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miamibeach - Luke Pell - Bachelorette 12 - BWG - Discussion - #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Luke Pell - Bachelorette 12 - BWG - Discussion - #3

Post by ReneeM Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:36 am

Alanna wrote:I really wonder if this is the result of Jos broken picker or she just had such a terrible crop?

Both, but like 70-30 her guys were awful IMO. Even the likeable ones from her season that people liked at the time suck now IMO. James taylor, chase, robby, Wells, Derek, I dislike them all. JMO.


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Post by Ash2214 Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:38 am

I don't think she could have predicted how the guys would turn out post show. It was a terrible group of guys. Don't get me wrong, I thought a lot of them were physically attractive. I can't deny that her F4 were all good looking IMO and so was Derek, Alex and Wells, but that were all mostly just immature and are really, really enjoying the perks that come with being on this show.

While he's got a great body and at times I like his face too, I never got the Luke appeal. JoJo was pretty lucky because she didn't get much hate from fans directed at her, but the second she sent him home it was as if she murdered someone! He's just so "blah" to me.


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Post by coolangel Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:35 am

sosleepy wrote:Luke, to me, is not much better than Chase or Robby. Famehos all of them. Worst. Cast. Ever. 

Of course he's going on BIP4. Calling it now. Three more "engagements" next summer. All from these 3 stooges.

ITA! :yes: I had such high hopes for Jojo's season and her bunch of frat boys totally ruined it for me. hissyfit  

My hope is that the current 'Ette's season will yield some good guys for BIP and these 3 would be yesterday's news and I won't have to see them on my screen again. But I don't think I'll get that lucky.  laugh out loud  laugh out loud  I am pretty sure they'll weasel their way in and I can see those 'engagements' happening to extend their 15 mins of fame. JMO.

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Post by MVMom39forever Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:01 pm

Gotta say I am surprised by all the Luke hate. I have not been paying attention whatsoever to him and do not consider myself a fan. But with so much anti Luke sentiment, I checked out his Twitter page, YouTube interviews, recent Boston Globe interviews and new music releases.

Far from whining, imo, Luke seems to be 100 percent focused on advancing his career as country singer songwriter. He just released new music, about a near death experience that he endured, and is planning to release more in 2017 as he hits road on tour.

Yes, he is doing Bachelor boxing nights to support his fellow Nashville contestant James' gym. Clearly, he is getting some promotion out of it too, which is necessary to boost his brand.

Luke clearly has a dream career that he is chasing and I wish him well as he goes on tour across the U.S. If he finds success, I highly doubt he will appear on BIP.

But, if a stint on bip can help give him exposure and advance his singing career, I say go for it.

The guy has actual talent and is not just shilling detox tea or sunglasses to his social media followers or yet another contestant blogging about the show.

And I will never understand how someone can call a guy with such diverse background...from West Point grad to military serviceman as an officer to rancher and now touring as lead in country music band ... boring. The guy has a ton of depth and I bet he has many stories to share.

I wish him well!!

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Post by atem Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:47 pm

I take back my post. I now keep reading conflicting info that he will do BIP? Does anyone know what his most recent statements are about that? Thanks!

I wish him well too! He has been one of the more nice guys after this season vs some of the other guys.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Seabear Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:41 pm

I wish Luke well too! I liked him on JoJo's season and felt he was authentic even though it was obvious she was wanted Jordan. No problem at all. I have NEVER seen Luke say anything negative post show about Jordan or JoJo. IMO his behavior is nothing like Chase or Robby in negativity toward others. Luke did defend himself on the negative personal attacks by CH the mouthpiece for TPTB on calling him insincere. I personally think that was/is fully warrented. Luke has said TPTB/ABC were totally allowed to choose whomever they wanted. He has said that he accepts that but his issue was the lack of respect in how the situation went down. As a distinguished military officer and a man raised to have respect by his family....I totally understand were he was/is coming from. Honor and respect are HUGE things in an environment were your life depends on it. I think Luke was totally correct to have the reaction he did. And well within his rights to stand up for himself in the face of personal attacks by CH. Obviously it was a marketing ploy by CH but IMO it crossed the line of decorum. Luke has definitely been working hard to advance his country music career....and why not?? He also within limits has taken on opportunities and made new friends within the Bachelor franchise. No big deal IMO. I find Luke to be a man of good character and I have listened to him in podcasts recently and his life has been full of incredible life experiences that have shaped his life in profound ways. I wish Luke success in his future ventures.
Personally I hope he avoids BIP because I don't trust TPTB.

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Post by Ash2214 Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:10 pm

Oh, Luke has definitely thrown some shade in JoJo and Jordan's direction. He said in an interview that he thought post show that maybe JoJo picked Jordan because she wanted those box seats to the Super Bowl every year (that was paraphrasing). I know that was in the summer/early fall, but still, it was a bit shady and there was no need for that. He has spoken very highly of JoJo though and said Jordan, from what he saw, is a good guy. 

There definitely worse guys in this franchise though. All JMO. Also, I could be wrong, but I remember seeing a fairly recent interview where Luke said he didn't think he would do BIP.


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Post by Kashathediva Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:30 pm

MVMom39forever wrote:Gotta say I am surprised by all the Luke hate. I have not been paying attention whatsoever to him and do not consider myself a fan. But with so much anti Luke sentiment, I checked out his Twitter page, YouTube interviews, recent Boston Globe interviews and new music releases.

Far from whining, imo, Luke seems to be 100 percent focused on advancing his career as country singer songwriter. He just released new music, about a near death experience that he endured, and is planning to release more in 2017 as he hits road on tour.

Yes, he is doing Bachelor boxing nights to support his fellow Nashville contestant James' gym. Clearly, he is getting some promotion out of it too, which is necessary to boost his brand.

Luke clearly has a dream career that he is chasing and I wish him well as he goes on tour across the U.S.  If he finds success, I highly doubt he will appear on BIP.

But, if a stint on bip can help give him exposure and advance his singing career, I say go for it.

The guy has actual talent and is not just shilling detox tea or sunglasses to his social media followers or yet another contestant blogging about the show.

And I will never understand how someone can call a guy with such diverse background...from West Point grad to military serviceman as an officer to rancher and now touring as lead in country music band ... boring. The guy has a ton of depth and I bet he has many stories to share.

I wish him well!!

First regarding the word:
If I don't like something, that does not mean I hate it. IMO Hate is a very strong term that I don't use lightly.
Luke has mentioned multiple times his situation regarding being passed over for being the bachelor in place of Nick. Multiple times.
Mentioning it once is more than enough. Mentioning it more than once is over kill, IMO, and verges on whining and sour grapes.
He is not the first person this has happened to. He will not be the last, is my bet.
Granted TPTB are not nice people.
So in the case, I would think "fool me once shame on you fool, me twice shame on me." However it appears being fooled once by TPTB is not enough for Luke, if he is considering teaming up with the show again.
Second, what's one man's trash is another man's treasure. There is a foot for every shoe. What's boring for one person maybe riveting for the next. It's the way of the world.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:30 pm

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Post by MiaHawk Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:46 am

IMO, during Jojo's season, "TV Luke" was the strong, silent, sexually smoldering type. Because he was edited to be the "silent" type (not shown to be very talkative, humorous, or emotive on screen ), I wasn't personally drawn to him as much as I was to some of the other guys. Having said that, I also see many qualities in Luke that make him a good catch and understand why he would be someone else's type of guy. I don't believe that "TV Luke" was a true representation of Luke, the real life man. I will also add that his kissing skills on my TV screen were far from boring. Hugesmile

What we must always remember is that the editors decide who we get to see and how we get to see them. IF they have a multi-facetted and engaging person (which I pretty much believe ALL cast members are capable of being compelling and engaging in their own way), they can show it to us in a fun and entertaining way...or they can cut here and cut there and leave all of the compelling and engaging moments on the cutting room floor. All I have to do is look to the current season as an example of someone who is "good TV" getting the lead, only to have the editors turn it into "bad TV", IMO. I almost would rather have low expectations for a lead and then be proven wrong, than to have high hopes for entertainment and be left yawning every Monday night. JMHOAA.

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Post by albean99 Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:31 am

I liked Luke, Derek, and Wells and still do although haven't been paying much attention. I never liked Robby and Chase and still don't. I don't care all that much about Jojo & Jordan which doesn't mean I don't like them, just that they don't interest me all that much. All JMO.

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miamibeach - Luke Pell - Bachelorette 12 - BWG - Discussion - #3 - Page 28 Empty Re: Luke Pell - Bachelorette 12 - BWG - Discussion - #3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:23 pm

MVMom39forever wrote:Gotta say I am surprised by all the Luke hate. I have not been paying attention whatsoever to him and do not consider myself a fan. But with so much anti Luke sentiment, I checked out his Twitter page, YouTube interviews, recent Boston Globe interviews and new music releases.

Far from whining, imo, Luke seems to be 100 percent focused on advancing his career as country singer songwriter. He just released new music, about a near death experience that he endured, and is planning to release more in 2017 as he hits road on tour.

Yes, he is doing Bachelor boxing nights to support his fellow Nashville contestant James' gym. Clearly, he is getting some promotion out of it too, which is necessary to boost his brand.

Luke clearly has a dream career that he is chasing and I wish him well as he goes on tour across the U.S.  If he finds success, I highly doubt he will appear on BIP.

But, if a stint on bip can help give him exposure and advance his singing career, I say go for it.

The guy has actual talent and is not just shilling detox tea or sunglasses to his social media followers or yet another contestant blogging about the show.

And I will never understand how someone can call a guy with such diverse background...from West Point grad to military serviceman as an officer to rancher and now touring as lead in country music band ... boring. The guy has a ton of depth and I bet he has many stories to share.

I wish him well!!

I agree with all of this, especially the bolded.  And TBH I'd love to see him and Chase this summer on BIP.  Hoping for them plus some of the great women from this season and I'm already so looking forward to it. (Robby I can definitely live without ever seeing again, but hey, for some more Chase and Luke, I'll live with him too giggling .)  JMO.


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