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Post by Ladybug82 Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:11 pm

Yes, each was discussed immediately after they were posted.

At this point, I don't think it means much since we now know exactly where and can match up Rachel and Bryan to a SH.  Unless they were there separately at different times and didn't choose to upload those images and videos until July 4th, which I don't think happened, Peter is not F1, Bryan is.


ETA: not that I think we should quit sleuthing. I just think when you put all pieces before you and see how they add or match up, it all indicates Bryan is F1.

Last edited by Ladybug82 on Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:14 pm

like many said it here... true personalities show up after the finale in RL.....
I am now waiting some dirty landry to show up in mags and blogs 2pop


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Post by pavalygurl Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:24 pm

Norcalgal wrote:
Tiggerlgh wrote:The house looks like it's in the Palm Springs area based on its style which is where many if the SHVs are.

Too much greenery for Palm Springs. My money is on someplace in the valley - or even Silver Lake area of LA.

I live in the valley. The greenery has taken a serious hit with the recent drought and heat this summer so far. Water rationing for lawns etc.


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Post by pavalygurl Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:28 pm

albean99 wrote:We don't actually know that Dean can't point out specifics about Bryan nor that he wasn't anti-Bryan before. He did talk about him during the show. I didn't have any problem with the squad last season and don't have any problem with what Dean said. He knows Bryan and we don't. I don't see that he was trashing Bryan, just saying what a lot of people, like me, see in him. I do think he could have scaled back and said less because Rachel is picking the guy but I can't fault him for having an opinion. I don't see it as sour grapes either. All JMO.

bean, Surprise, once again ITA.  I'm not saying Rachel didn't pick Bryan, but Dean has a right to his opinion and he lived with the guy all those weeks.  Snapchatgate - Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Discussion - #12 - Page 42 2498057887



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Post by sdmom Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:40 pm

coolangel wrote:
Aria wrote:Rachel never did this. She would make stupid jokes like "his loss!", but she just avoided talking about Vanessa, instead of straight-up saying that Vanessa isn't good enough for Nick or that Vanessa was a terrible human being. She didn't like mean comments or sent out shade-filled tweets, like Peter and dean have done. In fact at the Big Boy interview she said "I think they'll work out. They're well-suited for each other", when the host was saying they would break up. And when the host was bad-mouthing Nick, she defended him saying that "sometimes things just don't translate on TV, you don't get to see everything." Rachel can't be held responsible for her friends' actions. We've seen how differently they handle things, like the squad liking mean comments about Corinne and giving statements about her while Rachel said she sympathized with her and reached out and made sure she was surrounding herself with loved ones.  IMO.

I really don't want to rehash that debate again but there were many instances last season (IG live, ATFR wishing only Nick and omitting Vanessa, blah blah) where IMO Rachel's behavior was questionable similar to Peter and Dean's now. However, I feel having been on the other side, she has a new appreciation for things now and that is evident in her recent interviews post her season. IMO It happens with most leads - Even Nick admitted last season that he had a better understanding as to why Andi and Kaitlyn made some of the decisions they did and can see their POV. I feel she sees now that people not getting along with other people in the house doesn't make them bad coz in that case her F1 is bad too since he wasn't BFFs with the more popular kids in the house, Peter and Dean. IMO The Rachel I see in interviews now reminds me of the one I was fan-girling hard over during Nick's pre-season.  Smiley


Well said! I am huge Nissa fan and now I am rooting for Brachel. Rachel looks so happy and in love, how can I not wish the best for her?
Let the bygones be bygones. This franchise needs more happy couples, imo.

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:41 pm

IMO Dean can feel whatever he wants about Bryan. Don't like him, no problem. But, IMO, he should take the high road and keep his mouth zipped about it. I must be old because I have more respect for those contestants that do take the high road.


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Post by Nillay Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:50 pm

I still think Dean is a good dude. The opinions we have about the guys are based on what we get to see ...and if we are allowed to voice our opinions, so is he. Besides that he and Bryan lived in a house together for at least a few weeks.....we haven't, so he obviously knows more. I don't mind him picking Peter's side either.. i mean i would defend and support a good friend of mine too. The reporter asked him a question and he answerd honestly...why be secretive about how you feel about someone:)


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Post by SFoster Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:54 pm

Dean has not said Bryan is F1, right? Just because Dean is saying these things about Bryan doesn't mean he thinks Bryan is her fiance. In fact, I would say that he would not be saying these things if he thought Bryan is her fiance. JMO


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Post by SFoster Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:57 pm

At this point, even though I can see the issues with Peter, I would much rather Rachel pick Peter than Bryan. So that's my opinion. Even though I'm pretty sure it's a long shot that she is engaged to Peter.


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Post by Nillay Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:13 pm

Imo I have yet to see the depth of Rachel's and Bryans relationship. His mom is a real one for pointing out that he's been with so many girls and all of a sudden .. he falls in love with a girl... on a tv show (paraphrasing). I would love to see them having a conversation similar to the conversations she has with Peter, Dean and Eric. Those conversations seem realistic to me. Conversations with Bryan seem very fairy tale ish Jmo. Anyhow I used to dislike him but i dont mind him as of now. Just a question.... has an F1 ever been this disliked?


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Post by coolangel Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:13 pm

Nillay wrote:I still think Dean is a good dude. The opinions we have about the guys are based on what we get to see ...and if we are allowed to voice our opinions, so is he. Besides that he and Bryan lived in a house together for at least a few weaks.....we haven't, so he obviously knows more. I don't mind him picking Peter's side either.. i mean i would defend and support a good friend of mine too. The reporter asked him a question and he answerd honestly...why be secretive about how you feel about someone:)

I get that they are entitled to voice their opinions but if that just leads to more hate for others, why do it? That huge rant Peter wrote about SM trolls and yet he has contributed to the Bryan hate all season long by liking shady comments about him. So why should I have any sympathy for him when he has none for others? And I disagree about the 'living in the same house so they know more' part. If I am left in a house of 30 women cut-off from all external communication with no books, music and talk about my relationship and housemates day-in-day-out, I am going to lose my mind and probably pick a fight with every single one of them and the producers. laugh out loud That doesn't define who I am in real life. They admit that they were not even friends with Bryan so what do they know about him that is worth something (JMO).

Like I said earlier, us voicing our opinions is very different than the cast voicing their opinions IMO. Their words are used as fact by the SM trolls/fans to hate on others and I see no reason to do it unless something really major went down IMO. IMO People just use the honesty card to be rude and mean publicly these days and that is what Peter/Dean's behavior reminds me of. IMO Both of them have a lot of growing up to do.


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Post by mindless Wed Jul 19, 2017 6:23 pm

SFoster wrote:Dean has not said Bryan is F1, right?  Just because Dean is saying these things about Bryan doesn't mean he thinks Bryan is her fiance. In fact, I would say that he would not be saying these things if he thought Bryan is her fiance. JMO

Well he must know it's not Peter, if they're so close.

Anyway, I personally think Dean and Peter's gossiping has been pretty exaggerated around here, at least what has been shown of it on TV. They clearly don't like Bryan, but it's not like they've been trashing him every episode. Compared to the proper feuds we see most season, it's been rather mild IMO. Bryan talked about Dean during his 1-on-1 as well, saying he's too young for Rachel and whatnot, so it's not like he's totally above talking about others. However, I do think it's stupid of Dean to be saying negative things about Bryan and dismissing Rachel's feelings in interviews after the fact, because it just comes across mean-spirited. What is the point? It's in the past, move on. I also think it's ridiculous for him to "blame" Peter for his negative opinion on Bryan, when we've seen him say harsher things about Bryan than Peter on the show. Don't try to make it about loyalty while at the same time making your friend look bad. JMO.

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