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Post by nd4reality Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:53 pm

IMO tptb would much prefer to show edited scenes of a contestant into the lead rather than throw them on the cutting floor. Their job is to build the suspense for the ending and in this case I see 0 suspense. And have not, since day one.

So IMO them showing the entire date would not tell us any more than what some see. Or don't see as the case may be.

Sorry this is in response to @albean99 suggestion upthread.

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Post by alwaystulips Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:58 pm

@mimitalks Queen of sleuthers!  Slayer of RS spoilers!  

welcomeback I missed you here!

I haven't been following the season well, so most of the sleuthing clues lead me to think Bryan is F1, but all I gotta say is :Chris:

Keep sleuthing because once in awhile there's a Prince Siegfried out there.  heartbeat

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Post by Aria Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:04 pm

albean99 wrote:I do believe that Bryan is the f1 and have for a while, however, I don't buy that Peter wasn't falling for Rachel. Rachel can choose whichever guy she wants but that doesn't mean that Peter (& Eric) wasn't hurt. It's easy to write-off people's feelings because they should have known or they aren't as good at showing their feelings as the final 1 but we don't really know how they felt deep down. We see a highly edited show where body language isn't always the best indicator of feelings and if we saw a whole date our impression might be much different. JMO

I actually find that body language is the best indicator, because ITMs and conversations can be edited and music choices can have a huge role in how we view certain scenes, but you can't edit body language. And when it's consistently showing the same thing, it's very telling. Especially because I don't think the show wants us to think Peter's not into Rachel - they want us to think he fell for her, but he was too slow and lost his chance at true love.

I don't think that Peter is completely apathetic to her. I think that he likes her and admires her and he would probably casually date or hook up with her back home. But, see her as his future wife, mother of his children, forever and ever with this woman? Nope, don't believe it for one second. IMO.


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Post by Keepit100 Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:27 pm

@stuckinsc. It is funny you thought the same as me for Andi/Nick as I felt the same. I believe that if she would have chosen Nick, she'd still be with him today. But I think she felt Josh fit her mold better and in her life. Anyhoo, I have the same feeling for Rachel and Peter, longer term the better match. I do believe that Peter cares deeply for Rachel and even loves her, but that he is holding back for fear of getting hurt. He is perceptive and sees the connection with TOG. You see on his face how jealous he was in the deleted watch scene. You also see how terrified he was at the rose ceremony that she was going to send him home. These are not emotions you fake, IMO.
He is crazy about her but not letting go. This is what I see. Longer term, I think they would have had a beautiful relationship, but that's just me.
I do see that Rachel is head over heels for TOG. My concern for Rachel is will it last in the real world. I guess only time will tell.
I struggle with whether or not I want Peter as next bachelor. I'd love to see him, but can't see him being successful in dating 30 women at one time. It doesn't seem to fit his personality or pace. JMO.


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Post by Guest Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:33 pm

for what it is worth...

i think Peter is that kind of guy who think a lot before doing anything. I believe he needs to put all the little pieces of the puzzle to the right place before making a move. He thinks a lot. He analyze a lot. He is stuck in his head and is not spontaneous. I also think that because he knew well how a TV reality show do with contestants, he was even more aware of the bubble and this pushed him away from Rachel which I think he liked.

I think he is one of the rare contestant to really apply what they all say afterwards: when in a bubble, it is easy to fall in love but this is not reality. I think Peter struggled tremendously between what he lived in the bubble and what was real with a dozen of other guys that she seemed to like too. The closer to the top 6 and the harder it was for him. On top of seeing first hand Rachel around Bryan IMO

I think he liked Rachel but he just could not see her in RL. He saw her as the lead and he saw the show as UN-real. He just could not open up.

IF he met her in RL, he would have been attracted, took his time, CONTROLLED the when and if, and see few months later if attraction was more intellectual and therefore emotional. Because IMO Peter is first intellectual, then emotional. He cannot gives his heart IMO unless he has accepted in his head.

So for me, peter was always borderline with rachel... in the friend zone for sure with a POSSIBILITY of more IF he had TIME to explore. But time was not given to him so he stayed stuck in his head.

Instead of seeing the potential, the possibilities, the positive... Peter saw all the negative such distance, bubble, un-reality, reality show, cameras, other guys, etc. For Peter, it was just not possible to let go his walls.

I remember when will got the GD rose... and peter immediately questioned himself and his relationship with Rachel. He pulled away as quickly as possible and could not separate why she was so affectionate with him and gave a rose (big symbol of I like you) to another. Peter reacted negatively and did not see the prods manipulations. But his reaction was negative instead of taking a step back, analyze, understand and move on. He blamed her, not the prods.

I do not think the relationship would have worked in RL anyway. I think peter is not enough "sexual" for Rachel. I think he does not like to show affection in public at all. I am not sure if he likes it in private either. His body language tells me that it is not natural. it does not mean that he never give kisses or show marks of affection.. but it is not something he does often. It does not make him a bad person. Many people are just like him and are very happy to be. But I do not believe it would have worked with Rachel. She is intellectual but also very much physical.

I will always remember the "what took you so long" and the "can you kiss me"... this summarize IMO who is peter.

His break down is probably something that he carried for a while. Rachel was maybe the catalyzer of it but not completely IMO. I do not think he faked it. The way the camera was angled, IMO, means that he was crying without knowledge of anybody around. Of course, I am also biased to think that this will give him the golden key for the next gig. But when it happened? I think it was honest from his part.

ALL is just my opinion.


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:12 pm

rinacabigas wrote:


Okay, I just have to say something.  Take it or leave it.  What I can't understand is that some people are kind of insistent to go with what they found out and that you should go along with what they think..... whether  you agree or not.  A good debate is presenting both arguments and let  each individual feel free to think for themselves, rather than  forcing (kind of) them to go along.  It should not be this way...we are all entitled to our opinions.  Let there be an exchanges of ideas.  Otherwise, what's the use of a forum if we're all in unison.

I agree, having a healthy debate, and a good discussion from all sides is what we do here. I have asked several times, please advise what proof do we have that Peter is the F1. Are there SM fan pics of him travelling? Are there timeframes when he was MIA? When did he go on SHV's and what proof do we  have? Naming his dog Daisy just because there was a couple in Wisconsin that were married for over 60 yrs doesn't prove anything associated with Rachel, other than maybe he knows the couple, it's a well known story or he likes the name Daisy. How does this have anything to do with Rachel?

We are not by any means saying anyone needs to agree with anyone. Everyone has the right to think however they want. We sleuth. A sleuther wants clues, proof.  So far I haven't seen any proof post filming that Peter may be the F1 and no one has posted any information that may prove otherwise. Every epi tells me he is not into Rachel, that's my opinion. When he sits there and can't even face her when he's talking to her, or touch her when she's kissing him, balcony, on the couch, IMO he's just not into her. He's at HT's and can't even tell her how he feels or what he wants out of the relationship. Has he told her she's beautiful? Has he told her he really likes everything about her? What has he said to convince me he feels anything for her, because his body language has told me everything I need to discount him as the F1.


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:25 pm

Moved from Bryan's fan thread.

Hi everyone!

I'm new here and from the Netherlands.
I've been watching this season of the bachelorette and I'm a little bit too invested in Pachel.
After going through this forum and reading about all the sleuthing that you do and the results coming from that, (thumbsup)   I got soo disappointed that it wasn't Peter Rachel chose. The evidence is clear.....well up to a point.
I have a question, if maybe you could answer.

In an instagram photo Rachel posted on the 4th of july, she was laying on the grass.
Maybe stupid but I've been trying to find the grass where that specific photo was made on the property but I can't seem to find it.
I'm bracing myself for disappointment but I still have a flicker of hope.

I have no idea if this is the right place to post, if not, I'm sorry.


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Post by beader Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:36 pm

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I believe part of Ali's audition for "Ette was to sit on the floor and cry. Are they also using the "sit on the floor and cry" as part of Peter's audition for TB?


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:42 pm

@beader I A I mentioned that when I first saw that s/cap. In the past we have seen similar "moves" by contestants year after year. That's one of them IMHO.


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Post by coolangel Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:45 pm


In an instagram photo Rachel posted on the 4th of july, she was laying on the grass.
Maybe stupid but I've been trying to find the grass where that specific photo was made on the property but I can't seem to find it.

I'm bracing myself for disappointment but I still have a flicker of hope.

I have no idea if this is the right place to post, if not, I'm sorry.

I have looked at that property in various listings but can't find a recent 2017 pic anywhere. Now that California is no more in drought, maybe the owners added grass outside. IDK. Bryan's grilling pic does have grass in the background. Don't know if it's enough for Rachel to lay on but grass can be explained in a lot of other ways as well IMO. CMIW The handlers usually stay around somewhere nearby so they can grab stuff for the couple. Maybe the place they stayed at had grass. When everything from the room, couch, lamps, pool, patio, grilling area matches the SH in both Bryan and Rachel's pics, I am personally not bothered by the lack of excessive grass (?) in the listing photos.


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Post by Guest Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:09 pm

@mimitalks, I too hope that Peter ends up being F1 against all odds, because I think he already loves her but can't let down his walls.

IMO Rachel is setting Peter up perfectly in her blogs for being either a very dramatic F1 or a very sympathetic Bachelor by saying that in life you have to take a big risk to get a big reward. She outright asks if Peter is ready to take a big risk. The risk/reward theme is being done on purpose IMO and it'll be interesting to see where it leads.

If he takes that risk and somehow she picks him, it'll be an amazing story IMO. If he doesn't take the risk and loses the girl, then he's set up perfectly for TB IMO. If he takes the risk and she rejects him, all hell will break loose on SM on Rachel (undeservedly) IMO. We will see what happens. I think it will be dramatic either way.

@sceptic, I looked at the property too and agree that the Rachel grass picture is hard to reconcile with that property even if all the lumpy mounds of grass were replaced with sod.

@coolangel I have no doubt that Rachel was with Bryan at that particular property. Good point about maybe being at the handlers place. Maybe they all decided to have a party at the handlers'.

Last edited by Ilovepeter on Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ETA to respond to coolangel)


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Post by Alanna Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:14 pm

Definitely think Peter will open up and tell rachel he loves her just as she's had her moment of clarity and knocks on the door to dump him. IMO. So he'll have his storyline to be the Bachelor all set and ready to go next fall.

One more thing, I don't think women like to be the chasers. For example, I think Chris would have chosen Becs against all odds if she had opened up at the 11th hour even though he was doing all the chasing and wooing as the lead. Not so for the girls imo. They choose the man that chases them and is always there for them, even when they're the leads themselves. It's why the alpha Baddy always walks away with the chick imo.

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