Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

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Post by Nibbles22 Wed Aug 09, 2017 6:48 pm

rofl rofl   awesome!!   laugh out loud

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Post by hb591 Wed Aug 09, 2017 7:13 pm

Amethyst wrote:Well, I'm saying the following as a Peter fan (but not necessarily a Pachel fan -- even I could see which way the wind was blowing after a certain point.) IMO the breakup conversation would have been a lot better suited to the fantasy suite, or anywhere else off camera. First, as much as I love Peter, he *never* should have used the word "sacrifice" in conjunction with a possible engagement offer. No woman wants to hear that. However, I do think that an offer of an engagement in return for assurances from Rachel that he was the one was not at all unreasonable. We know that leads have given such assurances to their F1s in the past. However, they have given those assurances off camera. By the evening of the LCD, Rachel was past the point where she could give him that reassurance (assuming that she ever could with Peter, and I don't think that's the case.) So IMO a lot of this was a case of very bad timing. They both needed to have that tough conversation behind closed doors. But maybe...maybe...they both wanted to ride it out as long as possible for their own reasons.

If I were Rachel, and I really wanted Peter, I would have jumped his bones so hard in the fantasy suite that the word "sacrifice" would never have crossed his lips. laugh out loud

But I believe her when she said that she had made her pick of Bryan by that point. She just needed to get out the broom with Peter a whole lot sooner.

If Peter gets the lead role, as I hope, he is going to have to learn to choose his words with more care instead of blurting things out in the throws of emotion.

I've seen a lot of extreme Peter fans on SM and you are by far one of the most reasonable. Well put. bestbud!


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Post by Kashathediva Wed Aug 09, 2017 7:34 pm

I spent a lot of time sleuthing the FRC dress Rachel wore and could not find it. I knew she wore a lot of Randi Rahm and could not find it. There was a good reason. It's a one of a kind. ONE of a KIND.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by mindless Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:41 pm

Honestly, I'm still a bit baffled by the whole 3-hour long back and forth between Peter and Rachel. I do believe she already had her heart set on Bryan at that point, so what on earth was that about? I've seen comments about Rachel going there to breakup with Peter and Peter making it hard for her, but she's the one who IMO was making it unnecessarily hard. I even watched it again, and all I saw was Peter trying to find a solution to the "I think it's too early to propose, but you don't want a boyfriend" dilemma, which is perfectly understandable since he's not a mind reader and thought he might still be in the running. Yet Rachel kept shooting down every option, including splitting up. I mean he even straight up asked her at one point if she wants to just split up now and she said no. dizzy And that was after he'd already said he'll propose if that's what it takes and she'd turned that down as well. I got really frustrated myself just watching it, which is why I can't blame Peter for lashing out at one point. She was saying that Peter doesn't know what he wants, but she's the one who wasn't telling him what SHE wants, and I mean of him, at that point, when he'd already made it clear he couldn't give her a genuine heartfelt proposal (what was he supposed to do, fake it?). There were so many points she could've put a stop it, but in the end it was him who really did it. It was so odd. I've read so many comments about Peter thinking he's the lead, yet it was Rachel who was acting like he was and it was his responsibility to do the breaking up with her, saying he was stringing her along and whatnot. Girl, you were the one handing out the roses! And he was mindf*cking her? By being honest about where he's at and what he wants, which just wasn't what she wanted? Sure. She's the one who'd allegedly already made up her mind ages ago, told Bryan she was in love with him, yet still made them both go through hours of frustration for no real reason. I just don't get it. Was it some kind of a therapy session for her? Did she think it would seem like Peter rejected her if they parted ways because of the proposal issue, so she had to get him to say he'd propose in order to feel like she really rejected him? In any case, I still don't see how Peter was doing the manipulating and what he could've possibly gained from it at that point. JMO.

Oh and I thought Peter's little recap of the relationship during his talk with Rachel made perfect sense and it was exactly what I saw. I was surprised when Rachel's response was something like "I don't think that was it" and then she brought up the "deep-rooted issues" which she didn't really elaborate on and seemed total news to Peter (according to his own words as well). I can totally believe it wasn't just about the proposal, but that is how she herself made it seem, to Peter as well. Even during the breakup which revolved around the proposal or lack there of, she didn't say one word about Bryan (that we saw of anyway), so he was left under the impression that he lost her because he couldn't get there fast enough, when really it didn't matter anyway. I mean... I totally think Rachel made the right choice, I just can't with the vilification of Peter, when she's the one who was toying with him at the end for no reason IMO. Either she was more hooked on him than she'd like to admit now, or she was just doing it for the sake of her own ego, which is kind of crappy.


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Post by Norcalgal Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:55 pm

@mindless I am letting this season go. There is probably no way we are ever going to find out all the facts and Rachel is going to support her fiancé, as well she should. I am still perplexed at the emotion Rachel had with Peter on his final date. If she knew she was going to choose Bryan, why waste her time with all that emotion and tears? Let it go, girl!

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by northernviewer Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:57 pm

I equate this season with Ali choosing Roberto after Frank left ... Deanna choosing Jesse after Graham left and Chris choosing Whitney when Becca wasnt interested anymore ... ( im sure theres more but those come to mind first). I dont equate it to Desi choosing Chris after Brooks left because quite frankly .... Rachel is no Desi .....

The (FRC) Proposal..."Will you marry me because I'd really like to date you"

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Post by Acrunch Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:00 pm

mindless wrote:

Oh and I thought Peter's little recap of the relationship during his talk with Rachel made perfect sense and it was exactly what I saw. I was surprised when Rachel's response was something like "I don't think that was it" and then she brought up the "deep-rooted issues" which she didn't really elaborate on and seemed total news to Peter (according to his own words as well). I can totally believe it wasn't just about the proposal, but that is how she herself made it seem, to Peter as well. Even during the breakup which revolved around the proposal or lack there of, she didn't say one word about Bryan (that we saw of anyway), so he was left under the impression that he lost her because he couldn't get there fast enough, when really it didn't matter anyway. I mean... I totally think Rachel made the right choice, I just can't with the vilification of Peter, when she's the one who was toying with him at the end for no reason IMO. Either she was more hooked on him than she'd like to admit now, or she was just doing it for the sake of her own ego, which is kind of crappy.


MSE!!!  If in fact Rachel's timeline for when she knew is truthful, then everything we saw from her after hometowns was Rachel toying and stringing Peter along, pushing him to open up, fall in love, give his heart completely to her and getting him to get down on one knee and propose, all so she can turn him down and choose Bryan.  So if this is the case and she's not fudging, who was victimized here and who has the right to be pissed off?  

Yea, I don't get the vilification of Peter either.  He's the monster because he didn't get to a place where he felt confident proposing to a lead who claims he was never going to be her F1 anyway.

IMO, some of the negative comments expressed about Peter (which everyone is entitled to) are just as fan biased and extreme as what the crazy Pachel fans post and are criticized for.  I mean, Peter has received death threats for saying he needed more time with Rachel. He's a manipulative hypocrite because he wants to be the bachelor when he claimed he couldn't propose to Rachel because he needed more time as if it's impossible to think maybe he wouldn't need more time if the right person for him was there.

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Post by Sprite Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:40 pm

Kashathediva wrote:
MiaHawk wrote:
Nibbles22 wrote:and who, in telling a woman he loves her, in the same breath says he's not sure she's the 'correct' person 
to propose to.  The 'correct' person!!    Who talks like that???   Rolling Eyes

@Nibbles22  I just want to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments all season!  
Who talks like that? 1) A person who really isn't in love with the women.  2) A robot whose algorithm is not yet set up to make that decision.
#sendthetinmanbacktoOz. #takeawayhisoilcan #giveusanyonebutPeter
There is yet a third option--
Sheldon Cooper JMOAA

Everyone deserves love. Even Sheldon found Amy Farrah Fowler....with the help of a dating app set up by his friends. Maybe Peter can find his own version of Amy Farrah Fowler with the help of Bachelor producers. giggling

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Post by Nibbles22 Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:43 pm

northernviewer wrote:I equate this season with Ali choosing Roberto after Frank left ... Deanna choosing Jesse after Graham left and Chris choosing Whitney when Becca wasnt interested anymore ... ( im sure theres more but those come to mind first).  I dont equate it to Desi choosing Chris after Brooks left because quite frankly .... Rachel is no Desi .....
I thought you passed on the entire season except the finale??    If so, I'm sorry you missed the entire Rachel & Bryan love story.  sad

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Post by sdmom Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:04 am

Nibbles22 wrote:
northernviewer wrote:I equate this season with Ali choosing Roberto after Frank left ... Deanna choosing Jesse after Graham left and Chris choosing Whitney when Becca wasnt interested anymore ... ( im sure theres more but those come to mind first).  I dont equate it to Desi choosing Chris after Brooks left because quite frankly .... Rachel is no Desi .....
I thought you passed on the entire season except the finale??    If so, I'm sorry you missed the entire Rachel & Bryan love story.  sad

I agree. There are so many signs pointing Bryan is f1 through the season. Like only calling him Baby at HTD, only him meeting Rachel's two friends who nominated her for the Bschelor, only getting a matching watch with him and Rachel even wearing it in front of other guys...
They seem very happy in all the post film interviews and the body language.... off the charts!

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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Post by LynnTa Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:27 am

R & B's story was there for sure and their connection was from the get go literally. The affection wasn't hidden like in Des & Chris'. Theirs was subtle and became more open after the Munich date. R&B's affection was so open & could have been another reason viewers thought it couldn't be Bryan because tptb wouldn't make it so obvious. AMO


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Post by stuckinsc Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:31 am

@mindless remember we heard in previews Peter saying "We are not breaking up.", but we never saw that Monday? That scene was edited to make it look like Rachel was doing all the pushing. I think they were both equally toxic. Personally, it got to the point watching them was uncomfortable to me. It wasn't happy people falling in love, it was two people holding onto an initial crush that never developed into deeper feelings. But after deciding on their first 1:1 how perfect they were from teeth gap to former relationship counseling, they didn't grow to really love each other. Rather I think they were both stuck in a pattern of bad relationship behavior that they both have probably done in the past. For Rachel it is accepting that maybe something will grow and for Peter it is not trusting his feelings and trying to make something grow that really isn't there. It got worse and worse and that 3 hour mess to me was two people who should never be together letting go, but in their classic patterns making it difficult instead of clean.

I won't watch Peter as TB, but if he is, I hope he will learn to crawl out of his own head and let himself experience that fun of a relationship without dragging it into serious before it needs to be.

I am happy for Rachel because I feel like Bryan is willing and able to give her the validation and affection she needs.

If Peter needs words of affection, then I hope he gets that. Though honestly, I think Peter probably is much more affectionate than he acted on this show. Personally, I thought Peter's feelings really didn't grow after their first date, so it was hard to make himself show affection when he was conflicted about not growing feelings for this woman that he thought he should. Honestly, I saw more joy and affection from Peter to Dean, than Peter to Rachel and that is because I think Peter genuinely enjoys Dean and didn't actually really enjoy Rachel. Even though he felt like he should.

Either way, I am happy for both Rachel and Peter that they are not stuck still struggling to make a relationship that was not meant to be happen.

While relationships are hard and marriage, falling in love is actually pretty fun and thrilling when it is done with a person who is compatible and helps you feel good about yourself and them.

All JMO&E.

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