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Post by Seabear Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:44 pm

If Peter actually cared/cares about Rachel he would have been happy for HER that she found happiness and love which she clearly has by her own words and actions post filming IRL. But instead Peter has been Bitter, Petty, Jealous and Negative post season. IMO Peter's bitterness is because Bryan "won" and he "lost." If Peter had "loved" Rachel he would have been all in for the engagement.
I hope Peter is not the Bachelor.. his season will so boring and full of angst IMO. He needs to figure himself out and his intimacy and commitment issues before he looks for engagement/marriage with anyone IMO.

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Post by stuckinsc Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:01 pm

@Seabear I agree. I can forgive the during taping stuff. I do think
The bubble messes with your head. The post season shade and mean spiritedness to Bryan and his contradictions are what make me not like Peter. In real life, I see a man who likes to tell others what to do, but doesn't follow his own rules. That drives me crazy. JMO.

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Post by LynnTa Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:01 pm

@likeashipblown, you laid out so eloquently! IA with everything you said. :yes:


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Post by Cocoasneeze Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:12 pm

@Seabear yeah. Imo it hasn't been about his feelings getting hurt from the moment they quit filming. He got out of the bubble fast, IMO. It's been about Peter's ego and insecurities after the show. He can't handle that he lost, and lost to Bryan. Jmo.

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Post by Rachelsseason Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:16 pm

Eric's interview with Ali about the Finale, and his take on the Bryan/Peter feud ( for lack of a better word)


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Post by Seab21 Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:16 pm

@likeashipblown.. Your post IMO is one of the best I've read on this site all season.... You laid it out so perfectly and that I can't help but cheer as I read through...
I've said all through this season that Rachel needs Bryan in her life and Bryan deserves Rachel...
They both balance each other out and they have the right foundation to a healthy and lifelong marriage...


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Post by kerriway Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:19 pm

This conversation also makes me think that Peter did not expect to be let go. The conversation probably went on for hours. It seems like Rachel must have repeated her point about 'wanting someone who wants what she wants' many times. Peter eventually realized he couldn't move her from it so he turned the conversation back onto her.

I now question why he did that: Was it a tactic? A defense mechanism? Was he trying to get an ego boost confession about her feelings for him? Was he hoping she'd tell him she had doubts as well?

I think it's the latter. I really think he wanted Rachel to mirror his "I like you but let's see where this goes" language. IMO Peter sabotages relationships in a way that allows him to play victim. I don't know if this is purposefully done but it's a sick pathology. Rachel went to therapy because she was stuck in a routine of picking the wrong guys. Peter abandoned his ex but told us this biblical narrative of watching her cry and knowing he hurt her. IMO Peter went to therapy because this is how he operates. He hurts someone then he sobs because he's in so much pain over it.

I also see why he shades Bryan, even as messed up as Peter is I still don't think he thought Bryan would 'beat' him in the end. I think Peter likes to 'lose'/get rid of people on his own terms. He probably would have ended it 6 months from now. However, I'll point out that Rachel choosing Bryan is still a win for Peter, he can still be the victim (though not in the way he initially intended). The player manipulated and took his girl. He didn't expect it but I think deep down Peter gets some twisted satisfaction (for lack of a better word) out of this. JMO

Btw I hate that I sound so harsh, this is such a deep level of twisted I don't know how else to say it.

If I could truly embrace mediocrity, I wouldn't have to make any decisions because fear would make all my decisions for me. ~Nurberxo

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Post by pbmax Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:49 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:I can only imagine the even more intense hate that Bryan would be getting if he did or said what Peter has done this season... that Rachel is the "correct" person but it's not the "correct" time and that he's unsure about a proposal etc. It honestly blows my mind that the minions on SM can't see through Peter's games and BS  no no  jmo

It blows mine too. They see it but they just refuse to accept it and therefore believe it (blocking it out).

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Post by pavalygurl Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:09 pm

likeashipblown wrote:This clip just reinforces so much of what Rachel has said and so much of what has seemed to play out this season.

And I don't mean to take anything away from Rachel's confidence or strength or ability when I say this, but Rachel has her own insecurities about relationships/men and I think she fell for two totally different men, but attracted to both, all the same.

1. Bryan. He is the guy who is everything she ever wanted. She notes devastatingly handsome, well-educated, sincere in how he handles her, great job, great family, so open, so confident, so secure, so strong.

He's the guy she says she runs from. She liked Bryan early and fast and was scared to death of him.

I mean no harm when I make this point about ~damage, but...

It had come up in other conversations and people were kind of knocking Bryan as not being as easy to root for, in part because... Bryan didn't have a trauma, or a sob story, or some major crazy obstacle, or upheaval to share with Rachel that made him easy to root for.

And I remember thinking at the time, Bryan's lack of damage, his lack of drama, his lack of need, his complete self-sufficiency, his maturity, and autonomy were actually why if I'm looking through Rachel's lens? Is exactly WHY you root with Bryan for her, imo.

Bryan, because he has it all together, is capable of being for Rachel, exactly what I think Rachel needs or needed at the time, at the very least. He balances her. He builds her up. He reassures her. He takes control so she doesn't always have to be in the driver's seat. He makes her a better human being. A strong human being.

He has more than once now stepped up and told her he'd be the "strong" one or acted like the "strong" one when she even started to express anxiety or fear. And he does this at cost to himself sometimes. He puts her fears and anxiety over his own.

I knew that's who he was to her, but... That just came more completely full circle to me when... When Rachel said, "I need you..." about the hot air balloon situation and he said, "I'll be strong for both of us..." before she could even finish getting out her whole sentiment.

And I loved him for that. But also... He disclosed in that moment that he has a slight issue with heights. SAY WHAT? And I loved him even more for how good he was to her in that moment, especially because...

The same guy who talked Rachel down off that ski jump or whatever?! Where he put her first. Told her when to move her hand. Told her to get off the ledge because it would feel better and he knew because he tested it first for them, told her to just focus on him, told her not to look down, told her... Like, seriously?! THAT GUY? Had an issue with heights?! Who knew, because he basically held Rachel's hand all the way through that repelling exercise.

And now... Now he discloses he's got an issue with heights on this hot air balloon thing and he still is like, "I'll be strong for..."

THAT is just one example of the epitome of why I root for him with her. Bryan has the emotional and mental capacity at this point in his life to be there for Rachel in a way she needs someone to be there for her to feel secure, to feel safe, to feel wanted. He is built and wired in a way that he can lend himself to being what she needs.

2. Peter. Good looking, great family, business-minded/goal-oriented... A lot of the things Rachel was looking for, again. Doesn't cross off as many of those boxes as Bryan, but, he does well.

But the difference is... Peter is not confident, mature, self-assured, and in control the same way Bryan is and those things are huge.

And I'm not someone who didn't think Peter had a chance. I think he did. I think he was 1B behind Bryan, tbh. I think she always wanted Bryan, yes, and I think she realllllly wanted Bryan, to be clear, but I think she was so scared of Bryan, she could have run from him so quickly if Peter had given her ANY REAL security or assurance, because Peter was/is her default type.

I think the difference is and why he stayed 1B... Rachel was attracted to Peter, and she saw the potential in Peter, and then that was that.. and Peter coasted/stalled, but Rachel kept him around, imo, because she still saw the potential and was hoping that the potential might become reality. Combine that with how he was what's comfortable to her...

I don't think things really got out of hand as far as catching up to Bryan until Bryan's first one-on-one and even then, things wouldn't have had to have been so lopsided if Peter would have put himself out there.

But as it is and how it played out to me... The relationship with Peter seems to exacerbate every single insecurity and fault line she has about relationships. And he doesn't seem to have the emotional capability to give her what she needs to be on solid ground with him, and that in and of itself is a warning sign, imo. It plays on her fear that she wasn't ever quite good enough, imo. And I just... No.

She has one guy who builds her up. She has another who tears her down. She has one guy who will put his issues to the side to be what she needs. She has another guy who was not capable of doing that. She has one guy who is confident enough in what he had with her he blocked out the competition. She had another who started verbally demeaning and attacking the competition. She had one guy who allowed her to let her walls down and just be, and not have to control anything, she didn't have to be the strong one, or have to worry. She had another guy who kept her in a push/pull loop where she never was able to figure out where she stood or what he wanted from her or with her. I MEAN. The tale of two guys!

This clip hammers that home to me.

You have said what has been nagging at me all season regarding Bryan, he "handles" her. JMO.
He says what she wants to hear. Peter IMO says what he really feels. It's messy just like this show. Again, IMO, they all came into a situation that is not like real life. Most of us don't get engaged in 8-10 weeks after dating 31 guys and none exclusively. All the comparisons we make to "regular" dating situations don't apply here IMO because of it. That is why I have so much trouble accepting the all in right from the get go approach. It's not a couple getting to fall for each other quickly. It's a woman and at least a handful of guys she may be falling for. I do not believe it was Bryan from the beginning and ever shoot me laugh out loud. Starting tonight the real relationship begins. The track record for the show is not good for a lot of the couples. I have repeatedly said, I like Rachel. I wish her well. I want her to be happy. I hope they (she and Bryan)succeed, but forgive me if I am just a bit skeptical. I don't think Peter is the villain he is made out to be. I don't think he is perfect. I just like him.


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Post by kerriway Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:22 pm

pavalygurl wrote:

The track record for the show is not good for a lot of the couples.  I have repeatedly said, I like Rachel.  I wish her well.  I want her to be happy.  I hope they (she and Bryan)succeed, but forgive me if I am just a bit skeptical.

This is only true if you combine both franchises. The 'Ette success rate is 5 of 12, that's over 40%. The marriage rate is 3 of 12 so far. That's pretty great for couples who were absolute strangers and got engaged at the 2 month mark.

The Bach success & marriage rate is 2 of 21.

If I could truly embrace mediocrity, I wouldn't have to make any decisions because fear would make all my decisions for me. ~Nurberxo

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Post by ukglasgowkiiss Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:43 pm

likeashipblown wrote:This clip just reinforces so much of what Rachel has said and so much of what has seemed to play out this season.

And I don't mean to take anything away from Rachel's confidence or strength or ability when I say this, but Rachel has her own insecurities about relationships/men and I think she fell for two totally different men, but attracted to both, all the same.

1. Bryan. He is the guy who is everything she ever wanted. She notes devastatingly handsome, well-educated, sincere in how he handles her, great job, great family, so open, so confident, so secure, so strong.

He's the guy she says she runs from. She liked Bryan early and fast and was scared to death of him.

I mean no harm when I make this point about ~damage, but...

It had come up in other conversations and people were kind of knocking Bryan as not being as easy to root for, in part because... Bryan didn't have a trauma, or a sob story, or some major crazy obstacle, or upheaval to share with Rachel that made him easy to root for.

And I remember thinking at the time, Bryan's lack of damage, his lack of drama, his lack of need, his complete self-sufficiency, his maturity, and autonomy were actually why if I'm looking through Rachel's lens? Is exactly WHY you root with Bryan for her, imo.

Bryan, because he has it all together, is capable of being for Rachel, exactly what I think Rachel needs or needed at the time, at the very least. He balances her. He builds her up. He reassures her. He takes control so she doesn't always have to be in the driver's seat. He makes her a better human being. A strong human being.

He has more than once now stepped up and told her he'd be the "strong" one or acted like the "strong" one when she even started to express anxiety or fear. And he does this at cost to himself sometimes. He puts her fears and anxiety over his own.

I knew that's who he was to her, but... That just came more completely full circle to me when... When Rachel said, "I need you..." about the hot air balloon situation and he said, "I'll be strong for both of us..." before she could even finish getting out her whole sentiment.

And I loved him for that. But also... He disclosed in that moment that he has a slight issue with heights. SAY WHAT? And I loved him even more for how good he was to her in that moment, especially because...

The same guy who talked Rachel down off that ski jump or whatever?! Where he put her first. Told her when to move her hand. Told her to get off the ledge because it would feel better and he knew because he tested it first for them, told her to just focus on him, told her not to look down, told her... Like, seriously?! THAT GUY? Had an issue with heights?! Who knew, because he basically held Rachel's hand all the way through that repelling exercise.

And now... Now he discloses he's got an issue with heights on this hot air balloon thing and he still is like, "I'll be strong for..."

THAT is just one example of the epitome of why I root for him with her. Bryan has the emotional and mental capacity at this point in his life to be there for Rachel in a way she needs someone to be there for her to feel secure, to feel safe, to feel wanted. He is built and wired in a way that he can lend himself to being what she needs.

2. Peter. Good looking, great family, business-minded/goal-oriented... A lot of the things Rachel was looking for, again. Doesn't cross off as many of those boxes as Bryan, but, he does well.

But the difference is... Peter is not confident, mature, self-assured, and in control the same way Bryan is and those things are huge.

And I'm not someone who didn't think Peter had a chance. I think he did. I think he was 1B behind Bryan, tbh. I think she always wanted Bryan, yes, and I think she realllllly wanted Bryan, to be clear, but I think she was so scared of Bryan, she could have run from him so quickly if Peter had given her ANY REAL security or assurance, because Peter was/is her default type.

I think the difference is and why he stayed 1B... Rachel was attracted to Peter, and she saw the potential in Peter, and then that was that.. and Peter coasted/stalled, but Rachel kept him around, imo, because she still saw the potential and was hoping that the potential might become reality. Combine that with how he was what's comfortable to her...

I don't think things really got out of hand as far as catching up to Bryan until Bryan's first one-on-one and even then, things wouldn't have had to have been so lopsided if Peter would have put himself out there.

But as it is and how it played out to me... The relationship with Peter seems to exacerbate every single insecurity and fault line she has about relationships. And he doesn't seem to have the emotional capability to give her what she needs to be on solid ground with him, and that in and of itself is a warning sign, imo. It plays on her fear that she wasn't ever quite good enough, imo. And I just... No.

She has one guy who builds her up. She has another who tears her down. She has one guy who will put his issues to the side to be what she needs. She has another guy who was not capable of doing that. She has one guy who is confident enough in what he had with her he blocked out the competition. She had another who started verbally demeaning and attacking the competition. She had one guy who allowed her to let her walls down and just be, and not have to control anything, she didn't have to be the strong one, or have to worry. She had another guy who kept her in a push/pull loop where she never was able to figure out where she stood or what he wanted from her or with her. I MEAN. The tale of two guys!

This clip hammers that home to me.
Yes Yes and Yes to all of that. Awesome post clapping!
I hope that what we are seeing play out (reminiscent of Des's story) can actually help a lot of people see why she has those two & the clear choice she has & why choosing what strengthens & supports her & makes her lighter is always the right path to happiness. I truly hope she & their story is expressed well for the audience as it coukd really help women to see that choice as an empowering example. I loved Des because she pushed through the same sort of issue. Another great example.
All imho.
Loving the calibre of all of these well written & expressed posts. So love this forum. I will cry when I see this finale. Just always get so wrapped up in it all. But for good reasons, some might say the 'right' reasons.
Go Bryan, edging up to top 2 favourite F1s.
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#TeamLove rose bud  peace  

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Post by pbmax Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:54 pm

I wonder how will Peter answer the question, did he come on the show to be the next bachelor. I hope it be Rachel or even Bryan that ask that will be the most dramatic ATFR ever. :yes:

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