Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by canbachfan Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:19 pm

Thanks for the welcome. Honestly, I'm not married (pun intended) to any particular outcome/guy. I think both men are heavily invested in her and one of them will be devastated.  bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 1f62b

I thought she was going to pick Kevin as they seem to have a strong connection from the get go, but from the last couple of episodes and the preview footage -- it seems to me she's also trying to warn Kevin that it's not sure thing with him. And when I watch the previews it clearer looks (to me) that Kevin arrives earlier in the day. Guess all will be revealed on Tuesday.  bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 1f339


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Post by albean99 Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:13 am

FYI, Guardian Angel posted both of the previews here so they wouldn't get lost:

I honestly can't tell for sure who came first although it seems like it could be darker with Kevin. The biggest thing that keeps me thinking it's Kevin is that she's so much more natural with him. They just seem farther along. JMO but I'd love to be wrong. bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 4256136633

"Love is the Only Reality" -Ed Lambton

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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Joy15 Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:36 am

First things first. Thanks to @Katiebelle who raised me the question on the former F1-6 thread whether i have done the similar analysis as i did with Lee and Georgia (reference: My Work Over Lee F1). Sorry for this waaaay long overdue response. I really wished you have asked me earlier @Katiebelle, before i hopped on Mike train from the first to 7th station laugh out loud. Clearly i haven’t done my HW for Jasmine season as i did Georgia’s. (Note to self : next, do the HW immediately, increase the talent and effort level in multitasking 2 parallel seasons and never ever again distracted by a hot gold-hearted guy with 8 packs abs cheeky  ) 
Just as the saying...better late than goes, FWIW :(apologies for the mega elephanty gonna send you a goody bag when you managed to finishreading this post to the end of part 3..J/K.. giggling ) : 


JFYI I covered all BIO of the F3 guys spread in IG, Facebook and W network site. Turned out the ones in the IG were the same as in the Facebook...but still included for the reference purpose. 
One of the valuable insight i gain from senior posters here is that the story board pretty much work around the final few chosen.  Meaning : that TPTB is highly likely made up stuff in term of edit play : Pis and VOs as the back bone of editing work, IMO and media stuff to complete the storyline after the fact/after the filming was wrapped i.e. after the F1 was chosen, the F2 and F3 get dumped so to speak...:giggling.  So..i have this premise kept in my mind when i analyzed the edit and media thingy J.   
I inserted Mike and Kevin’s Bio here for reference purpose. Actually i have finished Kevin’s Bio Analysis as well, that more confirmed for me that he is the F2 IMO . But it may need separate post and separate thread to present. 
Caption of the video  : Mike has lots of stories to tell and a good ear to listen. Will he be "the one" for our Bachelorette?
>> this nugget of  “the one” has thrown me a curveball!! bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 3806527698 . Clearly i have it mixed up with Georgia’s  Storyline !  dizzy laugh out loud 
bacheloretteca Firefighter/paramedic and music-lover Mike is looking for a best friend in a partner, someone he can build a happy, successful future with.#BacheloretteCA

B.1. Posted above the video .Mike has lots of stories to tell and a good ear to listen. Will he be "the one" for our Bachelorette?
B.2. The Bachelorette Canada. Caption of the short Bio : Firefighter/paramedic and music-lover Mike is looking for a best friend in a partner, someone he can build a happy, successful future with. #BacheloretteC
C.      W Network Site.
Mike is a dedicated firefighter/paramedic, charity organizer and heavy metal musician whose greatest reward in life is to connect with the individuals whose lives he has saved. Now at 29-years old, Mike is looking for a partner who will be his best friend forever and commit to building a happy and successful future together. He always puts 100% into everything he does, and Mike wants the Bachelorette to know this experience will be no exception; once he decides to pursue something, he is unstoppable
bachelorettecaKevin W. is hoping that his confidence will be enough to impress on the first night (and maybe his chick-flick collection). Want to know more? Watch the full #BachelorBio on our Facebook page. #BacheloretteCA

bachelorettecaFormer Navy-man, firefighter and all around family man Kevin W. is ready to sweep our Bachelorette off her feet. #BacheloretteCA

B.1. Above the Vid . The Bachelorette Canada. Kevin W. is hoping that his confidence (and maybe his chick-flick collection) will be enough to impress on the first night.
B.2. The Bachelorette Canada. Caption of the short Bio :Former Navy-man, firefighter and all around family man Kevin W. is ready to sweep our Bachelorette off her feet. #BacheloretteCA

C.      W Network Site.
Thirty-two-year-old Kevin is a former Navy man and dedicated firefighter based in Toronto. He has put himself in many dangerous situations over the years, always with the goal of helping others. A family man at heart, Kevin talks to his mom everyday and adores his little niece. His dream is to one day have a relationship as strong as his parents’ and a family of his own. He strongly believes there is one person out there just for him, and for Kevin, this could be his chance to finally meet her.

Throwing out here as well : the Villain Drew from
The Bachelorette Canada. Drew is tired of the dating scene and ready to find the one. Will he find his dream girl in the Bachelorette? #BacheloretteCA 
>Clearly he got  “the one” theme too laugh out loud (which i have missed at first place  duh ) ....but its not significant as it is not related to Jasmine’s storyline iMO. (more....TBC on part 2). 

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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Joy15 Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:49 am

Laying out all Mikhel’s BIO spread and Intro Clip here : 
Mikhel is full of energy and is hoping to win over the Bachelorette with his infectious personality. Just don't mistake his kindness for weakness!
bachelorettecaMikhel's got his dream job and a passion for motorcycles. But the one thing missing is that special someone to share his life with.#BacheloretteCA
B.1. Above the Vid .The Bachelorette Canada
Mikhel is full of energy and is hoping to win over the Bachelorette with his infectious personality. Just don't mistake his kindness for weakness 
B.2. The Bachelorette Canada 
Mikhel's got his dream job and a passion for motorcycles. But the one thing missing is that special someone to share his life with#BacheloretteCA
As an aviation engineer, 28-year old Mikhel has his dream job and the freedom to indulge his passion for motorcycles in his spare time. The only thing missing from his life at this point is someone to share it with. Sensitive and thoughtful, Mikhel is not afraid to show his emotions (and might even shed a tear during sad movies). As a self-described “hopeless romantic”, Mikhel tends to fall hard and fast… but despite having his heart broken in the past, he is ready to put his heart on the line for the Bachelorette.
D.Mikhel’s Intro Video : from  09:49  to 10:33 mark

My hypothesis of Mikhel F1 was basically relied on these nuggets :
I.   The LINKAGE Between Lead Intro and F1’s BIO.
Link to Episode 1 :

Jasmine’s  INTRO
 I have noticed CA production is big on VOs while the Aussie one is big in PIs (one of the perks of multitasking 2  seasons at once i suppose.. giggling ).  No wonder i missed this golden nugget in term of VO at first place...since i am a more visual than an audio person laugh out loud (thats probably why i could catch GL’s PI at first place, while clearly have missed this huge clue from Jasmine big time duh ).  

J.1 . Jasmine’s VO : I feel like i really have great friends, i have a great family, i have great job, and what im missing now is just someone who i can build a life with  (on 05:26 mark)
J.2. Jasmine’s VO : I have been heartbroken before...and i have broken hearts too. I want something real...    (on 02:26 mark) 

Basically i play puzzle  here, searching for likely mathing pieces between the lead Intro and the contestant’s Bio, put 1-1 together and  find those 2 pieces in term of VOs are matched with none of the other guys’s but ALL of  Mikhel’s BIO spread. (which i refer to as THE LEAD INTRO AND F1 BIO LINKAGE ). FWIW just in case anyone wondering...this is IMO not spesific to certain franchise. I have found numerous times the same linkage for US seasons i have followed.  
The ultimate one in my book was of Des season. She had the sit down with CH  prior to her limo ride at MnG, implying her guy was going to propose to her and he was the most persistent one among the bunch.   This matched with Chris Siegfried’s Bio illustrating a HEA ending , while Brooks (despite his-as F1- foiler) instead implying a “roller coaster”ride. The most recent one was my finding of GL’s BIO and Lee’s Intro Linkage with the most obvious wording : (point no 4  here ) . I really felt have hit the jackpot with that one! laugh out loud.  But IMO Mikhel’s came as second close  since it has quite the same wording on practically ALL his Bio spread and Intro clip on the MnG episode, as laid out in the following 
I.1. The aforementioned J1. VO : I feel like i have great friends, great family, great job, what i am missing one is just someone who 
 I feel like i really have great friends, i have a great family, i have great job, and what im missing now is just someone who i can build a life with      >  is matched with :

1. Mikhel’s INTRO CLIP   
There is an inserted VO of Mikhel on 10:22 mark : ive got my career.. i got a supportive family....and the next step is to find someone that i can spend the rest of my life with. 
(keeping in mind that IMO VOs were likely taken after the fact to fulfill the gap/enhance the storyline, as i have mentioned in my “foreword” in Part 1 of this post) 

2. W network Video Clip
0:52: : WHY LOVE NOW ? I got everything else i need. I got a job, i got my friends, and i think this is just the next step.and i want it. I wanna fall in love. 

3. Instagram Bio Caption (point A.2 above)
Mikhel's got his dream job and a passion for motorcycles. But the one thing missing is that special someone to share his life with#BacheloretteCA
4. Bio Clip Caption on FB  (point B.2. above)
The Bachelorette Canada. Mikhel's got his dream job and a passion for motorcycles. But the one thing missing is that special someone to share his life with#BacheloretteCA

5.Video  Caption on the W Network
As an aviation engineer, 28-year old Mikhel has his dream job and the freedom to indulge his passion for motorcycles in his spare time. The only thing missing from his life at this point is someone to share it with. 

I.2. The J.2.Jasmine’s  VO : I have been heartbroken before...and i have broke hearts too. I want something real...    > is matched with :
1.      Part of The bio narration :  Mikhel tends to fall hard and fast… but despite having his heart broken in the past, he is ready to put his heart on the line for the Bachelorette.

2.      Mikhel’s  Clip 0:52  : i want it. I wanna fall in love. (note the choppy voice edit there )
Not sure how it come across to anyone else...but these 5 + 2 Mikhel’s nuggets  are totally revealing to me to believe he is the F1 . I mean, if its only 1-2 linkage this could be coincidence...but IMO literally all his bio spread matched with Jasmine’s  Intro IMO . (How in the world i missed these nuggets at first place?....Hmm...after a long thought, speaking only from my personal experience, it might be bc of the early spoiler that wasn’t even placed Mikhel in the F3 with Mike, Kevin W and the fact that he was hidden in MnG episode, hence i automatically thought the F1 and F2 are between Mike and KW. I really thought he was at most would be gonezo at F4, so i didn’t bother to sleuth and stalk him, like, at all laugh out loud)
(TBC to Part 3)

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Post by Joy15 Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:07 pm

II.  This is Golden : none of the other guys had an even close description as the one of Mikhel.  Check these ones  :
-What is your greatest achievement to date? 
Im proud of a lot of the things that I’ve done, but there is an excellent feeling when you save someone’s life and get to speak to them and their family afterwards. So I’d say that’s my greatest achievement.
KW :
Joining the best fire crew at the best fire department.
Mikhel :
Recognizing in myself that I was putting up walls and locking people out. It took a lot of reflection and self awareness to see that and to want to change. It wasn’t until a real moment of clarity that I realized I didn’t like who I’d become and decided to break the walls down, regardless of the potential for getting hurt.
>IMO This is very spesific to Mikhel’s ” journey” on the show, while for Mike and KW , theirs related to  their job, and had nothing to do with the show.

-What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? 
Mikhel :
Being cast for a national TV show where I get out of a limo and meet a girl for the first time, and then compete with 20 other guys for her love. What is love if it doesn't make you do outrageous things...right?  
(me: right.....hmmm...suspicious is right... bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 3806527698 )
> Surprisingly, this question is exclusive for Mikhel, while Mike and KW didn’t get the same question.  FWIW Lee also got an exclusive i have picked up above , with “the one” question being asked to the one and only Lee, not the other guys.
It made me suspicious that those Mikhel’s spesific to the show nuggets were made up after he was chosen to be the F1 laugh out loud.  Just for reference, case in point: check this hilarious one of Lee’s. (Gee..are we sure that it was not made up after filming wrapped?.. giggling )
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
>Lee: Married to season two’s Australian Bachelorette of course.  Rolling Eyes laugh out loud

III.   An edit play of “sequence narration”

Noah’s narration on 09:41 mark :  “ Lets take a moment to meet some of the Bachelors who have travelled far and wide in the hopes of winning her heart”.> then comes Mikhel with his motorbike... Hugesmile > implying it is Mikhel who won her heart > Just my take anyway. Smiley .. which is interestingly in line with Mikhel’s aforementioned BIO point A1 and B1 : Mikhel is full of energy and is hoping to win over the Bachelorette with his infectious personality. Just don't mistake his kindness for weakness!.
Side note :
-i always thought Intro Video for the F1 is BIG on a premiere season as all the predencessor F1s on premiere seasons all had Intros  (Anna, Bianka, Matilda and Sasha).Not to mention, two recent Ette and Bach US had those (Jordan and Lauren). The fact that Mikhel had one while none for KW made me to initally think Mikhel is the F1. Coupled with the fact that there was an inserted Mikhel’s VO in his Intro  Video with the line “one thing missing is someone to spend the rest of my life with” that matched with Jasmine’s Intro, has further convinced me that Mikhel  is the F1. I may pat myself in the back if he turns out to be the F1 giggling, as this is basically a 2 in 1 finding that might prove my long believe of the F1 intro video importance on a maiden season  and to depict that his storyline was actually inserted in it.
-The only shortcoming for Mikhel is he got the short segment in MnG..but apparently we have had the F1s with this sort of edit play : eg Catherine, Lee.
>My conclusion : IMO Mikhel is the F1, unless all of the edit plays and media nuggets elaborated above are misdirections. FWIW. TWT

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Post by djogbenyuie Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:28 pm

Thanks very much for this analysis @joy15.
It was a really nice read.
We will know soon enough if all "regular" F1 clues in favor of Mikhel have been misdirection.

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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Joy15 Sun Nov 20, 2016 12:39 pm

djogbenyuie wrote:Thanks very much for this analysis @joy15.
It was a really nice read.
We will know soon enough if all "regular" F1 clues in favor of Mikhel have been misdirection.

tyvm greatly appreciated. I still have several ones to be in the work too.... next is Media Analysis, which pointing to Mikhel as well IMO. Play puzzle is fun...but to lay it out is another not-oh-so-fun thing...laugh out loud. Great that we have only 2-3 days left. so its either i can finish it all or just give it up altogether while still adamant on Mikhel train until the last stop.  Praying

yes..should be interested indeed to find out on Nov 22nd whether all were misdirections on a Premiere Season, which presumably should be still 'innocent'  bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 3806527698. I actually have got nothing to loose to be wrong..except going into Nick season on the dark/unspoiled side with super high anxiety since clearly i may need to find something else to work on  :nervous :crazed laugh out loud

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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by djogbenyuie Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:45 pm

I thought i would share the lyrics to the song they've danced too during their first SD.
"Show me the quiet air" by the Franklin Electric.

For those, like me, who believe Mikhel is F2, it can be a way to say goodbye to this love story we've seen but that's not meant to be.

And for those who still believe Mikhel is F1, it might probably give you another clue Smiley

The lyrics:

Show me the quiet air, a face that fades without worry or care,
Show me a pioneer who tells a story they've been hiding for so long,
Won't you show me another sign my third eye's gone blind, and I seek deep to find?

Won't you show me?

She told me once again now let it pass me by and I keep holding on to her words,
Show me an honest friend who tells me all the truths I need to learn about giving in,
Control me like a puppet on a string,
Let me wild out inside my soul until I break it,
Hold me when I'm empty and you're full,
After that steam train keeps coming round and knocking me down,
Might I say, at this time, you're all I need,
And now I see it's just me in my mind,

You are the one I've been looking for,
You are the one that I've been looking for,
You are the one I've been looking for,

Just show me the quiet air, a face that fades without worry or care.

The song interpreted by the Franklin electric (lyrics were taken from the description bar).

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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2016 3:24 pm

Joy15 wrote:
djogbenyuie wrote:Thanks very much for this analysis @joy15.
It was a really nice read.
We will know soon enough if all "regular" F1 clues in favor of Mikhel have been misdirection.

tyvm greatly appreciated. I still have several ones to be in the work too.... next is Media Analysis, which pointing to Mikhel as well IMO. Play puzzle is fun...but to lay it out is another not-oh-so-fun thing...laugh out loud. Great that we have only 2-3 days left. so its either i can finish it all or just give it up altogether while still adamant on Mikhel train until the last stop.  Praying

yes..should be interested indeed to find out on Nov 22nd whether all were misdirections on a Premiere Season, which presumably should be still 'innocent'  bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 3806527698. I actually have got nothing to loose to be wrong..except going into Nick season on the dark/unspoiled side with super high anxiety since clearly i may need to find something else to work on  :nervous :crazed laugh out loud

Thanks for the great work! I am in the Mikhel train with you and hopefully there will be a party at the station!!


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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:51 pm

see2love wrote:
Joy15 wrote:
djogbenyuie wrote:Thanks very much for this analysis @joy15.
It was a really nice read.
We will know soon enough if all "regular" F1 clues in favor of Mikhel have been misdirection.

tyvm greatly appreciated. I still have several ones to be in the work too.... next is Media Analysis, which pointing to Mikhel as well IMO. Play puzzle is fun...but to lay it out is another not-oh-so-fun thing...laugh out loud. Great that we have only 2-3 days left. so its either i can finish it all or just give it up altogether while still adamant on Mikhel train until the last stop.  Praying

yes..should be interested indeed to find out on Nov 22nd whether all were misdirections on a Premiere Season, which presumably should be still 'innocent'  bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 3806527698. I actually have got nothing to loose to be wrong..except going into Nick season on the dark/unspoiled side with super high anxiety since clearly i may need to find something else to work on  :nervous :crazed laugh out loud

Thanks for the great work! I am in the Mikhel train with you and hopefully there will be a party at the station!!

You girls have switched me again, going back to my F1/F2F3 analysis the guy/girl who has been shown to have the most difficulty expressing themselves from the beginning is IMO F1. The overconfidence is generally shown for the F2 from the beginning and emotions aren't generally delved into until usually HTD or after. . (Matty, Robby, Nikki). They may be shown saying they are going to say I love you but without hesitation and no fear IMO. So I'm disregarding the sun/shadows and I'm back on the Mikhel train.


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bigstakes - Mikhel Sickand -  Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 36 Empty Re: Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by djogbenyuie Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:04 pm

Don't wanna crush the party but since i've removed my Mikhel rose colored glasses i'm seeing the edit in favor of KW and i wanted to share my thoughts on it.

I think this season, they needed the overconfidence to narrate KW F1 story because it shows us that no matter what obstacle they have, KW is in love with Jasmine.

If i tie that to what her mum said or what she talked about with Jillian, she said overall she just want someone who would love her and share a forever with her.

So since KW is raising all her fears (being abandonned, flirting with other girls) and KW mum can be seen as an obstacle, viewer will be left in fini with "love will make them work through everything".

This is how i can see it going with the edit if KW is F1. Hence the crying scenes and him being pretty much heartbroken at the thought to loose her.

My heart ache just writing this because i want to see a hope for Mikhel F1 so badly sad

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Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:15 pm

djogbenyuie wrote:Don't wanna crush the party but since i've removed my Mikhel rose colored glasses i'm seeing the edit in favor of KW and i wanted to share my thoughts on it.

I think this season, they needed the overconfidence to narrate KW F1 story because it shows us that no matter what obstacle they have, KW is in love with Jasmine.

If i tie that to what her mum said or what she talked about with Jillian, she said overall she just want someone who would love her and share a forever with her.

So since KW is raising all her fears (being abandonned, flirting with other girls) and KW mum can be seen as an obstacle, viewer will be left in fini with "love will make them work through everything".

This is how i can see it going with the edit if KW is F1. Hence the crying scenes and him being pretty much heartbroken at the thought to loose her.

My heart ache just writing this because i want to see a hope for Mikhel F1 so badly sad

I see your point and yes I'm still hanging on for dear life on the roller coaster but I usually have a tendency to flippantly disregard the storyline they point out to us from the start and for Jasmine as she says in this interview she wants someone who knows what it takes to make a relationship work long term. It's at 1:25. She says this on Mikhels SD that he knows what it takes to make it work and how to keep the romance alive for the relationship to go long term.

Also I noticed on the w networks journey for the two guys. There is a fair bit of finality implied and "winning", jealousy and walking away for KW. Which is suspect for the F1 why they would point these out. Also calling the bachelorette a "prize" is a no no in bachie advertising so the fact they have that in slide 4. As I said before I used to not pay attention to it until @see2love pointed it out for Georgia's season and the comparison to Matty and Lee's journey. Matty also had a finality to his as well which is why I compare how they are represented in the media.

If you look at slide 2, it actually says "he walked away", slide 4 says "will he win the ultimate prize", slide 13 says "he is first to receive one of the final 2 roses" , slide 14 "on their final one on one date", slide 15 "the perfect end to a romantic day". slide 10 "Kevin struggled with feelings of jealousy throughout their journey together." Represents the jealousy and the end of the journey.

If you compare Mikhels

Slide 4, "preparing for battle with captain Canada", slide 5 "as they begin to make a more serious connection, slide 6 "makes a move to go in for their first kiss", slide 8 " Jasmine and Mikhel get a chance to make something beautiful together." Slide 10, " their physical chemistry is real." Slide 11, "it's safe to say they have a strong connection", slide 12, "they continue to pursue their connection", slide 13 "he is 100% committed to her", Slide 14, "Mikhel takes a leap of faith and tells Jasmine he loves her", slide 15, " a perfect moment to relax and focus on being together."

Mikhels is about their continuing journey and there are a couple of nuggets in there including "real" which is what Jasmine said their connection and relationship was in the SD. Also the difference in slide 1 for the two boys is staggering, Kevin's is about being confident, Mikhel about being nervous. Classic F1/ F2 when it comes to emotions. F2 displays confidence with emotions, F1 displays nervousness or difficulty expressing themselves. (Jordan/ Robby, Matt/Lee, Sasha/Michael)

This of course is JMO


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Mikhel Sickand - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Just Looking
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