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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion - Page 48 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion

Post by agentcurls Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:10 am

chasingpavements wrote:Agent curls - I have to say, you understand their relationship dynamics completely. I find myself nodding in agreement every time I read your posts!

Likewise, CP!
Even when I was more of a K/S fan, I found myself agreeing with your often more unbiased and more objective POV.
I got so carried away with their love story at first & tried to justify some of K/S unsavory behaviors during filming. I guess I just wanted to be excited for a Bach couple again....I am now surprised that I was so excited about them at first compared to where I stand with them now.
I don't ever regret making video tributes because they're a nice creative outlet for me, but the ones I've made for Boothstowe are more bittersweet than sweet.

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Post by lovebites8727 Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:46 am

agentcurls wrote:The partying & drinking doesn't bother me so much.  But it does seem to be much of what they are doing. And it's tedious at this point. How many times do we have to see them swishing around a highball glass full of whiskey & watching them lip sync. It's cute only once in  awhile.
I saw a glimmer of hope with the fishing trip snaps. I just don't know who they are or really want to at this point. They want everyone to know all thier "business" (personal and opportunistic) and at the same time will not let us puncture their wall and show us much "real ness". I think part of it is the backlash they've gotten, but another part of it may be that they aren't even sure who they are yet. And that's not really the best place to start a relationship.
They seem quite dependent on each other, like two halves that need one another to be one whole rather than two wholes becoming a team of two wholes who bring out the better qualities in one another, IMO.

I do think maybe something has to do the fame they are having right now. As what I observed especially the way people want a piece of them wherever  they are and how these people going gaga with their snapchats 24/7 and maybe they have this feeling of so big as former bachelorette lead ever came out and her f1 on the show .imo they need to learn how to be humble especially how they are right now in public .  I do think that it plays at some point how they are acting in public and their sm. I don't know how much this popularity changed themselves . To me I have no problem if they want to live their life with all alcohol and does party all the time . What I don't get it is the never stop snapchatting of their going out , drinking and partying and ect. Why not just show some more sense like what other formers snapchat . Come on let's grow up and act with our age Smiley

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Post by Sprite Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:21 am

lovebites8727 wrote:
agentcurls wrote:The partying & drinking doesn't bother me so much.  But it does seem to be much of what they are doing. And it's tedious at this point. How many times do we have to see them swishing around a highball glass full of whiskey & watching them lip sync. It's cute only once in  awhile.
I saw a glimmer of hope with the fishing trip snaps. I just don't know who they are or really want to at this point. They want everyone to know all thier "business" (personal and opportunistic) and at the same time will not let us puncture their wall and show us much "real ness". I think part of it is the backlash they've gotten, but another part of it may be that they aren't even sure who they are yet. And that's not really the best place to start a relationship.
They seem quite dependent on each other, like two halves that need one another to be one whole rather than two wholes becoming a team of two wholes who bring out the better qualities in one another, IMO.

I do think maybe something has to do the fame they are having right now. As what I observed especially the way people want a piece of them wherever  they are and how these people going gaga with their snapchats 24/7 and maybe they have this feeling of so big as former bachelorette lead ever came out and her f1 on the show .imo they need to learn how to be humble especially how they are right now in public .  I do think that it plays at some point how they are acting in public and their sm. I don't know how much this popularity changed themselves . To me I have no problem if they want to live their life with all alcohol and does party all the time . What I don't get it is the never stop snapchatting of their going out , drinking and partying and ect. Why not just show some more sense like what other formers snapchat . Come on let's grow up and act with our age Smiley

But drinking effects how you act. I have yet to meet a drunk person who acts grown up. And clearly, for them, partying means drinking...and they seem to enjoy partying...a lot!

As for everyone wanting a piece of them, they brought that on themselves. Yes, fans want photos, autographs, when they are out and about. But they are the ones providing snapchats every day of every stupid thing they are doing when they are home and in private. Now fans expect it and yet many are losing interest in them because they are getting bored with the stupidity. They can maintain a balance between the public and private like plenty of other couples do by not oversharing. These two seem incapable of this. They act like a couple of teens who have suddenly become popular and it is going to their head. They have to show everyone just how cool they are and instead, just come off more immature.

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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion - Page 48 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion

Post by bluwavz Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:33 am

chasingpavements wrote:Blu, I think you're spot on about the dynamics of their relationship. Not to brag, but this forum usually nails it with dynamics of ex-Bachelor couples.

I'm actually more curious to see who breaks up with who than when they actually break up. I used to think it would definitely be Kaitlyn (after she had gotten bored) and now I'm starting to think it'll definitely be Shawn. I do think he's actually in love with her (I don't really believe Josh ever was in love with Andi, just the image he had of her), so it'll be interesting to see how it all goes down. I've said before that I could see them going the route of Charlie/Sarah, who I think really loved each other and that's why they were on and off for so many years but just couldn't make it work with Charlie's issues. I think the same will happen here, with the genders reversed.

I really don't see them being on and off couple like Charlie and Sarah only because I think this is a case of lust mistaken as love for both parties. It's only been 2 months since they've been able to go public as a couple and I'm not sure how well they've really gotten to know each other with all the traveling, drinking and living their lives 24/7 on SM. When the lust wears off I either see Kaitlyn getting bored of Shawn or Shawn not putting up with Kaitlyn being in charge anymore. I think it's just a matter of whom the lust wears off for first. I guarantee once they're broken up, Shawn will be swarmed with younger, hotter women who actually have something going for them and Kaitlyn will be distant memory. He's not much my taste but I get why women are attracted to him and I can't deny he has a strong female following.

I agree with those who argue Shawn's behavior isn't all on Kaitlyn. A guy who chooses to quit his job for a silly reality show for a woman he doesn't even know isn't someone who has his head screwed on straight. I doubt his love for drinking started on the show or because of Kaitlyn's influence. As was brought up, he was drinking all throughout the show and he was also going out to bars every weekend when there wasn't a SHV and that was all without Kaitlyn.

Of the two, I do think Shawn has more potential to get his life together but he has a lot of major flaws and not just the neediness, jealousy and possessiveness. His need to lash out at people who criticize him is concerning to me. Someone brought up a while back wondering if Shawn felt emasculated in this relationship and that really resonated with me. I think that is a part of why he lashes out at strangers since he can't do it with Kaitlyn. At least not now while he still thinks he's in love with her. I think he feels humiliated by the fact that Kaitlyn didn't even like or respect him enough not to sleep multiple times with a guy he felt was beneath him and even told this same guy she loved him multiple times, all while claiming it was love at first sight with him and he was the one. Again since he couldn't take that out on Kaitlyn, he had to take it out on the other guy even though he admitted he never bothered to get to know him. I've said this before, but for a guy who complains about his edit as much as he does, I think a lot of it is his own damn fault because of his own insecurities in his masculinity.

With Kaitlyn, I really just think Ian was spot-on with her. Just wants to get her field plowed and make out with a bunch of dudes, shallow and surface level. None of that makes her a bad person, not at all. However I do see her having a much harder time finding a quality partner than I do with Shawn. Most guys who are worth anything expect a lot more than that from a woman and she's not nearly hot enough to make up for all of that to where some guys would overlook it. This whole "living in the moment" and "no-filter" personality of hers is eventually going to get her into a lot trouble. Someday I can see her saying or doing something really offensive to most people because she never seems to think before she acts and there will be a huge backlash on her once again.

What I've said above may seem harsh but I have to call it like I see it. This is just my interpretation of them and I could be very wrong but I too think that this board often nails it with these relationships. Sometimes it's easier for an outsider to see the dynamics of a relationship than the actual people involved because we're usually not blinded by their faults.

(my apologies for the length of this post)

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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion - Page 48 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion

Post by Kashathediva Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:53 am

I totally agree. :Nod:

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Post by albean99 Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:09 pm

Well said, blu. I liked them together in-show but at some point the couples have to settle into a more normal life even if they sometimes take advantage of the things offered to them. It's hard to see a good outcome with this one.

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Post by mag pie Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:19 pm

jmo. We really only see a snapshot of their lives. Who knows how life really is for them. I say live & let live. They seem happy & I'll always root for happiness. JMO again.

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Post by isittrue Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:22 pm

I was a huge fan of K and S during the season and while I still like them and parts of their relationship, I do admit to be somewhat disappointed post-show. I never really followed a couple post show but from what I can see, I think they painted themselves as a certain way (the party couple) and now are kind of stuck promoting themselves as that. They do seem happy now but seriously, I don't think marriage is in their future (although they may stay together long-term). Something Ben H. said in one of his interviews stands out where he basically says that he and Kait were looking for different things in life and I do believe Ben H. is implying that perhaps he was looking for more stability than K was. If they are not partying all the time, I wish we'd see more of those in their snaps instead glimpses. I like those parts of them when they don't seem to be performing for the camera best. But I do think they do like being on camera and that may impede them from really trying to find something more sustainable to support themselves (IG and promotion of products and blogs are not really something that have long-shelf life IMO). I still hope they eventually figure things out as I too root for happiness as well.


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion - Page 48 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:41 pm

It's always good to root for happiness. There were plenty of other couples who were happy. These two seem happy, and that's a good thing because other than that, they have nothing else going for them IMO. They can party on till the cows come home. One of these days, they'll wake up and realize, they lost so much opportunity because they chose to display their lives every second of the day with drinks in hand on SM, and a clear indication of zero responsibility or motivation to better their lives going forward which IMO reduces the interest anyone would have in the way of job offers.

They have nothing at all to be concerened about. No jobs, no stress, just planning the next party which I'm sure there will be many more in the coming days. Their fans appear to be 10 yrs younger than them.

Some may be happy they are doing their own thing. In their case, their own thing has nothing to do with working and making plans for the future and everything to do with being in the spotlight or SM light showing off how buzzed they are or how hard they can party. It's all good as long as they are happy, which they seem to be.

The reality of it is how long can they go on like this? Until bachelorette money runs out? Until one of them wakes up and realizes they blew all the money and have nothing now? IDK


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Post by Brill Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:54 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:It's always good to root for happiness. There were plenty of other couples who were happy. These two seem happy, and that's a good thing because other than that, they have nothing else going for them IMO. They can party on till the cows come home. One of these days, they'll wake up and realize, they lost so much opportunity because they chose to display their lives every second of the day with drinks in hand on SM, and a clear indication of zero responsibility or motivation to better their lives going forward which IMO reduces the interest anyone would have in the way of job offers.

They have nothing at all to be concerened about. No jobs, no stress, just planning the next party which I'm sure there will be many more in the coming days. Their fans appear to be 10 yrs younger than them.

Some may be happy they are doing their own thing. In their case, their own thing has nothing to do with working and making plans for the future and everything to do with being in the spotlight or SM light showing off how buzzed they are or how hard they can party. It's all good as long as they are happy, which they seem to be.

The reality of it is how long can they go on like this? Until bachelorette money runs out? Until one of them wakes up and realizes they blew all the money and have nothing now? IDK

I totally agree with all of your post GA!!! :yes:  The bolded is going to be the hard reality for them at some point. no no  It is fine to party hardy and if you have at least have a job to support the partying but to use the money from the show for that, if it is what they are doing, is sad.  :yes:  I agree the lifestyle they have chosen up to this point does seem like something someone much younger would choose.  Who knows maybe their families are giving them money to keep them going???  It will be interesting to see how long they will and can keep this up???
All I know is that they must have a lot of hangovers to deal with. giggling

They really remind me a lot of Jillian and Ed!!! It was party hardy with them as well. The difference was Ed worked while doing this but at some point the realization sets in and I have no doubt this will for this couple as well. :Nod:

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Post by isittrue Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:04 pm

FWIW, I do believe they are making some money off their endorsements and now her fashion line  so they are not solely living off her bachelorette money but again, how long-term will this be?  

I am curious of what their families, particularly Shawn's family think of all this.  They all seem very supportive which is good but I think I'd also be concerned about the future as well.  The job market is tough enough right now, how will be when either one of them try to re-enter the workforce in the future? I do not believe anything they earn now will be enough to set them up for life. imo


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Post by umngirl Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:21 pm

I do find it slightly funny that the couple with the biggest party image doesn't get any nightclub/bar appearances in Vegas, Atlantic City, or NYC like past couples have who didn't really project a party image at all. They are not even appealing to their target audience.

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