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Post by emusha Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:32 pm

so interesting that people are getting into it -- I guess MF has created a goldmine after all with that uniform format!

I wonder if they are required to stick to the format to a certain extent to keep the branding and get the international recognition -- this is the first ever bach in NZ so I can see why that alone makes it exciting... good looking and young appealing lead and contestant also doesn't hurt --  the close knit rumor mill also sounds awesome for the producers...
they seemed to have tapped into the early 20ies dating scene in aukland and just broadcast it as a tv show
interesting indeed...

Last edited by emusha on Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by mercieme Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:32 pm

HEA wrote:I agree that this franchise is made for NZ first.
It seems to me also that NZ are more traditionalist regarding relationship and demonstrating physical feelings is not the norm.
The bachelor franchise offer a TV reality show based on fairytale... meaning prince charming and princess ready to compete his heart. For a young girl of 15-20, a guy who is around 25 is still young enough so they can find him not only attractive but "affordable".
If they picked a guy over 30-35, then the fans age would have changed, the GF/BF would not be mentioned and we all believe in the fiancé.
They wanted to include midde aged with danielle 35years when we all knew that arthur was definitely not into mature women.

we are all biased here because we watched many seasons and this NZ is definitely one for young adults not for mature women fans.

I agree Good Post


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Post by Guest Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:06 pm

they probably studied the market and young adults took the cake and decided to select a young successful guy, good looking, healthy... the image of a young male NZ.

same ads as the other franchises: makeup, clothes, vacay destination

i noticed that they all promoted their clothes, dani promoted skin brand and we all saw the set up in the makeup room.... plus the horrible ugly makeup they all had at one RC (re: crystal)


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:21 pm

mercieme wrote:Emusha you make really good points especially on the approach they have taken to make the show "production heavy" & the focus on the cocktail party which AAL has correctly deduced as another date on its own.

I also thought the format would not work on the younger demographics but lo & behold it is working for some odd reason. I have read that the ratings have been climbing for the show & the producers have hit a home run. SM is also bananas, you won't believe how much folks are posting about looking forward to the show weekly & everyone has a source that has confirmed the winner to them. All these is why I gave props to the producers doing their work upfront to identify the demographics they are going after.

I am just glad it will all unfold in about 2 weeks or so but I am not holding my breath for a super romantic finale though I am hoping Art & his final lady will be interviewd post show.
ITA with you! From what I can see this show is HUGE now in NZ. Probably the biggest thing ever to happen - it is the first making of huge reality stars based on a reality tv-show that has "dating/romance" as its theme. It is all over the news, all over magazines. People are asking if the finale will be screened in theaters on the big screen. They are having lots of viewing parties, dressing up, etc. I think because the country is so small it has been a huge hit and everyone is talking about it. Even the prime minister. I mean, would the president of the US be asked who he thinks will win the bachelor? Don't think so. This is a small country with invested viewers from what it seems.

Katiebelle who lives there and posts on this board has confirmed this. This shows that production definitely knew their target audience and why they have a 7:30 pm timeslot. The age of the contestants is 22-26. The age of the majority of viewers is 10-25. Comparing this show to any other, including Bach Aussie, imo, is a waste of time. TBNZ is its own thing. Katiebelle already emphasized how important being seen as different and unique is to Kiwis. I believe her!

Like you, whatever happens, happens. I am optimistically cautious about post-show, but if there is any truth to rumors that Art is not genuine he will have a really rough time in small NZ so he might have to move to Oz. laugh out loud

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:34 pm

sophienette wrote:
emusha wrote:I think Blake is so much more slimy than this guy -- Blake was on a WHOLE other level imho...but whether both of the were on it for the fame and just playing along -- we'll see I guess.

As I've said before, I felt like the chemistry from Art's side was forced with Mathilda and they seemed to be playing along together for some reason... it was bizzare watching their body language for the kiss
in. It is important to remember this is a TV show. Art and his response about the girl he wants "fun" "won't stand in the way of art's very rich social like aka his friends" sounds very unserious when it comes to the stuff they talk about on the show of him wanting to find his wife... at the most I think he wants someone to date -- I mean even BAusS1's "in love" couple hasn't gotten married yet!

To be fair to him, he kissed his F6 which isnt that many. He has also said clearly, on camera, that he was excited that he might have a girlfriend in a couple of weeks. he never said Fiancée that i can remember.
The issue I am having is this: he has clearly stated he is finding a girlfriend only. That's it. We know he will not be doing anything more at the end of the show than saying at most, I may be falling in love with you, let's date.

So here is my confusion. It has been made clear that the end of this will result in a girlfriend (at least on the show).

Given that there is no expectation from anyone and magazines are not saying anything about it being more than just a girlfriend-finding show, why...

... on the week when the rumors came out about him being with his ex (which TBNZ refuted) why would he go and do an interview and say that he sees himself marrying his final choice?

That's not something I expected him to say AT ALL! There is no expectation for him to even hint at that possibility as he never even hinted at it on the show If filming ended around the timeline of the first week of March (which it definitely looks like it did as speculated by the timeline created and that Poppy's mom was in NZ for HTD Feb 24) then that means IF he is with his final girl that they have been together ~ 6 weeks.

Art even saying he can see himself marrying his final girl and embracing and confirming he is a dork is what makes me think that the couple are still together possibility. Coming out and saying he is still with the final girl is fine and could be just script-speech until the show ends. But to say he can see himself marrying her and it is so weird and crazy that he feels this way and then in TV guide saying he has been cooking for her? (Matilda loves to eat he told us) and all of this in the same week as Matilda's date and kiss and she and Art on Woman's Day with "How Matilda Won Art's Heart" and then Art favoriting two posts about his date with Matilda?

If he isn't with his F1 (and I believe it to be Matilda) then him going on record saying he sees himself marrying his final choice is taking it way too far, imo. Because it is such an unexpected thing for him to say.

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Post by mercieme Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:46 pm

AAL I am convinced Art will be shown as still with the final girl post the March 6th finale. How real the relationship is what we won't know.

TV3 has a lot at stake in it because they have marketed this show based on a genuine bachelor. Even Si from Si & Gary on MoreFM has said how much he loves Art on multiple times. And we all know Mike Puru said he would date Art himself.

The NZ media will crucify all parties if that clean image of Art they have sold & riding big time on with ratings is tainted. IMO that's why they will end the show as a successful outcome because TV3 wants to continue the series. Any news of break up of the final couple IMO would be way after the finale IMO.


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:50 pm

mercieme wrote:So Matilda exchanged tweets with Jane & Duncan from the fantasy suit podcast. She basically has told them she will bring cupcakes for them & then she exchanged "cake jokes" with them. My favorite from Jane to Matilda was "I've grown rather 'fondant' of you" & Matilda sent one to them saying "I am gonna tiramisu guys when this is all over". There are other hilarious exchanges between Matilda & Jane. I bet Matilda will be on their podcast with cupcakes for real when this is all over art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 60 3806527698
art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 60 3806527698 art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 60 1710264613 Just when I am thinking everything is awash and the rumors are true there goes me thinking things may be on the other extreme (because it seems like those are really the only two options here for me given that Art went on the radio to say he could marry his FI on the same day as his date with Matilda).

So I listened to the podcast and saw this twitter exchange you mention! These people know Matilda won. I absolutely feel like they know. Duncan was laughing and giggling and saying he won, he won, because he is Matilda and the other two ladies seem to be trying to pretend that this is not the case. It was an hilarious interview!! And basically pro-Matilda all the way. Duncan was saying that he watches this show to see who wins, like sports. Then he says that the most genuine interaction is with Art and Matilda on their date and kiss. And that "Matilda leap-frogged over the other contestants, cast and all" cantstopl And then at the end of the podcast he says she wins. He is giggling all the way through and drinking alcohol is probably why! art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 60 3806527698 If Jane knows Art's bday and Duncan is saying she can bake Art a cake? I actually found the part where Jane says that Art confuses her SOOO true! He confuses me too. I almost feel like they know Matilda wins but the rumors about what happens post-filming are making them have some doubts about Art and whether he is with Matilda. And that is where my doubts come from too! But then Art follows them on Twitter? All of this again in the week of Matilda's first kiss date and his "I can see myself marrying my final girl".

It is going to be an interesting post-show final episode that is for sure. I agree with HEA that this is definitely a different audience and much younger. I think that is why it is hard not to be biased after watching this show so many years with older leads. But Art makes me feel like he will still be a fun, dorky type kid even at 40. Not necessarily immature, just that he and his family seem to be more about living a happy, fun, funny life and that seems to be what he wants. He did say he knows what he wants and just is figuring out who has that.


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:58 pm

mercieme wrote:AAL I am convinced Art will be shown as still with the final girl post the March 6th finale. How real the relationship is what we won't know.

TV3 has a lot at stake in it because they have marketed this show based on a genuine bachelor. Even Si from Si & Gary on MoreFM has said how much he loves Art on multiple times. And we all know Mike Puru said he would date Art himself.

The NZ media will crucify all parties if that clean image of Art they have sold & riding big time on with ratings is tainted. IMO that's why they will end the show as a successful outcome because TV3 wants to continue the series. Any news of break up of the final couple IMO would be way after the finale IMO.
Good Post I agree

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Post by Katiebelle Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:10 pm

Yes it has been a big hit in NZ and they have definitely thought about their target market. We don't have a massive amount of reality tv shows and the ones made here, cooking and home improvement are targeted more for an older demographic. We do have xfactor but I think the younger crowd haven't really been catered for.

I had some girlfriends round for Friday drinks (it's been a loooong week) and we had all been pulled into the show by our daughters. It's not something we would normally watch but are all enjoying the story lines, picking our favourites and guessing who is going to win. And it's something we can talk about with the younger generation without looking like we are "tryhards" .

As for him saying that he can see himself marrying this woman. Maybe he started just wanting it to be a dating show but over the last 6 weeks while they have had this "secret" relationship he's really come to care for her. My husband said he knew he wanted to marry me after our "meet the parents" dinner. That was six months before he actually proposed!

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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Post by Guest Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:18 pm

6 weeks but probably only 2 maybe 3 meetings of 1-2 days each if they were lucky
IMO stilt not enough time to fall madly in love and think marriage at all
however, a great time to see if outside the cameras, they can date, yes.
Now I hope they used SKYPE or similar. Not the same as physical meeting, but a good way to know each other


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:12 pm

Katiebelle wrote:Yes it has been a big hit in NZ and they have definitely thought about their target market. We don't have a massive amount of reality tv shows and the ones made here, cooking and home improvement are targeted more for an older demographic. We do have xfactor but I think the younger crowd haven't really been catered for.

I had some girlfriends round for Friday drinks (it's been a loooong week) and we had all been pulled into the show by our daughters. It's not something we would normally watch but are all enjoying the story lines, picking our favourites and guessing who is going to win. And it's something we can talk about with the younger generation without looking like we are "tryhards" .

As for him saying that he can see himself marrying this woman. Maybe he started just wanting it to be a dating show but over the last 6 weeks while they have had this "secret" relationship he's really come to care for her. My husband said he knew he wanted to marry me after our "meet the parents" dinner. That was six months before he actually proposed!
It is definitely pulling one in. And what a lovely story for you and your hubby. My hubby said the same thing. When you know you know.

I agree that if Art just wanted a girlfriend and saw this as dating show and then, after choosing just one girl to focus on and he said they have met up and he has cooked for her then I could see him realizing that maybe she is "the one" for him.

There seems to have been a progression in his way of thinking or what he feels from what he has said in interviews.
1) When the show first aired, March 17th, he was interviewed the next day and said that he feels that he has found someone special, and not sure if she is "the one" but he hopes so and time will tell.
2) Then April 22nd, he is interviewed via radio and says that he thinks he will marry the girl he chose.

If he is being honest and genuine in these interviews (and to me he sounds like he is) then his feelings for the one he chose have deepened and progressed.

Despite all my back and forth, I don't have any doubts that he picked Matilda. The doubts crept in based on rumors and SM activity on IG that seemed so odd at the time. Maybe they are all just going to go through the motions and he and his F1 will pretend to be together for a while before breaking up or give it a real shot. The thing that gives me hope is that he never pretended in interviews when the show aired that he knew that the girl he chose is "the one". That to me says he wasn't trying to fake it. So I don't see why he would say he sees himself marrying the girl he chose a month and a bit later unless he is also being honest about that too. There's no real reason for him to say this, imo, other than that is how he feels. It is going to be an interesting next two weeks. If anything, Art could be doing some sort of "protecting" his F1 (something he said he felt protective of Matilda on the show) since we are at that stage in the show where he will be liking ALL the girls and kissing all of them. He DID say that that was the most uncomfortable part of the show. He also said he would not be doing anything more than kissing during overnight dates and that he will figure out how to handle seeing himself kissing more than one girl and not his Final girl and maybe this is his way of handling it? Doing an interview the day of Matilda and his 2nd date and first kiss and when he told her that he had a thought of dread when she fell off the horse because what if she wanted to leave and that would mean the whole experience would be over for him. When he told Matilda that, that sealed it for me that she is F1. His speaking out and the Woman's Day cover make me think they are trying to protect the final couple to some degree. In 2 weeks time we will know!

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Post by Guest Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:43 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:
Katiebelle wrote:Yes it has been a big hit in NZ and they have definitely thought about their target market. We don't have a massive amount of reality tv shows and the ones made here, cooking and home improvement are targeted more for an older demographic. We do have xfactor but I think the younger crowd haven't really been catered for.

I had some girlfriends round for Friday drinks (it's been a loooong week) and we had all been pulled into the show by our daughters. It's not something we would normally watch but are all enjoying the story lines, picking our favourites and guessing who is going to win. And it's something we can talk about with the younger generation without looking like we are "tryhards" .

As for him saying that he can see himself marrying this woman. Maybe he started just wanting it to be a dating show but over the last 6 weeks while they have had this "secret" relationship he's really come to care for her. My husband said he knew he wanted to marry me after our "meet the parents" dinner. That was six months before he actually proposed!
It is definitely pulling one in. And what a lovely story for you and your hubby. My hubby said the same thing. When you know you know.

I agree that if Art just wanted a girlfriend and saw this as dating show and then, after choosing just one girl to focus on and he said they have met up and he has cooked for her then I could see him realizing that maybe she is "the one" for him.

There seems to have been a progression in his way of thinking or what he feels from what he has said in interviews.
1) When the show first aired, March 17th, he was interviewed the next day and said that he feels that he has found someone special, and not sure if she is "the one" but he hopes so and time will tell.
2) Then April 22nd, he is interviewed via radio and says that he thinks he will marry the girl he chose.

If he is being honest and genuine in these interviews (and to me he sounds like he is) then his feelings for the one he chose have deepened and progressed.  

Despite all my back and forth, I don't have any doubts that he picked Matilda. The doubts crept in based on rumors and SM activity on IG that seemed so odd at the time. Maybe they are all just going to go through the motions and he and his F1 will pretend to be together for a while before breaking up or give it a real shot. The thing that gives me hope is that he never pretended in interviews when the show aired that he knew that the girl he chose is "the one". That to me says he wasn't trying to fake it. So I don't see why he would say he sees himself marrying the girl he chose a month and a bit later unless he is also being honest about that too. There's no real reason for him to say this, imo, other than that is how he feels. It is going to be an interesting next two weeks. If anything, Art could be doing some sort of "protecting" his F1 (something he said he felt protective of Matilda on the show) since we are at that stage in the show where he will be liking ALL the girls and kissing all of them. He DID say that that was the most uncomfortable part of the show. He also said he would not be doing anything more than kissing during overnight dates and that he will figure out how to handle seeing himself kissing more than one girl and not his Final girl and maybe this is his way of handling it? Doing an interview the day of Matilda and his 2nd date and first kiss and when he told her that he had a thought of dread when she fell off the horse because what if she wanted to leave and that would mean the whole experience would be over for him. When he told Matilda that, that sealed it for me that she is F1. His speaking out and the Woman's Day cover make me think they are trying to protect the final couple to some degree. In 2 weeks time we will know!

are you sure? really really sure 2000% sure without a doubt in your mind sure this time? Because no matter what you said, you are a matilda lover through and through and I do not think anybody had ever a nono doubt about it  cantstopl   art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 60 3806527698

Leads have handlers until the finale. They do repeat ad nauseam the same sentence in ITM, the same words on interviews so they do not reveal anything and in order to keep the audience interested in the 15 or so episodes. Everything is repeated again and again.

He kissed the top 4. He asked poppy and matilda the same questions. All 1:1 were special and all girls have something to offer.

Everyone sees what they want to see on their TV and hear what they want to hear with the edits/storyline the producers wish us to hear. But at the end of the day, nothing is waterproof that it is matilda or alysha or poppy or dani.

Even the hometown will say nothing. For Bach can #2, remember how badly it went with his parents and he picked the girl. Remember how badly it went with ashley's sister, and she picked JP. So no matter what we will see at hometown, it is BS.

However, the girl he will sent home at F4 will tell us way more because her personality will give us a clue.... maybe.


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