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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Tue May 12, 2015 1:45 pm

Thanks for posting that mercieme.  yes  Wouldn't be surprised if he was texting about his mother's wedding either. Lots was happening that week.

From The Spinoff with Matilda and Art in the background! They will be on The Spinoff podcast sometime today I think. He is such a clown!  art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 3806527698
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According to The Spinoff, The ATFR and Art's answer to Dani was reshot. Just listened and they were in the live audience and said it was reshot and that Dani knew and they imply that Dani was playing a role, that she knew the show backwards and forwards and that Matilda was always the final girl and even Dani knew it. That Art's response was scripted and the reality was it was always Matilda. Not surprising since all the girls (other than Dani) said so post-show. Duncan even said that Dani was the fill in and that's the show and that Dani was aware of it. They even say that they had to cut out the dorky funny side of Art because it gave it away that he would choose Matilda. I totally agree! Art and Matilda's SM posts are all about making fun of themselves and each other. It's like it's their love language.

IMO, and it is what I saw early on, it just seemed like the girls were not interested in Art because he was so interested in Matilda (tripping when around her, etc). Chrystal confirmed this on ATFR. She and the other girls would look so happy when Matilda got a rose at RCs. Danielle B said that Matilda had it in the bag from day one and gave her own rose back to Art because she was straight up about there being nothing but friendship. Alysha seemed to say that she had a better emotional IQ than Art so while he may have not realized in his head that it was Matilda from the start, everything he did showed it was: including his "this whole experience over for me if you left" to "shall we shake on it" to her dad about choosing Matilda at the end... to "finally got to kiss Matilda" and "Way overdue". Sounds like she was left for the final single date on purpose. He even was seen in preview saying "that's one family I definitely want to meet" and that was Matilda's. And then how he "wished he could say some stuff about some stuff to reassure her about stuff" to "it's always been you".

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Tue May 12, 2015 1:53 pm

Glowworm2 wrote:I have finally been able to watch this ATFR and Matilda and Art are great together, very real and realistic. One thing I noticed was the recap when Matilda arrived at the mansion. She wasn't alone in the car and she was sitting on the wrong side of the car to get out first, unless she climbed over the other woman. Perhaps Matilda wasn't the first girl arriving in reality, not that it matters now. She was his first choice anyhow.
art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Skyrma10
mercieme wrote:Thanks Glow, great find. Hmmmm sneaky producers, they will edit the story how they see fit. That's why it's good to always pay attention to what the edit is saying during the airing of the show, they were really going with the theme of love at first sight & Matilda had to be the first one outta that limo with that story line.
Thanks Glow! That actually is more in favor of Matilda because it wasn't just the first girl he was relieved to see, it was Matilda herself that his reaction was "Thank God!". Too funny! art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 3806527698 

Funny how Art's interview of 20 questions that is what he pointed out how he was hugely relieved and put his head back and said "Thank God" in relation to Matilda.

They definitely made this season all about "Firsts": First season, first girl, first impression rose, etc, etc. 

For a first season I think they did a great job editing the show and the contestants and Art were great as well. 

Now that there is a happy ending (for now) it is really quite a fun, romantic, season. 

Definitely preferred not having a lot of drama or tears. Probably none of that even at ATFR since even on ATFR the girls were saying Art had already chosen Matilda day one. Alysha said she knew that Matilda would DEFINITELY get a rose. :yes: art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 3806527698

Art's reaction at the closing credits of the ATFR show are hilarious. He is all "yess!!!" and excited

art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Hahaha10

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Post by happygolucky Tue May 12, 2015 3:07 pm

I don't want to open some heated "national" discussion, but I believe NZ version and US version are very different when it comes to behind the scenes production - I base that solely on the financial scale of the show itself - knowing that NZ show has much smaller audience, so less budget, fever travels/gifts/press/sponsors.

So from that stand, I would assume there aren't that many producers, handlers and professional staff around the contestants/lead to guide them, direct them and "persuade" them. So maybe that's why nobody ended up in "the bubble" and everyone was aware of "the final choice".

Even on the last Bette US season (Andi's), from Dylan's interview we've found out that, all F6 guys were told by "some producer" who would end up as F1 - and as it seems - only F2 (Nick) wasn't aware of it, because he wasn't present during that conversation - whether he was so convinced on his own, because of the Bette's actions (words) or because of some "whispers" from the producers - we'll never know the truth - but I honestly believe he didn't know for sure until the last day (maybe he sensed it on the last date ... and yes, I still hold it against the lead that she couldn't say a simple "I'm sorry" at the end, as if it's supposed to be a given, that it is a game, so just deal with it and it's your fault if you didn't get it.)

Whether Dani knew it for sure (that Maddy would be F1) before the final day - I wouldn't take that "spoiler/info" for certainty -
but since I don't view the girls (or Art) as scheming actors, but simply as people who joined the "show" for some personal gain (whatever it might be: personal, professional, career, fun, fame,...) and so accordingly they make a calculating decisions (some more impulsive than others) of how open, engaged and accepting they're gonna be (and let themselves be involved/interested in the lead).

Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. / I hope you dance.


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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Tue May 12, 2015 3:39 pm

Good points HGL.  yes

Only interesting part about the spoiler/info is that The Spinoff were the first people to spoil that Art was the bachelor (no one else knew until the first episode). They also spoiled that Matilda was F1 and she was. And so them being at the taping themselves and spoiling this info about reshoots and Dani being in on it to some degree makes me think they were behind the scenes themselves to some degree but pretending otherwise. 

IMO, I think a lot of the bloggers, media, etc knew and were trying to pretend otherwise. Cannot forget that Woman's Day magazine announced on their cover that Matilda had won 2 weeks before the FRC.  Everyone said it was a spoiler and it was. Haha. art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 3806527698

Sometimes the simplest answer is the one staring one right in the face. It does make it more fun though to think there are schemes in place but I personally don't know if that is always the case. I think it was just that obvious. 

Now they very well could have hidden all this info from Dani and made her feel like she could be a possible F1. That is typical producer bubble to get final 2 girls to have some drama at the FRC. 

Based on the fact that Dani never even got a 2nd single date plus she was taken outside by Art where she was in tears saying she really wanted to be there and had feelings to then confessing she was in love with him and he never even reacted to that in a good way? Art really led her on, imo, but she knew that he had doubts anyway if she never had that 2nd single date so she was deluding herself that her connection was stronger. It is simple mathematics that if he felt so strongly about her he wouldn't have made her go on a 2on1 date with Alysha who already had a 2nd single date - something Dani never had. So just by deduction, Dani really was either completely delusional in thinking that having less time with Art = stronger connection or, more likely, she thought that because they kissed earliest (first kiss) this gave her some leg up.

No matter what he said at ATFR to Dani, it was Matilda all along. He said he wouldn't change a thing and that includes not choosing her. If he had given Dani a 2nd single date instead of Poppy for example maybe then that would be believable but he chose to just have her for fun. He seemed shocked when she said she was happy because of him and he said he thought that was just how she was. 

I am sure Art was attracted to a lot of the girls. It is encouraged after all for the lead to date and kiss multiple girls. But we never saw Art want to find out more about Dani or reassure her or pursue her on an emotional level. Nor did seem too fazed by this at all "We just kiss. That's what we do" was his way of summarizing their relationship. And we have seen that he kissed his own mother on the lips so kissing someone with lips closed doesn't speak romance to me. In hindsight, it actually makes the s/caps of him not kissing Dani with his mouth fully open even more interesting to note. 

Sure he was probably an emotional mess given the show itself but ultimately, he just let her pursue him and even when Matilda was talking about how young Dani was, Art was nodding his head. I think if he felt bad it was because she was the fill-in girl and probably the only convincing one at that. No one else would have been convincing. Not when Art was tripping over himself around Matilda in front of all the girls. And the other girls all said that they didn't want to even try invest emotionally with Art because they all knew, without a doubt (Alysha the F3's words) that Matilda would be the one. 

For me personally, ATFR made me like Alysha a bit more (but not that much... funny thing is that Art's mother in an interview said that she didn't like Alysha either... that she never warmed to her). 

In contrast, I started out liking Dani and as time went on didn't really care for her. I found her answer on ATFR to say Art made a mistake and should have chose her rather disrespectful to Matilda and to Art. It is more than 2 months post-show. Sure her feelings are real, etc, etc, but she was constantly initiating even after the show to Art... which is why he tweeted "stop blowing up my phone" to her the week that their first kiss episode aired. 

That Dani was still in her delusional world (IMO) at ATFR, after watching the show and seeing Art say TO Matilda, face to face, that the experience would be over because of her, that he wished he could reassure her, that he told her father to shake on it, the list goes on and on... how Dani could watch all that take place between Art and Matilda and not known that Art was into Matilda more than her and thus did not make a mistake in choosing Matilda blows my mind.

At least Trisha for BachCan could acknowledge that Tim was more into April than her. And she also had a 2on1 and was dragged the same way as Dani was. So for me, her acting like he made a mistake in choosing Matilda was ridiculous. And that is not just my opinion. All the other girls on ATFR, including Alysha, said that Matilda was the one Art wanted. If it was that obvious to them I would think in hindsight that Dani would at least acknowledge that and wish them well as a couple? Then again, she is really young and I agree with what Matilda said and what Art agreed with as well... she is young relationship-wise imo.

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by happygolucky Tue May 12, 2015 6:25 pm

Good Post I agree
so from my personal experience, I know that when I was younger and I was "developing a crush" for a guy, I was "reading" into every little thing he said or did as something meaningful in our growing relationship ... so in that sense, I could buy into the fact that at the beginning some contender might not see the lead's attitude/affection for some other contestant... but after a while ...I would start noticing the difference between me and some other girl if both are seeking the attention from the same guy... and I admit, that there was a time, when I kept lying to myself, wishful thinking, that he's into me just doesn't show it (I'm laughing right now at my own stupidity) ... but ...I really think Dani is quite smart cookie (meaning, she knows how to "take care of herself" to always climb on top) ... and I have no doubt she figured it out (for all the reasons you've stated ALL) ... and as many other F2 before her (and not just F2, but F3, F4, etc. ...from every show around the world) ... she played the "victim" card (legit, she can).

That's my take on most participant who don't get the rose (whatever position) ... they know what's coming and they "capitalize" the sympathy card from the viewers (because we can all identify with them, being rejected at least once in our lives) ... I call it the final "act".
In those moments they put "an act" ... as it happens in real life (outside) too, I know we all sometimes have to put a "mask" on in certain situation, especially when we don't have the upper hand... and since this is a game, they even sign a contract of being "one of the players" ... they basically sign to "play the part".

For example, most of us watching Bach19 season knew Kaitlyn wouldn't end up as F1, I think even Kaitlyn herself knew ... I would assume by the middle of the filming (to not be devious and say from the start), so I knew that the last couple of episodes going towards her exit as F3 she "had to put an act" ... but I wouldn't call her insincere or fake - she was herself and she kept "opening herself", but not for the lead's sake, but for her own (and thus for us to see who she is). I said it earlier during that season,that I just wished, since she was my favorite girl, that I could still view (respect) her the same way at the end, and I do, don't blame her, because that "act" got her the Bette gig - without compromising herself.

Heck, Marcus "professed his love" to Andi (in Bette10 USA season) on his HTD ... when in fact .. he KNEW that she was going to choose Josh. It was an act ... for his lovely stint on BIP.

So yes, I actually don't buy into whole "naivety" of falling off the cloud 9 for anyone who ends up-until F3 (included) ... F2 - that's tricky ... I can imagine Nick not knowing - because the whole season was set up for him to boost the confidence - and a sweet shock story, all for the ratings ... F2: Becca - I believe she knew it ... Dani - I believe she knew it too.

At the end ... it's all about HOW they use that "inside-knowledge" and how they (re)act.
Integrity, respect, class, grace ...

Becca IMO was all the above, Nick - hmmm, debatable (ahahah, I can't hide a fangirl in me) - obviously from the reaction a lot of people found him disrespectful, classless, ...
as for Dani ... as you wrote ALL, she stumbled with some of her comments... and she showed her "immaturity" ... otherwise she would know when it's time to stop the "act", specially when there's nothing more to gain from there.

Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. / I hope you dance.


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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Tue May 12, 2015 6:36 pm

HGL, If I could like your post more than 1x I would!  I agree with everything you posted!  bestbud!

F2: Becca - I believe she knew it ... Dani - I believe she knew it too.

At the end ... it's all about HOW they use that "inside-knowledge" and how they (re)act.
Integrity, respect, class, grace ...

Becca IMO was all the above, Nick - hmmm, debatable (ahahah, I can't hide a fangirl in me) - obviously from the reaction a lot of people found him disrespectful, classless, ...
as for Dani ... as you wrote ALL, she stumbled with some of her comments... and she showed her "immaturity" ... otherwise she would know when it's time to stop the "act", specially when there's nothing more to gain from there.
clapping!  Such a wise and profound post, especially the above. Spot on! Becca is THE class act when it comes to how a F2 should and can act. She really is in a class of her own though so cannot really hold many to her standards. Dani using Facebook where she would post intimate type photos was telling for me. You don't do that as a F2, IMO. Post and capatilize on yourself, etc, sure, but to like posts that say you are better than the person he chose and that the guy is terrible for choosing Matilda and that those who think he chose Matilda are wrong (Dani would post this a lot) and yet say she is Matilda's friend? I am not so sure. A true friend will be happy for you down the road - 2 months later. But, that's how she dealt with it and yes, I don't know her personally, but I certainly don't praise her for those types of posts. As for stopping the act, I think she wants something from it - fame, yes, but there may be talk of a bachelorette spinoff and both she and Alysha have been talking about this and posting up a SM storm between the both of them. I don't see that happening anytime soon. The second season for TBNZ will probably air before there will be a 'Bette season. Mike said something about later this year (so likely filmed later this year). They want to feed off the momentum and TBNZ they struck gold this year. A ratings dream and the whole country talking about the show, even people that consider it lowbrow are discussing it at their workplace, making bets (actual money placed and lost... haha). It is really something else. I guess having been so accustomed to this show now it is difficult to ascertain just how big an impact a show like this can have on a very small country with very invested and interactive (via FB) viewers. If they can find another lead who seems to take it slow and not push for a proposal, it just may work out again. I am sure more people will want to be contestants now that the guinea pigs have done the precursory work of showing them it can be done. TBNZ should actually be quite proud. They did an excellent job with editing and marketing strategy (keeping the bachelor's identity secret until the show started was a very unique way of going about it).

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by mercieme Tue May 12, 2015 9:32 pm

Oh my goodness, Matilda tweeted the NZ prime minister John Key to invite them to lunch. If you remember the prime minister said on radio, Matilda was his favorite. I hope this lunch happens for real  giggling

Matilda Rice ‏@MatildaRice
@johnkeypm where you at John?! Let's set up a lunch with @Artgreen_ and I. I'll await your call.


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Post by Guest Tue May 12, 2015 9:40 pm

From the Bachelor NZ Facebook page. I have actually started to like the ring.
art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Skyrma11


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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by mercieme Tue May 12, 2015 9:45 pm

Thanks Glow...I love that pic & the ring for sure looks better, I remember AAL saying it had a lot stones not bad at all :cutesmile!:


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Post by Guest Tue May 12, 2015 10:05 pm

New interview from nz. Very relaxed. Love them together!


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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 9 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by happygolucky Tue May 12, 2015 10:14 pm

ALL - thank you. I've absolutely enjoyed (was very entertained by) your posts ... since I've read all these threads while watching this show in the last week.
I got sucked into all your discussions here, even if they are long passed, it was almost like re-living the season with you.

I do find NZ culture in some aspects similar to mine (small country in EU with twice less population) and if it is to be believed what Art said, then I agree "that people love to hate/criticize for the sake" (in my country for example people don't like those who peak out of the average, who are more successful, who think outside the box, men don't talk about feelings and relationships and the audience/viewers aren't comprised by mostly women, but there's a gender equality) ... so following that philosophy ... I don't think The Bette would be as successful in NZ (if even an option)... but hey, if it happens, I'd like to see how it turns out.

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Post by Guest Tue May 12, 2015 10:46 pm

Interview from with Si & Gary. Art and Matilda are glowing!


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