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Post by FashionLover Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:33 pm

Is peter being petty? yes, no doubt. Did I chuckle when I heard the "fake boobs, fake asses, and fake cheeks" comment? yes, I did (sorry I'm human, it was kinda funny laugh out loud) In reality TV, petty is entertaining, and obviously production needs rivalry so peter vs. bryan was inevitable. I'm not looking to reality TV for my role models. I don't think peter is as bad as some of the posts on here are implying nor do I think he is this overly amazing human either. I know he loves his dog, loves his family, loves what he does and volunteers from time to time (and on occasion throws shade at people he doesn't like). This are things I do as well. So I'm not crucifying the guy for doing them.

ETA: Considering a good number of bachnation has fake boobs (idk about fake asses laugh out loud ) I'm actually interested to see what their responses will be :nervous see, without pete, love him or hate him, whatever would we be talking about huh?

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Post by pbmax Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:01 pm

BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure wrote:IMO Peter's view on Bryan is from living with him 24/7 and mirrors Rachel's own sister questioning his "sincerity factor" after meeting in him person... ours views are from an edited TV show and SM... that's the difference IMO.

Alex sums it up nicely.......

tinobordyJust a friendly reminder that if all conclusions were based purely on what we see with our eyes, and nothing else, we’d still believe the Earth is flat. A lot of my friends and people I respect, inevitably, have come under scrutiny. We are all adults that have consciously placed ourselves on display, fully aware of the consequences and repercussions; so, by no means is anyone a victim here. Nevertheless, even though everyone is entitled to their opinion, I do believe we can all appreciate if those opinions (good or bad) were based on something more than just vague glimpses and alternative facts. The grounds behind many of the divisive decisions are not always revealed, nor always accredited to the responsible factors and individuals. Just keep in mind, even if perception is reality, portrayal is not a perspective, as you’re watching a TV show. Thanks! #asseenontv #thebachelorette #alternativefacts #teamrachel #teampeter #teamdean #portrayalisnotaperspective #theearthisround #sorrykyrie

My thing is, if he wasn't into Rachel, why not leave and let Dean and some of the others stay because they were into her. Don't come on to play with her because of ulterior motives. A little selfish.

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Post by Kashathediva Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:22 pm

I think it was up to TPTB. It had little to do with Peter or Rachel. It was production wanting him to stick around. JMO

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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fact - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8 - Page 65 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8

Post by BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:25 pm

lleyki wrote:
IMO Peter's view on Bryan is from living with him 24/7 and mirrors Rachel's own sister questioning his "sincerity factor" after meeting in him person... ours views are from an edited TV show and SM... that's the difference IMO.

And IMO, I don't buy this "they lived together so they know each other so much". First of all, these people were virtual strangers to each other during this period, two, we have no evidence they spent time having long conversations talking about their lives, feelings, past, etc. Three, they spent time in a highly manipulated hamster wheel situation that in no way reflects real life. So I don't buy that just because these people were on a season together competing for one woman it means that Peter knows Bryan so well. For all we know, Bryan and Peter were only merely ever polite and barely spoke to each other. So how much would he really know about who Bryan is? 

But all that aside, the issue here IMO is WHAT Peter is saying and what that is, much like his buddy Dean, is nothing. It's all superficial and stereotyping crap. He's confident, from Miami and 37 so he must be fake and not genuine. That's it. That's been the basis of their issues with Bryan and their, or Peter's determination, that Bryan isn't good enough for or right for Rachel. This from a guy who Rachel has to ask to kiss her but he's passing judgement on Bryan's not being good enough for her. 

It's all petty crap and it does seem like it escalated from that watch. The clip clearly shows it's something on their mind. But while Eric chose to be an adult even if he was honest and pretty much laid it out that yeah, Rachel wearing the watch is pretty telling, he didn't use that to attack Bryan. 

I noticed that Eric just listened to Peter and said nothing and everything that's been said about Eric and I believe it, is that he's a straight shooter and yet he didn't join in on the attack against Bryan and maybe that's because he knows Bryan has done nothing to warrant that. It can be spun in all ways but IMO, all I see is petty little bitter Peter who wasn't into Rachel much himself but his little ego didn't like not thinking he was the most special one that she was chasing and begging to love her.

1) No one is saying Peter is an expert on Bryan, I am saying his view is unfiltered, ours is not... we know Peter and Bryan spent the Ellen date together, the booze cruise/Spelling bee date together, and Viking group date together... even if they never spoke one word to eachother, that's more unfiltered observation time than we've had.... Peter has been allowed to form an opinion on Bryan without TPTB cherry picking what we see of him.

2) Peter is only echoing what many have observed about Bryan, granted he may not have articulated it as PC as Rachel "too good to be true" (aka fake) or her sister "lacking sincerity factor" (aka fake).. but so 'many in the viewing public feel the same, even podcasters like E&G have called out his player vibes... so Peter is hardly an outlier in his views IMO!

3) I totally disagree that Bryan is innocent... he was like a peacock coming back from his watch date, just watch it back IMO... compare that to the humble way Peter came back from his 3 hour special hot tub treat... THAT is the difference IMO


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fact - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8 - Page 65 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8

Post by sfrank Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:27 pm

FashionLover wrote:
BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure wrote:IMO Peter's view on Bryan is from living with him 24/7 and mirrors Rachel's own sister questioning his "sincerity factor" after meeting in him person... ours views are from an edited TV show and SM... that's the difference IMO.

Alex sums it up nicely.......

tinobordyJust a friendly reminder that if all conclusions were based purely on what we see with our eyes, and nothing else, we’d still believe the Earth is flat. A lot of my friends and people I respect, inevitably, have come under scrutiny. We are all adults that have consciously placed ourselves on display, fully aware of the consequences and repercussions; so, by no means is anyone a victim here. Nevertheless, even though everyone is entitled to their opinion, I do believe we can all appreciate if those opinions (good or bad) were based on something more than just vague glimpses and alternative facts. The grounds behind many of the divisive decisions are not always revealed, nor always accredited to the responsible factors and individuals. Just keep in mind, even if perception is reality, portrayal is not a perspective, as you’re watching a TV show. Thanks! #asseenontv #thebachelorette #alternativefacts #teamrachel #teampeter #teamdean #portrayalisnotaperspective #theearthisround #sorrykyrie

Isn't it interesting though that Bryan was never tagged or hashtagged on that post? just a thought

Wasn't that post in direct response to Petey's whinny post begging folks to stop being mean to him? giggling

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fact - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8 - Page 65 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8

Post by sfrank Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:33 pm

BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure wrote:

1) No one is saying Peter is an expert on Bryan, I am saying his view is unfiltered, ours is not... we know Peter and Bryan spent the Ellen date together, the booze cruise/Spelling bee date together, and Viking group date together... even if they never spoke one word to eachother, that's more unfiltered observation time than we've had.... Peter has been allowed to form an opinion on Bryan without TPTB cherry picking what we see of him.

2) Peter is only echoing what many have observed about Bryan, granted he may not have articulated it as PC as Rachel "too good to be true" (aka fake) or her sister "lacking sincerity factor" (aka fake).. but so 'many in the viewing public feel the same, even podcasters like E&G have called out his player vibes... so Peter is hardly an outlier in his views IMO!

3) I totally disagree that Bryan is innocent... he was like a peacock coming back from his watch date, just watch it back IMO... compare that to the humble way Peter came back from his 3 hour special hot tub treat... THAT is the difference IMO

I think if you watch the clip you'll see that Bryan was asked about the date (and Dean asked for every detail ) and Matt noticed the watch.


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Post by Ladybug82 Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:47 pm

Plus, we do not know for a fact the hot tub session lasted 3 hours.  The hot tub time was probably less and the fact they had a conversation before, ITM's and changed twice and the second time IMO would require more time for Rachel to get ready.  So they may have been gone 3-3.5 hours, but doesn't mean the whole time they were in the hot tub or even spending it together.  I'd guess almost half was spent in ITM's and getting ready.


Last edited by Ladybug82 on Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by makeover Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:50 pm

Bryan even tried to downplay saying that they just drove around seeing the city. Yeah, like in a Bentley and on a nice boat? And in a grand theatre later with string quartet playing? laugh out loud And Matt mentioned in an interview that he was the one who noticed the watch on Bryan because he was kind of a watch fanatic himself.

No matter what he did or didn't do, jealous people are gonna be jealous. Eric was jealous too but he wasn't being a bitter Betty about it or directing the negative feelings towards Bryan like Peter was. Same situation but handled differently by different people. That's all I need to know. Sorry, but IMO, Peter was being petty.


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Post by lleyki Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:51 pm

Yes I have loved the interpretations of that scene. "He threw it in their face". Never mind that the guys asked, even wanted to know why he had to dress up like he did. Bryan starts talking about the date saying they just drove around the city and enjoyed the sights. If he really wanted to rub it in, he could have mentioned they drove around in a fancy azz car, with him driving. Instead he basically reduced the whole thing to normal sight-seeing. And yes, Matt pointed out the watch, so he said yes, they got watches. 

Comparing Bryan's watch to Peter's supposed 3 hour hot-tub romp with Rachel is laughable because the watch was visible. It's not something they wouldn't notice unless Bryan hid it in his pocket and never wore it and why should he do that? As Eric said in the new clip, it's an expensive watch and he's not mad at Bryan for wearing it all the time. 

I'm not going to deny that you could tell Bryan was a bit smug but was trying not to be and contain his obvious excitement over the whole thing. But I certainly didn't see him coming in the room throwing his fancy date and fancy watch in everyone's face unprompted. But again, this is the bias that many have spoken of. Peter is just human and showing a bit of human pettiness and plus it's not like most viewers don't dislike Bryan anyway, so it's not like he said anything untrue. Yet Bryan talks about a watch after being asked and he is accused of being smug and obnoxiously throwing it in everyone's face.


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fact - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8 - Page 65 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #8

Post by BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:04 pm

sfrank wrote:
BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure wrote:

1) No one is saying Peter is an expert on Bryan, I am saying his view is unfiltered, ours is not... we know Peter and Bryan spent the Ellen date together, the booze cruise/Spelling bee date together, and Viking group date together... even if they never spoke one word to eachother, that's more unfiltered observation time than we've had.... Peter has been allowed to form an opinion on Bryan without TPTB cherry picking what we see of him.

2) Peter is only echoing what many have observed about Bryan, granted he may not have articulated it as PC as Rachel "too good to be true" (aka fake) or her sister "lacking sincerity factor" (aka fake).. but so 'many in the viewing public feel the same, even podcasters like E&G have called out his player vibes... so Peter is hardly an outlier in his views IMO!

3) I totally disagree that Bryan is innocent... he was like a peacock coming back from his watch date, just watch it back IMO... compare that to the humble way Peter came back from his 3 hour special hot tub treat... THAT is the difference IMO

I think if you watch the clip you'll see that Bryan was asked about the date (and Dean asked for every detail ) and Matt noticed the watch.

. Ughh.... The way he licked his lips, clicked his tongue, raised an eyebrow to show the watch... so freaking SMUG! He can't help himself. imo


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Post by FashionLover Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:06 pm

This 'peter bad, bryan good' deabte aside for a minute, is ABC trynna play reverse psychology with the new preview clip "Peter OUT?"
I mean peter and rachel both look to be having a fairly cordial conversation in that clip. so how does it go from that, to rachel being in a grey sweater looking like a mess?

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Post by BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:08 pm

Also compare this to Dean saying "don't punch me" to Matt about getting the 1:1... again, humble.


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