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Post by stuckinsc Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:58 pm

Alanna wrote:Nick is so manipulative and acts completely shocked when the other guy is upset. It's so annoying and even more annoying when the other person falls for it. K seems to have his number down now, she even retweeted Jill's latest blog, so I'm guessing she'll catch her man up to speed. Still, she needed to just delete that first DM from Nick back in March, shut off all the electronics and go for a walk.

Alanna, just checking that Nick manipulative is your opinion right? Some of us don't see him as manipulative, but like Sharleen we speak his language. JMO

As far adorable Kaitlyn liking negative stuff about Nick, so nice of her to fly her hypocrite flag so high. Nothing says I am standing up against bullying like being a bully. My dad would have said that when they said brains Kaitlyn thought they said trains and got out of the line. She really is one of the most self centered bachelorettes ever. Move over MeAnna and MeAndI, MeKaitlyn has taken the crown. JMO

agentcurls wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:It doesn't seem like it's in the past for Kaitlyn, considering how she ignores mentioning Nick in her blog posts and will pretty much block people on Periscope who dislike Shawn and think she should end up with Nick. It's a very different attitude that she has towards her other "ex's". She might be able to fake it for 20 minutes on ATFR, but I think that if CH prods enough and brings up certain things, she could easily snap.

To Kaitlyn's credit, she hasn't snapped with any of the men who have confronted and prodded her (Kupah, Clint, Ian). She has handled her confrontations with more class than other 'Ettes of the past (DeAnna, Ali (the wrestler guy, she got pretty angry)).
I think she will keep her cool. She will likely use her good humor to diffuse any tension or prodding, IMO.
I think she is smart to block anyone anti-Shawn because if they remain able to comment on her Scopes, they will likely spew more vitriol after she is out in the open with him. Who needs that? I would do the same.
I think the only reason she is not following Nick on SM and making nary a mention of him in her blogs is simply out of respect for the process she went through (Nick vs. Shawn) and her current relationship with Shawn. I think she still does care about Nick and his feelings, IMO. And I think she will be protective (from CH & tptb) of him and his feelings ATFR.

I have no problem with Kaitlyn blocking who ever she wants her life. But the blogs are her job, so no it is not okay to skip talking about Nick. Andi didn't, JP talked about Clare, heck Des talked about Brooks. This Kaitlyn not talking about Nick either shows she is immature, Shawn is immature, or both are. And it says don't hire her for a job because she won't do it if it isn't what makes her 100% happy.

Her mature handling of guys who didn't matter versus a man she sought out on SM and encouraged to come on her shows does not reflect a positive light on Kaitlyn at all IMO.

I don't know how Kaitlyn will handle AFTR because she is completely self absorbed and unpredictable. Will she just be happy with Shawn and show that or will we get the hypocrite who is anti-bullying but like negative posts and blogs about her F2? I have no idea.

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Post by isittrue Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:04 pm

reason wrote:Look gettting a job in the future is going to be difficult for Shawn, because bosses now check the internet and other social media outlets about prospective employes.  The way he present himself and was disrespectful to Nick when he went to have a civil conversation with him, could present a problem because they are going to say he is not someone to have a rational discussion with.  Edit or not he gave the producers those scene and words to work with.  Family will be okay but employers ? problems.

Ok contestants with worse edits than Shawn have gone on to find employment after the show. I doubt future employers will be looking at his reality tv experience as a barometer as to whether he is capable of doing a job.  He is hardly going around kicking puppies or punching people out or other heinous things. Not dealing well with Nick or the situation he is in but really I would imagine perspective employers don't take this show that seriously unlike us.

Last edited by isittrue on Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:07 pm

Alanna wrote: K seems to have his number down now, she even retweeted Jill's latest blog, so I'm guessing she'll catch her man up to speed.
I guess people see things differently because even reading Jillian's blog she talked about how both guys were ridiculous and called out Shawn's behavior so I don't see that as Jillian supporting Shawn 100% nor do I see this as Kaitlyn catching her man up to speed at all.

Furthermore, Jillian retweeted a tweet by Nick this week on Kindness. Jillian has also said she is a fan of Nick's but not liking some of his behavior and her tweeting Nick's tweet shows she is not against him.

Kaitlyn also hasn't said anything negative about Nick and even laughed in that ExtraTV interview about the two guys fighting over her. I think her not including Nick in the blogs is her not being able to deal with hurting people like she did with Jared and because she is with Shawn. I don't see it as her having Nick's number down, but I can see how that is viewed that way if one shares that view on Nick. jmo

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Post by Nibbles22 Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:08 pm

isittrue wrote:You know I am going cut all these people a break. We see such a highly edited version of who they really are in such a small span of time. Plus, they are in a highly manipulated fishbowl environment away from friends, family and Sm too.  I can't imagine how I'd come off if I were to go on this show.  I know they chose to sign up for it but I can't help to feel bad for the families and friends that have to deal with it.  

Under most circumstances, I would completely agree with you, however, when we see Shawn who presumably thinks he's off camera, ranting and raving to his handler because Jared, got the GDR, and continues on about Kaitlyn 'banging other dudes' in the fantasy suite, I'm sorry, that was too much. That's pretty much what we got with Shawn, every.single.episode. Why should we blame the edit, when he conducted himself 'off camera' the same way? To me, it became a point of what you see, is what you get with Shawn. jmo

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Post by isittrue Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:23 pm

Nibbles22 wrote:
isittrue wrote:You know I am going cut all these people a break. We see such a highly edited version of who they really are in such a small span of time. Plus, they are in a highly manipulated fishbowl environment away from friends, family and Sm too.  I can't imagine how I'd come off if I were to go on this show.  I know they chose to sign up for it but I can't help to feel bad for the families and friends that have to deal with it.  

Under most circumstances, I would completely agree with you, however, when we see Shawn who presumably thinks he's off camera, ranting and raving to his handler because Jared, got the GDR, and continues on about Kaitlyn 'banging other dudes' in the fantasy suite, I'm sorry, that was too much.  That's pretty much what we got with Shawn, every.single.episode.  Why should we blame the edit, when he conducted himself 'off camera' the same way?  To me, it became a point of what you see, is what you get with Shawn. jmo

Well considering he is close to Cupcake and Ben and just hung out with Jared seems to show he's not this horrible ogre that he is being painted as. People always blamed Nick's edit last season for all the bashing but it seems this season it is a different story . I know Shawn's edit sucks but I am not going to assume he is as bad as some want to assume he is. I will wait to see how he behaves post ATFR and away from Tptb to make a judgment just like I did with others


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Post by mindless Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:25 pm

Yeah, no excuse for Shawn's behaviour IMO. We can blame producer manipulation etc. all day, but I've yet to see any actual proof, it's all just assumptions. And even if he was lied to and egged on by producers, it says a lot about his IQ that he fell for it. If he was that concerned about Nick's character then he could've tried to get to know him like the other dozen guys, who ended up having no real problem with him. But nah, baby Shawn shouldn't have to think for himself. He's even unintelligent enough to think Kaitlyn can hand him all the roses and essentially quit the show half-way through, because she went too far with reassuring his insecure azz. Sorry, but I prefer the simplest explanation: Shawn is just dumb. He might mean well, but I wouldn't wanna date someone that irrational.

I don't think Kaitlyn means harm either, she's just an 'in the moment, love the one you're with' sort of flighty person, who doesn't really think about the consequences of her actions much. I think she was truly conflicted, because the other option is that she's a whore (literally) and I choose to not entertain that notion. Yet.

Nick, however, has done nothing I feel the need to justify so far. He just went after the girl he likes, who encouraged him in every way possible. He's had to defend himself to a bunch of guys on several occasions, became at civil/friendly with all but two, got attacked by Shawn, got shut down and threatened when he tried to defend himself, and now he's in love with Kaitlyn and about to propose to her. And he can actually put into words what he loves about her, rather than just saying "I've never felt this way before. I love the girl".

Of course, there's still one more episode to change my perception, but so far Nick has come off as the only adult still left in the equation.

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Post by soccermom333 Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:28 pm

isittrue wrote:
Nibbles22 wrote:
isittrue wrote:You know I am going cut all these people a break. We see such a highly edited version of who they really are in such a small span of time. Plus, they are in a highly manipulated fishbowl environment away from friends, family and Sm too.  I can't imagine how I'd come off if I were to go on this show.  I know they chose to sign up for it but I can't help to feel bad for the families and friends that have to deal with it.  

Under most circumstances, I would completely agree with you, however, when we see Shawn who presumably thinks he's off camera, ranting and raving to his handler because Jared, got the GDR, and continues on about Kaitlyn 'banging other dudes' in the fantasy suite, I'm sorry, that was too much.  That's pretty much what we got with Shawn, every.single.episode.  Why should we blame the edit, when he conducted himself 'off camera' the same way?  To me, it became a point of what you see, is what you get with Shawn. jmo

Well considering he is close to Cupcake and Ben and just hung out with Jared seems to show he's not this horrible ogre that he is being painted as.  People always blamed Nick's edit last season for all the bashing but it seems this season it is a different story .  I know Shawn's edit sucks but I am not going to assume he is as bad as some want to assume he is.  I will wait to see how he behaves post ATFR and away from Tptb to make a judgment just like I did with others

Good post. Smiley

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Post by soccermom333 Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:30 pm

agentcurls wrote:
mindless wrote:
Beagle wrote:

I think Shawn won't be as crazy as on the show because he already "won," he got the girl. Furthermore, what better revenge for him than seeing Nick propose and get humiliated with a denial on national tv. He should be more relax now going into the ATFR, IMO.

I'm not so sure. He may have won the girl, but did he really "win"? He's gotten an awful edit and everything has been revolving around Kait having sex with Nick and their pre-show relationship. I can see him being on edge about it all.

Shawn's recent IG, snaps, & tweets have shown him to be rather content & serene. He hung in there for Kaitlyn and he won her heart. No need for him to be upset or feel anguish about much else anymore, except maybe some empathy towards his little lady about the scrutiny she is getting.

Yes I follow him and he does seem rather "content." ;)

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Post by Nibbles22 Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:22 pm

soccermom333 wrote:
isittrue wrote:
Nibbles22 wrote:

Under most circumstances, I would completely agree with you, however, when we see Shawn who presumably thinks he's off camera, ranting and raving to his handler because Jared, got the GDR, and continues on about Kaitlyn 'banging other dudes' in the fantasy suite, I'm sorry, that was too much.  That's pretty much what we got with Shawn, every.single.episode.  Why should we blame the edit, when he conducted himself 'off camera' the same way?  To me, it became a point of what you see, is what you get with Shawn. jmo

Well considering he is close to Cupcake and Ben and just hung out with Jared seems to show he's not this horrible ogre that he is being painted as.  People always blamed Nick's edit last season for all the bashing but it seems this season it is a different story .  I know Shawn's edit sucks but I am not going to assume he is as bad as some want to assume he is.  I will wait to see how he behaves post ATFR and away from Tptb to make a judgment just like I did with others

Good post.  Smiley
I agree, the guys should all get along great... as long as they don't pi$$ him off! ;)

Last edited by Nibbles22 on Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by BlackHalo Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:45 pm

The way Shawn spoke about Jared getting the GDR spoke volumes to me and shows a glimpse of his true character. He may be friends with these guys but he still felt like he should be top dog in the group. Blame it on Kaitlyn's reassurance, blame it on his drinking, blame it on his ego, those were still his words in an off-camera (or so he thought) moment. I wonder how he really feels about his good friends Ben and Cupcake who are more attractive and successful than him.


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Post by Guest Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:50 pm

Yeah, I think that if any of these guys had been "real" competition in terms of Kaitlyn, he would have turned on them in a split second. He strikes me as the type of guy who's super likeable and easy to get along with, as long as you "know your place".


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Post by Kashathediva Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:52 pm

Haha..sometimes I wonder when Shawn gets worked up if he foams at the mouth. I'm sure he has his good moments, and it's not his fault he has RBF(resting *itch face).

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