Bachelor New Zealand - Season 3 - Zac Franich - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

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Post by LeapofFaith Mon May 01, 2017 11:29 pm

Katiebelle wrote:Here are episode 14 and 15 descriptions from the website below.

New Episode. The girls relocate to a beachfront location where time with Zac leads to risky tactics. Later, a confession turns the cocktail party upside down. S3 Ep14 [Continues tomorrow at 7]

New Episode. An unexpected gift leaves more questions than answers. Then, at the final cocktail party, tension rises among the girls before four becomes three. S3 Ep15 [Continues Sunday at 7pm]

Ok so that makes me think that only 3 grls get home town dates? Is this correct?

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Post by Katiebelle Mon May 01, 2017 11:34 pm

reason wrote:@Katiebelle Continues tomorrow???

No - it continues on Sunday at 7pm. It's every Sunday and Monday night.

I'm heading overseas tomorrow - coming back Monday so won't be able to do the live posting on Sunday night as I can't get access to the live stream website from another country.

Depending on my work I should be able to post live on Monday night though.

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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Post by Katiebelle Tue May 02, 2017 12:26 am

reason wrote:@Katiebelle So it was on night?

Huh? question

It was on last night - Monday and the previous night - Sunday.

Remember - that due to time zones NZ greets the day second after a little island called Tonga. That's why we are always one step ahead of our friendly rivals - the Aussies. giggling

The US is 16 hours behind us - we always get the first and best presents from Santa! Santa

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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Post by Guest Tue May 02, 2017 12:30 am

@Katiebelle giggling giggling cantstopl cantstopl you funny. I live in Canada.


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Post by AllAboutLove Tue May 02, 2017 1:28 am

Thank you for all the updates @Katiebelle! Love that we get so many viewers from around the world and no doubt the Kiwis get the best Christmas Presents. The country itself is a gift it's so spectacular and everyone so friendly too! bestbud!

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue May 02, 2017 1:33 am

LeapofFaith wrote:
Katiebelle wrote:Here are episode 14 and 15 descriptions from the website below.

New Episode. The girls relocate to a beachfront location where time with Zac leads to risky tactics. Later, a confession turns the cocktail party upside down. S3 Ep14 [Continues tomorrow at 7]

New Episode. An unexpected gift leaves more questions than answers. Then, at the final cocktail party, tension rises among the girls before four becomes three. S3 Ep15 [Continues Sunday at 7pm]

Ok so that makes me think that only 3 grls get home town dates? Is this correct?

That's what I was wondering too, if only 3 girls get HTDs.  If so I am not sure how that works for FDs or LCD/MTP/Finale?  All three get HTDs and all three get FDs? scratch

ETA: I guess it is possible there may be only 2 FDs and similar to what Bach Canada S2 did where they had only 2 FDs and no one went home so just FD/MTP/LCD/FRC

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Post by Katiebelle Thu May 04, 2017 2:58 am

Ok guys I'm going out on a limb here - I've had a bit of time to think while sitting on planes and in taxis about the preview and the screen caps.

So - time and time again I see screen caps and try and make them fit into the story line I want but the story always ends up being exactly what the screen caps present and when I actually watch them on the tv I always go duh - of course - it was so blinkin obvious!

I have no idea how the next two episodes are going to go down but here are my thoughts on the preview and the screen caps. These are all JMO!

1) the Zac and Viarni hug does not look like a sad goodbye to me. I believe that if she did choose to leave he would be devastated and the face he is showing does not look sad. I think it's a goodbye for now goodbye.

2) the screen cap on the swing shows closeness but I am wondering if the bit where he moves her hair out of the way is more of a gesture of comfort rather than intimacy. Which flows to my point 3.

3) I am not assuming that the bit where Lily says she has to tell him how she feels is her wanting to tell him that she really likes him. To me if could be that she actually wants to tell him that she just sees them as friends  - and I think that's what the talk on the swing is about.

4) I still can't get my head around the fact that I can't spot Lily when Dom tells the girls that ? has decided to leave. In the preview you can clearly see all girls standing there in a line except for her. The only way it would work for Lily not to be leaving is if one of the girls calls out, while they are all standing waiting, that she needs to speak to Zac before he presents the roses.

Remember - Bel did exactly that and the girls were not happy so why would they leave it until then and not do it at a more convenient time at the CP? They would have plenty of opportunity now that we are down to 5 girls.

5) I'm not sure when the caps in the preview will be finished but at the beginning of the preview posted on Facebook on April 30 it says "Only eight girls remain and over the next three weeks...." And on the Facebook post it says "sneak peak of what's coming up in the next few weeks...." .

So by that logic the nights of 14 and 15 May are possibly the end of the "three weeks" which means all of the preview/screen caps will be seen over the next 4 episodes.  However, in New Zealand, our week starts on a Monday so, by posting the clip on a Sunday afternoon, the end of three weeks is actually this coming Monday's episode on the 8th.

Furthermore, in NZ when we say "few" we mean two. So the video says 3 weeks but the post implies 2.

If I was going to pick - I'd say that the preview is going to cover the next two episodes in Thailand and we will get a new preview when they are down to three girls. During this season TPTB has consistently been giving us previews that only show a few episodes ahead and I can't see them changing their modus operandi now.

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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Post by Guest Thu May 04, 2017 7:48 am

@Katiebelle You are saying that Lily chooses to leave?


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Post by Guest Thu May 04, 2017 8:31 am

to answer @Katiebelle

1. i agree that something looks fishy. but how many times would zac wear the same blue dot shirt and background looks the same foliage

2. zac has a huge smile on his face. this does not look concern or confort for me but happyness. and once he touches her hair she put her head on his shoulder. so for me it is intimate. zac has always been on a no touch no kiss. here he hold her by the hip where everyone could see from behind?

3. this could be taken both ways. i heard this hundred of times and mostly from girls who were struggling to express their romantic feelings during fantasy dates. she felt "ONE" during her SD so i do not think it changed 180 IMO

4. unless mistaken, we see no girls line when dom say bip decided to leave. the line was with bell. sarah and lily had already a rose. we saw no bus in the RC either, new suit. for me it is 2 RC

For me, next week, sarah leaves because at her SD she did not receive a rose and all the girls know that means goodbye at RC. sarah did not want that and anticipated

the unhappy pissed off face zac is not sarah departure. i truly think it is the F4 ceremony. remember that all 4 girls did not meet during hometown. so one girl left during hometown.... the blue dot shirt gives us a clue it may be viarni. zac is upset because i am pretty sure he had her in his top 3.

so i believe the prod play with 2 departures. Their edits now is to play with our head to keep us on our toes. so they will mix voice over, probably recorded early on when the girls were confused or just at the stage of nice guy or friend zone since they did not spend much time with him yet, so easy to say to jump from i don't know to i like him a lot to i am falling in a matter of few weeks. the taping used would confuse us because voice over is just that, a way to confuse us.

This is my opinion again.

I guess we will see soon enough and it is fun to speculate different scenarii  :yes:


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Post by 4health Thu May 04, 2017 8:29 pm

Here are episode 14 and 15 descriptions from the website below.

New Episode. The girls relocate to a beachfront location where time with Zac leads to risky tactics. Later, a confession turns the cocktail party upside down. S3 Ep14 [Continues tomorrow at 7]

New Episode. An unexpected gift leaves more questions than answers. Then, at the final cocktail party, tension rises among the girls before four becomes three. S3 Ep15 [Continues Sunday at 7pm]

So the new preview on the FB page that states "the next three weeks" IMO is the last three weeks of the season and here is why.  SORRY FOR LONG POST!

WEEK 1 - April 30th & May 1st - Episode 12 & 13
We saw all the scenes from the preview in these two episodes so I won't insert them, Bel's goodbye, Viarni's 1:1, CP

WEEK 2 - May 7th & 8th - Episode 14 & 15
There is always 1 group date and a 1:1 date each episode.  So, why have it in two episodes .... because two girls are gone and down to F3.  So, from the preview could these be for these episodes
Group Date 2:1 - Viarni & Hannah
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1:1 Date with Sarah
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Episode 15 May 8th - RC is Zac in Dark Blue shirt / grey jacket and scene that Sarah wants to talk with him, him walking with Sarah and Viarni talks to him at CP.  Preview makes you think it's Viarni but IMO Sarah wanting to chat and pulls him away she leaves.   At the RC announces someone left and he doesn't give someone a rose.   Preview makes it look like Lily not there.  

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WEEK 3 - Episode 16 May 14th - HTDs / Fantasy Dates / Finale still to happen
Possible HTD - Viarni
very emotional about her illness.
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Episode 17 May 15th -??? not sure which of the preview scenes are which but here are the scenes still to be determined

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