Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:32 pm

I've just watched Ep 7 and the parts with Sam and Heather?

I get why Heather said in that interview that she can't even explain her relationship with Sam.

Because I can't either.

It's... I've never seen anything like it before on any of the bachelor shows. Not even with Matilda and Art.

I don't know if Heather is F1, but I will say that these two are soulmates.

Whether they are soulmates as just friends..... or soulmates as friends and lovers/partners for life? I don't know.

But what they have between them? That's soulmate level stuff, imo.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by iamreal2u Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:41 pm

^^ Have to agree with you. Also she sat with her legs over his and they were holding hands at some point. Even with Snez and all the heavy kissing were they really engaged emotionally?!

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:07 pm

^ It's like Sam said that he and Heather are on the same wavelength and that is the foundation for a relationship.
This episode more than any other shows me his foundation with Heather is emotional/mental and his foundation with Snez is physical.
In fact, he even says that it is physical and that he doesn't care about the emotional because it will come later (it will?).
I was a bit taken aback by that to be honest. That Sam is putting so much heavy emphasis on a physical/lust connection (one which he says overshadows every other connection).

I actually am starting to understand why he asked Heather to please have her date quickly after he had his date with Snez.
I think he wanted to see if the physical was more with Heather and it wasn't and it still isn't.
I really think Sam has gotten inside his head too much and is overanalyzing b/c he told Heather in Ep 3 that giving her the white rose blew up in his face since he was supposed to chase her. And then this episode Sam brought up the white rose and how it's made their situation unique because he hasn't even asked her out yet! And that is key: Sam has yet to ask Heather out on a date!

I will say that Sam with Heather? He is soft Sam, very soft (he almost whispers to her sometimes) while with Snez he is more aggressive/hard. Soft Sam is what makes me like Sam while aggressive/hard Sam makes him more schmoozy/smooth/player-ish?

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by dee Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:42 pm

I just finished watching Ep.7 and agree with you both.

I think Heather's lack of physical chemistry with Sam is a bit played up. It's not as "in your face" in terms of the amount of times they make out, but if you look at their body language it is very positive. In their talk, she had her legs over his lap and between his legs and they were holding hands. I don't see this with any one else. I also notice the tone of his voice when he is speaking to Heather. It is a lot softer... and let's just say higher in pitch giggling

I also think half the time he kisses these girls is because the conversation is not flowing and is basically going no where.

What Sam has described for his needs in a relationship has been very contradictory so far. Maybe he stresses on the physical attraction because the emotional connection is not there at all for that particular relationship he is describing (with that individual girl). He even says he doesn't know much about Snezana, yet he has spent an entire date with her already. Contrary, he says to Heather that he feels like they've known each other for a very long time and that she gets all parts of him. Both girls, including Sarah had spent the same amount of time with Sam, so it's kind of interesting how different these relationships has progressed. Which makes the whole argument "If he's into her, he cannot be into me" laughable every season.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:05 pm

Such great points, dee! Especially about their positive body language and their interactions with each other.

It's what I find fascinating about them:
They are Bachman and H-Bomb... but also... Soft Sam and Girly Heather.
It's like both Sam and Heather are comfortable and shy with one another.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by EmmK Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:54 pm

I think for their next date, which should be next week (depending on how the new girls change the date schedule), Heather really needs to spice things up so to speak.

She needs to step up her game. We (and Sam) need confident Heather back, the Heather that teases him who caught his attention in the first place. I love that she has been vulnerable these few episodes (especially episode 7), but I think if she really wants to compete with Snezana, Heather needs to show that they really do have a physical connection as well.


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:10 pm

I want confident Heather back but I am not sure whether that changes her end result.

Matilda became increasingly less fun, less teasing, less flirty, and much much more insecure (to the point she refused an overnight date -- the only girl who refused). In fact, she had resigned herself to not being F1 and even said so at FRC to Art that she never thought it was going to be her and Art told her that it's always been her.

So while I personally want fun, witty, confident Heather to spice it up and even sexy-fy herself, if her feelings are very real for Sam? I think she is going to get increasingly more vulnerable and then somewhere take a leap of faith where she just opens up more about her feelings about him from that vulnerable space rather than from a confident space.

I think if that happens, and if she is a possible F1, then it is Sam who is going to have to display his protective side even more towards Heather - just like Art did with Matilda and keep reassuring her.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by lozzatron Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:46 pm

I'm in two minds about wanting to see Heather step up her game so to speak. Sam has started to lose me a bit in the last couple of episodes and frankly I do not think he's good enough for Heather. She truely is an awesome chick and Sam doing things like kissing on group dates, admitting he's keeping girls around simply because he finds them hot (Em), the groundhog date, etc aren't exactly warming me to him at the moment.

I don't want to see Heather do anything that's going to make her uncomfortable to get his approval, because at the moment I think it's him that should be working for hers before he can expect anything else.

If that makes her lose then she loses. The only prize in this situation we need to remember is Sam and IMO while ever he is acting like he is at the moment Heather should be prioritising herself and protecting herself over trying to win his approval (even if that goes against the rules of the show which suggest the girls are meant to do whatever it takes to impress him).


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:00 pm

^ ITA, Lozz.

If Sam wants Heather as his F1 then he needs to be Heather's Superhero.
Imo, Heather deserves a Superhero worthy of her: one who will chase her, fight for her, reassure her, and protect her all the way.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by realityjunky Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:15 pm

^^i totally agree.
I've just finished watching ep 7 and all I have to say is that Sam is most comfortable with heather. They actually communicate on a different level compared to his other conversations. With snez there is so much emphasis on the physical connection with Sam. I'm wondering when that time to build that emotional connection is going to come if it ever comes. I'm worried that Sam is going to drag snez to possible f2/3 and then realise the emotional connection is not as strong. And my opinion on Sam is also changing slightly after watching today. As mention by lozzatron, I think heather is a great catch and at this point I think she has a lot invested in this relationship. Even in one episode Emily said that she thinks that heather really likes him which suprised me because I just assumed that all the girls presumably liked him but I think because of they're conversations and they're level of communication, heather is in deep. Sam seems to be concerned about physical connections and what not but I think that he has to put in the work with heather before she can be fully open. How can she just fully let go when he still has girls he's seeing. And I do believe now that heathers lead will slowly start to now decrease on the love leaderboard especially with snez date tommorow and then the intruders coming in. I do however think that she will come back on top though.

Having also read the article about the psychic, I am a bit confused because I'm the type to believe in this stuff but in the case of heather I am just confused. If heather is not f1 I feel for her because she seems invested and if she is not f1 I'm very intriguied as to how she is let go. But for now I think she has the strongest connection with Sam even though it may seem that the physical is not there I believe that it's there but it's subtle through body language such the holding of hands and I think that the more heather lets go, the more the physical connection will come out. However in order for this to happen Sam can't just expect for there to be a physical connection, he has to work for her and I'm not sure whether he is willing to do that. But for now, heather still stands as f1 in my books. Sorry for the long post thumbsup


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by lozzatron Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:20 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:^ ITA, Lozz.

If Sam wants Heather as his F1 then he needs to be Heather's Superhero.
Imo, Heather deserves a Superhero worthy of her: one who will chase her, fight for her, reassure her, and protect her all the way.

For me it's not even wanting or expecting Sam to do anything. That's his call. It's just Heather obviously has trouble opening up too quickly and I don't want to see her force herself to do that just to impress a guy that I don't think is really good enough for her at the moment (and one that could still dump her after she's pushed herself out there anyway). I've had suspicions from the start but last night's episode really highlighted how awesome Heather is on so many different levels. She deserves someone the same. I'm not saying that's not Sam but at the moment he's doing more to convince me that he's not.


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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 23 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by EmmK Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:31 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:I want confident Heather back but I am not sure whether that changes her end result.

Matilda became increasingly less fun, less teasing, less flirty, and much much more insecure (to the point she refused an overnight date -- the only girl who refused). In fact, she had resigned herself to not being F1 and even said so at FRC to Art that she never thought it was going to be her and Art told her that it's always been her.

I do agree that Matilda needed a bit of reassurance and she became insecure, jealous and less fun, however, that only happened all the way in the end when they went to the Gold Coast. By that point, I truly believe Art had already fallen in love with her so it was just a matter of Matilda believing in him. Also, with Art and Matilda things progressed really slow. They didn't even have their first kiss until their second date, which was very late in the season.

Meanwhile, it is way too early in this season of Bachelor AU for Heather to become insecure and jealous and not believe in her relationship with Sam. She still needs to win him over, because Sam is not falling for her yet. They had their first kiss very early on, so now they need to move their relationship forward and have so much time to grow it. If it doesn't keep growing, I am afraid Sam's relationship with Snez or even the new girls will grow faster. I agree that it is difficult to not be vulnerable and insecure when you're developing feelings and are competing with so many women, but I really think at this point it IS KEY THAT HEATHER LEAVES THOSE INSECURITIES ASIDE.

The question whether he is good enough for her or not is a little different. We are simply talking about two peoples' relationship assuming that they both think they're good enough for each other.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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