long time friend Jeff, also said " We talked about @therachlindsay being his perfect match before she was even announced #TheBachelorette, and his leap of faith paid off "

So I think Bryan would not be so OTT for other women.

Peter's reasoning for his dislike for Bryan is just dumb imo

First of all, most of the guys say they really like Bryan and have been very supportive on SM. So, I think Peter is mainly talking about his trophy.
It's time to admit it. This whole "us" and "them" mentality makes me feel like I need to remember my locker combination so I can grab my scrunchie and change into my gymsuit. Peter's a mean girl, IMO.


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Post by Chgohighlife Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:13 am

likeashipblown wrote:
makeover wrote:@likeashipblown ITA about your read on Bryan. That is my read on him too. He is not an ignorant guy. He knows exactly what people are saying about him throughout the season but he has the self-restraint to not show his hand too much.

On the show, he was the same as well. Sometimes he would be involved in the guy chats but he never let himself be manipulated by the producers or other guys to truly badmouth anyone. I don't think that's because he's a saint but he's aware of what's going on. Even during his guy chat with Peter, when Peter straight-up told him he doesn't want to be sitting there with him, Bryan didn't come up with an rebuttal but just raised his eyebrows. That same eyebrow raise when Rachel gave Peter the group date rose, laugh out loud.

@makeover We could not agree more on our reads on Bryan. Could not agree more if we tried.

To this point, yes, he's not a saint, it's not because he didn't care, it's not because he's so chill nothing ever bothers him, he just holds on tightly (publicly) to his poker face. And you're so right. It wasn't just Peter's group date rose where you could see him show his hand a bit. Another great example of that was when Dean got the one-on-one date in South Carolina. Bryan was not pleased and he did not guard his reaction quickly enough and the camera caught it. Lmfao.

He said he set 3 goals for himself when he decided to go on the show: 1) to focus on Rachel, 2) not to be involved in drama, 3) not to badmouth anyone. He managed to achieve all 3 goals, IMO.

I have also seen some comments here and there that he is a "yes-man" based on how he is always agreeing with Rachel in their post-finale interviews. I actually see their dynamic differently. I think he knows very well how to influence her because I saw it on the show as well. He would often tell her in a non-combative manner what he wants to happen (to paraphrase some: "it's NOT too good to be true", "stop trying to sabotage this", "let's kiss hanging up in the air", "we're going to fall in love at the end of all this", "the vibe is off on this date, please fix it", etc). I have a feeling he usually gets his way by influencing her slowly but surely.

YAS. I don't really think he's a "yes-man" so much at all. I truly believe he's very "yes" about all the things that really aren't on his "musts" list, even if and when they may not be his favorite things, he's still happy to be "yes" about those things, because it costs him nothing really and makes her happy. Almost like there's a box, or a circle, or certain parameters, and he's totally content to be chill within those boundaries. She can do her thing.

But everything else? I feel like he's very adept at getting his needs met and doing so in a way that best works for him/them. And while he's usually non-combative, true, he's very passionate and aggressive and almost tunnel vision when he wants something. If he wants something, he did not come to play, y'all.

See: How he pursued Rachel in general. Even your example of them kissing in the air, his "come on," when she told him "no," in that moment was completely aggressive. If he wants something, he's gonna get it, take it, or make it difficult for her to turn him down, at the very least.

Yeah, I don't get true "yes-man" vibes from him in any way, honestly. And to your point about "slowly but surely," yes, those were his exact words yesterday when discussing how he was getting Rachel on board to the idea of them getting another dog and she point blank acquiesced already in that interview and said, "we'll do it together," about getting the dog. He truly wants another dog. I'm betting it will happen unless Copper is like "eff no." Lol.

Also to your point, his mentality of getting what he needs from her/wants from her and his communication with her was honestly next level... I made this point in another thread, but very seriously, he's good at communicating with her in a way that he gets from her what he needs to be able to read her properly and act accordingly and when he can't read her and when she's giving him nothing to go on, like the minute he can't feel her, like the FSD night, he mentions it so she corrects it or has to fully explain herself and then... he can re-calibrate.

He's pretty straight-forward and direct in regards to tossing out leading questions or commentary that force her to have show her hand and Rachel will generally show her hand because homegirl has no poker face. Lol. In lots of ways, he sets the tone.

For instance some of the ways he'd just put stuff out there to get affirmed what he needed affirmed (paraphrasing):

1. "As long as you love me, you're good..." And then he'd watch her reaction. He'd get what he needed and keep it moving. 2. He discloses a fear to her and says, "This could happen again..." about breaking up with him. And then watches her reaction. 3. "As long as they know you love me..." Then watches her. 4. "When they see the love we have for each other..." And tries to read her.

Just a small sample of how not only was he telling her where he was in his head and where he needed her to be, he was also straight up telling her basically that she loved him, and all else... he was able to also get all he needs from her like that by watching her responses to him leading her, and never was he combative but he was almost always aggressive and leading and anything but a "yes-man." Lol.

The minute Rachel doesn't respond how he needs her to, he comes back at her. And sometimes, if you think he's let it go? Nah. he just needed a second to re-calibrate. We saw evidence of that when he was basically like, "You had me on the plane writing stuff down, hold up, we need to address this again... ." Lol.

This is the same man who told her he wasn't going to "let" her sabotage them. That she'd be making a huge mistake not picking him. Where do people get that this guy is a "yes-man"? He's so alpha/Type-A imo, it's bananas. I think his ability to seem so chill throws people off just how many Type-A/alpha boxes he checks off, tbh. But he's just mature and has a good self-monitor and I think most people are used to dealing with immature Type-A/alphas and ones that don't have good self-monitors. Lol.

Rachel is sassy on the outside but I think she's a big softie at heart. She has alluded that Bryan is the stronger one out of the two. And Rachel is more of an open book between the two.

This is all JMO and observations on two people I don't know in real life, laugh out loud.

And also yes to Rachel. I think her sass just masks how sensitive and soft she is. Bryan sort of implied as much in the same interview he said she's not really Type-A and he wouldn't have wanted her to be so much. He said her sass and charm turn him on, for sure, but it's a great combination, because she's genuinely really sweet and affectionate and loving.

Like you, I don't know these people, but from glimpses... My takes on them are much like yours.

This assessment is just scary insightful and accurate. Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1377737533


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Post by Seabear Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:20 am

@Chgohighlife hehehe  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  You are so hilarious and on fire! Thanks for the laughs!!! Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 3806527698

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Post by Chgohighlife Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:28 am

Seabear wrote:@Chgohighlife hehehe  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 1f602  You are so hilarious and on fire! Thanks for the laughs!!! Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 3806527698

Today is ridiculous fun now that you guys helped me glue my head back together after Monday. :dancing peg: girldance


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Post by Alanna Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:31 am

Yeah I don't know if Bryan is as much of a yes-man as he just is okay letting rachel have her way because it makes her happy and that's what's most important to him. If they had truly opposing viewpoints on something major (where to live or something like that), I think he'd know how to compromise with her. Some great posts in here!!

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:44 am

It's precisely that Bryan is so chill and Rach can be who she is and Bryan supports and accepts Rach, flaws and all as she said, that bodes well for them both imo. Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 54 4256136633

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