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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by mindless Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:16 pm

chasingpavements wrote:*snipped*

I Also think Ashley S comes off a lot more laid-back and fun to hang with, at least initially. Ashley I's crazy is all front and center. For example, Dan said the first thing Ashley I asked him was "if you were a celebrity, who would you be?"; to a lot of grown men, she comes off looking like a superficial, celebrity-obsessed tween, which is very Hard to get past. No one pushing 30 is going to want to spend their time discussing who's better, Kylie or Kendall (which she has done on both her blog and periscope).

Almost forgot - IMO, as always!

Yeah, I think that's one of her biggest problems. She reveals her immaturity as soon as she opens her mouth. Her idea of breaking the ice with Jared was telling him she's not even into Cinderella really, Jasmine is her favourite. I mean who thinks that's the best way to get a guy's attention? Suspect How about asking him something about himself, like a normal person? Might lead into an actual conversation. And during their first kiss she couldn't stop commenting... about him kissing Kaitlyn of all things! You can't even make this stuff up. She is just so incredibly awkward.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:27 pm

OK, thanks. I understand now. Yeah, "Which celebrity would you be?" That would be an annoying question. I could understand asking which one I look like, but not which one I'd like to be. Those people have all sold their souls to the devil. No reason for me to want to be them.

If she's so obsessed with them that she wants to meet them then that is a turn off.

I was saying to myself before, if a grown man had never held a real job, only watched WWE, only played video games all day, and only talked about the Ultimate Fighting Championships, then most women would ignore him. Mikey T almost comes close to that. Luckily for him he found a desperate woman willing to accept him.

I think Ashley's problem is that her parents never forced her to do things she didnt want to do, like get a real job and help support herself. Even if she were a secretary, receptionist or whatever, if she had ever had a decent 9 to 5 on schedule, I think that would have helped her maturity, because there is no time or room for tears at the drop of a hat.

You can also tell she's rarely if ever done anything for any length of time alone. She needs someone there to hold her hand to say everything is going to be all right. Unfortunately she chose her sister, who has the same temperament.

Also I think the awkwardness, including the facial expressions, being quiet, and asking weird questions, are all symptoms of extremely low self esteem.

I hope she finds someone who's willing to pull her into adulthood. She needs it, because on her own, she may miss the boat. I just hate the idea of what may happen to her if she is still single at age 35, like Clare. I think that would crush AshleyI.

Her parents must have just sat her in front of the DVD player and played Disney all day, and let her watch E! entertainment on marathons sessions in between. Do you think they ever read books at home? The kind unrelated to school, disney, celebs, etc? Something remotely of substance?

I mean how can you admire a family who became famous from a "leaked" sex tape. Ugh.

I dont think I've ever peed in the ocean, nor have I ever had the desire. I just don't get it.

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Post by mindless Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:31 pm

Ashley I actually has a master's degree from one of the top journalism schools in the country, so she is by no means stupid. Just emotionally stunted and incredibly immature and superficial.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:34 pm

mindless wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:*snipped*

I Also think Ashley S comes off a lot more laid-back and fun to hang with, at least initially. Ashley I's crazy is all front and center. For example, Dan said the first thing Ashley I asked him was "if you were a celebrity, who would you be?"; to a lot of grown men, she comes off looking like a superficial, celebrity-obsessed tween, which is very Hard to get past. No one pushing 30 is going to want to spend their time discussing who's better, Kylie or Kendall (which she has done on both her blog and periscope).

Almost forgot - IMO, as always!

Yeah, I think that's one of her biggest problems. She reveals her immaturity as soon as she opens her mouth. Her idea of breaking the ice with Jared was telling him she's not even into Cinderella really, Jasmine is her favourite. I mean who thinks that's the best way to get a guy's attention? Suspect How about asking him something about himself, like a normal person? Might lead into an actual conversation. And during their first kiss she couldn't stop commenting... about him kissing Kaitlyn of all things! You can't even make this stuff up. She is just so incredibly awkward.

She's programmed with the wrong script. She ate up the Disney script and never moved on to the adult script. Disney is not supposed to be taken seriously, and if you do, you should let go of it by the time you are 18 or 20 or so. Actually I dont think I've ever had a grown woman mention any Disney princess to me, except for when one of their crazy movies has come out to the theaters. Other than that and perhaps Hallow's eve, I havent heard of any woman talking about fictional characters they admire.

She needs to just get a job. If her dad told her he wasnt going to support her or pay her bills, she would get an easy job, where no one would comfort her every few minutes.

TBH, I don't know all the princess names or their traits. I know there are several women in that Jenner-Kardashian family, but I dont find anything attractive about them at all -- inside or outside. What's so special about them that she should seek to be like them?

People are way too much into pop culture. I mean, is there any room for religion or any other interests besides celebrity worship?

I watch these shows because I love to study the human psyche. I also find it entertaining.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by nd4reality Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:37 pm

The kardashians have made an empire off people like Ashley I. She is just one of the many that have fed their brand of crappiness. So let's go a bit easy on her obsession.
Having said that, she is emotionally stunted. Hopefully this experience is a huge learning opportunity for her. Can't wait to see her story arc this weekend and her back on after paradise tomorrow.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:40 pm

mindless wrote:Ashley I actually has a master's degree from one of the top journalism schools in the country, so she is by no means stupid. Just emotionally stunted and incredibly immature and superficial.

She needs to leave the little girl behind and become the woman she needs to be. Someone needs to tell her that. Forget Disney and the Kardashians. Be Ashley I. You are a unique person unto yourself. We weren't meant to be clones of one another.

I also prefer to see some real facial skin. I'd love to see her without any make up on for a few days. I'd also love if she could find some adult interests (not filthy, but mature). She also needs to get a job doing something, practically anything. That would help her maturity level.

I'm actually surprised her best friend Jillian can't hook her up with a good job in DC. Jillian works in a news room. AshleyI probably only graduated three years ago. She should use that connection to jump start a career in something. If Jillian can work, then so can she.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:48 pm

ironcat wrote:I think the conundrum for Ashley I is that on a physical level, her "exotic" beauty might appeal more to an older guy, yet as far as her emotional maturity, she is more suited to dating high school boys.  

It's the extended adolescence in this culture. 50 is the new 30. Anyhow, she needs to outgrow this quickly before she's too old. Otherwise she will be one of those old ladies she despises so much. I also wonder how her parents dealt with this constant crying.

Do you guys think all she talked about with Chris S after the tractor challenge was celebrity nonsense? I think she had a full conversation with Chris S for a significant period of time, didnt she?

And she never mentioned that she believes in Aliens, or that she is afraid of alien abduction. She didnt comment on his big nose or his healed ear piercing. Doesnt that count for something? Poor Mackenzie thought those were okay conversation topics though.

I also wonder why they didnt show us more of this tractor pull conversation, cause on other dates they show much more.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:19 pm

I think the Disney fascination is kind of endearing and displays a childlike innocence in Ashley. Do I think she should tell everyone she meets about this fascination/obsession? Absolutely not, but I like that she is self aware and owns exactly who she is.

If you are interested in seeing another side of Ashley, search her on YouTube. Some of her interviews for NCC in Syracuse, (I think I have that right) are there and while I'm not a journalism expert by any means, they were nicely done and I found them kind of interesting. On a side note, I never did find the Access Hollywood interview that she did last time she was in LA which is why I searched her on YouTube in the first place so if you stumble upon it, please let me know.  Hugesmile

Oh, as for my two cents on her looks—I find her gorgeous—face and figure. I would put her at the top of all who are on BiP this season in the looks department. She is sometimes without makeup on her snapchat and looks a bit younger and is very naturally pretty. I really hope for her sake that she can find a way to tone down the celebrity and princess fascinations, while managing to stay true to herself so that a guy will be able to find her loveable. Come on Ashley, I'm rooting for you! girldance

Last edited by rhondam on Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:29 am; edited 2 times in total

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:22 pm

rhondam wrote:^^^
I think the Disney fascination is kind of enduring and displays a childlike innocence in Ashley. Do I think she should tell everyone she meets about this fascination/obsession? Absolutely not, but I like that she is self aware and owns exactly who she is.

If you are interested in seeing another side of Ashley, search her on YouTube. Some of her interviews for NCC in Syracuse, (I think I have that right) are there and while I'm not a journalism expert by any means, they were nicely done and I found them kind of interesting. On a side note, I never did find the Access Hollywood interview that she did last time she was in LA which is why I searched her on YouTube in the first place so if you stumble upon it, please let me know.  Hugesmile

Oh, as for my two cents on her looks—I find her gorgeous—face and figure. I would put her at the top of all who are on BiP this season in the looks department. I really hope for her sake that she can find a way to tone down the celebrity and princess fascinations, while managing to stay true to herself so that a guy will be able to find her loveable. Come on Ashley, I'm rooting for you! girldance

Yes, I agree. I have some hobbies too, but I dont go around yapping about it (like the Bachelor, which no other man in real life would understand me liking). I am rooting for her too. I hope she gets what she needs (and I'd love to supply it to her too).

Maybe they are just making a caricature of her. Although she admits to crying a lot, still it might be overemphasized or over dramatized, dramastically.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by MVMom39forever Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:19 pm

^^^ when you wipe off her makeup and wipe away her tears and ask her not to speak, she is absolutely stunning. I bet men fall in love with her from across the room but then she talks and they run. All that beauty ... all that work!!!

I have no idea how she spent her childhood but some time on soccer team or a coed sport like cross country or track would have served her well.

Poor thing...there's still time for her to grow up. Maybe one day she will fall in love with someone she has in her friend zone now and acts "normal" around. That's just a romantic comedy in the making. I am rooting for her too!! Put away the can do it!

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:32 pm

Hahaha I found it VERY funny that some of those NCC interviews on YouTube I mentioned a couple of posts back are with football players and/or about football AND it sounds like she knows what she is talking about!! Of course JMO because I really don't know too much about the sport laugh out loud

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 8 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:04 pm

Lots of chicks are into football. I can't stand organized sports myself though.

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