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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by happygolucky Wed May 13, 2015 7:33 am

Hugesmile Katie, thanks for the correction before I make a bigger fool of myself. I've noticed Tilds and first I was wondering where that came from ... which is crazy, 'coz it makes sense - MaTilda - read around Tilly, too. What I could not figure out is why naming " matootles" her IG handle. (doesn't matter now) ...

What I do want to know - does Matty have a sister? any siblings?

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Post by emusha Wed May 13, 2015 9:28 am

Great to see them after the show both seem more natural and genuinely connected to each other. 

It's actually a bit sad that Dani seems to think "time will tell for art and mathilda's relationship" cos the way art seems to be -- very comfortable and constantly seeking mathilda's closeness...I don't see him going back to dani anytime soon. The fact that he quite visibly is "done" with the show shenanegans -- he seems pretty checked out of interviews etc. is very very telling about what he feels towards wanting to live his life and get on with things with mathilda - like when he said "i didn't want to be there - just wanted to be with mathilda" about the aftr show.

them showing that dorky side of him was brilliant and very necessary for me to truly get how the two of them actually connect -- and to see the certain chemistry that may be more durable than simple physical attraction. they both seem on the reserved side when it comes to physical affection and their physical chemistry seems to partially come from their mental chemistry...I do not think their physical chemistry is very high though I think they have a level of comfort and synchrocity which is great. I do wonder how they will grow and move forward together since they are so young... the same sense of humor is great but do they also align in the most important ways as they grow older and each of them mature...are either of them going to be really into building a life or are either of them still interested in dating and seeing what is out there...

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Post by nannymargie Wed May 13, 2015 11:03 am

mercieme wrote:The spinoff pop quiz*nis-pancakes/

This won't open so can you give a update on what the questions and answers were.

Sometime you have to fall apart only to realize you need to be together!

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Post by Guest Wed May 13, 2015 11:10 am

Hi nannymargie! hi Try this link. Worked for me.


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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by nannymargie Wed May 13, 2015 11:28 am

Glowworm2 wrote:Hi nannymargie!  hi Try this link. Worked for me.

Thank you Glowworm it worked for me. These 2 are so funny together, I love them.

Sometime you have to fall apart only to realize you need to be together!

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Wed May 13, 2015 1:23 pm

emusha wrote:Great to see them after the show both seem more natural and genuinely connected to each other. 

It's actually a bit sad that Dani seems to think "time will tell for art and mathilda's relationship" cos the way art seems to be -- very comfortable and constantly seeking mathilda's closeness...I don't see him going back to dani anytime soon. The fact that he quite visibly is "done" with the show shenanegans -- he seems pretty checked out of interviews etc. is very very telling about what he feels towards wanting to live his life and get on with things with mathilda - like when he said "i didn't want to be there - just wanted to be with mathilda" about the aftr show.

them showing that dorky side of him was brilliant and very necessary for me to truly get how the two of them actually connect -- and to see the certain chemistry that may be more durable than simple physical attraction. they both seem on the reserved side when it comes to physical affection and their physical chemistry seems to partially come from their mental chemistry...I do not think their physical chemistry is very high though I think they have a level of comfort and synchrocity which is great. I do wonder how they will grow and move forward together since they are so young... the same sense of humor is great but do they also align in the most important ways as they grow older and each of them mature...are either of them going to be really into building a life or are either of them still interested in dating and seeing what is out there...
>> IA that Dani needs to move on and not bother giving her opinion of Matilda and Art since she is essentially only becoming part of the rumor mill by doing so and Art and Matilda are taking the high road and saying they are friends with her. Plus her pessimistic opinion is in stark contrast to what Art and Matilda are saying and what they have shown post-show. Dani is milking this too far, imo, for someone who says she is still friends with Matilda. Sour grapes, imo and shows her immaturity - something with Matilda brought up the final episode and Art agreed on. Even in interview with Si&Gary

Art was smiling when Si brought up how Matilda had said Dani doesn't know the difference between love and lust. Art said that what Matilda said to him did affect his decision and he wanted to find someone perfect for HIM. His own perfect match and that is what the show is about - Art finding the one for HIM. Not the girls. Art agreed with Matilda's assessment then and personally, so do I, based on Dani's F2 shenanigans post-show. Her response and continued "Art made the wrong choice" viewpoint to the media is in very bad taste, imo and is completely classless. Most F2's (Lisa Bach AU, Trisha Bach Can, etc) say they were hurt but hope the best for the couple. Also, Art clearly states that he didn't lead her on, it's the the way the show is. If Dani really wants to move on and have class and integrity it is always better to say you were hurt by it all but wish the couple the best rather than saying he made the wrong choice. Art made it really clear that he has chosen Matilda and is 100% happy and no regrets and 100% sure of his decision going into FRC and then even at ATFR reiterating that for him it is Matilda.

>> Art seems to be very open, honest, and candid about everything. Has always been. Him saying he is over the whole show? I really, really believe him.  giggling He looks fed up with it all and his interview with JMD and him giving the finger to Dom (who was against Matilda) is telling... He even said he was over it all. I think he was done with the whole thing when filming ended). From what has been seen by them both in just one day, I agree about them both being over the whole show and long moved on from it.

>> Regarding their feelings for each other and status of their relationship. They said in interview yesterday that they promised each other they wouldn't talk about their feelings on camera ever again - so no overt declarations of love (however, I did hear Matilda says she "absolutely" was in love with Art and Art saying 100% and that he won Matilda which is why he posted that photo of him with the caption "I won".

Video to Art saying why he captioned his photo with Matilda "I won".

Art says that he captioned his photo of him with Matilda "I won" because everyone was going on about who is going to win? and people saying that they hope Matilda wins, they hope Dani wins, and they hope blah blah blah and Art was like, "You know what? I won! Because I won Matilda".

Video link to watch Art saying he won Matilda:

art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Dasfff10

More videos interviewing Art and Matilda from @nzhqgirl here (6 video clips of Matilda and Art)

>> Continuing on with status of their relationship: I think they know between them exactly where they stand and how serious they are with each other but purposely chose to not let the public in on this. This makes sense given what Matilda and Art have been saying post-show that they are just taking it one day at a time, no pressure, etc, etc. And yet, their plans and what they did say (Art saying he can marry his F1 2+ weeks ago on Si&Gary) show that their feelings are very serious and long term and that they have bought a house together? Huge move.

I definitely think it was a decision by Art and Matilda to just be all "one day at a time" to keep the media out of their business. To make their private lives private. That seems to be their focus and not the public at all (other than obligatory contractual media interviews, etc).

During AFTR, Art talked about his not snoring and Brigette said Matilda says he snores. That doesn't just imply a small meet up here and there in my opinion when coupled with them saying they have already bought a house. The timeline of the interview with his mother talking about him moving to the Bay of Plenty and then them confirming they have bought a house shows me this is not a very recent thing. This is something they must have immediately started making happen once the show finished filming March 7th. That is a guy who "just knew" (Art says this in his Si&Gary interview).

I wouldn't be surprised if they have already been living together when not in Auckland or plan to do so immediately. Art buying a home is one thing, Art and Matilda doing so implies settling down and putting down some roots -- things they both talked about on their FIRST date and kept talking about: marriage, babies, etc. And Art has said this again in interviews. His mother also said that he can have his work there and Art said in interview that things are changing rapidly with his business (so an added location/relocation, etc). It would make so much sense. That an in Woman's Day magazine, the recent one, Matilda said if Art and her married it would be at his family's lake house.

So I think that they both were to some degree downplaying their relationship status to keep people out of their business and saying "just one day at a time" leaves the public with very little expectations of them as a couple when the reality may be that they are living together so they have already built in less scrutiny and pressure by using the lowest denominator as a baseline for their relationship from the public.

Very, very smart couple!

It takes the pressure off them from the public and makes it all about themselves and what they want. If anything, I think the pressure they have said they felt is probably pressure to focus on how serious they are about each other in order to put rumors to bed but probably when weighing the pros and cons it was a wiser choice to act like they are just taking it day by day and thus give the impression it is not that serious when the reality is they are very serious about each other. Eg: Moving away from Auckland and the public scrutiny and just getting on with their normal lives has been what they keep saying. That always bodes well for these couples when they don't want any limelight anymore and have moved on from the show itself.

Art's very quick response to this question asked of him and Matilda in their 3news interview says it all:

Question: "Do you think you guys have a real chance at making your relationship work even with all the public scrutiny"
Art: "100 percent"
Matilda: "Definitely!"

This is the s/cap seen when Art says "100 percent". Still looking at Matilda the same way he did on the show. He is in love with this girl. Wants to marry her (as he said 2+ weeks ago) and bought a house with her and just wants to live a normal life with her away from the spotlight. He is "100 percent" sure that they will work. Very sweet!

art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Asdfaf16

>> Regarding their chemistry: I think they probably have major chemistry and it was edited as awkward but that is their own personalities -- extremely dorky. Plus, what matters to one couple doesn't mean it matters to another. People are turned on physically by different things. Art has repeated that a sense of humor is a turn on for him. I think he means that literally, not just figuratively. He repeated this and said that the quality he likes most about Matilda is her sense of humor during ATFR and that he finds this very attractive (and then said and she is also a babe - something his sister told him during MTP "she is very attractive").  

>> Regarding their connection: Art said on ATFR that he has never had a connection like he has with Matilda because they "communicate on a level he doesn't have with anyone else". Part of that was probably instinctual (as Art said during FRC to Dani that he had to follow his instincts which were saying that Matilda could be the one night one). Another may be how they have spent time together post-show and it seems like it is much more than just a few nights here and there. They act like they have been together as a couple for a while, especially on the interviews together later on. The way they would look at each other? Here is one s/cap of Art and Matilda looking at each other while in interview with JMDshow and they are listening to Dani's voice being played from ATFR when Dani was asking about being led on since Art said Matilda was always the one.

Chemistry and connection S/cap to "always been you" words being said from that interview with The Edge (and host Mike) Note: Look at how these two look at each other. Same as on the show. They just really do speak/communicate on their own level and even Matilda's dad said that the looks they give each other are the looks of two people who know where the other is coming from. To me, this s/cap says it all when it comes to their chemistry and connection. These two are in love, big time and are going through the media motions just to get on with their lives. That this s/cap occurs when we hear "always been you" only solidifies for me that they both know that this is true for them. Probably why they can have empathy/sympathy for Dani because they are so confident about themselves. They "just know".

art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Haerha10

So to summarize what was previously sleuthed from Art and add in what we now know:
1) Art on March 18 said he was confident he had found the one = Matilda
2) Art on April 23 said that he could see himself marrying the girl he chose = Matilda
3) Art on the show said "It's always been you" to Matilda.
- This became the theme of the show: Always been you from first girl with a rose = F1.
- This also was what interviewers have called the "killer question" that Dani asked Art on ATFR, why Art said that and "led her on". I think the keyword is "Always" been Matilda.
-  Art's response that he didn't really know Matilda was "Always" the one until near the end is seems true when looking the word "Always" and separating that from who his frontrunner F1 may be in his mind, despite how many date she was on.
- In interviews yesterday (I think the 3news/morefm one) he was asked when exactly he knew that Matilda was the one and he said that it was "near the end".
- Based on what he said on the show and at Matilda's HTD to Matilda's dad "shall we shake on it?" and consider it done that Matilda = F1 and that he "wished it were that simple" and not have to hurt 3 other girls shows me that that is where he likely made that decision she was going to be F1 but probably only at the very end realizing that she "always" was the F1 in hindsight. So in all likelihood, Art actually knew she was going to be F1 by the time he gave her the only rose before HTD rose ceremony.
- Art did after all tell Matilda's dad he wished it was that easy to just shake on it (his words) that it is considered done that Matilda was F1.
- Art also told Matilda during their 2nd date that the "whole experience would be over for him" if she had left. He reiterated that during FRC that it was the "scariest part of this whole thing, that you would go" and that he still didn't want her to go.
- His words of saying to Matilda during FD that he "wished he could say some stuff to reassure sure her more" was also an indication of his trying to reassure her and "wishing" once again that the situation he was in, of trying to be fair to the "other" girls is telling.
- Art also said on Si&Gary show that he was very gutted that Matilda didn't stay overnight during FDs because he wanted more off-camera time with her. Probably would have given the whole ending away if they did spend that time together as he likely would have done an Ashley and JP and told her she was the one, grown even closer, and then how on earth would we get to see Matilda stressed and worried? She would probably be on cloud nine if she had all that reassurance off camera with him and thus Art said on Si&Gary that he spent the least time with Matilda compared to Dani one on one since Dani had overnight but not Matilda and yet he "just knew" and that he was there on the show to find "my perfect match". So even without that time off-camera, and spending less time, Art said it didn't even matter though that he never had that extra time because he "just knew".
- From what has been seen during and post-show, based on what was seen/heard by Art, it is likely that Art knew Matilda was the one near the end (by HTD) but it IS also more likely that he realized, as he said on ATFR to Dani "when looking back" that when doing a comparison between Dani and Matilda that "it was Matilda and has been Matilda". Thus "always the one".
- So the realization of him thinking Matilda was F1 from the beginning and him at the end allowing himself to confirm that by connecting the dots (him giving her first rose, to all the reassurances that followed started when she had the accident which was the scariest part of the whole show for him since he didn't want her to leave to wishing he could shake on it to wishing he could reassure her more, etc, etc) was what helped him to realize it was "always" her.
- So I think it is true that he wasn't misleading anyone on, even though he said that from their first talk on Episode 1 when he gave her the FIR that he thought Matilda could be the one and his possible F1 was probably in his head all along and then when faced with the choice to make for his F1 Art realized that, in hindsight, she always was the F1 choice for him.

So with all that above, to me Art is telling the truth but it is semantics at play as well. Art always had Matilda as a possible F1 in his mind and his behavior supports this on the show with his reassurances. But he only "always" knew when he looked back (his words) and did a comparison of his feelings and realized, yup, it was always Matilda as "the one" for him.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Wed May 13, 2015 4:58 pm; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : added video links)

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed May 13, 2015 1:34 pm

Long but worth posting. Best article I have seen on them two. Explains so much.  :yes:

As for the first rose and what Art says about giving it to Matilda and being too obvious about how he felt about her? It really was too obvious, Art.  art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 3806527698

Art tripped over after giving her that rose, that's how "Awesome" he felt about her.  :sprinklehearts  :cutiepie


art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Unnamed_1al5ugl-1al5uiv

The roses have all wilted, the piles of Turkish rugs and outdoor lanterns have been packed away, the many, many bottles of Lindauer have been recycled and the wind chimes of doom have been smashed into thousands of pieces (we hope).

‘The Bachelor NZ’ has come to an end and the dust of 20 dead romances has settled with one true love blossoming for Arthur Green and Matilda Rice; their love cemented by fans lovingly mashing their names together in assorted ways, from the unappetising combo of ‘Green Rice’ to the gender-confused ‘Marthur’.

It’s the day after ‘The Bachelor NZ’ round-up, ‘After The Final Rose’ and Arthur and Matilda are gleefully bantering about the persistent rumours regarding their relationship.

They certainly look and sound like a couple.

“Yeah, just for this,” jokes Arthur.

“Then it’s back to his ex-girlfriend and back to being gay,” laughs Megan, the Mediaworks publicist.

“Bisexual,” corrects Arthur, referring to two of the most popular (and false) stories out there.

But when you sign up to star in a reality show you also open yourself up to everyone having an opinion of you and Arthur and Matilda accept that people are going to gossip.

“Even after saying, “yep we’re still together and it’s all fine,” people are still saying, “no, no, because they’re under contract and they’re just lying for publicity reasons,” says Matilda, “it’s like if they won’t believe it from both of us saying it, there’s no way that they ever will.”

They’ve been together 8 weeks since the show finished filming but its only now that they can step out together as a couple. After a steady diet of adrenaline filled activities, they’re looking forward to indulging in “boring people dates.”

“Maybe we’ll go out to dinner and also maybe go to a movie,” says Arthur, “we’ve been really looking forward to the simple boring things.”

“Normal people things,” agrees Matilda, for whom the excitement and adventure of ‘The Bachelor NZ’ dates ended with a broken arm and a poo-filled belly button.

“No, no koala poo anymore,” she says.

Arthur says he felt a strong connection with Matilda from the start and suspected she might be the one, but the unusual experience of dating 20 other girls simultaneously made deciding whom to choose confusing at times.

“Just going through it all with the different girls, your mind changes.”

“But yeah, I knew for sure at the end that it was Matilda.”

Matilda was also the first girl Arthur met at the beginning of the season and the first girl he gave a rose too.

“Yeah, a first and last rose which is really nice,” Matilda says of their romance, book-ended by flowers.

Matilda also felt an instant attraction between them and says it “didn’t take long” for her to develop feelings for Arthur.

“I mean, as soon as I talked to him I went inside the house and just thought, “he’s actually awesome,” and I got that from a 5 second conversation.”

Arthur also describes his first encounter with Matilda as “awesome” but was wary of seeming overly keen.

“I wasn’t going to give you the first rose because I thought, “Is that too obvious?”

Both had their reservations about whom they might meet on the series and Arthur feared he wouldn’t connect with any of the girls.

“I was pretty nervous about that sort of side of things, you know, “what have I got myself in for if I don’t actually fall for anyone?” but I was very, very pleasantly surprised.”

Matilda says she had heard “so many rumours about who it was going to be,” and was also concerned she’d find herself stuck with someone incompatible.

“So I was amazed that the one person they picked would be someone that I would click with.”

On Tuesday night’s ‘After The Final Rose’ special, the jilted girls got a chance to ask Arthur some difficult questions. Toughest of all was from Dani, who sought confirmation of the feelings she felt she and Arthur had shared.

“It was pretty tough but it was alright,” he says, “the thing is that everyone’s friends now, and Matty and Dani are really good friends and I’m friends with Dani as well and everyone’s so mature about it, it’s actually really cool.”

Arthur says he “definitely wasn’t looking forward,” to the interrogation from the girls he’d passed over during the season, but the public demands answers!

“We finished filming two months prior to that and so we’ve kind of moved on in a way and so it was like re-going through it again basically, yeah it wasn’t that much fun.”

“It was really sad,” says Matilda, “I was standing backstage and I could just see like a monitor thing with Art’s face and he just looked so sad.”

Mike Puru also announced on the special that there would be a second season of ‘The Bachelor NZ’. Based on their experiences, the couple says they would encourage their friends to give it a go.

“Totally,” says Matilda, “I think you’ll never know until you try it.”

“Yeah, YOLO right?” agrees Arthur.

While it’s still early days for the pair, they both seem confident that they can make their relationship work and prove the social media gossips wrong.

“I can definitely see a future with Matilda,” says Arthur.

“Me too, definitely,” she says, “It’s just getting better and better.”

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by happygolucky Wed May 13, 2015 1:40 pm

^^^ALL's (AAL's) post clapping! yes :alltens: I agree 🏠 awwww cheerstoyou yeap - always!

Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. / I hope you dance.


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Post by Guest Wed May 13, 2015 2:16 pm

^^Thank you AAL for bringing the article over. I really like these two! :sprinklehearts
I wonder if Woman's Day mag will have them on the cover next week?
I just listened to the Spinoff podcast and heard that the taping of the ATFR lasted a long, long time. No wonder Art looked bored at times and poor Poppy looked drunk.


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Post by AllAboutLove Wed May 13, 2015 3:04 pm

It is pretty great HGL and glowworm to follow this story from the beginning until now and sleuth along with you both and others and be supportive of them as a couple.  bestbud!

Super happy for both of them.  :swinginglove  

This has hands down been my favorite show of any bachelor franchise. It really gelled with me and was so much more realistic than any of the other shows I have watched. Just so sweet and special. There was no drama really and people saying even the ATFR was boring shows that it really was not much drama. Everyone just getting along and Matilda and Art just falling in love from the moment they met each other night one.

Definitely also my favorite couple thus far from any of the franchises.  :yes: And what I mean is not only did I really like them from the very start as individuals I also love them together as a couple as well. That hasn't happened for me before on any bachelor show (did happen for Ready For Love with T&J). Usually I like one of the girls or the lead but not the couple or it takes me a while to like the lead or the F1 or I like the lead because of the F1 or vice versa. With Bach Aussie I liked Sam from the start and only liked Blake because of Sam. And even though I really loved Tim and April together, it took me a while to warm up to April and while I really liked Tim because he was so romantic on the show towards April, I personally didn't find him attractive as an individual (not my type) and his intensity, while so wonderful with April on the show was too much for me personally even though I loved the show itself.

Art and Matilda are such a unique couple and vastly different, imo, from the other couples seen on this show. I think it is because of their dorkiness/humor that it made the show and them as a couple so endearing. They reminded me so much of Tim and Jenna from Ready For Love (another fav of mine, individually and together as a couple) and I think are more like Tim and Jenna than the other Bachelor couples from any of the franchises. Just down to earth and quirky and original. They are their own people. I am very impressed with Art and Matilda and while they are both young for this franchise with Art being 27 this month and Matilda 24, they seem to have their head on their shoulders and a mature approach to life that balances so well with their fun, dorky, humorous side. Love both of them individually and especially together and hope it lasts since they seem like a really good match. They just have whatever *it* is that couples have.

Funny how soooo many people including myself thought she was F1 just by her bio photo. It was that obvious to people. Something about her face just shouted "I am F1" :cutesmile!:  

It certainly bodes well for both of them that she is a public favorite and that hundreds of thousands of viewers had pegged her as the winner like Mike the host said. It is great that they have a majority of support and it was nice to hear Art say that he liked that. No wonder he followed pro-Matilda accounts on Twitter from when the show aired, including The Spinoff who are HUGE fans of Matilda and fav'd tweets about Matilda and him. Also recall how he said how great it was that people were calling him and Matilda #Marthur after the first show aired. So sweet!

@nzgirlhq We've loved Matilda since day 1! Was Art happy that Matilda was a public favourite and that everyone liked her!? #TheBachelorNZ #love #TheBachelor #nz #couple #art #matilda #teammatilda #rose #realitytv 11h

Video response where Art says that Matilda being favorite made him think "Thank God!" he made the right decision and that it was cool that the majority wanted him to pick her.

So sweet! hahahaha!!!

Video link:

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Post by mercieme Wed May 13, 2015 9:30 pm

Y'all Marthur's Woman's Day NZ magazine spread is out. They look hawt on the Twitter feed pic I saw  giggling  Appreciate if anyone can post it here, TIA. Also Poppy is shown with her new guy & Alysha & Dani are interviewed also.


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Post by Guest Wed May 13, 2015 10:07 pm

art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 11 Issue-10

Hope someone can buy a copy and tell us the stories. Help!


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