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Post by jen689 Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:17 am

I didn't watch or follow Art as the Bachelor so I don't have anything to compare this season to. The hosts of the podcast I listened to aren't impressed. They want listeners to tune in but they're not doing a good job of focusing on the positive aspects of Jordan't journey. It seems like they're comparing Jordan's season to Art's and it's like night and day. Maybe they don't have the same production crew so the editing and social media posts are different. Also from what I've heard Art focused on Matilda early on while it seems Jordan's has more of an open mind and hadn't decided on his F1 as of episode 6 JMO


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:23 am

IA @jen689 and also think Rebecca is best suited for Jordan. She's definitely my favorite so my bias is there but I liked Jordan most with her so far.

Not much shown yet about Fleur to compare but Storm is nearly a decade younger than Rebecca and while she may be mature (I don't know enough about her to gauge whether or not since her edit is so physical) I don't see a longterm relationship with Jordan and Storm like I do with Rebecca. They seem more on the same wavelength which seems to be the common theme with a lot of the successful couples. Not sure though....

Jordan did say he was ready to get married and settle down and given he is older than Art was he may be looking at this more than just a girlfriend? IIRC Art made it known he was looking to find a girlfriend (who would become a wife) and Jordan in his intro talked about being ready to settle down/life partner. I will be surprised if there is a proposal though so I still think FRC ends like Art's did - promise ring or something?

However, given the SM I am not sure about Rebecca being F1. Given what the contestants have said posted by @mercieme I am not sure why Rebecca is not even mentioned especially since she got FIR unless the girls know she is not F1 or F2?

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Post by mercieme Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:47 am

I agree with both of your posts.

@jen689 the interesting thing is there are reports that the ratings from this season are higher than last season.
The big difference in my opinion is that Art came across very authentic, even when meeting the girls for the first time one could sense how nervous he was.  This time around Jordan is coming across very confident & though I believe he is genuine, the public opinion is that he might be acting through the show based on his prior acting career. As @Allaboutlove stated i am also not so sure about Rebecca at this point as F1. I really wish the producers will throw us a bone with the edit so we can figure it was so easy last season giggling We should keep sleuthing though...I think we will figure out the F1 in the next 2 weeks...fingers crossed.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:55 am

Hmm... I keep remembering that Jordan dated Chrystal (the villain from Art's season) and while it wasn't a serious relationship I think a lot of what Jordan describes his ideal women in his bio could be someone like Chrystal?

His ideal woman is: charismatic, athletic, striking and someone who has a good sense of humour.

I am not sure that Rebecca fits that description entirely? I can see Storm and Fleur fitting that description and can see similarities of sorts between Chrystal and Storm (both tall, confident in themselves, go for what they want especially based on last episode when Storm was saying she doesn't care what the other girls think etc about kissing at CP etc) and Fleur is said by the girls to have lots of chemistry with Jordan and blonde like Chrystal was. Not sure but I wouldn't say Rebecca is charismatic or striking?

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Post by mercieme Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:01 am

@Allaboutlove I am so......confused. Geez...Jordan is hard man to figure out. Based on what Jordan described the charismatic describes Fleur (as validated by the eliminated girls). Storm is confident in a quiet way. I think Rebecca is confident & has a good sense of humor but she is the oldest this season & seems to be very mature which might be why she didn't say much to the other girls about her connection with Jordan.

This season is shaping out to be an interesting one for us to figure out giggling


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Post by jen689 Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:32 am

I was thinking about Jordan's description of his ideal women. My thoughts on Rebecca...

instead of charismatic she's confident, caring, genuine. smart
don't know how athletic she is, she said she's willing to try anything, she seems competitive based on her reaction when she won the bear
instead of striking she's has a natural beauty, cute, adorable
she definitely has a good sense of humor, she's lively, engaged in the moment

Charisma/good looks aren't going to help someone be a good wife or parent

If we could find out what day filming ended that would help. If Jordan hadn't chosen his F1 when the other contestants made their predictions they were choosing based on who they thought would be a good fit for Jordan. Not on who Jordan thought was the best fit for him  JMO


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:41 am

@mercieme I am at a loss as well... I can't figure him out either and like you said it's definitely shaping up to be interesting and some more serious sleuthing needed perhaps. Art spoilt us making it so easy giggling  In a way I thought his description of an ideal woman is Dani from last season and interesting that Storm seems to be getting Dani's physical edit and lots of SM coverage.

I can also see Fleur matching the description but while I thought Storm was more quiet  confident based on the videos and what the girls said about her (so not part of episode) I think she's not like that and more confident than what is let on? Not sure but I got the sense from the girls talking in that video on the TV3 site that Storm was letting it be known to the girls that she is the frontrunner and that SHE had it in the bag. I think she may be more coy with Jordan though so two different sides to her? Not sure not sure... Hopefully more comes to light over the next few weeks. Will just have to keep :detective

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:48 am

@jen689 I agree with your assessment of Rebecca and really like her. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders too, not part of the drama at all (no one talking negatively about her), yet not being seen by the others as a frontrunner gives me pause considering she did get FIR and a single date too so if she goes far I would think the girls would have her in the running for their "guesses"? Not sure though. IA it would be great to know when filming ended. I do recall that the second week (episode 3) most of the girls were active and back on SM. Not Rebecca though but like you said that may be because she doesn't use it much? However it seems she did prior to filming so not sure. I am still holding out hope for Rebecca but trying not to get my hopes up either. :/

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Post by mercieme Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:23 am

The issue I see about the eliminated girls talking is that they can project the outcome by reason of elimination. For Claudia to be saying she hopes Naz wins IMO implies that Naz makes it far. And then we have that Scout photo from 2 weeks ago indicating filming was still ongoing (and y'all have sleuthed that it was Naz that Jordan was holding in the photo). So if as @Allaboutlove projected the timing of that picture to be the F3/fantasy dates then that makes me think Naz is a lock in for F3...we just have to figure if the other 2 are Rebecca/Fleur or Rebecca/Storm....all JMO.


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Post by mercieme Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:07 am

According to Lara filming has finished up...she had the following exchange on her IG 2 days ago...she didn't say when filming ended though. So if the Scout picture with Naz is to be believed, filming may have ended 2 weeks ago.

larachrustie.xxMumma bear, travel time......whoop whoop. X

mahalabaileyYou get sent home from @thebachelornz then?

larachristie.xx@mahalabailey hey doll, filming has finished up so you'll have to wait and see


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Post by Katiebelle Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:06 am

I think what we need to remember is Art was a bit of an anomaly. Jordan is more like a typical Kiwi bloke - easy going but not overly keen on showing their emotions in public. I believe that most us viewers in New Zealand were genuinely surprised with how sensitive, perceptive and unassuming Art was and combined with his fun geekiness - well it was just a winning combination.

Jordan by contrast is more mature and confident. He is definitely playing his cards close to his chest and he is better at hiding his emotions than Art was. I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps us guessing for a few more weeks yet.


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Post by jen689 Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:53 pm

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 17 The-ba10

The Bachelor NZ has been criticised by some for local romantic date excursions that have appeared too low-key and too affordable, but producers have stepped up the action – and the budget – with an international junket.

Tomorrow night’s episode sees Bachelor Jordan Mauger escort seven bachelorettes to Hawaii for a group date of epic proportions, Scout can report.

We got our mitts on a leaked pic, and can reveal Storm, Fleur, Lara, Alicia, Sarah, Gabrielle and Shari have been invited to join Jordan in Honolulu, where they stay in a mansion and partake in local water activities - all while wearing sexy bikinis and broad grins.

Mauger, who seemingly has an endless supply of horizontal-striped wifebeater singlets, looks like the cat who got the cream.

But who shows off a secret tattoo? Police administrator Alicia, who plays mum to 20 pets, sports a seriously impressive body tattoo and a rather unattractive mango bikini.

The girls prepare to take an outrigger out for a paddle, but with only a couple of lifejackets lying around discarded, either the girls have flagged safety in order of glamour, or it’s another Darwinian challenge.


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