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Post by lozzatron Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:35 pm

Kapiti wrote:
lozzatron wrote:
see2love wrote:^^. Different people, different experiences, different wants out of life, different wants in a relatinship, different stages in life...I could go on and on.

Exactly. I think it's also important to remember that Sam has almost 10 years on Art. People have brought that up before to insinuate that Sam is immature but I see it very differently. I think he's at a stage of his life where he knows what he wants and he's going to follow his gut to work through the process to find the right person. I think how upfront he's been fits into that. Art was still at an age where if things went belly up with his chosen one it was really no skin off his nose. I think Sam would be more keen to see things work out so he needs to sort through the girls and the connections his own way. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

And while Sam isn't Art it's also important to remember that Heather isn't Matilda. She's her own person with her own dreams about where her future is heading and what kind of relationship she wants.

They're all completely different people so I don't see the need for the comparisons.
I totally agree with you Lozz, thanks for such an awesome set of posts!!

Thank you Smiley I didn't want to offend anyone but I don't see any reason for the critism of Sam (at the moment at least - if he does anything really jerk-ish to the girls I'll certainly change my tune).


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:38 pm

I think too much is placed on favorites and then when a negative is made about Sam it is all of as sudden bias or favoritism. Imho, that's the easy and simple way to look at it and disregards what may actually be a fair and honest view of Sam. I don't see why one has to affect the other. Imo, I am capable of reasonable and logical thought based on one person without it having to be attributed to another.

I go by facts (and not the edited show).
1. Sam applied himself for the show. This is his second application to a reality TV show.
2. Sam said he didn't recognize Bec then said he did.
3. Sam posting pics of him from the show and in relation to different woman/dates.
4. Sam says and acts like he is enjoying watching the show. This is in stark contrast to many leads. Few, if any, actually say they enjoy seeing themselves making out with multiple women, and in the end, hurting multiple women as will be the case.
5. Sam in interviews acting excited about more than a few women and wants to keep his friends guessing and has recaps with them and watches the episodes with them.
6. In interview Sam said while filming he took a break and attended Logies and heard people screaming his name only to find out it was Sam Frost they were screaming. He also took photos with Sam Frost where his body language... if one didn't know he was in love with another girl or choosing his final girls (F3 at that stage) he is right up on Sam Frost.

I could go on with more and no, this is nothing to feather and tar him but this is not edit. This is not the show. This is just Sam the guy outside of the show. I don't know him or any of the contestants. What I do know is that edit is usually positive to the lead and thus anything that makes the lead look too bad is on the edit floor. I also know Osher and others in all media said that Blake was genuine. It was only after the ending breakup did that change and yet Shine and Channel 10 still gave Blake an exclusive and he is now on another reality tv show and gets invited to the Logies and even was on stage. TPTB will protect their brand as best they can no matter what, so I take anything anyone says with a grain of salt.

This is jmo and I was one who posted countless posts about Art Green that he may not be genuine or real b/c of rumours (not facts and not because of Art's behavior post-show). Art proved he was with his actions (not on the show) but post-show. So I will withhold saying Sam is genuine and great or amazing until he proves he is.

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Post by lozzatron Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:18 pm

Thing with me though AAL is that I'm not sure what Sam is supposed to do to prove himself? The fact that post-show the final girls all speak so highly about him is a good sign to me. Watching the show they'd be aware of all the things we are, but they'd also know what he's like without the editing. I'm sure they all know they have to be polite and speak highly of him to maintain the image, but the final girls practically gush about him (particularly Heather and Lana) which they wouldn't be doing if they held any bad feelings. Obviously he hasn't ended up with all of them but the fact that the others are still so positive about him says a lot IMO.

I mean of course he's not perfect (nobody is) - and if he were he wouldn't have been single for 5 years however none of the reasons you've mentioned really say anything to me personally. Okay so you think he's fame hungry, sure he might be, but I don't think that means he went on the show for the wrong reasons either. Look at Heather. She's an actress and got a cameo on a McDonalds ad out of this. There are just as many signs that she might have been into it for the fame too...but that doesn't make it true.

I respect your opinion but I don't think we're going to agree on Sam until he does something major to change either of our opinions...and that's fine. I've always just liked giving people the benefit of the doubt until they give me a reason not to (and the moment Sam does anything genuinely bad I'll probably be agreeing wholeheartedly with you).


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:25 pm

I liked a lot of the things I have seen of Sam on his season and still do. It is merely post-show that I have my skepticism up and it's mostly because I find it very odd how excited Sam acts about watching the show.

Even that video of him watching his date with Lana, the guy next to him is more embarrassed and cringing and Sam is posting "Recapping last's night's episode" with the boys on his IG for another date and then in interviews he is all like "What did you think? What did you think?" all giddy and excited when talking about his dates with more than one woman.

That to me is why I am skeptical. It's one thing to mislead, it's another thing for the lead to state they are enjoying watching the show and acting all giddy about multiple women, posting pics relating to Lana, Heather, Snez, and now Sarah. To me, that's taking it too far with misleading. I would think, 4 months post-filming he would want to put more focus on his F1 then trying to mislead or enjoy watching the show with his mates. jmo

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Post by lozzatron Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:36 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:I liked a lot of the things I have seen of Sam on his season and still do. It is merely post-show that I have my skepticism up and it's mostly because I find it very odd how excited Sam acts about watching the show.

Even that video of him watching his date with Lana, the guy next to him is more embarrassed and cringing and Sam is posting "Recapping last's night's episode" with the boys on his IG for another date and then in interviews he is all like "What did you think? What did you think?" all giddy and excited when talking about his dates with more than one woman.

That to me is why I am skeptical. It's one thing to mislead, it's another thing for the lead to state they are enjoying watching the show and acting all giddy about multiple women, posting pics relating to Lana, Heather, Snez, and now Sarah. To me, that's taking it too far with misleading. I would think, 4 months post-filming he would want to put more focus on his F1 then trying to mislead or enjoy watching the show with his mates. jmo

If you're referring to the Triple M video of him watching the episode with Lana's date I thought Sam looked more uncomfortable than anything...especially not giddy. His body language looked very awkward to me and he kept very loudly focussing his attention on the guy next to him which to me was an obvious attempt to deflect away from what was happening on the screen.

Also whenever I've heard Sam refer to enjoying watching the show it's never seemed to me like he was referring to watching all the dates with all the other girls. In most interviews he's said that he's enjoyed watching it because it gave him an insight into what went down with the girls that he wasn't privy to and what they were really like away from him. He's made a few specific examples of this (e.g. he said he was really shocked to see that Heather and Emily didn't get along because it hadn't been brought up).


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:45 pm

If Lana is F1, then Sam's behavior on his own SM (posting a pic with him laughing and saying he was recapping last's night's episode with the guys at his work -- so pre-Lana) is his choice to misdirect.

If anyone looked uncomfortable watching that video it was the guy next to Sam.
He had his head down and Sam was making that guy feel better.
Sam looked very comfortable, imo compared to that guy.

I can only see Lana as F1 where Sam's post-show behavior makes sense.

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Post by lozzatron Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:47 pm

To each their own. I think it's great we can all watch the same thing and get completely different reads. Sam looked very uncomfortable to me but he was trying to laugh and make it look like he was okay IMO. I thought the guy next to him was overacting for comedic effect.

Sam's post show comments have me strongly leaning towards Snez at the moment but I guess we'll see very soon Smiley


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:55 pm

Definitely different ways to see things.
But I would think Sam wouldn't want to be filmed watching a show if he was that uncomfortable. And his head would be down more than someone who is not on TV. jmo

Also, the one guy who was in that room with Sam said "lock in Lana" for F1.
That Sam couldn't hide how he felt about her when this guy was in the room the whole time with Sam.
So it seems someone who didn't watch an edited video but was there the whole time with Sam sees Lana as F1 based on Sam's BL.

TWT no idea

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Post by Michdealm Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:01 pm

The guy with his head down sitting next to Sam is a comedian. He was making fun of the show.


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Post by lozzatron Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:02 pm

FTR I'm pretty sure the guys watching with him would have said the same thing about anyone who's single date they showed on that particular night.

I'm not going to put too much stock in one guy's opinion but we'll see.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:07 pm

Michdealm wrote:The guy with his head down sitting next to Sam is a comedian. He was making fun of the show.
Correct. Basing it on that comment by the person who posted, it only shows that those in Sam's physical presence (so not watching him via TV) feel like Sam was obvious that he picked Lana. Now if it turns out Sam did pick Lana then I guess that guy was correct.

Again, will see. I don't see Sam as terrible and haven't called him a douche or anything like that. What's great is we each can have our own opinion about a lead and for me, just b/c he is lead doesn't mean he is the best thing or the worst thing. To me, he is somewhere in-between atm.

Back to the episodes/topic...

If we go by Blake's season, I wonder if Heather leaves her HTD that episode will be the last HTD shown?
IIRC, this was the case with Jess who was shown last and was F4.
Does anyone remember who was last shown last for HTDs and if they were F4  for Tim's season?


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Post by Sundy Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:15 am

Billy Brownless who is sitting next to Sam in the pub was a footballer for Geelong. He is a regular on the National TV show 'The Footy Show' and well as Triple M radio. he is quite funny and VERY blokey. Anything to do with the Bachelor I believe would leave him shaking his head. IMO he would see TB as not something that he would usually watch and probably couldn't believe that he was actually sitting through it.

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