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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by ElonM Sun May 10, 2015 10:19 am

art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 11240762_1589724681304121_978879240_n
Look at them all emoji single ladies (but one) she got a rose emoji #bachelorette #nightout #girlsnight #thebachelornz

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by LoveDovez Sun May 10, 2015 9:51 pm

Could someone please make me a small picture of Art and Matilda of him holding her face so I can change the picture I have under my name now? I would really appreciate it.  I haven't posted in so long I forget what they're called, but I do read all the time. I was so glad he chose her. I hope they stay together which I know is a long shot for this show. I'm looking forward to the next shows that comes on and to get to read all your thoughts about them.  BTW Happy Mother's Day to all the moms on here. ; )

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 11, 2015 2:34 am

Sorry for being MIA but sometimes reality takes the front seat in life and this past week was definitely one of them. It is nice though to have this forum and even silly shows like this to bring some reprieve and for that I'm grateful.  bestbud!
Also a belated Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers on the board  :frommeto

Got to watch the final episode, read/watched some interviews and info, and get caught up on everything and wow, it was a lot to catch up on! Sorry in advance for the long post... lots to cover.

I will post my thoughts on the final episode in the other thread, but concerning ATFR and details post-show I have some information that may or may not pan out. It is from a friend of the same person that said that Matilda and Art spent the weekend together prior to Ep 5 and about her breaking her arm on the show and that he ended up with Matilda and everyone knew (turns out all that was true so no reason for me to start doubting now but it also doesn't mean it is true either...).

Here's the info I received (whether true or not, I don't know) and am trying to tie it into what has been shown/see thus far:

1) The rumors about Art and his ex were planted by the show itself the week of Episode 5 to get the scent off him and Matilda since they were seen out and about in Tauranga the weekend prior to Ep 5.
- The New Zealand Herald wrote this in an article and stated that TV3 planted these rumors for this very reason... since it was spoiled that Matilda was F1.
- The weekend before Episode 5 was when he was said to be with Matilda and if it is when they were in Tauranga and out shopping then they could very well have been seen and as was stated by multiple people on SM.
- The rumors started after the weekend prior to Episode 5 and this can tie in with the IG comment (which is posted in this forum) by someone posting on Art's IG during that week saying "you should have stayed with Matilda". That person had zero followers at the time and their comment was deleted.
- The day after Episode 5, Art posted a "spilled the beans" video with the blonde wig. Matilda liked this IG post.
- It is said that there was a $1 million fine if Art or anyone told. Art's mother in the article I read posted on this forum talks about how she was upset he and Matilda went to the store together (even though Matilda stayed in the car). It makes sense if it is $1 million that she would be upset. It also seems like Art was careless by doing this and thus too excited about being with Matilda to realize possible ramifications which indicates he was not thinking logically and so very happy/in love possibly.

2) Art fell in love with Matilda while on the show but Matilda did not fall in love with Art while on the show, although she did/does really like him a lot:
- I guess this could be substantiated by Art tripping over himself saying how clumsy he is around her, by him reassuring her constantly and even saying "I cannot imagine what you are going through I wish I could say some stuff to make you feel better about stuff" to Art telling Matilda's dad "shall we shake on it" and to Art talking about his feelings to Matilda and using the words "falling in love" on Ep 12 after their 2nd date. Matilda is the only girl we saw Art himself use the word 'love' with, face to face. While we see Matilda in ITM say this word, we never saw her say the word to Art himself. Even when Art's mother asked her about her feelings, Matilda never told Art's mother that she was in love with him, just really liked him a lot. She said her feelings could progress when she had confirmation of his feelings for her (FRC).
- During FRC, Art said to Matilda that he wants to be hers if she will have him. He also told her he thought he had found love because of her and that the scariest thing was that after she broke her arm that this may have meant she would go and all he knew was he didn't want her to go then or after the show and that "it's always been you". That's a lot of feeling coming from someone who barely said anything to any of the girls other than I like you or I really like you. Matilda never mentioned her feelings for Art at FRC. When she does say in ITM that she could "definitely fall in love with Art" she is not smiling.

3) Art's feelings for Matilda progressed post-show but Matilda's did not due to watching the show on her own and then later watching with Art and that they had a bad week 3 weeks ago (so the week of April 21) and that Matilda was upset and Art was trying to win back Matilda as she was thinking of ending it with him but has chosen to work through it with him.
- Thought this was some very detailed information and when looking at it all it seems like it actually may be true as there's evidence from interviews that Art had a progression of feelings from his first interview (March 18) with him saying he is very confident about the person he chose and that they may be the one and he was very excited and then his last radio interview before FRC (April 22) with Si&Gary saying he could marry the girl he chose.
- The March 18 interview was after the first episode aired, so after he had seen his interaction with Matilda his F1 on air. In interview, Art said he was very pleased with how it was edited because it was exactly how it was. He also used the words "dork" and "not taking yourself too seriously" on the first episode when describing his ideal woman during his 20 questions interview video and he said those exact words when talking to Matilda 1on1 and giving her the FIR in the first episode and then once again on the last episode when he told these same things to Matilda at FRC. Since filming ended March 7, according to what has been sleuthed and said on Matilda's post-show interview, then that means ~ less than 10 days later after spending time with his F1 that Art did this interview post-1st episode airing and was really happy.
- The April 22 interview he said he could see himself marrying his F1 and was very happy sounding. This was before the episode 12 aired with Matilda and Art's 2nd date. Based on what has been said about problems during this week, it is likely that Episode 12 (their 2nd date) was the episode that Art and Matilda watched together since they were both active on Twitter during this time and only this time and when Art liked Tweets about his date with Matilda (the only photos relating to the entire show that he liked on his Twitter were from their 2nd date). Even though this was their first kiss, it was also the same episode where Art has his 2on1 with Dani and Alysha and kissed them both and then also kissed Dani during Cocktail Party which was the same time when he told Matilda he could see himself with a girlfriend and falling in love with his girlfriend in a few weeks (2 weeks from then). So perhaps this is what Matilda was upset about, seeing him act this way after their date and her getting the only HTD rose pre-RC but Art still kissing the other girls and knowing in hindsight that she was the girlfriend since she was F1.
- Matilda has stated in interview that she watched the show with Art one time and that they both decided not to do so again because it was very awkward. She has also stated in post-show interviews that it was very difficult to watch towards the end and she was hurt.
- If they did watch together their episode 12 and it was very awkward and Matilda was upset by what she saw after seeing her date with Art and then him with Alysha and Dani then this could tie into what Art tweeted the very next day after this episode aired April 23rd NZ time, Art tweeted "Sometimes all you need are some delicious tunes to turn your day around, cheers Ben @GeorgeFM". Sounds like he was having a bad day. Given that the episode 12 had aired where he had his first kiss with Matilda his F1 and the person he had just said the day before he could see himself marrying he certainly doesn't sound as excited/happy with this tweet....
- Since then, and looking for signs that things may have changed, Art seems to have backpedaled on "marrying the girl he chose" and being so excited sounding from April 22 during his interview. His follow-up interviews post-show he has said they are taking it slow and one day at a time. Interestingly enough, him saying all this comes after Matilda said this in her interviews (so as if he is following Matilda's cue and feelings and repeating what SHE is saying... just day by day rather than marriage like he was saying 2 week's prior).
- When Matilda was asked in interview post-show if she fell in love or is in love she said she is happy and that they are taking it slow. No word about her feelings or about Art himself. So in a way, her feelings have been pretty static during and post-show while Art's have seemed to have been progressing (confident he may have found the one to seeing himself marrying his F1) and then going back to the same place she is at (just happy and taking it slow, day to day).
- Matilda's post-FRC IG post of her with Art, while tagging him, she doesn't say anything about Art at all. She captioned her post by thanking her family, friends, and fans who have supported her. Not one word in regards to Art and her feelings for him. And more interestingly, she chose a photo where Art is kissing her on her cheek.
- In contrast, Art's post-FRC IG post was "I won. @matootles" and the photo he has is where he is kissing her on the mouth. From a season where it was all about who win's Art's heart, Art choosing to say that he won is making his post all about Matilda while Matilda's post was about her friends, family, and fans/supporters.
- From someone who seemed so excited post-show (March 18) to thinking of marrying his F1 (April 22) there seems to be a upward trend on Art's part pre-FRC and then post-FRC he hasn't matched those words in post-FRC interviews about marriage as he did before... this may or may not have to do with Matilda's feelings not matching his. After all, post-show she hasn't mentioned anything about marrying him or seeing herself with Art (she only did this in ITM while on the show).
- She doesn't seem to be in a rush to be with him and while Art had said that he couldn't wait to be public pre-FRC, once the show ended, it seems like he is a bit stressed now about that and that Matilda is calling the shots to some degree? For example, in one interview posted in this board he talks about how Matilda has plans for them but he wants to just relax with her. Art sounds completely worn out and stressed from the most recent interviews I read and saw. That combined with Matilda saying she is taking it slow and then Art now saying this as well since she said it...


>> All of this actually makes me wonder if he fell for Matilda but she doesn't feel the same as him or didn't fall for him the same and he is now trying to protect himself a bit or rather just be where she is at in public ... that is, his family and friends are very pro-Matilda and he was saying he could see himself marrying her and yet she says "day by day" and "felt pressure to be with him"?

>> All of Art's family and friends seem to like Matilda:
He has said that his dad fell in love with her, that his friends are so glad he chose Matilda (his friends all followed her on social media from the beginning of the show so they must have known even though he says in interview that they didn't), and then even his sister Emily now follows Matilda and she was the one who basically told Art that she could see Matilda at the lakehouse (honestly, this show should have been called "Who Can Art See At The Lake House?" since he mentioned this to Matilda from their first date all the way through and even Matilda did mention pre-FRC in Woman's Day that if they married it would be at the lake house. giggling ). Also, his sister Emily was in the audience with him at XFactor when Matilda was said to have been seen there (which was the week of when he was said to have spent the weekend with her and when the rumors started as well about his ex) and his sister was the one to post to Art when the show first aired #DontScrewItUp and she knew the ending (that he chose Matilda). His other step-sister even posted on his IG post of himself with Matilda and congratulating him and cannot wait to have her in the family. So far there is not much evidence that Matilda's friends and family are congratulating her or posting support like Art's family has done that I can see? Although her friends do follow him on IG ultimately it seems that Art has a lot of people in his own camp that are very pro-Matilda.

It will be interesting to see what they both say ATFR and their body language between them. Based on SM by the other girls they seem to be very supportive of Art and Matilda and so that is a good indication and adds to the support he has from his family and friends.

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by Katiebelle Mon May 11, 2015 3:31 am

AAL - it's so lovely to have you back! I have really missed your posts.

I have pretty much been scouring the media for interviews etc and have come across two interviews on radio that haven't been linked to this site. They are both quite revealing and a lot naughty (i.e the interviewers were quite cheeky and asked very personal questions which were surprisingly answered).

If you are offended easily I wouldn't listen. I actually thought they were both funny but my husband does say that I have filthy sense of humour!

So Matilda was on TheEdge with Guy, Sharyn and Clint (last Thursday afternoon)
And Art was on GeorgeFM (this morning at 8am)

Both have the interviews on their websites and if someone could add the links that would be fantastic. Sorry I just can't work out how to do it from an iPad.

From everything I have listened to and read I have kind of got the impression that Matilda is now calling the shots which is kind of fair enough. During the filming of the show he got to decide everything from who got to go on dates, where they went and who went home. She was along for the ride with her heart open and fingers crossed that she would be there at the end with him.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow so I can see their body language.  It has been commented that they aren't doing press togther but BachelorNZ have pretty much implied that you won't see them together until tomorrow to help them get higher ratings.

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by happygolucky Mon May 11, 2015 5:51 am

AAL - thank you for all the info.

Just like Cali I've started to watch the show after FRC episode, when I've accidentally read about it here and now I would like to know more, but I understand the show doesn't have such a strong advertisement as in USA, so it's hard to come across some news online.

I honestly believe in Matilda, I find her a girl who is just as guarded as many others that we've seen on the show (Poppy, Alysha,...), so my opinion is, that she most likely really didn't let herself fall too deep during the show, and from the place of insecurity she was preparing herself to not be chosen and doubted Art's feelings for her ... at the same time she seems to be quite an ambitious girl, tenacious and persevering, I deduct that from her career choice and success ... so that kinda came up during the "game" on the show and was the reason that she stuck till the end and that she also wasn't afraid to show herself to Art - her dorky, clumsy self - which in contrast, Poppy and Alysha were much more guarded and sometimes couldn't enjoy and be in the moment - but all that caught up with Matilda at the end, when she started to have those thoughts during her last dates with Art and was pensive and serious.
Since not a lot of time has passed since their FRC and also the fact that she decided to watch the whole show (all the parts) - I can completely understand her not being sure yet, of what is real, honest, from the heart and I think she still has a couple of walls between her and Art and she's being prudent, but only time will tell.

I would trust that she will see it, what everyone in Art's life sees, that she is really IT for him (not in terms of the "girl I'll marry", but just seriously "in-love with") and I don't mind if I won't be able to witness it. I prefer this way anyway, that what is sacred, LOVE, should be between them alone and i don't need a televised I LOVE YOU and "You're the one for me for the rest of my life".

Also to be fair, I hardly got to know Art during all this process, since the girls and their lives/personalities were much more exposed, so I would never pin one to be more in-love than the other. Specially since words are 1 thing, action is what really counts.

I think they just need time. To really taste "the normality".
And like Katiebelle wrote, it's fair enough if she calls the shots now.
Besides, usually really strong, romantic love-stories are usually the ones when the man knew first and was "more" crazy-in-love than the woman. After all, at the end women tend to make the biggest sacrifices. (and I'm apologizing for generalizing the sexes)

Last edited by happygolucky on Mon May 11, 2015 6:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 11, 2015 6:11 am

Hi Katiebelle! Good to be back bestbud! I definitely agree that Matilda is calling the shots now and Art is just going to go at her pace and follow her lead. I think that is wise and she seems like a very strong person so no surprise that he would want to follow her lead. Makes a lot of sense.

The GeorgeFM interview with Art was very revealing and definitely his most relaxed interview.

He seemed like his usual self in this interview - the person he sounds like when he is with Matilda and talks to and about her.

Here is a summary of what Art says:

>> Art says he is not a bachelor anymore.

>> Art did not sleep with Dani or Alysha as he felt it would be "cheating" to do so. He says he took it very seriously being on the show and did see it as a girlfriend thing so sleeping with one would be cheating.
If Matilda was always the one then no wonder he said to her that he couldn't imagine what she was going through when they were on the gondola ride and how he wished he could reassure her. And him saying it would be "cheating" makes me think that if it was Matilda all along for him then that is why he felt this way and was so uncomfortable acting with both Alysha and Dani (don't even get me started on the final episode and his response/reaction to Dani. He didn't care for that girl very much. No wonder he said to her to "stop blowing up his phone").

>> Art says his heart was in it... being on the show. Saw him finding someone and being on the show as real.
Interesting since the word "real" he used to describe his relationship with Matilda as "very real".

>> Art says it was hard not to be able to be with Matilda post-show.

>> Art says he has consummated his relationship with Matilda.
He says this very easily. Strange thing to notice but I did. Seemed very relaxed and open about it and not embarrassed at all neither did he feel like it was intrusive or TMI. More like it was just a natural thing to happen. Actually bodes well for them, IMO, that he was so relaxed about saying this.

>> Art says that the attention he gets is very weird and people coming up to him thinking that he is their best mate and while it is nice it is very strange.

>> Art says he was with his sister at Huffer sale (this was when people were staying he was seen with another girl).

>> Art says he would be lying if they didn't feel pressure for their relationship and all the crazy rumors about them breaking up but it is not really too bad and things are going pretty well with Matilda and him so they are just focusing on them and see where it goes.
He definitely sounds like he is unsure of this, IMO. Especially compared to 2+ weeks ago when he said he could see himself marrying her. I think he is saying what Matilda said post-show and sticking to that so not putting pressure on Matilda because when he speaks for himself he sounds relaxed, confident, but when he uses "we" or says "Matilda" and speaks for her he sounds unsure.
However, based on previews for ATFR, he could be restricted in saying too much about the status of their relationship until after the show airs? The preview has VO with the question, Is Matilda really "the one"? Based on the SM activity of those commenting who were at the taping and the girls themselves, it seems like they all think Matilda and Art are perfect for each other. So it could just be a ratings ploy as Katiebelle said to get people to watch and "find out if they are still together", etc.

>>  When the DJs say that if they break up and he sells the break up story for $20K Art immediately says "hopefully not!"
...the way he says this makes me think that if there is a breakup it would be Matilda breaking up with him, especially based on all his comments post-show regarding her (marriage being one of them). Ball is in her court IMO. He sounds fragile when talking about this stuff. Vulnerable even.
IMO, I see this as completely Matilda calling the shots like Katiebelle says. She has the entire country behind her. She is the fan favorite. She now has more IG followers than Art (and she barely posts anything bachelor related). She is basically NZs sweetheart so if anything happened Art would be blamed. From a guy who 2+ weeks ago was saying he could see himself marrying her he seems less excited and more hopeful now post-show. Hopeful is the word I would use to describe his tone of voice. Given that his friends and family are so pro-Matilda he probably realizes that he would be lucky to be with someone like her. And if Matilda has been slower to get to a place of being in love than Art than I could see him putting the brakes on his feelings and being hopeful she will feel the same as him.

>>  Plans for the future and if it works out with Matilda and a wedding, etc, he says that in a few years wanting kids, a boy and a girl, in the future.
This ties back with what he talked to Matilda about on their first date and him wanting to be a father in his early 30s. He will be 27 IIRC this month so his 5 year plan is not that far away. It also ties in with his last radio interview that he did before this one when he said he can imagine marrying the girl he chose, Matilda.

>>  Says he has no structure to his IG following, etc.

>> When asked about his Paleo company he says that things are changing with his business.
This may have to do with moving to where his mom is in Tauranga as stated in The NZ Herald IIRC. Buying a home, etc. Sounds more like setting up a permanent future for himself away from Auckland which would tie into his wanting to "settle" down and have kids, etc.

>>  Says that being on the show made him become better at small talk and more confident sober.
Haha. This actually makes sense to me. I don't think he grew up being the best looking and IMO I don't think he is that good looking. He can look very good looking at times and then at other times he looks interesting. If he didn't work on his body as much as he has I don't think he would be as attractive. Sometimes when people grow up and are not told they are attractive they actually see themselves as just 'normal' even if the rest of the world sees them as desirable. The confident sober remark seems to show he was more of a person who needed something to help him get over his lack of confidence. No wonder he was spilling his martini around Matilda first night and then tripping over things around her. I posted back on this thread that I thought Art thought Matilda was out of his league. I still feel this way. I think he thinks even she deserves better than him - thus his "I won" caption. Added to this, most guys tend to want to marry someone who is a bit out of their league.

>> Art says many of the dates were reflective of what he would do in real life: bungy dumping, sky diving, anything with water. Doesn't like horse riding (hahaha!) and the fashion show was not something he would do at all.

>> Rumors: Not gay or bisexual. Ex girlfriend lives in France and has for many years and thank God he doesn't have to see her.

This interview made me think he definitely is in love with Matilda but she is dealing with everything on the show and he is doing what he can to let people know where he stands with her and giving her space and time to come to terms with all she has seen on the show. If they haven't watched this show before it can be very challenging and as Matilda said, to watch your boyfriend kissing other girls.

I also think that he is more into her than she is into him based on everything seen and said by Art and that is actually a good thing, IMO. My mother always said to marry a guy who loves you just a bit more than you do him. Keeps him on his toes.  giggling

So I can definitely see Art having to continue to *win* Matilda even post-show. Nothing wrong with that and it may be a good thing as long as they can move past from everything that has transpired and find some normalcy.

I think Art didn't realize just how the show would be edited once it came to the more intimate stuff. He is not a guy of many words or flowery ones (his "stuff about stuff" speech to Matilda is evidence of this.. haha) but I think that that is what actually made his feelings for Matilda more real.

IMO, I could see that when he did reassure her (and only her out of all the girls) that he was struggling with the whole show. I think he struggled with the whole show since she fell off the horse (even posted how he was "out of it" at the RC that next day when he didn't let anyone go...he just wasn't himself anymore with the other girls... more guarded with them and more reassuring with Matilda from that moment on) and this is why he brought it up on their 2nd date and even at the FRC - that it was the "scariest part of this whole thing" --- that Matilda would leave. I think, even post-show, that that is STILL the scariest thing for him... that Matilda will break up with him.

I also feel like he is much more comfortable on radio than in front of a camera and seems to definitely prefer radio as his media outlet of choice versus being on screen. Probably sick and tired of being on camera 24/7 and probably why it is hard to read him when he is on camera versus just hearing his voice. I think that is why I paid closer attention to his tone of voice during the show when he would talk to Matilda he would almost whisper. His voice was much softer... He has done the same thing in radio interviews and again this interview. Looking forward to seeing how he is on ATFR and post-ATFR.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon May 11, 2015 6:31 am; edited 1 time in total

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by happygolucky Mon May 11, 2015 6:29 am

ALL ... reading your posts is just awwww cloud nine I like it. Thanks for showing me the other side and "explain" Art to me better. Maybe i wasn't paying attention or I actually bought into him liking Dani a lot, that I haven't seen it that way, but your interpretation makes sense.

Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. / I hope you dance.


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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by Katiebelle Mon May 11, 2015 6:52 am

AAL yes it is great to have my TeamMatilda buddy back! smileyyay

I agree with what you said above. (Noticed you didn't add the little tidbit at the end of the interview giggling probably not PG)

I imagine that they were in their secret little post filming bubble for a few weeks and everything was loved up and going great. Then as the episodes aired and she saw him kissing other girls (seeing it for real rather than hearing about it would be way worse)  she might have put the brakes on just a little and he is now the one chasing her and she's in the "drivers seat" so to speak.

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 11, 2015 7:18 am

Great to be back Katiebelle   :sending flowers

Haha, the foreskin friends? TMI, TMI!!!  art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 3806527698  Oh well, he said it! Too funny.

I think you are correct that he is chasing her once again. Either it is all over and he is trying to stem that tide or he is in real deep with his feelings for Matilda (and based on everything he has said post-show that really seems to be the case -- that he feels like HE won her). So the ATFR should give some indication on where he stands.

When he said to her "it's always been you" it really seemed to be a real and an in the moment response. His face all scrunched up like that when he said it? It was like he was a little boy - he looked so young and so happy.

Almost looked like he had tears in his eyes when she was saying how stressful it was for her and how tough it all was. Made me think of when he told her he "couldn't imagine what it would be like in your shoes" when she said it was uncomfortable now with the overnight dates while on the gondola ride. That statement by him was huge. He was saying that he was trying to put himself in her shoes and it was beyond his comprehension and how he wished he could reassure her more.

His whole behavior to me throughout the show was a guy who fell in love at first sight with Matilda and never quite figured out how to get her to fall in love with him back (hard to do when you are dating multiple girls).

That's why I think some people thought they may be awkward together. It was like you said, Katiebelle, he just fancied her so much that he was not only tripping over things but tongue tied as well, giggling and whatnot - especially before their first kiss. And Matilda is not a physical initiator. She expects the guy to initiate and so it put a lot of the onus on Art to have to step up his game. It's why, imo, he looked more nervous around Matilda because his feelings were deeper and it was (his own words) "very real".

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon May 11, 2015 7:27 am; edited 1 time in total

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art green - Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum - Page 2 Empty Re: Art & Matilda Green - Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Fan Forum

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 11, 2015 7:25 am

Thanks HappyGoLucky bestbud! (what a great username! Love it!).

I think too many people focus on what the girls are doing rather than what the lead (Art) is doing and Dani was always wanting to initiate something physical after their first kiss and never quite stopped being an initiator (her hands were on his neck post-first kiss between them and he never caressed her face towards the end of the show). Dani is totally fine though now and she said herself in Woman's Day that she was in the "Dani and Art bubble".

I never saw a connection with Dani and Art, other than just a very superficial physical one. Art himself seemed shocked that Dani was happy because of him rather than just being happy in general. Will post in the other thread on my thoughts concerning Art and the final episode, but essentially, Art's behavior on the final episode was a tell tale sign that he took her all the way because he didn't think it was that deep. He even spent his Meet The Parents time talking to his sister about what? a physical connection. With his sister and talking about Matilda? He talked about whether she could see Matilda at the lake house with all the family. Something he mentioned on his first date to Matilda and something Matilda said means a lot to Art and would be where they would get married if that happened (from Woman's Day).

Will be interesting to see if any of this is brought up at the ATFR.

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Post by Katiebelle Mon May 11, 2015 7:40 am

During the final episode, I think that the two times (that stand out to me) that Art was absolutely 100% real and spoke straight from the heart without thinking and measuring what he was saying was:

1) when he said "oh my god" in a high squeaky voice when Dani told him she loved him. He looked so shocked and a lot freaked out. He definitely did not expect that and, as AAL has said, probably thought that Dani, like him, was just having a bit of fun. Later he said that he was really glad that she told him and I think that was to just soften the blow of his awkward reaction to her declaration.

And 2) when he said "it's always been you" to Matilda. He looked so earnest and a little sheepish. IMO he said it on instinct and it wasn't a line in the speech he had prepared.

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 11, 2015 7:51 am

Katiebelle wrote:During the final episode, I think that the two times (that stand out to me) that Art was absolutely 100% real and spoke straight from the heart without thinking and measuring what he was saying was:

1) when he said "oh my god" in a high squeaky voice when Dani told him she loved him. He looked so shocked and a lot freaked out. He definitely do not expect that and, as AAL has said, probably thought that Dani, like him, was just having a bit of fun. Later he said that he was really glad that she told him and I think that was to just soften the blow of his awkward reaction to her declaration.

And 2) when he said "it's always been you" to Matilda. He looked so earnest and a little sheepish. IMO he said it on instinct and it wasn't a line in the speech he had prepared.
I agree :swinginglove his response was too real to be acting at all. Not rehearsed whatsoever. It was so similar to his reaction to Matilda's dad when he said "Shall we shake on it?". Just a gut reaction and he felt sheepish then too. His sheepish expression has only been seen with Matilda or things related to Matilda. I call it his *in love* expression. He had the same look when he was trying to muster up the courage to kiss Matilda (and had his hand covering his face).

... as for the issue with Dani, she has already told Jane from the Spinoff that she is a huge fan of The Bachelor franchises and has watched them all. IMO, I think she was the planned F2. She knew exactly what this show was about and if anyone was acting on some level it was Art, Alysha and Dani (all three on the show and even post-show SM activity since they were the only two who posted intimate type shots with Art -- probably to try lead the rumors that Matilda was F1 awaY). JMO. 

Art tried to soften the blow but what was most noticeable was that when Dani tried to bring up the situation that there was another girl (Matilda) he told Dani that he was very uncomfortable talking about it and didn't want to do so. It was like Art was telling Dani that Matilda was off-limits to her. She couldn't talk about her (and, based on what we know know, IMO this is based on his guilt about it all).

When Matilda brought up Dani? Art let Matilda talk about Dani in a negative light and not only didn't feel guilty about this, he agreed with what she said (based on him choosing her and even saying what she said was revealing and this also seen in a good light since he chose her) and then even after Matilda brought up Dani and she said she wants someone for life someone to have fun with, Art was like, "Am I that person for you?" That's all he cared about. Didn't even faze him that she had brought Dani up.

Art could care less about Matilda bringing up Dani in the conversation. 

But when Dani brought (Matilda) up? He couldn't handle it. 

This goes back to his interview this week where he said he felt like he was "Cheating" if he slept with either Alysha or Dani. 

Cheating is a strong word to use and he is using it based on whom he has picked, Matilda. I wouldn't be surprised if that is why he kept trying to reassure her and said he wished it was that simple to Matilda's dad in just picking Matilda straight away. Also told Matilda he wished he could just reassure her and give her the reassurance she needed. That's a lot of wishing.  giggling

For me, Art saying it would be cheating if he did anything with Alysha or Dani coupled with Art saying "it's always been you" and "I won"... this to me was a show where Art made his choice night one, based on his "instinct" like he said. 

First girl out the limo, to first rose, to last first kiss, to last/final girl. Kinda crazy odds... 

:sprinklehearts :swinginglove

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