Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by robinvi Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:16 pm

Maybe the shock will be poppy deciding to leave. She is one of the front runners and Bridgette did not even say she was right for him. Plus Amanda on one of her exist interviews said more drama to come. I am very curious! If Nat leaves on episode 9 based on sm sleuthing poppy is the next one to be active.

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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:55 pm

robinvi wrote:Maybe the shock will be poppy deciding to leave. She is one of the front runners and Bridgette did not even say she was right for him. Plus Amanda on one of her exist interviews said more drama to come. I am very curious! If Nat leaves on episode 9 based on sm sleuthing poppy is the next one to be active.
I could see Natalie being eliminated in Ep 9. As Art said, "it was weird" and he treated her like a friend... 

I can see Poppy leaving (either sent home or own her own). The only thing that makes me hesitate is we have a PI of her talking from Ep 2 when she had her date IIRC about her father's approval. I saw this as being either pre-HTD or during/after HTD. If Chrystal is still in the running, then I can see Poppy leaving.

Based on SM activity, so far it has been in order of the girls leaving: ** IF Timeline is correct, then they are back on SM approx. 1 week or more post-RC
Hayley - Feb 7 (Ep 5, Shivani was Ep 6)
Brigette - Feb 10 (Ep 7)
Carrisa - Feb14 (Ep 7)
Amanda - Feb 18 (Ep 8)

Next we see:   (Danielle is missing from this list... I am thinking she will go home after Horse date or kept for the sake of keeping her. I see her going home though with another girl soon).
Natalie - Feb 21
Poppy - Feb 23
Chrystal - Feb 25
Matilda - Feb 27  (Feb 26/Feb27 date that FRC would be if 6 week film schedule. This is when Matilda changed her location from Sydney - her hometown to Auckland. I find it interesting that Art updated his profile on Jan 27 around the time news breaking about him being the bachelor. If Matilda is F1 she could have done the same to hide herself more. If she is not F1, then she was back home) 
Kristie - March 3
Alysha - March 6
Dani - March 9 
(Note: Kristie, Alysha, and Dani - no way to verify that this was the earliest they were back on SM. The other girls had much more public accounts, whereas these last three were private and even Kristie has an alias for her name on FB.

ETA: based on PI/ITMS that seem to be filmed later than when they were shown, Matilda, Dani, Kristie, Poppy, and Alysha have these that seem to be *filler* and filmed later on.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:13 pm; edited 3 times in total

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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:48 pm

To tie in with the above post regarding SM activity. I'm bringing this over from the sleuthing thread. This is the timeline constructed a while ago and updated to include the Ep 7 info posted here

Things on the 6 Week timeline seem to be matching what is happening on the episodes. Tauranga visit is for Episode 9 as speculated in the timeline. Will have to see what else matches up. If a total of 4 girls go home at the end of Ep 10 next week, then it is likely the following week will be HTDs.

Have updated the timeline below to include Ep 8 info and to confirm that Tauranga visit is for Ep 9 as previously speculated/sleuthed.

1) FRC = end of February
- Regarding the FRC, I'd posted that I thought the FRC ended at the end of Feb (US time) based on The New Zealand Herald reporting that filming had finished by March 1st

2) Show's publicist stated filming starts end of January
- The only issue with FRC=end of Feb was that it had been reported on Jan 11 by The New Zealand Herald by the show's publicist, Megan, that filming would start later that month of January.
- Taking the publicist's word that filming started later that month at the end of January and the article stated that filming had finished the end of February, that made it ~5 weeks if filming started Jan 24 for example. That seemed too short of a timeframe!! (so back to sleuthing).

3) Filming started Mid-January
- It was then sleuthed by AEF that the filming schedule would be no more than 7 weeks with filming starting mid-January.
- Also IIRC, ElonM, Mercieme, Kapiti, and other posters on board reported end of SM activity for the girls ending mid-January and seeing that Chrystal had posted Jan 15/16 and it was sleuthed that Jan 16/17 was the start of filming since none of the girls were active on SM after that date for a while.

5) Break in filming end of Feb/beginning March
- Then in another article by The New Zealand Herald (all the articles are by them) wherein which they interviewed Art's mother ~March 17, the article stated that Art had taken a break from filming to attend his mother's wedding 2 and 1/2 weeks prior to them interviewing Art's mom.
- So, if the interview was conducted the week of March 17 when the first episode aired, that means it was ~March 1st of the wedding (based on sleuthing the SM of Art's family, it looks like the wedding was ~Feb 27/28).

6) SM activity by the girls.
- At the time, Matilda was speculated to be F1 and her earliest SM activity was Feb 27 so it was speculated that maybe she wasn't F1.
- The latest SM activity we can get (that is public, so it is not 100% accurate) is Alysha and Dani and even Kristie that started SM activity after Feb 28 (when filming was said to be finished)
- And so speculation began that maybe, if one of these girls were F1 and not Matilda, that maybe The New Zealand Herald had said filming had ended by March 1st but had changed that later on to say it was just a 'break' in filming so Art could attend his wedding.
- One speculation is that they reported this so that if people saw him out and about, they would know he was on a 'break' rather than filming had finished since they want to keep the dates of filming a secret.
- Based on all this, it was speculated that if filming did not end by March 1st then maybe it ended the first week of March and so that would be a 7 Week filming schedule and that was then added as a possibility to the 6 Week schedule.

>> The timeline is currently set at 6 Weeks because it makes the most logical sense (imo) and purely because I believe that it would be easier to end filming and have Art attend a wedding than have him attend a wedding only to have a few more days of filming where MTP, LCD, and FRC would then take place if it was a 7 Week schedule. And the thing is, if his mom got married, would she really want to be doing all that for her honeymoon? Maybe so, so the 7 Week schedule is there just in case.

AllAboutLove wrote:Timeline in New Zealand Time using mercieme and ElonM's (thank you both!!) sleuthing and post from Alysha saying that RCs were about 3 days apart and maximum of 7 weeks shooting starting mid-Jan (thanks to AEF for sleuthing/posting this!)

So... Jan 16/17-28 (6 weeks) or Jan 16/17-March 7 (7 weeks):
(Note that because of the time difference, there could be one day difference: For example, Jan 17 NZ time could be Jan 16 USA time and the same applies to all the other dates since they were 17 hours ahead of EST at time of filming). 

Key (just to help make it easier to read)
M&G= meet and greet
SD= single date (all single date girls have gotten a rose so far. Will only change this if that changes)
GD= group date
GDR= group date rose
SQT= special quality time
CP= cocktail party (including this since almost half of each episode thus far is just CP)
RC= rose ceremony
HTD= hometown date
FD= fantasy date (note that unlikely to have sleepovers)
MTP= meet the parents
LCD= last chance date (will be interesting to see if no girls let go before FRC)
FRC= final rose ceremony (not sure if together post-show. Maybe TBAUS format a clue?)

Possible Timeline in New Zealand Time (*7 week filming timeline would include the week of Mar 1-7th)
Jan 16/17:  M&G/CP/1st RC; Ep 1 (17 girls remain)
Jan 18:  SD= Poppy   
Jan 19:  GD/SQT=Chrystal, Danielle L. and Dani/GDR= Dani
Jan 20:  CP/2nd RC; Ep 2 (15 girls remain) 
Jan 21:  SD= Matilda
Jan 22:  GD/SQT+GDR= Kristie
Jan 23:  CP/3rd RC; Ep 3 (14 girls remain)
Jan 24:  SD= Amanda
Jan 25:  GD/SQT+GDR= Poppy
Jan 26:  CP/4th RC; Ep 4 (13 girls remain)
Jan 27:  SD= Dani  
Jan 28:  GD/SQT = Hayley; GDR = none -- Hayley wins the shooting challenge SQT -- Art changed his FB pic
Jan 29:  CP/5th RC; Ep 5 (12 girls remain) -- Hayley leaves
Jan 30:  SD=Chrsytal
Jan 31:  GD=everyone/GDR=Natalie and Dani/SQT=Dani
Feb 1:  CP/6th RC; Ep 6 (11 girls remain) -- Shivani leaves
Feb 2:  SD= Alysha
Feb 3:  GD= 6 girls (Kristie, Chrystal, Dani, Natalie, Brigette and Danielle);SQT=Dani; GDR= none
Feb 4:  CP/7th RC; Ep 7  (9 girls remain) -- Brigette and Carrisa leave
Feb 5:  SD = Natalie 
Feb 6:  GD = all girls? 
Feb 7:  CP/8th RC; Ep 8  (8 girls remain) -- Amanda leaves
            -- Hayley active on SM (eliminated Ep 5, so SM active possibly 1 week later after being eliminated* for most girls?)
Feb 8:  SD= ?? not sure if there is one (Kristie is shown on GD)
Feb 9:  GD= Matilda,  Tauranga visit horseriding group date where Matilda falls off horse? (NZ Tauranga possible visit according to this article posted Feb 24)
Feb 10:  CP/9th RC; Ep 9
Feb 11:  SD= ?? Kristie on waterfall date if not part of Ep 9? 
             -- Brigette active on SM: "I'm baaaack!" (eliminated Ep 7 with Carrisa)
Feb 12:  GD= ??
Feb 13:  10th RC; Ep 10 (6max to 4min** girls remain depending on how many are let go at prior RCs) --** If 4 girls remain, then could be HTDs this week?**
Feb 14:  -- Carrisa active on SM (eliminated Ep 7)
Feb 15:
Feb 16:   possible 11th RC if not HTDs
Feb 17:  
Feb 18:  possible 11th RC if had HTDs since 10th RC -- Amanda active on SM (eliminated Ep 8)
Feb 19:  If FDs, then travel to Fiji for at least ONE of the dates according to this article
Feb 20:  
Feb 21:   -- Natalie active on SM
Feb 22:  
Feb 23:   MTP? -- Poppy active on SM (had Pre-1on1 Intro Video)           
Feb 24:  
Feb 25:   LCD? -- Chrystal active on SM (had Intro Video)
Feb 26:  Possible FRC (6 Week timeline) **or move to Feb 27/28 if Mom's wedding was Mar 1**
Feb 27:  Art's mother's wedding on Feb 27/28? (Took a 'break from filming' according to this Mar 19 article. 
            -- Art's mom got married and he attended the wedding on this day according to SM posts)  
            -- Matilda active on SM (had Intro Video)
Feb 28:   Filming already finished according to this Mar 1st article  
Mar 1:   ****Art's mom's wedding if not Feb 27*** 

___________ Start of Week 7 ____________
Mar 2:
Mar 3:   -- Kristie active on SM with Bali FB post (had Intro Video) The NZHerald article said Fiji. 
Mar 4:
Mar 5:
Mar 6:   
Mar 7:  Possible FRC (7 Week timeline)  
           -- Alysha active on SM
Mar 8:
Mar 9:  -- Dani active on SM (thought I saw earlier activity by her late-Feb but when rechecked her FB was private and cannot guarantee it... so March 9 may or may not be a clue)

Note: SM activity for girls is not 100% accurate since it only reflects what can be found publicly.
For example:
-- Rosie left the first episode but her earliest SM activity was the end of March (so even later than Dani).
-- Lisa who left Ep 4, her earliest SM activity was also end of March (later than Dani).
-- So other than the SM activity before Feb 28, it is not known how accurate Kristie, Dani, or Alysha's SM activity is or anyone else's for that matter. 


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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:46 am

Art just liked Matilda's IG post. funny thing is he was the first one to like it.

ETA: This is interesting... seems like TBNZ doesn't want people to know when the final show will air because it is commercially sensitive. What does that mean?

art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Hmmhmm10

Kim Poole‎ April 9 at 7:51pm · Auckland, New Zealand ·
When does the last episode air. Getting the girls together for it!

The Bachelor New Zealand We can't give you an exact date at the moment, sorry - it's a bit commercially sensitive.

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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:01 pm

Well.... it looks like we are in for a crazy ride for Episode 9. Not sure who else caught the recent preview for Ep 9 but here are the details:

Episode 9 Recent Preview

Single date - definitely looks to be Kristie on the waterfall date but something goes wrong. Art is seen in PI saying that "she starts to hyperventilate" and it seems like it is in reference to Kristie when she jumps into the water. Not sure if it means their date is cut short or? or??

Group date - on horses and Kristie is also there (not sure who rides and who is just at the location). Perhaps the single date was cut short or something happened that made Art have Kristie on this date as well? Matilda definitely falls off the horse. The strange part is the way it is edited it shows the ambulance leaving and Art staying behind with the other girls. So it appears that if Matilda leaves in the ambulance, Art doesn't go with her? Suspect

A poor quality s/cap of Art and (Natalie?) shown when ambulance is leaving. Art is seen saying "Just by the look on her face I knew it was serious".
art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Art_na10

Rose Ceremony - unless they have stopped placing the girls who have received roses before the RC on the right side (where the girls stand) then Kristie doesn't have a rose pre-RC from her SD. But based on camera (unless it is flipped) she is shown on the right side later on. Everyone is seen at RC at some point except for Matilda. Art leaves the room mid-RC and is seen telling Mike the host that he is confused.

And RC s/cap of Kristie not standing on the Right Side at RC where girls usually stand if they have a rose pre-RC from SD (single date)
art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Kkk10

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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by robinvi Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:43 pm

Great find AAL! This will be a wild ride! I hope Art can get it together and eliminate some one. But perhaps no one goes home this episode. Maybe this is were the drama comes in all the girls are hinting at. This could also alter the timeline and support why they don't want anyone to know the final episode date.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:31 pm

robinvi wrote:Great find AAL! This will be a wild ride! I hope Art can get it together and eliminate some one. But perhaps no one goes home this episode. Maybe this is were the drama comes in all the girls are hinting at. This could also alter the timeline and support why they don't want anyone to know the final episode date.
>> Regarding the timeline and airing of last episode details it is soooo strange! What do they even  mean when they say they cannot reveal the last episode date because it is "Commercially sensitive"  question  The whole mystery surrounding when filming actually ended is really weird. Did they have to reshoot scenes? Did they actually take a break from filming at the end of Feb? I am starting to wonder how they will finish on the 6 week timeline if more girls don't get sent home soon!

>> I noticed this on TBNZ facebook page where someone asked why Episode 10 was marked as the final episode. TBNZ responded that it was incorrect and a typo and that there will be 2 girls eliminated each week until the last 2 are remaining. I don't see how this can be. There has to to be more than 2 girls per week (since there are 2 episodes/week) in order to get the girls whittled down. Maybe filming is 7 weeks? Maybe Matilda's injury is playing a role in all this?  scratch
art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Tbjj10

>> I am thinking that maybe one girl goes home Ep 9 and then maybe 3 girls go home Ep 10... thus Episode 10, which is Wednesday April 15 is stated as "Ep 10: While one bachelorette wonders if she will ever get her time to shine, another falls further for Arthur. And a shock announcement turns the competition on its head."
-- Maybe Danielle is the one wondering when she will get her chance to shine? She will be the only one without a single date.
-- Another falls further? Is this Matilda? She has already fallen off the horse... it could also be Dani, Poppy or Alysha getting a second date.
-- Shock announcement to me means multiple girls going home or someone leaving on their own.

>> I am wondering just how big of a wrench Matilda's injury is going to play this season. If her arm is in a cast, she can't swim with it, so that means a FD to a water place would have to change... can't ride horses again, cannot go jumping off a bridge or go dive into a pool. It really changes things if she has a cast on her arm!  What if she needed surgery on her wrist? :shocked!:

>> As for Art, I am at a loss as to why Art appears to not go with Matilda if she indeed does go in the ambulance scratch . Maybe he is not allowed to be in the ambulance as well? I will find it really odd if he doesn't meet her wherever she goes though (that is if she does go somewhere to a hospital, etc.). Based on the s/caps, his horse (the one with white and brown pattern) is in front of Matilda when she falls off. Then we see him standing by his horse and Natalie standing behind him and they appear to be watching the ambulance ride off (with Matilda?).  

>> From the RC s/caps... Matilda is no where to be seen. It also looks like Kristie starts out on the left side and then moves to the right (unless the camera flips the image). It also looks like Kristie was standing in the spot that Alysha then stands in... No Matilda in the group. Why wouldn't Matilda be at the RC? Unless the are just hiding her and she has a rose or still at doctor or something?  scratch

In these s/caps you see Kristie standing next to Dani (Dani is on Kristie's left, and on the viewers right).

art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Ep9tc10
art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Knd10
art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Kkk10

Kristie in a different spot? Alysha is next to Dani

art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Cnddp10
art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Acnd10

Kristie and Danielle next to each other... (Kristie is either got tears in her eyes or her makeup is making her eyes water)

art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Dpk10art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Dk10

>> Also, we have nothing shown in the Season Preview that is post-Episode 9 (everything that has been seen will happen in Ep 9). Is this usual? Not to even see a hint of FD or anything else in season previews?  scratch If someone gets a 2nd date in Ep 10 then this could explain why.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by mercieme Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:53 pm

I agree either Matilda wasn't there or they are hiding her. The fact that she was sleuthed post show with cast was what made me rule her out as the waterfall girl. Still possible though that she only got the cast post show but safe to say that most of us still believe F1 got the Fiji date (which we don't yet have screen caps for).

I think its ok if Art does not go with Matilda to the hospital since the producers might want the group date to continue (this brings to mind Brooks who got hurt on Des's season but came back to rejoin the date). However if Art does not escort her to the ambulance then maybe others are right that he just wasn't as deep into Matilda at that point  :stirthepot

On another note the girls all look great in the screen cap AAL posted above but IMO Poppy looks really gorgeous in that cap.

I also agree that if Matilda does not rejoin the date Art might pull another "roses for all" giggling


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art green - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 21 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:04 pm

not said here but arthur liked very early on alysha IG about her niece date card. so in my book it means that arthur is following a lot of the girls after show: poppy (shop). matilda (BFF pic), Alisha (niece IG), dani (twitter)

He does not go with matilda at the hospital... well at this point of the "competition", there is no love story with matilda yet, if any because at this point I am still waiting the kisses or anything showing me that there is a little bit more than a crush

Seems that none of the girls have a rose. Looking at the faces, I see all the girl pretty much uncomfortable, especially natalie, cristal and poppy. It is also possible that they waited a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time standing there and the camera caught them during that moment. We've seen that in the montage many times.

Nothing could prevent arthur to give a rose to kristie and matilda after. The RC was not immediately after the events so he still had opportunities to visit them and bring roses... he did not. At least we know he did not for kristie plus the fact that he did not accompany matilda to the hospital does not show a worried futur fiancé too.

so it is interesting indeed....

Last edited by HEA on Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:09 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Post by Guest Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:05 pm

mercieme wrote:I agree either Matilda wasn't there or they are hiding her. The fact that she was sleuthed post show with cast was what made me rule her out as the waterfall girl. Still possible though that she only got the cast post show but safe to say that most of us still believe F1 got the Fiji date (which we don't yet have screen caps for).

I think its ok if Art does not go with Matilda to the hospital since the producers might want the group date to continue (this brings to mind Brooks who got hurt on Des's season but came back to rejoin the date). However if Art does not escort her to the ambulance then maybe others are right that he just wasn't as deep into Matilda at that point  :stirthepot

On another note the girls all look great in the screen cap AAL posted above but IMO Poppy looks really gorgeous in that cap.

I also agree that if Matilda does not rejoin the date Art might pull another "roses for all" giggling

i think it was ames who got hurt no?


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:08 pm

Haha. It is kind of fun sleuthing this way! :yes:

They started out giving us spoiler previews of the next episodes with all the girls being shown at the RC so we could see who had roses already and now we don't know what is going on! Haha. They are getting sneaky on us and just as it is getting interesting. :Nod:

I really do love how they are editing this show. TBNZ are definitely doing their own thing. If Matilda is F1 and does hurt her wrist badly it will be interesting to see how that may have affected filming.

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Post by Guest Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:10 pm

... or not at all hahaha


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