Married At First Sight - Season 2 - Ryan Ranellone and Jaclyn Methuen - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

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Post by MVMom39forever Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:07 pm

WatcheronWall wrote:
MVMom39forever wrote:

But, I might be in the minority as all those housewives and fighting dance moms seem to still be going strong while I can't make it through one episode.

To steal from another member here, DW_A_MOM, "Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?"

Well I agree with you that Jacklyn was the bright spot in this cast, but I think she was helped in that by her "Sweetheart - Wife material edit" not her fault and not taking anything away from her, it was just the role that the producers cast her in.  I would much rather have seen three sweet love stories and three happy couples.  It was what I was hoping for all along.  HOWEVER, the long term success of all "Reality Shows" seems to depend, at least in part, on becoming  a train wreck.  And that goes for all of them Bachelor, Dance Moms, Honey Boo Boo, Toddlers you name it.  What brought me to this one was that I foolishly bought in to the "real" here.  I thought the experts were actual experts not just *sarcasm* extras from Central Casting.

Fair enough as the network sure tried to promote Jaclyn and Ryan as the fan choice couple. But, geez, Ryan was a tough sell. It was all because of Jaclyn's personality and the story that they could build around Ryan as being a father-figure for his niece (yet this is the same guy who broke out into hives when Jaclyn talked babies).

If they were not going to cast guys who wanted to be married, I wish they had cast good looking actors who were a "catch." Show us a sweet love story and let them break up a few months after the six month reunion when we viewers would have all been onto the next thing. Happens all the time on Bachelor but every once in a while we get a love story and that's what brings so many viewers back.

The funny thing is that on so many reality shows you mention, the drama is pumped up to keep viewers coming back. Whereas with MAFS2, production hid a lot of the drama (and fact that couples barely ever slept in same apartment) so that viewers would think some of these couples actually had a shot at marriage when there was no way in heck that was ever, ever the case.

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Post by CynicalSofty Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:16 pm

There's something to be said for just being who you really are.

This girl gets it. She just is who she is and didn't try to "play a role".
And you can't help but love her!

Seems like Sean, Ryan D., Ryan R, Jess, (and to a lesser degree even Davina) were all attempting to play a role -- and it just doesn't work. We're too used to this stuff by now. (and HELLO - it REALLY doesn't work when you're all pretty bad actors to begin with! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

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MarriedAtFirstSight - Married At First Sight -  Season 2 - Ryan Ranellone and Jaclyn Methuen - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 64 Empty Thins not always what they appear.

Post by MenNeverChangeWomenDo Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:30 pm

After hearing all the details of what we didn't see due to editing I am just not sure what to believe. While watching the reunion I thought that Ryan was a complete gentleman. He never said one bad thing about Jaclyn, which was nice to see considering how the other two men acted.

I'm still not convinced about the not feeding the cat thing. What I think is that when he found out she was going out of town that he told her he would not drive back and forth just to feed her cat. I'm sure she made Arrangements for someone to feed the cat before she even left. The comments she made were misleading. She made it appear that she went out of town and that he just left the cat alone. I'm not buying it. For one thing the producers would have never let that happen and I really don't believe that he would have. She said nothing about her cat at the reunion and waited until the show was over to blast him on SM.

We all know now that due to editing so much of what we saw was totally FAKE and staged. To me the women were like actresses on a Soap Opera. Don't get me wrong I liked Jaclyn but I never, ever saw her as a victim. We never saw or any sign of any abuse from Ryan, not even a bad word. He never even raised his voice to her and always seemed very respectful. She however in the beginning did say allot of hurtful things about him not being attractive and hated the sound of his voice and accent. She actually got the best guy of the three but as far as what really happened only the Women, Men, Producers, Camera Men and the Experts know the truth. I'm not even convinced that Jac and Ryan ever had sex. I really don't know what to believe.

I am very disappointed to read all the negative things about what happened off camera and not sure I really want to watch another Season. I feel like I was duped and lied to. sad I was hoping for romance, love and kindness but I'm kind of old fashioned.

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Post by TwinkleB13 Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:42 pm

I also believe that she made arrangements prior to leaving because she knew Ryan was not going to be at the apartment.

As a side note, when we leave for 5 days we leave out a huge bowl of food and a huge bowl of water, throw down an extra littler box and head on out. Unless we are going to be gone longer than 4-5 days, I don't have anyone check on my cat.

Please note, all of the above is strictly my opinion MarriedAtFirstSight - Married At First Sight -  Season 2 - Ryan Ranellone and Jaclyn Methuen - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 64 1710264613


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Post by stillhoping Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:03 pm

Hi...coming out of lurking here...was hoping to see at least one "love story" here...and like many I really Lurved Jac and Ryan R....but...

IMHO to be honest I think it hurt him from the start with all her negative talk about his looks, that had to hurt. The producers made sure we knew about it haha

I also think...."he's just not that into you"....he admitted her personality was "too big" for him. She is a great gal but ..if it is not "there"...then it is not there.No fault on either one IMHO

I must say, the first episode I was distracted and on my phone and ...I thought...that they were matching Ryan R with Jess and Ryan DiNino with Jaclyn...I was surprised to see the matches actually. I sort of wonder if Jess, more passive, probably would have moved to LI ...would have been a better match for Ryan R?
( me...I would not wish Ryan DiNino on anyone - surely not Jac LOL)

I also think the so called "experts" (yes I blame them) set 2 couples for failure with "geographical" problems.

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Post by MVMom39forever Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:16 pm

^^^I want to clarify that I don't think that Ryan was a villain and also don't think that Jaclyn was anything close to a victim. I was rooting for them to make it. He has always come across as respectful and good natured, for the most part. Just a regular Joe ... not too exciting, not too crazy. Nothing wrong with that!

That said, I tend to agree what was shared on this forum that Ryan was never really all that interested in marriage and a bit of a late bloomer/mama's boy happy to live in a basement. Nothing wrong with that and certainly doesn't make him a bad guy. Just not the right guy for Jaclyn who is very independent and ready for babies yesterday.

The fact that Ryan didn't contact her and wanted to go back to his family/comfort zone at every opportunity is right in line with a guy just looking for a date on (not a wife!)

I think the "experts" matched them with a lot of help from the networks because they would make for good TV rather than because they were actually a good match.

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Post by Ariela Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:19 pm

MenNeverChangeWomenDo wrote:After hearing all the details of what we didn't see due to editing I am just not sure what to believe. While watching the reunion I thought that Ryan was a complete gentleman. He never said one bad thing about Jaclyn, which was nice to see considering how the other two men acted.

I'm still not convinced about the not feeding the cat thing. What I think is that when he found out she was going out of town that he told her he would not drive back and forth just to feed her cat. I'm sure she made Arrangements for someone to feed the cat before she even left. The comments she made were misleading. She made it appear that she went out of town and that he just left the cat alone. I'm not buying it. For one thing the producers would have never let that happen and I really don't believe that he would have. She said nothing about her cat at the reunion and waited until the show was over to blast him on SM.

We all know now that due to editing so much of what we saw was totally FAKE and staged. To me the women were like actresses on a Soap Opera. Don't get me wrong I liked Jaclyn but I never, ever saw her as a victim. We never saw or any sign of any abuse from Ryan, not even a bad word. He never even raised his voice to her and always seemed very respectful. She however in the beginning did say allot of hurtful things about him not being attractive and hated the sound of his voice and accent. She actually got the best guy of the three but as far as what really happened only the Women, Men, Producers, Camera Men and the Experts know the truth. I'm not even convinced that Jac and Ryan ever had sex. I really don't know what to believe.

I am very disappointed to read all the negative things about what happened off camera and not sure I really want to watch another Season. I feel like I was duped and lied to. sad  I was hoping for romance, love and kindness but I'm kind of old fashioned.

Jac NEVER claimed to be a victim. She simply told the viewers why it was a NO-GO with Ryan.

Just my observation:
I believe the cat story because Ryan lives in his mother's basement with no responsibilities. He's probably got the realtor job to PRETEND that he's working. He's probably one of those agents who takes a listing and does nothing, but waits for others to sell it for him... This explains his behavior how he made such a big deal over Jac ordering for him or trying to pay for groceries. She probably felt (her gut feeling)that he was not too quick on the uptake, so she jumped into these situations....A confident guy, with no issues would make a  joke out of it and/or offer to pay for the groceries next time after just  a small nudge. Ryan made a BIG hoopla over it as in protesting too much to the point of making HER look bad. Instead,  he was overcompensating for his issue. Bum. He was probably conning the viewers, too. I know I felt badly for him. Little did I know that he was portraying a different person. Now we have proof that his actions and words didn't match off screen.

I cannot blame Jac. She deserved better. What she got was a laid back (lazy), low key (irresponsible), unmotivated MOOCHER....It's like Monet said about Vaughn last season: She didn't  realize that when she asked for certain TRAITS, those traits came with other personality traits...i.e. a laid back person RARELY is a go-getter.... and other less appealing traits may be attached to being "laid back".

Look at Davina. She is very driven....and harder to get along with, imo. She's firm, assertive and the guy better step it up....That is how personality traits stack up. One has to work on their traits to become a better person. There is give and take. People must evolve...That didn't happen with Ryan. He ran to his mommy's basement, where it was warm and free....Quite frankly, I don't see him taking responsibility or growing up anytime soon.


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Post by sunchick116 Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:42 pm

IMO, while there's nothing wrong with personalities like jaclyn and davina, i don't think in the future the producers should pick those kinds of personalities. it just makes it look like the person doesn't want to be married and could do just fine on their own and if they come off that way, then what's the point?


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Post by BlackHalo Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:52 pm

Why couldn't Ryan just take Jaclyn's cat with him to wherever he was staying during those 5 days. Why make it even harder for her to get someone to drive to Queens everyday to feed her cat. Rolling Eyes Meh. She's better off. I can't imagine another woman putting up with his crap for too long.

Also, Ryan displayed free-loading qualities quite early. He said he lived in the "apartment" attached to his mom's house... total lie. He lives in the basement that has a small kitchen down there. He seemingly tried to convince Jaclyn they could live in his mom's basement and I believe he also said he saves all his real-estate checks. He wasn't paying his mother a dime to live there. The show payed for the apartment they lived in for the month. Me thinks once the experiment was over Ryan wasn't ready to provide financially. He wanted to keep free-loading.


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Post by nuts2uiam Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:05 pm

I just had a thought. There have been a lot of comments about Davina and Sean and time apart but I have yet to see one about Ryan and Jaq. I now begin to question how seriously into the whole thing she was [u]at that point[u] Maybe if things were going better she might not have gone and that might have been the first real clue that things were headed south. None of us will ever know.

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Post by TwinkleB13 Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:14 pm

I now begin to question how seriously into the whole thing she was [u]at that point[u] Maybe if things were going better she might not have gone and that might have been the first real clue that things were headed south. None of us will ever know.

Might not have gone where?  On the trip when he supposedly didn't feed her cat?  I believe she had to take that trip, it was for work.

Last edited by TwinkleB13 on Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

Please note, all of the above is strictly my opinion MarriedAtFirstSight - Married At First Sight -  Season 2 - Ryan Ranellone and Jaclyn Methuen - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 64 1710264613


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Post by WatcheronWall Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:16 pm

nuts2uiam wrote:I just had a thought.  There have been a lot of comments about Davina and Sean and time apart but I have yet to see one about Ryan and Jaq.  I now begin to question how seriously into the whole thing she was [u]at that point[u]  Maybe if things were going better she might not have gone and that might have been the first real clue that things were headed south.  None of us will ever know.

Not sure exactly what you are saying here but Jacklyn said on Facebook today that Ryan only stayed overnight a few times and went home most nights. She also said he was relieved when filming was over a so he could go back to his comfort zone in the basement. Edited for clarity.

:yes:  The previous is entirely the humble opinion of the writer :yes:

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