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Post by Kashathediva Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:31 am

No, I was referring @Alanna.
It makes no difference in the outcome of the show. I was just curious if they continue to milk that storyline.

Last edited by Kashathediva on Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:33 am

Did anyone capture a SC tonight of this mystery man?

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Post by Di_ATL Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:33 am

from what i saw she says i love you to the guy wearing a blue/grey colored suit and she has that look and smile she give Baddy, to me she is in tears breaking up with the guy in the more blue colored suit/ saying something like i wanted it to be you and i do still love you etc....

So i think based on suit color, Jordan is definitely the one she is saying i love to while smiling, excitedly. JMO yes

Jordan to Jojo "I have this feeling that i haven't really had in a long time, and it's scary but it's also the best thing I wake up to every morning"  rose bud

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Post by nd4reality Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:35 am

does anyone know where the BIP extended preview is available for watching? TIA

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iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by jen689 Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:38 am

Article from Link

The 10 Most Important Moments That Happened on The Bachelorette: Men Tell All – and We Promise They're Not All About Chad

1. The guys all got spray tans. All of them.
Okay, so we don't have actual proof of this, but it's definitely true. (Daniel's was especially orange.)

Also, Jonathan wore a kilt again, because he apparently didn't learn his lesson the first time. And also Derek's beard was out of control. And so was Vinny's. (Aren't you a barber, dude?)

2. These guys are still totally Mean Girls.

Remember how all season long Alex was totally Gretchen Wieners, all the time? Well, nothing's changed.

Alex and the rest of the guys spent the better part of half an hour bickering, bitching and hurling insults at one other. For the most part it was very tiresome, but someone finally called out Alex for having a Napoleon complex. Hey, we didn't say it. (But it's so true.)

3. Chad was Chad.

Hopefully after tonight we can all officially agree that we're Chad-ed out, because if we never have to hear the name Chad Johnson again, we'll die happy.

Chad was, unsurprisingly, the focal point of the entire episode. Chad had his own trailer with a giant platter of meat. Chad ate a sweet potato like it was an apple. Chad walked around and whistled in that extremely terrifying way he's so very good at. Chad had his own security guard. People in the audience were wearing "#TheChad-chelor" t-shirts. Chad called Alex a "manlet." (Okay, that one was funny.)

Then Chad sat down with Chris Harrison and we had to listen to more bickering between him and the rest of the guys, who, by the way, were not happy with Chad for hooking up with both Robby and Grant's ex-girlfriends since the show wrapped.

Chad had some choice words for almost every single one of the guys, including James Taylor ("I've got dirt on you, son"), Derek ("Your pocket square doesn't match your shirt"), Alex ("He's just super annoying"), Jordan ("He just wanted to be famous") and Robby (he has apparently "threatened" his ex-girlfriend).

The only time Chad was ever-so-slightly redeemed was when they played a slow-motion video of his altercation with Evan. (How could we forget the great Shirt Rip of 2016?) Anyway, as it turns out, Evan actually did push Chad, because apparently he has a death wish or something.

Ultimately, Wells admitted that the guys did "Lord of Flies" Chad, which is a fairly accurate comparison. But as for the big, bad Chad? He's totally fine with the way things panned out. In fact, he doesn't regret 99 percent of the things that happened. The one percent? Probably that protein powder he left behind.

4. Saint Nick tried really hard to get us to remember who he is.
He took off his suit jacket, walked down from the stage and threatened to fight Chad in some grand (read: ridiculous) display of masculinity. Unfortunately, he wasn't wearing his Santa suit, so we didn't recognize him.

5. Luke reminded us that he is quite possibly the most perfect man on the planet.

Be still, my beating heart. There are few things on television more mesmerizing than watching Luke talk about love. And tonight, he did it a lot.

Luke talked all about his shocking elimination on Monday's episode ahead of the Fantasy Suites ("It was a lot of confusion, a lot of pain ... It hit me like a train that night") and admitted that looking back, he regretted not expressing (or spelling out) his love for JoJo sooner.

"Watching it back, I see, verbally, I kind of held back. I could have been more expressive and direct," he said. "I guess I'm a hopeless romantic in a sense, and there's this once-in-a-lifetime experience and I'm looking for a once-in-a-lifetime moment so I can look back years later ... I didn't seize that moment when I should have."

"I was absolutely in love with her and I still love her," he added.

The poor guy even said he had felt like he was having anxiety attacks for the next couple of weeks after being sent home. This is an outrage. Somebody get this man a wife, now. I volunteer as tribute.

In summary: If Luke isn't the next Bachelor we are officially boycotting the franchise, and from the sound of it, he just might be open to the possibility: "I got to a place where I'm happy and I'm ready and I'm optimistic about what the future might hold. I know there's the right person for me out there." (Pick me, Luke! Pick me!)

6. Chase had *feelings.*
Ah, Chase. What the man lacks in personality he makes up for by looking really good in a suit.

Chase expressed so many feelings during the Men Tell All we almost thought he might profess his love to Chris Harrison right then and there.

Ultimately, Chase said he didn't regret telling JoJo he loved her, and said he still has "a lot of love" for her. After 27 years of avoiding the word "love" like the plague, Chase could not seem to stop using it. He's got the love bug! It's a miracle! Never underestimate the power of this show, people.

7. And then he finally got some closure from JoJo.
Despite the little love fest, Chase was still upset about the fact that JoJo invited him to the Fantasy Suite only to kick him out immediately once he dropped the L-word on her – so he confronted her about it.

"That night when you told me you loved me for some reason I felt anxious," JoJo explained. "I don't think I was scared that you loved me, I think that was the moment that I felt that if we had spent the night together it would have been so much harder."

Ultimately, she apologized for the chain of events: "I didn't have that clarity," she admitted. "I think maybe I found it at the wrong time, and I still feel guilty about that."

But don't worry, it's all good now. They even hugged it out.

8. JoJo got a standing ovation for how she handled Chad.
Try as he may (and he certainly did), Chad just couldn't get a rise out of JoJo.

Even after he threw digs at her final two (i.e. Robby broke up with his ex "days before filming" and Jordan is a "liar, cheater whose own older brother won't even talk to him"), JoJo brushed Chad off like he wasn't even there.

"I could go off right now," she said. "But it's not even worth my time. He loves the attention, and we're giving it to him – so he's not even worth my breath."

Cue standing ovation from the rest of the guys. And the rest of America.

9. JoJo got motor-boated by a horse dressed up as a unicorn.
Because The Bachelorette bloopers are the gift that keeps on giving.

10. … So, is she engaged?
She didn't spill much, but JoJo did reveal she's "very happy."

"I had a really amazing journey," she said. "I'm just really happy with how things ended and where I'm at right now."

Last edited by jen689 on Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:41 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post by Ladybug82 Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:40 am

In reference to the mystery man... I didn't and can't until in the morning when it's put up on demand and Litta will be making SCs by then.  So someone else will have to grab it or we'll have to wait.

I'm thinking it's Jordan.  And I agree with Alanna, I think they'd majorly be hyping an appearance by him.  But I could see them bringing him in to further screw with Jojo and mess things up.  Rolling Eyes

Based on the sun and suit color, it's got to be Robby but we'll have to check for the seam and/or Photoshopping.  The only way it could be Jordan is if he shows up early while the sun is still really bright, wearing a different suit, leaves, changes suits and then returns late in the day, just at the right time for the money shots at the right time for the FRC.  JMOAA

Last edited by Ladybug82 on Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by rhondam Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:41 am

nd4reality wrote:
bamagal wrote:
julychild wrote:Constantly trying to pull others down is one of the biggest signs of weakness in a person. Chad is a weak man.
I don't know, I sort of feel sorry for him. Hope he builds a better character.

Who knows what is behind his bizarre behavior?  I have not reached the point where I feel sorry for him -- may get there at some point.  IMO his behavior is reprehensible!  He is one of the older contestants, yet acts like he is ten years old -- the taunting bully on the playground! In a world of anti-bullying campaigns, a major media outlet is not only allowing this type of behavior, but ENCOURAGING it!  SMH

Yup he's a bully. And the bolded is shameful.
Ok, anyone who reads my posts knows I am super extra sensitive.... but I honestly saw immense sadness in Chad's eyes, especially when he first came out. He backed himself into an extremely tight corner with all of these antics and I believe he would like to get out but doesn't have the foggiest idea how. It's actually very sad and pathetic. Wells picked up on all of this too and seemed genuinely concerned for him. And even though I do not like Chad and think his actions are deplorable, I choked up a bit for him because this guy is hurting big time imo. Unless he just stops completely or asks for help, or most probable, someone reaches out to help him, all that I see happening is continued destructive behaviour until it all blows up. 

I should add that I'm not a psychologist, but to me it isn't too hard to see something is wrong. 

PS—I just love Wells, not only is he funny funny, has good taste in music and is "the voice of reason" (his reference), he has a kind kind heart! I wish he was Bach.  :Nod: :Nod: :Nod:
PPS—I did not like seeing him kissing Ashley I scratch on the BiP preview. laugh out loud

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Post by LoveDovez Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:41 am

Mommyof1 wrote:Pipe down, Alex!  

I can NOT stand this kid!!!

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Post by LoveDovez Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:44 am

seton wrote:None of the dudes looked at Jo with as much love as Chad looked at that deli meat platter! giggling

They all loved Chad way more than Jo also. He was all they could think of and talk about. : (

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Post by northernviewer Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:44 am

Just finished watching and heres a few thought before imscan through the pages and pages of yours laugh out loud

Way too much air time given to Chad.... He got lower in my books tonight....the man is psychotic and it felt more like watchimg Jerry Springer than MTA .... I was waiting for a paternity test announcement! CHad is a scuzzball and is clueless about his character flaws. He totally disgusts me.

I liked how both Luke and Chase handled the situation and how they talked to Jojo. Actually all the guys showed class in not wanting to give her a hard time realizing the show is what it is and that she actually hated hurting them. She really had a great group of guys, putside of Chad. Loved how Jojo handles Chad and said she wouldnt waste her breath on him. It was absolutely perfect.

Enjoyed the previews, but it really wasnt which one did she love more , it was more like will i regret choosing Jordan.

The (FRC) Proposal..."Will you marry me because I'd really like to date you"

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Post by Frymama Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:45 am

IMO, I still think you are going to see so much more personality in Luke if he is the lead. We saw so much more of it toward the end with the guys and in sideboob blooper, and if you have followed much of his social media you can see it, too. I think he was much more serious with Jo Jo due to his feelings for her and because of the edit.

IMO, he sincerely wasn't acting in either his exit or in the MTA tonight. I felt he was a classy gentleman in both. IMO, there is so much to be said about the fact that no one has come out claiming anything negative about either him or Chase. Also, the guys in the house spoke very fondly of Luke. Chase got caught up in the "Garden Club" it appears, so that created some issues.

IMO, I would much rather a man be more real and in control of his emotions than egotistical, attention-seeking, etc. Social media is going crazy for Luke as are many in the media. I saw multiple articles and entertainment stories today where the journalist flat out said they couldn't believe Jo Jo sent Luke home and that Luke should be the next Bachelor. Many Bachelor alum were saying the same things. Plenty of people are seeing some great qualities in Luke, so IMO, plenty of people will be watching. Everyone has their "type". I think Jordan is a good-looking guy, but everything about him after night 1 made me look completely past his looks, and I could tell he was just playing the game for "the win", as was Robby, IMO. I never saw that in Luke, or Chase for that matter.

All of this is JMO, of course.

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Post by Alanna Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:45 am

LoveDovez wrote:
Mommyof1 wrote:Pipe down, Alex!  

I  can NOT stand this kid!!!
Me either and it makes me sad/angry/irritated that he's friends with Baddy and Robby, who actually seem like they are enough cool for school. Why did they need a little twerp around??

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