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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by siena Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:22 pm

I agree @MiaHawk that Ashley most likely has narcissistic personality disorder. Her lack of empathy being one of the most telling traits. Everything she has done has been for her own selfish motives. Everyone has been expected to cater to what Ashley wants and needs. Ashley gave no concern or thought about what Caila felt, or even what Jared wanted. IMO all of this has been done because Caila didn't do what Ashley told her to do and now Ashley wants to hurt her until she is broken. That is sickening IMO.

Every single one of these people signed up for the show under the premise that they might get engaged and that it might not work out in 3 months time. That's the risk they were willing to take. Except here's the kicker, Caila DIDN'T do that. She left the show. If her intent according to Ashley was to get engaged then she wouldn't have let Ashley get in her way. Ashley is holding on to this Amanda conversation as though it finally will absolve her of her awful actions. IMO it doesn't.

I also think it's ludicrous for people to blame only Caila for the end of the relationship, and say that Ashley wasn't a contributing factor. JARED WENT ON VACATION WITH ASHLEY IN JULY. He continued having contact with her. Ashley continued leaving messages on all of his instagram posts. Nothing changed between them. Jared is responsible for that. Ashley is responsible for that. Caila isn't.

IMO Ashley saying slurs, making racist gestures, and threatening violence isn't just being "emotionally vomitous" either. I don't think you can give a free pass for bullying people under the guise that you're being "real". Ashley is 28 years old and should be fully aware of how any mature self-respecting adult should behave. She chooses not to behave that way. I think Ashley is as calculated as anyone else and she should be held responsible for the things she says and done.

Right now Ashley is grasping for a career in the media. All of this drama has been prolonged for that purpose, alongside a pathological desire to beat Caila. I cannot and will not support someone like AshleyI who is causing real harm to people for the sake of her own selfish needs and screen-time. All JMO.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by djogbenyuie Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:44 pm

AshleyI has no excuse for how she behaved on BIP. She should just apologize and move on if she was really that nice and mature. I hope this is not her new obssession.

She didn't even give Jared and Caila a chance to live the relationship like grown adults. Caila is no Josh. Not feeling 100% sure about someone after knowing them for few days is not a crime. Especially when crazy ex girlfriend is in the picture. How can Caila even like the Jared she was given at that time? He was no prince charming or mister dreamy in that circumstance.
Gosh, I didn't want to talk about this but the girl is just pushing amd pushing.
Caila is better off anyway. She would've AI forever minding her relationship with Jared even if she was like in absolute love with him.
Good luck to both AI and Jared.Hope they will grow from this at some point.

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Post by Carolinagirl1864 Fri Sep 02, 2016 6:24 pm

Reality Steve has the first article Ashley put up and then the one she has posted now.Maybe I missed something, but I had no idea ABC made her take down the first article.


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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:09 pm

Without breaking the rules here, AI says in the article that it wasn't her interference that caused the break. But rather it was the partner who is not Jared's ability to commit. You can find this in the paragraph that begins with " Some post-show info" from .

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by siena Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:31 pm

IMO why would anyone want to commit to someone when Ashley is a part of their lives... a friend who wants to "mind f*ck" your partner. no idea

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by Cocoasneeze Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:34 pm

AshleyI is obsessed with Caila. I see no other reason for her daily tweets/articles/snapchats about her. She moved her adoring obsession from Jared to hate obsession of Caila.

It's worrying how it sounds like she was an actual 3rd partner in this 7 week relationship. Dear lord girl, zip it.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by hae1001 Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:39 pm

Caila tweeted Ashley that she was not the reason for her and Jared breaking up. Ashley responded thanking her and said she enjoyed getting to spend time with her on Ellen. IMO, they are over it. What's done, is done. People from this franchise have come out and said there were things that we never saw. Neither party was innocent. Both parties have no extended an olive branch. IMO, if they are done with it than so am I. No need to beat a dead horse.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by umngirl Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:39 pm

Ashley is delusional if she thinks she played no part in the demise of Caila and Jared's relationship. I guarantee her running her mouth and hatred of Caila seeped out. I also firmly believe Caila is the one who dumped him which has fueled her hate fire.

Girlfriend needs to disappear from tv and more importantly STFU when it comes to Caila.

I was hoping she would have a nice apology for all the horrible names she called others in paradise but she's apparently too good for that.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:40 pm

Re; AI claiming she had nothing to do with the split. She IMO is just trying to take the blame away from herself. It appears by the timeline she went on vacation with Jared, while what appears he was dating Caila. Caila said on AP outside forces, constantly calling and texting while they were dating. Caila IMo might have broken it off with Jared saying she'd like to date others, because she wasn't interested in Jared/Ashley so called friendship clearly interferring, and I don't blame her.

KB_Mom wrote:The Cosmo recap:

Carolinagirl1864 wrote:Reality Steve has the first article Ashley put up and then the one she has posted now.Maybe I missed something, but I had no idea ABC made her take down the first article.

Here is the full write up when I read the link. What's the difference between this and the new one?

It's not her first time at this rodeo — Bachelor stalwart Ashley Iaconetti is back in paradise this season and back recapping the show also. Read on for her firsthand take on all the messiness this season has to offer. Because it's going to get messy...
It's ... interesting seeing the parallels between the Josh/Nick/Amanda drama and the Jared/Caila/me drama watching this week's episodes play out, even as they're made to look so different. Both situations boil down to one person trying to protect a friend who he/she has briefly dated in the past — but it somehow ends up looking like I'm coming from a place of jealousy, while Nick (New Bachelor alert! New Bachelor alert!) is the protective older brother type.
I get it; I was "obsessed" with Jared, but there are two sides to every story being told — in this case, the one that's the real deal, and the one that looks better on TV. This season, the big storyline was obviously all about me looking like a fool, because it just wouldn't make sense if the overly emotional, jealous girl had an actual point, would it?!
But let's start at a happier place: I felt like I was in middle school telling my besties not to point and giggle and embarrass me when Wells, the guy I'd been waiting for, finally made his grand entrance. Instead, they all put a good word in for me as they met with him solo — and as embarrassing as that is watching back, I'm glad they did. Wells and I had an amazing date. Our chemistry was evident before we even got in the car to leave. We released that wish lantern, and our wish was that Paradise would be paradise from here on out. Also, just to note, the lantern sailed into the atmosphere without exploding, thanks very much.
You can't really go wrong eating tacos with one of the sexiest guys you've ever seen and talking about Hanson. Yes, Hanson is my favorite band, and if you're judging me for that, then you haven't heard the music they've made since 1999. I definitely had that first date "Oh poop, I'm nervous and drawing blanks" timidity going on at first, but kissing Wells made it all better. Also, the producers swore the stray dog that came up to us wasn't planted — you know that was Lucy's soul (Lucy being my beloved Coton de Tuléar who passed away in April) coming to check in on me!
I was so happy at the rose ceremony the following day. Wells was getting my rose, no stress. Well, almost: You may have thought that Josh and Nick's confrontation over, yes, Andi's book (again) and what it said about their respective characters was the only real drama from that night, but (1) it actually spanned a couple of nights before Amanda decided she was cool with Josh regardless, and (2) that's just the only drama you saw on TV. Here goes!
Some behind-the-scenes context: Between each cocktail party and rose ceremony in Paradise, the girls and the guys are separated while the cameras are being set up. The girls go to the pool area, and the guys go to the beach for final deliberations and nervous chatter. During downtime this week, Caila said some things that, wait for it, I can't talk about until my contract expires! (And really, by that time, I'm going to have moved on I promise.) I can however bring to your attention to that throwaway moment post-rose ceremony where Lace says "I can't stand her" about Caila while walking by her on the stairs. Remember that?! As a viewer, I would be so confused as to why this was edited in there. As a participant, I like to think it was the editors throwing me a bone, because I was not the only person in Paradise not sold on Caila's motivations.
The next morning I got to sleep in really late; rose ceremonies are often filmed until 4 or 4:30 a.m., so I was thankful to catch up on some shut-eye. But of the 10 days I filmed in Paradise, on only one other morning was I not woken up and told to get ready between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. Wells, meanwhile, was awake bright and early and by the pool, even, in time for Jami's arrival. Remember, Brett and Wells were the only two guys in the house at that point who weren't locked into relationships, since the twins left without giving out their roses the night before, they'd sent three men (Carl, Ryan, and Damn Daniel, g'bye, guys) home with them.
And so when Nick tells me that, while I was sleeping, Wells agreed to go on a date with Jami, everyone was waiting for me to blow up again. Psych! I'm totally cool and confident, because I felt so good about, you know, our 48-hour-long relationship. I wasn't experiencing any pangs of jealousy. I was stoked to have feelings for someone new — this was what I'd come to Paradise to find. But yes, I also knew I was going to have to deal with one last ~thing~ regarding Caila and Jared (Yes, that's the thing I can't talk about.) Could I have let Jared figure things out on his own? Yes. He's an adult and completely capable of making his own decisions. However, in the moment, my protective instincts compelled me to do something.
So I went straight to the source, Caila, and ask her to address her comments. (My voiceovers in the run-up to our conversation here are being taken out of context, by the way.) And the big blow-out ends up being edited in such a confusing way, trust me. If you watch the scene carefully, you'll notice how little they show Caila and I actually saying something and responding to each other in the same shot. It's all separate cuts of her face and mine, because it's so pieced together!
When I addressed what she'd allegedly said the day before, she said she was being "misinterpreted." I assured her over and over how happy I was with Wells, and that I was just addressing these rumors with her because I hated the thought of Jared being played. (When I'm telling the group afterward, "My responsibility is done," I'm talking about protecting Jared, not sabotaging his new romance.) It was all so much less hostile than it appeared on TV, and I can say she was less upset by me in that moment and more feeling like an outcast amongst the whole group.
Still, Caila tells Jared right afterward that the environment in Paradise is too toxic for her and that she's leaving. There's no discussion, that's that. Jared's frustrated and understandably so. I knew that in the moment he wouldn't be able to see where I was coming from, but just hoped in the future he would know what I did was with good intentions. It was hard to see Jared leave mad at me, but I had to let him go and figure out things for himself. Nick even sat down with me once Caila and Jared left, calmed me down, and told me I'd done the right thing. That gave me a small sense of peace.
Some post-show info: Caila and Jared dated non-exclusively for six weeks after Paradise. She was trying to get to know him outside the reality TV hoopla and see if her feeling developed; whether or not that was with the goal of being a "Bachelor couple" in mind, I don't know .But Jared wants to be in a relationship though, and, from what I gather, Caila is now in a place where she wants to date around. Because of this, they ended their relationship. My place in Jared's life wasn't a factor, despite what Caila may have insinuated on After Paradise.
Let me conclude this narrative by saying I made a lot of mistakes in Paradise, and I really let my emotions get the best of me. Despite what I may have said, Caila isn't an awful person. I do wish she took some more responsibility for the way things went down, and that she was more honest about her feelings (or lack thereof) for Jared while in Paradise. It would have eliminated a lot of drama. She made mistakes, and I sure made plenty of my own, but it's just that hers weren't broadcast on TV. Part of me wasn't sure how much dirty laundry to air in this article, so much of me wanted to just let it go. But I do have the right to defend my character and felt I needed to. This is the last time I will address any of the drama between me, Jared, and Caila. The end.
Except, wait, there were other people in Paradise having ~moments~ of their own. A quick lil run down: Wells landed his third outing of the week with Shushanna, a double-dater with other new arrivals Lauren H. and Brett. Shu told me how great a kisser he was when she returned, which left fire coming out of my ears ... but he is talented, so yeah. Lace and Grant had their first big fight after Lace had a flirty moment with Carl (also a firefighter, it's worth noting), but made up and made out afterward. Carly and Evan are also in love, and Evan keeps popping boners on national TV. Carly can't believe she's fallen for "a p*nis man," so never question the magic of Paradise, OK?


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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by KB_Mom Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:48 pm

GA- what you quoted above is the edited version. I read the now deleted version and posted the link but the link now takes you to the edited version. It didn't take long for ABC to get to her and force the revision.

Wonder if ABC will demand to see Ellen interview before it airs?????

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by allykat Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:51 pm

It's really interesting to read that re-cap. I know that AI thinks that proves her right, but I actually think it's exactly the opposite. Everyone interprets things their own ways. Here's how I interpret this basic story...

Caila said she was misinterpreted but Ashley clearly doesn't believe that since she air quoted "misinterpreted" - it isn't hard for me to believe she was misinterpreted given the source is Amanda, but more to the point, what did Ashley want from her? She answered the accusation and said it was misinterpreted. The point of confronting someone about hearsay is that you get their side, which Caila gave.

Caila tells Jared that it's a toxic environment - which it is since according to her Amanda is now misinterpreting a convo they had and then spreading it for gossip, and then she's getting confronted by Jared's emotionally unstable BFF about it who is not open to hearing anything she has to say (see above).

Ashley clearly thinks this is some sort of cop out or disingenuous excuse and that Caila is just trying to escape the heat - but I think I would feel that were a toxic environment if I were Caila.

Caila and Jared date afterwards so she can explore her feelings outside of the bubble  - despite, according to Amanda and Ashley, not liking him at this totally contradicts what was said to start this drama.

They break up because Caila is a 20 something girl that wants to date around and Jared wants a relationship, and according to Ashely it had nothing to do with her - the thing is, Ashley has absolutely no way of knowing whether the reason Caila wants to date around is because she can't commit to someone who is being held emotionally hostage by his BFF.

This recap is not a smoking gun. If anything, it proves to me that Ashley is as immature as I thought she was and her blinders show no signs of coming down.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by hae1001 Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:53 pm

Strait from Caila: 

Poignantly written article. @ashleyiaco had nothing to do with why Jared and I aren't together. She is a good person

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