Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:08 am

AllAboutLove wrote:Okay so I re- listened to this interview by Heather and she says something starting at 1:58 mark.... in regards to Sam kissing other girls and particularly at the CP.

Heather says, "There was some other stuff that had happened and Sam and I had a really good chat after our date and I completely freaked out thinking is this a test? Are you [Sam] seeing whether I am going to walk in and be like, "Hey, why are you kissing other chicks and stuff... you're supposed to be my man".

I am wondering if Sam told Heather he was her man... that she was "the one" and would have to deal with him kissing other women?
It ties into when he told her "You are going to have to watch me take out girl after girl until you get your act together".
Thanks AAL for bringing this topic ... I was stuck on those words too ... but I actually don't think it was a conversation regarding "the one" or "your man" ... I have a strong feeling that Sam wants Heather to be more "girly", bring that soft side out and stop "playing his buddy" ... playing it cool ... I think he does have intentions to stimulate certain reactions from Heather, because she doesn't let her "guard" down ... she is still the (only) one who has to physically approach him ...
so I think their kiss was the first step (where she let herself be a girl ... who goes for a cheek grab) ... but Sam now wants more, a continuum ... she has to let him touch her (and not sit with the crossed legs on the other couch) ... if I'm explaining any better.

So I also for a second thought maybe it wasn't an accident and he did on purpose ... but then I think, nah, he probably just went with the connection he has with Snezana and it came naturally... so I could imagine Heather going through those thoughts herself when she heard.

ETA: also, now Heather has no "leverage" anymore, white rose is gone, so she will have to "compete" for his attention .. and wait for the next time when he asks her out, so there's definitely a "pressure" now, that she has to be more "active" in finding time and situation for them to be together.


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:34 am

IA about Sam wanting Heather to be "girly" (but also perhaps he did let her know she was a frontrunner and thus would have to deal with him kissing/connecting with other girls even so)?
I think Sam is so candid with Heather I could see him telling her that he is going to connect with other girls too even though she may be the one (something that is in the promo for Heather as "the one" for Sam).
The girly challenge (and possible test of this or of frontrunner status of "The one") ties into the conversation the night before at the CP when he told her to please use the white rose and have the date soon.

Sam said:
"You're going to have to watch me take out girl after girl until you get your act together"
"How do you feel about that?!" (he had the mmhmm facial expression)
Heather said:
"Oh, that's hideous"

...and then that next morning Sam said "I gave you a hard time" like that is what he wanted to do.
I think he pushes her like you have said to open up and to show her girly side like you posted.
He even said that to Heather when she said her girly side is coming out, Sam said, to "Good. She has to come out sometimes".
And then Heather says to Sam he is a "Good one" and Sam says to Heather she is a "Good one" too.

These s/caps sequence of Sam's face when he told Heather she will have to watch him take girl after girl out... he looked pleased with himself... like he was challenging her (and I think he does, they challenge one another) laugh out loud

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Then they have the date and Sam challenges Heather again to be "girly" and she becomes girly and soft and lets him kiss her.

Then next time they see each other is at CP and this is how Sam reacted at the CP when she asked to speak to him later on.
These s/caps show Sam's face was like "What?!" He looked freaked out and then relaxed (almost like, ok, she got me!) when Heather clarified it was to give him a present and he was like "Sure. Of course. Deal. Deal H-bomb". laugh out loud

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And then the kiss with Snezana and then those s/caps posted where Sam looks off and Heather's energy is off too...
Which makes me wonder if that is what she means by being "Tested" by Sam since Heather did her best to appear bubbly with him when she gave the poster and Sam looked like he was thinking....?

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:51 am

giggling heartbeat those caps ... thanks! I love these 2 interaction ...
yes, I agree with you, in his mind she's the one (I believe) ... but would he really tell her explicitly? ... Also what gets me curious is when exactly did they talk? After the kiss, before she left his bach-pad or at the CP, where we get a sense that the only "private" interaction they had was when she gave him the poster? ...

I loved how on their date, in the car, after that "I gave you a hard time" ... he also said something like "I've sold you well"... laughing at himself for maybe a) saying too much b) saying things that were already "heard" and understood.

At the CP ... IDK, for a moment I thought maybe he's going to "play a game" (aka challenge her) this time and let her approach him ... so I thought he is "acting" nonchalantly ... so when she called, he was like "what? ... you have something to say?" ... and then she was like "I just want to give you something ... when you have time ... I don't want to bother you" (paraphrasing) ... so he started to pick up on her "awkwardness" and smiled, called her H-bomb and the rest of their exchange that we didn't hear. So cute.


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:11 am

IA, I love it!

I've noticed that Sam gets this goofy, sleepy smile on his face with only Heather  (he doesn't get this expression with anyone else).

I think Girly-Heather is going to be out and about for the rest of the show.
Even that s/cap of her from a future date, with Sam reaching for her, her BL seems girly and vulnerable, imo.
She's actually is very vulnerable/fragile girl with her feelings (despite her height she can appear small), imo and her bio said she wants a "man".
I think Sam is a man with Heather and makes her womanly/feminine/girly side come out which is what she needs and it seems like Sam know she needs that and will push her.
That's why I think they are great for each other.
She brings out his fun, funny, child-like side and he brings out her girly/feminine side.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:26 am

Totally. I agree Good Post I cannot wait to see the family interaction ...
first her HTD ... I'm curious who and what kind of family will H present ... and then to see her with his brother & sister ... and his dad ... since S said they are identical (?... not in looks apparently) ... I would just jump to the last 4 episodes, ahah, but I want to see all the dates.


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by EmmK Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:37 am

I definitely agree with AAL. I think we are all watching them fall in love at this stage and it's incredibly cute and sweet to see a "real man" like Sam go all insecure around Heather ("why isn't she calling? why isn't she calling?"), and a confident woman like Heather become all vulnerable and "girly, soft".

However, for this love to develop I think Heather needs to play her cards right and not become overly jealous (or even possessive might I add), which the show is portraying her like at the moment. I think for a man like Sam that would be a huge turn off. I also think Sam needs to give their relationship the time it needs to develop physically and emotionally.

Going back to the Art and Matilda comparison: I think a big reason why Art got closer physically much sooner with Dani than with Matilda was because him and Matilda were barely seeing each other after their 1on1. On the other hand, he would always take Dani aside for extra kissing moments. He even said in an interview that him and Matilda probably spent the least amount of time together among his f4 women.

From what I see with Sam, he is very careful with making sure that even people like Sarah (who had the first date) are feeling included as he gets to know other women too, so I think Sam will be good with time management when it comes to his relationship with Heather.


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:57 am

Great post, EmmK!! Spot on and loved the comparisons to Art and how Heather needs to watch herself with not getting possessive.
Maybe that is what Sam told her and why Heather thought she was being "tested"?

I especially loved this
EmmK wrote:I think we are all watching them fall in love at this stage and it's incredibly cute and sweet to see a "real man" like Sam go all insecure around Heather ("why isn't she calling? why isn't she calling?"), and a confident woman like Heather become all vulnerable and "girly, soft".  
Why isn't she calling?! awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 3806527698

Dead giveaway, imo, that Sam's fears are more about whether Heather can match what he feels for her (big time more than friendship).  :yes:

I think this is why he wanted the date and said "we already know each other" like Sam felt they were already established amazing mates so now was the time to enter the love-zone.
That's why I think he had that conversation because if Heather didn't let him know she was interested he would have to move on and realize she wasn't interested in him like he was in her (and he was at that stage already, pleading with her to have their date laugh out loud) so he didn't want to waste his time if she wasn't going to let her walls down.
Even in interview Heather said she was glad he talked about her feelings and friendzone because it made her make a choice, to be girly-Heather or run in the other direction. She also said she is "so, so glad" she chose to kiss him and be vulnerable.

Now it will be interesting to see how Sam chases girly-Heather and how girly-Heather can trust him with her heart.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Guest Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:25 am

should we stop watching now that it seems Heather is going on media rounds hinting she is the F1? no
She cant seem to stop talking...not on the show, and not post show. I am slowing unliking her with each episode


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:35 am

Most of the giveaway is Sam's own words, not Heather's, imo.
Sam gave her the white rose, told her all these things and the show is making her go out to do media.
There must be a reason why they want her to talk.

IMO, if there are problems or controversy coming down the pipeline the show may want her to get ahead of that and this will bode well for the final couple if they want to make it in the real world.
This show in AU is still in its infancy and isn't about suspense like many of the US shows nor does it fixate on manufactured drama as much... after last year's controversy it may be the press rounds are intentional.

I am personally just sleuthing to see if the clues all match up.
That's what it's all about for me, putting the puzzle pieces together, whether I like someone or not doesn't matter.

So far, Heather hasn't given anything away, no more than Sam and his interviews talking about knowing from the getgo.
If she is F1 she is way far off from Kaitlyn spoiling her own season with Shawn so nothing new and people are fans even though K spoiled that in the biggest way ever.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:43 am

Well I have nothing against knowing the ending in advance ... after all I sleuth and analyze just for that, to get the answers beforehand, maybe because I'm impatient or because I can't enjoy in something not knowing, or because I want to know which couple is the one to look for, to observe them better (because I choose who is more important for prioritizing the time), why they work and others don't ... I like questions, I question everything and try to find answers, that's my fun for watching this kind of show.

I can't just watch and take what is given me at face value ... I want to understand things, decisions, actions, where it comes from, how it manifests and how people react.

Last edited by happygolucky on Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Guest Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:45 am

Kaithlyn's spoiler was a mistake, not intentional. This is only the 4th episode and we are getting Heather left right and centre dropping hints. huge difference IMO


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:07 am

I don't "know" if they are hints, misleading, or just talking about the show as if it she is still on it and not in past tense.
Everything is just a puzzle piece and that's what I personally am doing - trying to put the pieces together.

It is all speculation at this point as there are no spoilers and no RS (which I love  :Nod: )
So it is just old school trying to figure it out and see if what is being shown, said in the media, or spotted on SM activity may or may not be clues to the ending.

As of now, I don't "know" what that ending is so just sleuthing to try figure it out which is super fun for me.
It is early days yet so things may or may not change. As of now, I am just following the clues :detective

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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