Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion

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art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Empty Re: Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion

Post by robinvi Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:34 am

Its funny that she is now back petal-ling with Poppy. But like I said, as much as I like poppy(at first my F1 and still my favorite. I just love her!), she is friend zone. IMO Bridgette's first interview is the truth.

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art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Empty Re: Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:52 pm

Updated May 2nd to include info up until F3. Most current info is what is at top. Just to reiterate the timeline: We are on a 7 week timeline which corresponds with info already sleuthed.

The RC for F4 = Saturday, Feb 28 (HTDs = Ep 13 and 14). We can pinpoint this date because on Alysha's hometown date she says that she will see Art on Saturday. It cannot be the week before or after, based on the timeline and so that fits with Feb 28.

Timeline in New Zealand Time using mercieme and ElonM's (thank you both!!) sleuthing and post from Alysha saying that RCs were about 3 days apart and maximum of 7 weeks shooting starting mid-Jan (thanks to AEF for sleuthing/posting this!)

So... Jan 16/17-March 8/9 (7 weeks):
(Note that because of the time difference, there could be one day difference: For example, Jan 17 NZ time could be Jan 16 USA time and the same applies to all the other dates since they were 17 hours ahead of EST at time of filming. Because they filmed in Gold Coast, Australia this will affect the timeline as well but not as much as NZ time, meaning when they flew to AUS from NZ they gained more hours). 

Key (just to help make it easier to read)
M&G= meet and greet
SD= single date (all single date girls have gotten a rose so far. Will only change this if that changes)
GD= group date
GDR= group date rose
SQT= special quality time
CP= cocktail party (including this since almost half of each episode thus far is just CP)
RC= rose ceremony
HTD= hometown date
FD= fantasy date  
MTP= meet the parents
LCD= last chance date (will be interesting to see if no girls let go before FRC)
FRC= final rose ceremony  

Possible Timeline in New Zealand Time (7 week filming timeline
Jan 16 or 17:  M&G/CP/1st RC; Ep 1 (17 girls remain)
Jan 17:  SD= Poppy   
Jan 18:  GD/SQT=Chrystal, Danielle L. and Dani/GDR= Dani
Jan 19:  CP/2nd RC; Ep 2 (15 girls remain) 
Jan 20:  SD= Matilda
Jan 21:  GD/SQT+GDR= Kristie
Jan 22:  CP/3rd RC; Ep 3 (14 girls remain)
Jan 23:  SD= Amanda
Jan 24:  GD/SQT+GDR= Poppy
Jan 25:  CP/4th RC; Ep 4 (13 girls remain)
Jan 26:  SD= Dani  
Jan 27:  GD/SQT = Hayley; GDR = none -- Hayley wins the shooting challenge SQT -- Art changed his FB pic
Jan 28:  CP/5th RC; Ep 5 (12 girls remain) -- Hayley leaves
Jan 29:  SD=Chrystal
Jan 30:  GD=everyone/GDR=Natalie and Dani/SQT=Dani
Jan 31:  CP/6th RC; Ep 6 (11 girls remain) -- Shivani leaves
Feb 1:  SD= Alysha
Feb 2:  GD= 6 girls (Kristie, Chrystal, Dani, Natalie, Brigette and Danielle);SQT=Dani; GDR= none
Feb 3:  CP/7th RC; Ep 7  (9 girls remain) -- Brigette and Carrisa leave
Feb 4:  SD = Natalie 
Feb 5:  GD = 5 girls (Matilda, Poppy, Danielle, Amanda, and Chrystal);SQT=Poppy, Danielle, and Matilda; GDR= Matilda
Feb 6:  CP/8th RC; Ep 8  (8 girls remain) -- Amanda leaves  
Feb 7: Travel to Tauranga (according to this article posted Feb 24)
Feb 8:  SD= Kristie waterfall date *no rose*      -- Hayley active on SM (eliminated Ep 5)
Feb 9:  GD= All girls   horseriding group date where Matilda falls off horse;Pre-RC rose= Matilda
Feb 10:  CP/9th RC; Ep 9 (8 girls remain) -- NO girls leave
                                                                 -- Brigette active on SM: "I'm baaaack!" (eliminated Ep 7 with Carrisa)
Feb 11: SD= Poppy (2nd date, rose)
Feb 12:  SD= Danielle (rose but gives back during CP)
Feb 12:  CP/10th RC; Ep 10 (6 girls remain) -- Danielle and Kristie leave
Feb 14:  SD= Alysha (2nd date, rose)                                                  
Feb 15:  GD= Matilda, Chrystal, Natalie, Dani tennis (no rose) -- Carrisa active on SM (eliminated Ep 7)
Feb 16:  CP/11th RC; Ep 11 (5 girls remain) -- Natalie leaves
Feb 17:  SD= Matilda (2nd one, rose for HTD - only one who gets one before RC)
Feb 18:  2on1= Dani and Alysha (no rose)            -- Amanda active on SM (eliminated Ep 8)
Feb 19:  CP/12th RC; Ep 12 (4 girls remain) -- Chrystal leaves
Feb 20:  **HTDs this week**
Feb 21:                                                           -- Natalie active on SM (eliminated Ep 11)
Feb 22:  
Feb 23:     -- Poppy active on SM (but not b/c she left. Her mother flew into NZ for HTD Feb 24) (Eliminated Ep 14)                       
Feb 24:                                                   -- Chrystal active on SM (Eliminated Ep 12)
Feb 25:  Poppy's HTD (according to her mother's SM she flew to NZ Feb 24-Feb 26)
Feb 26:  Art take a break from filming?
Feb 27: Art's Mother's Possible Wedding according to SM posts by his family/relatives. Earliest post by relatives on SM was Feb 26 of empty tent set up for wedding. Also according to NZ Herald article, took a 'break from filming to attend wedding' according to this Mar 19th article. (Filming already finished by March 1st according to this but then on March 19th article stated that it was just a break from filming during this last week of Feb).
                                                           -- Art attended wedding
                                                          -- Matilda active on SM (but not eliminated, also only one of F3 who had Intro Video)   
Feb 28: 13th RC; Ep 13 AND Ep 14 (3 girls remain) -- Poppy leaves (We know, according to Alysha's HTD that she says to Art "see you Saturday" so this would be RC for F4 and coincides with all other info).
Mar 1:  FDs in Gold Coast, Australia        
Mar 2:  
Mar 3:                                                                 -- Kristie active on SM (eliminated Ep 10)
Mar 4:  
Mar 5:  14th RC; Ep 15 (2 girls remain) 
Mar 6:  MTP (Bach Can had these on same day for F2)
                                                                         -- Alysha active on SM late March 6/early March 7 due to time difference being in Aus
Mar 7: LCD
Mar 8:
Mar 9: Possible FRC                                    -- Dani active on SM
Mar 13: Matilda active on IG and Art active on IG Mar 16[/b][/quote]

So if SM activity for the F3 is correct, then this will be the order:
Alysha = F3 (Mar 6 active)
Dani = F2 (Mar 9 active)
Matilda = F1 (Mar 13 active)

Keep in mind that Matilda is the ONLY girl who has an intro video. TBNZ is closely following TBAussie and for both seasons TBAussie had their F1 have an intro video.

AllAboutLove wrote:Note as of April 15, have updated it and going with timeline starting Jan 16 instead of Jan 17 so each day needs to be moved back one day (i.e., an additional day added before March 1st for filming would be included).

Posting this in this thread for easy retrieval. It includes info about SM, SM activity, and the tentative timeline...

SM (Facebook and Instagram) for the 13 girls still left on the show - Names in red link to their SM.

Facebook:*earliest activity post show from most recent/descending order*
Dani = ?? (started a public page on March 17, IG March 9
Alysha = March 6 (changed cover photo... her account is extremely private and so cannot tell when changed anything other than cover photo. Not even her friends list).
Kristie = March 3 (Updated her cover photo -- need to sleuth whether it is Fiji. She changed her name but the one in the url is her name. Her public figure page she started posting in March 9)
Matilda = Feb 27 (changed her location to Auckland (this date could also coincide with when Art took a 'break from filming' so not necessarily that she went home. IIRC also jotted down something about a Feb 27 US time post about roommate leaving)
Chrystal= ?? (Started a public figure page March 11; IG was Feb 25.)
Poppy  = Feb 21 (updated cover photo)
Natalie = Feb 27 (changed her "About me" section, started a public figure page on March 23; IG post Feb 21)
Amanda = Feb 18 (updated cover photo, not sure if her posting b/c she has kids so maybe allowed her phone?)
Carrisa = Feb 14 (updated cover photo)
Hayley = Feb 7 (updated profile photo)
Shivani = ??
Danielle B. = ??
Art = Jan 27 (changed his profile photo)
If anyone is actually friends with any of the contestants on FB that would help a LOT to see if any of them were active before the dates listed (since only what is public is seen).

Instagram *earliest activity post-show from most recent/descending order*
Dani = March 9 (earliest FB is ??)
Alysha =  March 10 (post liked by Art *just checked and it is still liked by Art* and earliest is Mar 6)
Kristie (does she have one??) = ?? (FB earliest is Mar 3)
Matilda =  March 14 (earliest is Feb 26)
Chrystal = Feb 25
Poppy =  March 24 (FB earliest is Feb 23)
Natalie = Feb 21 (FB earliest is Feb 27)
Amanda = Feb 19 (earliest FB is Feb 18)
Carrisa = March 17 (Fb earliest is Feb 14)
Brigette = Feb 10 (and captioned her post "I'm baaaaack!")
Hayley = Feb 7 (same as FB)
Art = March 16 (I noticed he had 144 IG posts when his IG was private but when it went public he only had 140 posts).

As of Ep 9, and relating to SM activity
Based on SM activity, so far it has been in order of the girls leaving: *
Hayley - Feb 7 (Ep 5, Shivani was Ep 6)
Brigette - Feb 10 (Ep 7)
Carrisa - Feb14 (Ep 7)
Amanda - Feb 18 (Ep 8)
Danielle - no activity recorded (Ep 10)
Kristie - March 3 (Ep 10)

Next we see:  
Natalie - Feb 21
Poppy - Feb 21
Chrystal - Feb 25  
Matilda - Feb 27  (Feb 26/Feb27 date that FRC would be if 6 week film schedule. This is when Matilda changed her location from Sydney - her hometown to Auckland. I find it interesting that Art updated his profile on Jan 27 around the time news breaking about him being the bachelor. If Matilda is F1 she could have done the same to hide herself more. If she is not F1, then she was back home) 
Alysha - March 6
Dani - March 9 
(Note: Alysha and Dani - no way to verify that this was the earliest they were back on SM. The other girls had much more public accounts, whereas these last three were private and even Kristie has an alias for her name on FB. Also, and most significant, if Dani and Alysha were final 2 then that means NEITHER girl had an intro video. That doesn't seem possible for F2 both to not have intro videos. So either Dani or Alysha's SM is incorrect, imo.

ETA: based on PI/ITMS that seem to be filmed later than when they were shown, Matilda, Dani, Kristie, Poppy, and Alysha have these that seem to be *filler* and filmed later on.

To tie in with the above post regarding SM activity. This is the timeline constructed a while ago and updated to include Ep 9. It will be edited as each episode airs...

1) FRC = end of February
- Regarding the FRC, I'd posted that I thought the FRC ended at the end of Feb (US time) based on The New Zealand Herald reporting that filming had finished by March 1st

2) Show's publicist stated filming starts end of January
- The only issue with FRC=end of Feb was that it had been reported on Jan 11 by The New Zealand Herald by the show's publicist, Megan, that filming would start later that month of January.
- Taking the publicist's word that filming started later that month at the end of January and the article stated that filming had finished the end of February, that made it ~5 weeks if filming started Jan 24 for example. That seemed too short of a timeframe!! (so back to sleuthing).

3) Filming started Mid-January
- It was then sleuthed by AEF that the filming schedule would be no more than 7 weeks with filming starting mid-January.
- Also IIRC, ElonM, Mercieme, Kapiti, and other posters on board reported end of SM activity for the girls ending mid-January and seeing that Chrystal had posted Jan 15/16 and it was sleuthed that Jan 16/17 was the start of filming since none of the girls were active on SM after that date for a while.

5) Break in filming end of Feb/beginning March
- Then in another article by The New Zealand Herald (all the articles are by them) wherein which they interviewed Art's mother ~March 17, the article stated that Art had taken a break from filming to attend his mother's wedding 2 and 1/2 weeks prior to them interviewing Art's mom.
- So, if the interview was conducted the week of March 17 when the first episode aired, that means it was ~March 1st of the wedding (based on sleuthing the SM of Art's family, it looks like the wedding was ~Feb 27/28).

6) SM activity by the girls.
- At the time, Matilda was speculated to be F1 and her earliest SM activity was Feb 27 so it was speculated that maybe she wasn't F1.
- The latest SM activity we can get (that is public, so it is not 100% accurate) is Alysha and Dani and even Kristie that started SM activity after Feb 28 (when filming was said to be finished)
- And so speculation began that maybe, if one of these girls were F1 and not Matilda, that maybe The New Zealand Herald had said filming had ended by March 1st but had changed that later on to say it was just a 'break' in filming so Art could attend his wedding.
- One speculation is that they reported this so that if people saw him out and about, they would know he was on a 'break' rather than filming had finished since they want to keep the dates of filming a secret.
- Based on all this, it was speculated that if filming did not end by March 1st then maybe it ended the first week of March and so that would be a 7 Week filming schedule and that was then added as a possibility to the 6 Week schedule.

>> The timeline is currently set at 6 Weeks because it makes the most logical sense (imo) and purely because I believe that it would be easier to end filming and have Art attend a wedding than have him attend a wedding only to have a few more days of filming where MTP, LCD, and FRC would then take place if it was a 7 Week schedule. And the thing is, if his mom got married, would she really want to be doing all that for her honeymoon? Maybe so, so the 7 Week schedule is there just in case.

AllAboutLove wrote:Timeline in New Zealand Time using mercieme and ElonM's (thank you both!!) sleuthing and post from Alysha saying that RCs were about 3 days apart and maximum of 7 weeks shooting starting mid-Jan (thanks to AEF for sleuthing/posting this!)

So... Jan 16/17-28 (6 weeks) or Jan 16/17-March 7 (7 weeks):
(Note that because of the time difference, there could be one day difference: For example, Jan 17 NZ time could be Jan 16 USA time and the same applies to all the other dates since they were 17 hours ahead of EST at time of filming). 

Key (just to help make it easier to read)
M&G= meet and greet
SD= single date (all single date girls have gotten a rose so far. Will only change this if that changes)
GD= group date
GDR= group date rose
SQT= special quality time
CP= cocktail party (including this since almost half of each episode thus far is just CP)
RC= rose ceremony
HTD= hometown date
FD= fantasy date (note that unlikely to have sleepovers)
MTP= meet the parents
LCD= last chance date (will be interesting to see if no girls let go before FRC)
FRC= final rose ceremony (not sure if together post-show. Maybe TBAUS format a clue?)

Possible Timeline in New Zealand Time (*7 week filming timeline would include the week of Mar 1-7th)
Jan 16 or 17:  M&G/CP/1st RC; Ep 1 (17 girls remain)
Jan 17:  SD= Poppy   
Jan 18:  GD/SQT=Chrystal, Danielle L. and Dani/GDR= Dani
Jan 19:  CP/2nd RC; Ep 2 (15 girls remain) 
Jan 20:  SD= Matilda
Jan 21:  GD/SQT+GDR= Kristie
Jan 22:  CP/3rd RC; Ep 3 (14 girls remain)
Jan 23:  SD= Amanda
Jan 24:  GD/SQT+GDR= Poppy
Jan 25:  CP/4th RC; Ep 4 (13 girls remain)
Jan 26:  SD= Dani  
Jan 27:  GD/SQT = Hayley; GDR = none -- Hayley wins the shooting challenge SQT -- Art changed his FB pic
Jan 28:  CP/5th RC; Ep 5 (12 girls remain) -- Hayley leaves
Jan 29:  SD=Chrystal
Jan 30:  GD=everyone/GDR=Natalie and Dani/SQT=Dani
Jan 31:  CP/6th RC; Ep 6 (11 girls remain) -- Shivani leaves
Feb 1:  SD= Alysha
Feb 2:  GD= 6 girls (Kristie, Chrystal, Dani, Natalie, Brigette and Danielle);SQT=Dani; GDR= none
Feb 3:  CP/7th RC; Ep 7  (9 girls remain) -- Brigette and Carrisa leave
Feb 4:  SD = Natalie 
Feb 5:  GD = 5 girls (Matilda, Poppy, Danielle, Amanda, and Chrystal);SQT=Poppy, Danielle, and Matilda; GDR= Matilda
Feb 6:  CP/8th RC; Ep 8  (8 girls remain) -- Amanda leaves                
              Travel to Tauranga (according to this article posted Feb 24)
Feb 7:  SD= Kristie waterfall date *no rose*      -- Hayley active on SM (eliminated Ep 5)
Feb 8:  GD= All girls  Tauranga visit horseriding group date where Matilda falls off horse;Pre-RC rose= Matilda
Feb 9:  CP/9th RC; Ep 9 (8 girls remain) -- NO girls leave
Feb 10:  SD= Poppy                                          -- Brigette active on SM: "I'm baaaack!" (eliminated Ep 7 with Carrisa)
Feb 11:  SD= Danielle 
Feb 12:  CP/10th RC; Ep 10 (6 girls remain) -- Danielle and Kristie leave
Feb 13:  SD=                                                   
Feb 14:  SD=                                                 -- Carrisa active on SM (eliminated Ep 7)
Feb 15:  CP/11th RC; Ep 11 (6max to 4 min girls remain)
Feb 16:  SD=
Feb 17:  2on1=                                              -- Amanda active on SM (eliminated Ep 8)
Feb 18:  CP/12th RC; Ep 12  (6max to 3min girls remain) **If 4 or less girls remain, then HTDs this week**
Feb 19:  HTDs
Feb 20:                                                           -- Natalie active on SM
Feb 21:  
Feb 22:  earliest 13th RC?                                  -- Poppy active on SM (had Pre-1on1 Intro Video)                       
             If FDs, then travel to Fiji for at least ONE of the dates according to this article*
Feb 23:  FDs? with at least ONE girl going to Fiji 
Feb 24:                                                           -- Chrystal active on SM (had Intro Video)
Feb 25:  earliest MTP?
Feb 26:  
Feb 27: Possible FRC (6 Week timeline) **or move to Feb 28 if Mom's wedding was Mar 1**
                                                                     -- Matilda active on SM (had Intro Video)                                                                                                                               -- Art attended mom wedding either Feb 28/Mar 1 according to SM posts by his family/relatives. Earliest one was Feb 27 of empty tent setup for wedding. Post by Art's cousin in suit on Mar 1st. 
Feb 28:  Art's mother's wedding Feb 28 or Mar 1? (Took a 'break from filming to attend wedding' according to this Mar 19th article.
Mar 1:  Filming already finished by March 1st according to this Mar 1st article
___________ Week 7 ____________
Mar 2:  LCD?
Mar 3:                                                             -- Kristie active on SM (had Intro Video and eliminated Ep 10)
Mar 4:  Possible FRC (7 Week Timeline)
Mar 5:
Mar 6:                                                              -- Alysha active on SM
Mar 7:   **7 Week timeline ends**
Mar 8:  
Mar 9:                                                              -- Dani active on SM (thought I saw earlier activity by her late-Feb but when rechecked her FB was private and cannot guarantee it... so March 9 may or may not be a clue)

Note: SM activity for girls is not 100% accurate since it only reflects what can be found publicly.
For example:
-- Rosie left the first episode but her earliest SM activity was the end of March (so even later than Dani).
-- Lisa who left Ep 4, her earliest SM activity was also end of March (later than Dani).
-- So other than the SM activity before Feb 28, it is not known how accurate Kristie, Dani, or Alysha's SM activity is or anyone else's for that matter. 

This is interesting... seems like TBNZ doesn't want people to know when the final show will air because it is commercially sensitive?
art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Hmmhmm10

If Matilda breaks her wrist as we see and wears a cast, she was out of the cast by ~ March 25 according to SM activity and posts of her not wearing a cast (on her SM she isn't wearing a cast, but may have had it still bandaged that day).

Typically, an adult wears a cast for ~ 6-7 weeks post trauma. This means that if Matilda wore it for ~ 6 weeks, then she fell off the horse around Feb 8-10. This matches the timeline of when it was sleuthed that she possibly fell off the horse...  

art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Affsaf10

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sat May 02, 2015 10:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by mercieme Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:09 pm

Danielle B's interview on MoreFM.


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Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:33 pm

old mate art????

art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 154yr7c


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:15 am


Even though it’s been done around the world, Mike said the “six degrees of separation” in New Zealand meant everyone has some kind of relationship to the show.

“Everyone knows someone who is linked with someone. There’s a lot of speculation...everyone gets drawn into it whether they love it or hate it.”

He said ultimately Arthur has been “really brave” to go through the warts and all process on TV and something about the return to traditional dating has touched a nerve.

“That’s been quite sweet to watch in the world of Tinder... It’s an hour of mindless entertainment where people can escape the realities of the world. Whether that’s successful or not we all go on the ride together.

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Post by mercieme Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:00 pm

Matilda, Alysha, Poppy and Natalie interviewed. Note Dani & Chrystal were already profiled in Women's Day NZ a few weeks ago.


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art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Empty Re: Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:03 am

mercieme wrote:Matilda, Alysha, Poppy and Natalie interviewed. Note Dani & Chrystal were already profiled in Women's Day NZ a few weeks ago.
Four contestants from the Bachelor NZ talk to TV Guide about what REALLY goes on behind the scenes on the reality show.

art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Matlida
Matilda Rice, 24, media sales executive from Auckland

What is your strategy for staying in the competition?

I don't really have one. Just be yourself. If you didn't win and had been yourself... it was obviously not meant to be and he's not the one for you anyway.

What is the most challenging thing about being on the show?

Probably hearing the other girls talk about how close they are with Art.

How do you feel about the way you have been portrayed on TV?

I think they've portrayed me how I am. I don't feel I've been portrayed as a character because I was little bit nervous about that.

Best thing about the show?

The dates are just epic. Usually you'd just go to the movies or go for a coffee or get a drink but with these ones it's like 'you climb the harbour bridge and then you bungy jump and have a picnic on the bridge'.

art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Alyssa
Alysha Brown, 26, high school teacher from Invercargill

Why did you decide to take part?

I actually didn't even know the show was happening but I was talking to my best friend and she said 'You should apply for The Bachelor New Zealand'. And so one night I couldn't sleep and thought 'Bugger it. I'll just do it. What's the worst that can happen?'

What would you say to people who say these sorts of shows are demeaning to women?

From my point of view it's empowering to women. You have to have a certain amount of guts to even contemplate going on the show and putting yourself in the public eye. It does show you're willing to fall in love and open yourself up to those opportunities.

What don't the viewers see on camera?

They don't get to see which girls are good friends. My best friend is Poppy but you wouldn't gather from the show that she is.

art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Poppy
Poppy Salter,  24, yoga instructor from UK/Auckland

What did your friends and family say when they heard you were going to be on the show?

My mum didn't want me going on it at all. My dad thought it was something like I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

Did you think a certain incident would get edited out and were you surprised when it wasn't?

When I farted on my date, I found it absolutely hilarious. I looked at the sound person and said, 'Did you get that?' Afterwards I had a word with someone and said, 'I know my fart was hilarious. I don't mind it being used. I'm OK with that'.

Is there a limit to how many drinks you can have at the cocktail party?

No. We can have as much as we want.

art green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 Natalie
Natalie Stol, 23, event manager from Pukekohe

What do you like about Art?

Probably his outlook on things. He's a positive person and willing to try anything and everything. He doesn't take anything too seriously.

Why should he pick you?

We've got a lot of similarities. We enjoy the same things in life. I think we're a good match. He's tall, I'm tall. He's sporty, I'm sporty. He's outgoing, I'm outgoing. We'd be good together.

How does our version of the show compare with the Australian one?

We're a lot more down-to-earth and normal. They've done a great job of casting because on the Australian one they're all loopy people.

What have you learnt about yourself?

I've never been in a proper long-term relationship before and I don't do a lot of dating so I think this whole thing has made me realise what I do want in a relationship and that I do want a partner and how to go about it.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:32 am

brigette_dickson There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder,smile a little bigger and live just a little better - meet some of them- my wolfies xx
(Lisa's surprise party last night   xx ) #wolfpack
Read more at green - Bach New Zealand - Art Green - IG - SM- Media Vids - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* NO Discussion - Page 9 11117129_983713588306856_1063287316_n

petradordevich Just chilling with the bachelor gals x x x @therealdanigram @matootles 19h
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jianix bachelorette crew  7h
teammatootles IS THIS AT BOTANY???? 7h
teammatootles @jianix HOW DID YOU MEET THEM??? 6h
badgalfariri ^ hahahaha 6h
jianix @teammatootles it was in ponsonby! 6h
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Post by robinvi Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:17 am

Does Women's Day know the F1? Because they just tweet but only hash tagged Dani, Matilda and Poppy. I thought It was interesting

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Post by Guest Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:55 pm

There is a crazy groupie fangirl posting on dani's IG! cantstopl I wonder how old she is cantstopl cantstopl

then the 10-25year old fan base... sweet 14 years old... which I am sure that dani will contact! Smiley

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:29 pm

Placing here.. statement made by TBNZ on their FB page about rumors.
Katiebelle wrote:Just had a quick look at the officiial Facebook page of the Bachelor NZ and the comment below was posted by the site in response to someone saying that Art was back with his ex. I can't screen cap it from the site but copied and pasted it below.

The Bachelor New Zealand He's not with his ex, and there's no way we'd have a bachelor who wasn't a bachelor. Don't believe everything you read in the paper
4 · 6 hours ago

This was posted by the site administrator themselves so must be true! Yaaaah! Hope for our ladies yet!
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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:31 am

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