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Post by Sundy Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:09 pm

It is so very interesting how we all see things so differently. We all pick up on different things. I for one saw a lack of confidence in Lee right from the start and saw A divide between the boys. They were all amazing in their own ways but I definitely saw the boy boys, confident, blokey, happy to poke fun at others and then I saw another group of guys that whilst happy to have a laugh it was not to the same extent as the former group. IMO and it is just my opinion I would put Matty and Jake in the first group and Lee in the second. I initially had Matty, whilst completely adorable as an extremely competitive Bach. this softened though as the season went on (he was the one to tell Clancy not to interrupt Lees cocktail chat) but I think was present all the way through and is still emerging in interviews now. As I said just all MHO

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:16 pm

Well said @Sundy  I agree I saw it the same. Lee's nature was more reserved and I think that Lee's upbringing of being severely bullied and just who he is as a person made for it being a very difficult situation for him as he said repeatedly and from the beginning that he struggled with the format of the show and stated repeatedly how amazing the other guys were and even said he would wake up wondering what does Georgia possibly see in him.

As Lee said to him it was never a competition to him but real life and so his vulnerable side came to the forefront right from the getgo as he told Georgia on their 2nd date that he was scared of getting hurt. Despite this fear, he was always open and telling Georgia what he loved about her and never held back on conveying his feelings for her as well as his fears.

Also, it's evident that Lee wasn't the kind of guy to tell the other guys his feelings (I think just out of respect for them and because he himself had a hard time hearing the other guys talking about their connection with her as he said in interviews), but what matters most is that he did tell Georgia his feelings and that's who he was focused on building a real life future and relationship with.

I am sure now that the guys watched the show and saw the parts that they never saw while there - Georgia and Lee on their dates - the guys probably realized by watching the show just how deeply invested Lee really was even if he never told them in person. Even Lee's PIs and ITMs were things that the guys would never have heard, and were of Lee talking about his feelings for Georgia and how scared he is of getting hurt and heartbroken.

So I think the guys when watching all this likely realized that Lee was really in deep and genuinely in love and it's why I think so many of them liked the IG pics of Lee and Georgia on SM at the end of all this because it was really telling imo that Lee was totally and completely in love with Georgia and even him saying to Georgia he was terrified at FRC indicated just how invested he was. I mean, Lee was literally shaking at FRC he was so nervous. Only someone truly in love and scared of being heartbroken has a reaction like that, imo. So just for that I am glad that the other guys got the chance to see just how invested and in love Lee was and still is, even post-show putting Georgia first as she goes through this tragic time of losing her mother. sad

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:05 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:32 pm

I have to agree about the lack of confidence and perhaps a bit of insecurity which would explain why he has said in the first couple of interviews about it being a "one horse race" and being upset that more of their story wasn't shown. I also did find it a little strange that he didn't acknowledge Matty in any comments as most F1's do acknowledge the F2 so I perceived it not as bitterness but insecurity on his part IMO but I know even in an article he was called a "sore winner". Sometimes unfortunately you can't win with the media but he looks like he has a good heart and that's all that matters in the end.


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Post by Seabear Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:55 pm

@Sundy... I agree  I saw the same things you mentioned above. ^^^
I think is was very evident in the chose your own teams on the group dates.  IMO the one group was much more guys will be guys....and the other group while enjoying a good laugh..were more reserved.
By the way, I learned and love the term "blokey blokes".....not sure if it applies here but I love it none the less. laugh out loud  

All of the guys seemed to be decent men and I think as viewers we gravitate toward liking someone who we prefer as well as who we believe is best for Georgia. I prefer someone who is fun with a private reserve...and IMO Georgia preferred that quality in Lee as well. IMO Georgia chose Lee because they just fit together perfectly...their personalities meshed in that indescribable way. I thought so from their first 1 on 1 date. They are meant to be together...two peas in a pod...IMO.

Matty is very up and on all the time as shown in his edit....that can be a bit tiring if one enjoys quiet. While I would enjoy Matty as a friend...I personally would choose Lee as a life partner 10 out of 10 times.
Both nice, good looking I could live with and one I could not.
I'm with Georgia...LoveLee. Smiley
all JMO

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Post by Bobette Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:51 pm

Fifty wrote:I have to agree about the lack of confidence and perhaps a bit of insecurity which would explain why he has said in the first couple of interviews about it being a "one horse race" and being upset that more of their story wasn't shown.  I also did find it a little strange that he didn't acknowledge Matty in any comments as most F1's do acknowledge the F2 so I perceived it not as bitterness but insecurity on his part IMO but I know even in an article he was called a "sore winner". Sometimes unfortunately you can't win with the media but he looks like he has a good heart and that's all that matters in the end.

I too find it odd that neither of them have acknowledged Matty's heartbreak at all, and I imagine Georgia saying things like 'it was always Lee' and 'whenever I was with other guys I was always thinking about Lee' must make him feel even worse. I know F2s are sacrificial lambs to some extent, but they are still people.

One of the last lines she said on the show was that it (the FRC) was the 'best day of her life'. That really left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Fair enough you got to declare your love, but you also savagely ripped someone else's heart out, and at least acknowledging that in some way would be the decent thing to do IMO.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:02 pm

Georgia told Matty she was sorry at the FRC where it matters most, imo. That's more than most leads do and more than Sam Wood or Richie. In fact, most leads don't even show as much care and consideration as she did and I've watched every season of this show as well as the US and other international ones.

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Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:18 pm

I think Lee is a good guy, I also think he is the best pick for Georgia.
The one thing I can't get is, like mentioned by @Fifty upthread, he never acknowledge Matty's heartbreak. I liked Lee on the show, but I don't like the interview I saw post show. Seems a little too much "I'm the winner" vibe. Just my opinions of course.

That is also one of the reasons I like Alex post show, she knows how hard it was for Nikki.


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:26 pm

Lets face it, how many people would still welcome an ex of 4months in their lives when they have clearly moved on with their new love! Matty still saying he is in love with Georgia still os disrespectful to
Lee and Georgia. He has to move on respectfully with his own life now. Lee has been complimentary of !atty in all his interviews and that he will still be friends with him even when Georgia has chosen not to.
Georgia said sorry and chose Lee, I respect their need to focus on theor own relationship right now rather than reference Matty at every turn.
It was a strange enough situation with the bachelor premise and its time to find some normalcy. Imo


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:31 pm

I get where is Matty coming from. I am the kind who falls hard and it takes long to do the so called move on thing. When I love someone, it really is love, it is not turning the switch on or off to shut down emotions.


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:33 pm

I suppose I get where
Lee and Georgia are coming from too. It cant be a trip or healthy for thoer relationship to be all about Matty. They are on a relationship and owe it to that union to do what os best for them at this point


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Post by Seabear Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:36 pm

The nature of the show is there is always an F2 and often they are left heartbroken. Unfortunately that is a risk every cast member takes when signing up for the show. The producers are looking for drama and definitely encourage and hope for a very emotionally invested final two. The lead in this case Georgia has to keep her thoughts to herself in order to make a TV show. I believe that Georgia really liked Matty and enjoyed his company..BUT she fell deeply in love with Lee. IMO Georgia was very kind and caring in her letting Matty go. Georgia looked sad to deliver the bad news to Matty...knowing how he would be heartbroken. She had no choice but to do so....and IMO did so with a kind heart and appreciation for Matty's friendship. At the finale...Georgia needs to chose the person she see's as her HEA. She chose Lee and deserves to be supported in HER choice IMO. It is her life after all.
This is my 1st time watching the Aussie series...and I Loved It. I was impressed by the entire cast, the dates and particularly Georgia as the Lead. She was fun, kind, beautiful inside and out and gave everyone a chance. She was much more thoughtful than many of the US Bachelorettes. I thought she did a great job...yes it is a TV show...mixing the production aspect with the pursuit of her RL HEA. At the end of the day I think she was a smashing success on both fronts.
Matty has said he has no regrets and would do it again. I think he is sad about losing Georgia...but understands she was never really his. Georgia chose Lee and that is her right. IMO Lee is the man she has been searching for and Georgia is the woman Lee has searching for. Fate...and Soul Mates.
I believe Georgia, Lee and Matty will always have lovely memories of the experience of being on the Bachelorette. At this point in time they owe nothing to each other than to move forward with their lives. Filming is over and now is RL.
I am daily keeping Georgia and her Mom in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad she has Lee to help support her in this tragically difficult time.

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Post by Sprite Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:38 pm

peggy0221 wrote:I get where is Matty coming from. I am the kind who falls hard and it takes long to do the so called move on thing. When I love someone, it really is love, it is not turning the switch on or off to shut down emotions.

But that is real life where you spend much more time together before you find yourself in love. How much time did any of them really spend with Georgia...even Lee? A couple of 1:1 dates...if they were lucky...and a little time on the group dates. While I appreciate everything he has gone through, I don't think it is comparable to real life. Thankfully, there were no fantasy suites like the American version.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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