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Post by Aria Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:47 am

Alanna wrote:
bleuberry wrote:She deleted some back and forth under her most recent pic. She did say something about speaking for Bryan but not sure if that's something she chooses to do or was asked to do. Lucky Bryan has his mom, Pauldine, and soon Rachel fighting his battles laugh out loud.
Yeah jeeebus! What a mess. I would hope Bryan would shush the crazy and not encourage it. Maybe these recent deletions are Bryan stepping in to live up to his selfie caption insta life lol

I bet that's actually exactly what happened, haha.

Poor Bryan having to rein in all these crazy, fierce women who are obsessed with him! Big Rach will probably make Pauldine and Mama Abs seem level-headed in comparison once August 7th hits and she's free to defend her man. She was probably so mean to Deanie Baby at MTA for daring to call Bryan a sweet-talker.


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Post by Alanna Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:51 am

bleuberry wrote:
Alanna wrote:I don't get all the praise for Pauldine. She's being ridiculous too but it's okay because she's Bryan's friend and not peters? laugh out loud they're all immature kidlets imo.

She sounded just as stupid as the fanatics themselves IMO laugh out loud glad she had the sense to delete.
She needs to study up on the show!! Every f1 man is bad news until the show finishes airing and then it's up to him to prove the edit wrong. JP was a borderline wife beater, Shawn was a double triple wife beater, Baddy couldn't pass a bar without having sex with every woman in there (multiple times probably), etc etc. Let Bryan's actions do the taking for him post show. No need to be a white knight keyboard warrior imo and this goes for all camps.

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Post by makeover Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:54 am

I am okay if Peter doesn't say anything; he doesn't have to. But he needs to STOP liking negative comments about Bryan on his IG. Even before all the character attack on the show, I already thought something was amiss when he kept liking negative comments about Bryan on his IG.

Tbh, I don't think Bryan was aware that Peter and Dean were feeling this way about him, because the other guys seem to have no problem with him. So this must be a shock to him and hurtful IMO. I don't think Rachel had any idea as well. Curious to read her blog this week... Doubt she would give anything away because she is professional but I wouldn't be surprised if she defended Bryan in her blog.

Now I get Rachel's comment in one of her latest interview that after every episode, her fiance has to answer to his friends and family as well. I would bet they are also not happy by how it's portrayed on the show. I think Pauldine finally reached a breaking point because she has been quiet the whole season. But I hope Bryan advised her that arguing with crazies on SM is never productive.


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Post by sdmom Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:09 am

Even though I agree it's best to ignore negativity on sm but I think it's extremely hard. Look at us!we don't know any of these people yet we spend time discussing defending criticizing them! It's just human nature! So I think I understand why their family friends feel the need to speak up. IMO.

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Post by Nillay Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:19 am

Sooo Peter lost some points in my book with this.
He is so insecure omg. I also think Rachel wore that watch on purpose for them to see that they are entering the most crucial part of the season and there is no time for games and insecurities. It is also possible that the producers told her to wear the watch.

Anyhow....Eric was a class act during that clip. The dude wasn't threatened at all... i mean he even told Rachel he loved her regardless of this matching watch situation. That's secure and confident #nextbachelor!! On the other hand we have Peter being petty .... you are 31 years old come on !!

Didn't Peter write a 500 word comment begging his fans to be kind towards his cast mates. Yet here he is talking crap. These fans of his praise him for that and i find it unfair because now Bryan has to deal with this extra ammount of hate.

Peter is so offended by Bryan's confidence and its sad af. IMO He expected it to be his show, playing hard to get. This ain't the bachelor hahaha True watchers of the show will see straight through Peter though IMO. Pauldine was right for saying it was immature to call someone out because they are more confident than you (paraphrasing). She has known Bryan for years, stick up for your friend girl woot. Bring on aug 7th!!!


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Post by Dessler Sun Jul 23, 2017 5:37 am

I can understand why Pauldine is being defensive, she signed him up for the show and now his character/appearance is being dragged through the mud.
I remember when Jordan was being assassinated on SM, his friend Bricke and Jojo's friend Kathryn  constantly defended him on SM, no one said they were crazy or acting like kids. @Alanna

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Post by Guest Sun Jul 23, 2017 6:36 am

If i saw my friend attacked his integrity. If I knew how unfair it was. I would take upon me to defend him. I would probably not ask his permission. I may if it was national viewed but I would probably have a gut immediate reaction.

Bryan does not need anyone to fight his battles IMO. He cannot be held responsible of ALL comments, negative or positive. IMO it is not one way or the other. Because someone is offended on behalf Bryan does not mean he needs someone to fight for him. I see it as a support because this person likes him and know how he is. (still talking about family and friends here, not fans).

At this point, there is no good or bad move from Bryan about Peter badmouthing behind his back (thanks prods! you did so well to use Peter BTW to fuel his boiling jealousy and pettiness in PI! GREAT JOB!). Bryan was used, Peter was used. Bryan could not let go being insulted on national TV but his last IG post just showed he does not need anyone to defend himself and he did it with class. He stated his feelings which was a nice "FU Peter, move on with you life" kinda response.

In fact, this is very much the same reaction he had when he will excuse himself from the table. He is a non drama kind of guy. He handles IMO conflict with respect and take a step back. He is NOT a bully person...

Of course this kind of stupid badmouthing is bringing me some questions: Peter said that he made no disguise that he is no fan of Bryan. So this brings to me a question: how much did Peter (and best buddy Dean stuck on his back) acted with Bryan since episode 1? How far did Peter went to express his feelings toward Bryan and we never saw before now? Is Peter a bully? mean? Jealous? How far did the prods cut and edited his persona to become this F2 Prince Charming that never existed but in their script???

Eric's reaction was very revealing when he heard that. He snicked which for me means that was a redundant whinny discussion from Peter the green mannequin.

I also wonder why ABC choose to show us this particular video now. If it is to shade Bryan, it had IMO the reverse effect. It showed a very VERY bad Peter side. I would not vote for him to be next bachelor after that. I am not talking about Peter's fanatics. I am talking about normal audience who used to like him but saw him with his true colors here. I think he lost a lot of fans... but again why did ABC shared this? Is it to shade Peter but IMO it is more about rating. It is for me proven they give poop to EVERY contestant and are just overjoyed when they create poop on SM since it increase the ratings.

I am surprised to be honest that ABC did not keep under this. But I think Dean's recent interviews and badmouthing also during the show (and after?), Peter showing this bromance love (funny how he has no issue to express his love for Dean but we could not hear half of it about Rachel eh?), maybe ABC did not care. Maybe maybe maybe

I think ABC just wanted to boost their ratings. They think all contestants are no better or no worse. They are pawns who accepted to sign a very detailed contract and knew beforehand. It just show to me how the cutting room is good at giving us a Prince Charming out of a jerk. And it happens each season.

Here, I cannot think but hear Rachel talking about her fiance: he is my rock. And him saying that if he is weak, he wanted Rachel to be strong. For me this will reinforce even more how close they are and instead of falling apart after show, I see a sign of solidification of their couple if they needed any which considering Rachel happiness since the finale was not really needed.

I am still involved this season. This Peter PI just confirm me (if I needed more incentive) that I will not watch his season IF he is next bach. I am truly TRULY hoping to see Eric.

If interested, I captured few SC that are IMO showing how uncomfortable Rachel was, how petty/jealous Peter was, how upset Eric was (Rachel showing clearly who she loved). I find those BL extremely revealing - SC HERE and HERE

I expressed here just my opinion. TY

Last edited by HEA on Sun Jul 23, 2017 6:54 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Alanna Sun Jul 23, 2017 6:51 am

Dessler wrote:I can understand why Pauldine is being defensive, she signed him up for the show and now his character/appearance is being dragged through the mud.
I remember when Jordan was being assassinated on SM, his friend Bricke and Jojo's friend Kathryn  constantly defended him on SM, no one said they were crazy or acting like kids. @Alanna
When did Kathy or Brandon act like a crazed fangirl/boy to other fans and go to war for him? As far as I know/remember, they each tweeted to Steve a grand total of 1-2 times and maybe replied to a few fans laughing and saying this is ridiculous AF. And yeah, if they acted this way, I'd think they have a few screws loose too. IMO.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Cocoasneeze Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:12 am

What did Bryan's friend exactly tweet/post on ig? I don't follow her, don't plan to, and it was said, that she deleted it all.

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Post by Guest Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:15 am

Cocoasneeze wrote:What did Bryan's friend exactly tweet/post on ig? I don't follow her, don't plan to, and it was said, that she deleted it all.

I have no idea. I am not an IG user. I just check as a guest and do not read the cray cray OTT comments
I think we should SC immediately what we see eh? giggling
It sucks when we see something, share it with the peeps and BAM when asked proof of it and no longer there :headbanging


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Post by nd4reality Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:18 am

Dessler wrote:I can understand why Pauldine is being defensive, she signed him up for the show and now his character/appearance is being dragged through the mud.
I remember when Jordan was being assassinated on SM, his friend Bricke and Jojo's friend Kathryn  constantly defended him on SM, no one said they were crazy or acting like kids. @Alanna

I remember a few incidents when The friends tweeted defended him / them as well. Nothing wrong with that IMO.
Heck even last seasons f1 got into it and came out the worse imo poor chap because no one other than a select few even believed him.  Rolling Eyes

It gets s ha d for these leads and contestants during this final stretch. Particularly if they have something to prove/disprove when they are still under contract and cannot say anything directly themselves.
so go friends. Particularly if they are not true.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by Kashathediva Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:58 am

Carine wrote:Bryan's friend is arguing with people on SM and throwing some shady comments and said how Bryan gave her permission to speak for him.

At this point I am ready for the season to be over..

In fairness, there is a kook/troll whose name is quite familiar to me who is baiting her. For exactly this purpose. This troll has been doing this all season to others.
This is exactly why IG has come up with the campaign to DELETE, BLOCK and DISENGAGE. People need to get up and go when trolls can't. JMO
The thing with this exchange this was a campaign by someone to deliberately bait this person by another. I have received the pms. There are members on this forums that are aware of what I am referencing. So Pauldine is simply publicly defending her friend right or wrong. Most likely not wise to be public. The baiter is simply a master baiter (pun very much intended) and knows what they are doing).
1) Delete
2) Block
3) Disengage.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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