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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by happygolucky Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:03 pm

I joked a lot during the season that RS is jealous of Nick's size ... not because he talks BS (or truth, doesn't matter) ... but b/c RS was & is very invested in discussing Nick's sex life.  

Which indicates that RS has some problems with his own sex life or sexuality in general, if he needs to bring Nick's to the public. That's my guess.

Jealousy is just one funny option, since if a person is sexually and emotionally satisfied usually doesn't need to pry on others' "bedroom activities". How many times have people, who were most vocal preachers of morality and "sanctity" of sex, proven to be the worse offenders?

And I personally don't find the entertainment in what today's "pink" media sells with the whole sex-talk, neither do I find it educational, since it's still full of prejudice and chauvinism, so thanks, but I'll pass.

Alanna wrote:I think people find it hard to believe because he did such a great job of playing up how important he finds sex, blahblah lalala **snipped**
I sure never expected Nick to be "inactive" while he is "publicly single" ... also i have never heard him say that he's innocent, virgin or that he only has sex with people he wants to marry... so, I can believe what I want ... I choose to not listen what I believe it's non of my business.


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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:15 pm

chasingpavements wrote:And, this whole show is fun gossip. I don't watch the bachelorette to have serious, insightful conversations. This show is a break from that. I watch it to snark on how crazy and stupid these people are and to follow the drama that happens both on-screen and off. Maybe there's a few people out there who don't care about hook ups, but many more certainly do as that's what RS hypes to get readers (find out who Is crushing on Jared and what their status is), what Courtney used to sell books (the whole book was about who has had sex with whom in this franchise) and why tabloids lead with that (telney devastated after weekend hookup with Ben!). To me, Nick is no different, but it's hard to have a little fun talking about the gossip surrounding him b/c people just refuse to even entertain the possibility. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be two pages of responses to a something I presented as a "tiny snippet of gossip". 

Jmo, but I think that having more than two pages of responses is an indication that the possibility of Nick having sex, casual or otherwise, is certainly entertained - if it wasn't there would be no pages, perhaps. When it comes to sex, I guess I don't find the sex lives of others fun to discuss, whether it is Shawn, Josh M, or Nick. But that is just me.  no idea

Speaking of fun or serious: we all discuss and follow contestants for different reasons.

I enjoy Nick's thread because it does incite insightful conversations. I guess for me that is why I enjoy reading his thread and following up on his posts. His post yesterday about domestic violence is just one reason why I find it interesting to discuss Nick. It's a serious topic and something that makes me think about things more seriously and why I find Nick, the person off the show, to be more interesting and multi-dimensional than just the guy who had/has sex and was F2 twice.


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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by Guest Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:27 pm

Well, certain people definititely do entertain it. *edit*That's why there are pages and pages of responses that occur when gossip about Nick's hook ups are brought up - people  who write to say they don't care or about all the reasons they don't believe it. Very different than the reaction when gossip like, say, andis hookup with that country singer or tenleys hookup with Ben is brought up, where people can actually discuss the gossip.



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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by bleuberry Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:31 pm

Alanna wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:I don't really see how Nick is held to a virginal standard considering he has had sex twice on national television.
As for a fun piece of gossip about Nick? I think it is because Nick's sex life is probably not seen as a fun piece of gossip which likely has to do with his time on both seasons of the Bette more than anything else that gives it something other than a "fun gossip" vibe since it has been controversial.

I guess I just don't see why it really matters whether one believes Nick has casual sex or not?   no idea
Then again, I am not really interested in Nick's sex life, or anyone else's sex life for that matter.  giggling
Yup, it's interesting that Nick has had sex with two women on the show, yet whenever stories of Nick hooking up with multiple women in bachelor nation or Nick going home with multiple strange women in bars in Chicago comes up, it's immediately dismissed as being crazy talk. Just interesting.

[snipped for brevity]
I think people find it hard to believe because he did such a great job of playing up how important he finds sex, blahblah lalala, when it's totally not true imo. If there was even a shred of truth to his narrative from last year, I doubt he'd be trying to have sex in a church laugh out loud But yeah, I have to give him that, he is a great salesman, even when what he's selling is total BS.

Yup, he's good.

Thanks CP. I love equal opportunity gossip laugh out loud, this doesn't strike me as shocking and only reaffirms what I've always thought. :yes:

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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by happygolucky Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:32 pm

Just to get it straight ... what is Nick selling?

That sex is meaningful/important?

So if he hooks up with "random" girls ... that means sex isn't meaningful to him?

Is that what I'm supposed to take from this story?
Or should I take from the story that Nick is not talking about his sexual escapades because he doesn't want people to find out his dirty secret? (what dirty secret?)
Because maybe he should just name all the people he bedded, so we can get a clearer picture of who he is and what he's into?


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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:33 pm

chasingpavements wrote:Well, certain people definititely do entertain it but many Nick fans are not. That's why there are pages and pages of responses that occur when gossip about Nick's hook ups are brought up - people  who write to say they don't care or about all the reasons they don't believe it. Very different than the reaction when gossip like, say, andis hookup with that country singer or tenleys hookup with Ben is brought up, where people can actually discuss the gossip.

The problem is that with Andi we know it was referring to that country singer.
With Ben H we know it is referring to Tenley.
And both Andi and Tenley made comments in regards to these claims or helped perpetuate them (in the case of Tenley).
So we know about the gossip because there are actual names and faces associated with Andi and Ben H.
Thus we can actually discuss the gossip and sleuth it.

With Nick? There's no names or faces.
Who are these rumored hookups? What are their names?
Other than just hearsay/gossip (even if firsthand) there are no names or faces.
If there was a name/face to go with the rumours it could be sleuthed away (just as Tenley has been or Andi).
But that is not the case with Nick.
So it makes it hard to discuss the legitimacy of these claims when there's no name/face to go with any gossip so no way to even check/substantiate the claims or sleuth it.

So all that is left to discuss is whether Nick has casual sex but no names/faces to go with this.
Thus it makes sense, imho, that there is little to go on other than just believing or not believing this about nameless/faceless people and why the discussion of Nick's sex life is different.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:29 pm; edited 7 times in total

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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by bleuberry Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:36 pm

happygolucky wrote:Just to get it straight ... what is Nick selling?

That sex is meaningful/important?

So if he hooks up with "random" girls ... that means sex isn't meaningful to him?

Is that what I'm supposed to take from this story?
Or should I take from the story that Nick is not talking about his sexual escapades because he doesn't want people to find out his dirty secret? (what dirty secret?)
Because maybe he should just name all the people he bedded, so we can get a clearer picture of who he is and what he's into?

What I personally take from it is that sometimes he can be a bullsh!tter, and that I'm glad I never bought what he was selling. giggling

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like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by happygolucky Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:38 pm

In that case, I'm glad I've never bought any BS from Nick. Hugesmile


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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by mindless Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:21 pm

chasingpavements wrote:There has always been a hesitancy to believe, IMO. If there wasn't, it would just be a fun piece of gossip and wouldn't turn into this whole debate of "well, I don't trust the source" or "RS is just jealous". There are people who believed that Julie Berry came all the way to Chicago and never slept with Nick, despite him liking her half-nekkid pics on IG. It's the fact that he's held up to this virginal standard that bothers me, not the likely fact that Nick is tapping half the women in Chicago (and now LA, apparently). 


I guess we're reading different threads, since I don't see any Nick fans denying he has casual sex. I for one am sure he does, since most single guys in their 30s looking like that usually do. That doesn't change the fact that I don't consider RS a valid source on anyone's sex life apart from his own, which doesn't exist. I don't believe Nick's hooked up with any other Bachelor contestants besides Kaitlyn, because he said so. I don't see any reason to take everything he says with a grain of salt like some non-fans do, because I've yet to see proof of him being a liar. So I take his word over RS's any day when it comes to his own sex life. That doesn't mean he's not having casual sex with non-TB people and he's never said he doesn't. I suspect he's had sex with Julie too, but they're not dating maybe because of the distance.

That said, I don't care what he does with his p*nis, and I find it a boring topic unless we have actual names and faces to discuss, like say Julie, who we've discussed a lot. Once he trots out a girlfriend, then I'll be interested. Until then, he can be as promiscuous as he likes, I don't care. And I don't find unsubstantiated gossip "fun".

Glad to see his using his blog for charity as well! And to those who still think he's doing it for PR and he can't be like a older Ben H., since Ben does charity y'all, this is nothing new. He worked for some church charity for years way before ever going on the show, and he's been involved in charitable causes during and after both seasons. It's clearly something he's into, so good for him!

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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:38 pm

^ Great post, mindless.
If there was a name or face to go with this gossip I too would find it way more fun to sleuth and discuss.
Until then, discussing invisible and nameless people is not as fun, imho.


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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by Sprite Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:44 pm

chasingpavements wrote:Well, certain people definititely do entertain it but many Nick fans are not. That's why there are pages and pages of responses that occur when gossip about Nick's hook ups are brought up - people  who write to say they don't care or about all the reasons they don't believe it. Very different than the reaction when gossip like, say, andis hookup with that country singer or tenleys hookup with Ben is brought up, where people can actually discuss the gossip.


Are we not actually discussing the gossip? The last several pages would indicate to me that we are....just as we did for the others brought up. If I remember correctly, there were those who believed and those who did not regarding them as well....also those who didn't care either way. Same as always. No matter the topic of the gossip/discussion, there will always be different ways of looking at things and we will never all agree. It's just that distribution of Nick's bell curve seems to lean more toward the extremes.

Last edited by Sprite on Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Chicagoan - Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8 - Page 11 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:49 pm

Sprite wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:Well, certain people definititely do entertain it but many Nick fans are not. That's why there are pages and pages of responses that occur when gossip about Nick's hook ups are brought up - people  who write to say they don't care or about all the reasons they don't believe it. Very different than the reaction when gossip like, say, andis hookup with that country singer or tenleys hookup with Ben is brought up, where people can actually discuss the gossip.


Are we not actually discussing the gossip? The last several pages would indicate to me that we are....just a we did for the others brought up. If I remember correctly, there were those who believed and those who did not regarding them as well....also those who didn't care either way. Same as always. No matter the topic of the gossip/discussion, there will always be different ways of looking at things and we will never all agree. It's just that distribution of Nick's bell curve seems to lean more toward the extremes.

Spot on post, Sprite.
The only difference I see with the others and Nick is that we have some names to go by with the others and with Nick there's no names.
I am thinking this is why the curve is more extreme b/c there's not as much to sleuth or discuss in order to prove/disprove or provide evidence for when Nick's potential hookups are nameless and faceless.


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