Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:03 am

AEF wrote:Here's a casting call application that says filming begins in mid Jan and goes for a maximum of 7 weeks. Where did we get the five weeks of filming?
That announcement and others were made in Oct-Nov of 2014. They hadn't even decided on who the bachelor was by January (they were down to 3 finalists) and the host said that they used a stunt double for their promos because of this. The 5 weeks timeline was based on the post made below and from sleuthed media from this year (Agree that 5 weeks is too short as noted in post).

Bringing this forward since it was posted earlier regarding the timeline (As stated at bottom of post, thinking that they filmed at least around mid-Jan as bolded at bottom of post):
AllAboutLove wrote:Trying to pin down the filming schedule. Anyone know any details? From what I have gathered so far it seems that, if The New Zealand Herald is correct, then filming was ~ 5 weeks or so? Here is what I have discovered so far:

Filming started = approx. around the end of January? (Possibly final week of Jan? Maybe Jan 26th? Trying to keep in mind that rules/SM activity may not be same for TBNZ as elsewhere).
-- From an article in NZHerald about the show posted Sunday, Jan. 11
Show publicist Megan Stuart said filming would start later this month.
-- Art changed his FB privacy settings and updated his profile and cover photo, Tuesday, Jan 27. Also changed his IG settings to private around that time and changed his user photo (since been made public this week).
-- Bachelorette Lisa was chosen as a wildcard and announced around Jan. 11

Filming ended = end of February? Beginning of March? Still filming? (conflicting statements)
-- From NZHerald posted Sunday, March 1st
Filming has finished and fans can look forward to episodes showing group dates, one-on-one dates and the rose ceremony, where Green will present a single red rose to each of the bachelorettes he wants to get to know better. Those not given a rose are out.

Final episodes will see Green and bachelorettes meeting each other's friends and families. Romantic getaways are also planned, and it is understood at least one contestant enjoyed a date in Fiji with Green.
-- Mike Peru, the host, said they were still filming some things (WTA? ATFR?)
-- Other reporters stated that questions about filming were off-limits as was whether he found love
-- In Episode 2, Art tells Poppy that his mother is getting married in "4 weeks time". According to this article posted Thursday March 19 in the NZHerald, Art's mother got married and Art was at the wedding:
Cate Hlavac, 54, saw her son just two and a half weeks ago when he took a break from filming to attend Cate's wedding
.-- Cannot be certain when the interview was made or if 2 and 1/2 weeks ago is the timeline from the date of the article but if so, then Thursday March 19 minus 2 and 1/2 weeks ( ~ 17 days?) = ~ Monday March 2nd? So likely that weekend March 1st which is when the NZHerald stated filming had finished.
-- If filming finished and the FRC was at the end of February as NZHerald stated, then it makes more sense given that, in Ep 2, the girls say they have been there since "last week" so maybe the start of a new week/beginning of Feb for Ep 2 dates? and more in line with TBNZ publicist stating that filming was beginning around end of Jan.
-- There is also the possibility that Art DID take a break from filming and the FRC was the first week of March?

Anyone have ideas or knowledge regarding filming? 5 weeks is pretty short, especially with time off.
-- Also, all contestants have been active on SM. Most stopped being active on SM around Jan 14 (so wondering if filming actually started MID-January and was later in the week and not month of Jan?).
-- So far, Alysha seems to have the latest date of SM activity: March 6 she posted a repost pic of herself on her IG which Art favorited. Matilda changed her location settings on FB Feb 27, Amanda back on FB Feb 18.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:18 am; edited 2 times in total

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:08 am

mercieme wrote:Hey AllAboutLove, when you have a chance kindly cross check the information in the attached link with the sleuthed filming schedule. If Art's friends / Clean Paleo founders are talking to the media & screening his phone calls at the time of this intervew which was posted on Feb 20th...something is off. Art was not announced officially as the bachelor until sometime in March though rumors of him had started before then. The reference to the friend screening his call sounds like Art was already around & done with filming. I am thinking they might have started filming earlier than they led people to believe so the identity of the bachelor wouldn't leak. Thanks.
Hey Mercieme. Check the post above (I bolded it at the bottom where speculated filming may have started mid-January -- after Jan 14)" and ties in with AEF's post on a mid-January post. The publicist for the show said "filming starts end of month [January] and may have tried to mislead as it could have started end of that week (Jan 16) based on SM activity ending that makes the most sense still for me at least.

We do know they hadn't started filming January 11 because the wildcard, Lisa was not yet on the show (was doing interviews). One thing is that the contestants were still active on SM by Jan 14 and then stopped so thinking that they started filming that week. So if started Jan 16 for example it would be 6+ weeks filming which seems feasible.

As for screening calls. It is more likely they were screening them because he wasn't there and was filming and thus they didn't want to confirm that he wasn't there and was indeed the bachelor.

I think you are correct: Filming beginning week of Jan 14th and ending FRC Feb 27-ish. yes

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:18 pm

AEF wrote:Here's a casting call application that says filming begins in mid Jan and goes for a maximum of 7 weeks. Where did we get the five weeks of filming?

mercieme wrote:Thanks AEF for finding the casting call, really big help to estimate the filming timing. So if the media link posted up thread (link published March 1st) that filming was complete already. We can estimate (based on the casting call information) that filming must have started sometime during the week of Jan 11th & completed last week of Feb.

Sam from BACH AU said she spent only the last day of filming & maybe one extra day with Blake IIRC. Assuming BACH NZ follows the same script, I would estimate FRC as Feb 27th.

Nice work yes !


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Post by Guest Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:06 pm

Too funny on those mean tweets and Art's comments/reaction-he's got an infectious laugh, which I love!


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Post by GuardianAngel Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:46 pm

IA Lost - His laugh and facial expressions are just adorable!


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by mercieme Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:23 am

These reporters are funny, her intro clearly says she works for a media company...duh

Speculation on whether Matilda should have allowed as a contestant being an employee of Media works (parent company of TV3). Also posted in media thread,


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:04 pm

Mercieme, thanks for posting! I do think she is genuine and there for the right reasons. Maybe she knew Art was going to be the lead and decided to apply? Nothing wrong with that and if so, may even add to her credibility? She doesn't seem to be capitalizing on herself like Kristie, Alysha, Dani, Chrystal and others are already doing posting on their SM public figure pages, sponsored clothes, protein things, etc. Nothing wrong with those things and she may very well do that as well, no harm no foul.

Honestly? Okay, here I go. *deep breath* If anyone gives me concern it is Art.  :nervous  :shocked!:

I don't know but something is just *off* scratch  I remember I felt this way about Tim (from TBCanada) and posted in the thread around episode 3 or 4 that I didn't want to watch because there was something off about him. Then I watched and was sooooo sucked in. But, I was sucked in to how he was treating his F1... that's what pulled me in. Then, when they were engaged, I posted in the thread that I thought his body language was off post-ATFR (and how he kinda nervously laughed "noooo" in an interview when April straight up asked him if he did anything/sleep with his F2). Then convinced myself that he was just tired, etc and its not like good body language post-show is an indicator for long-term success anyway. Now Art is sucking me in because he has a lot going for him but has the aw-shucks factor as well which is endearing. *help me* :fanningfan

I am going to keep my wits about me this time around. Or try to. I would rather be surprised that he is real and genuine than disappointed that he is not. :yes:

And there are some things that give me pause (red flags).
- His following of the girls and vice versa. Not my thing if I was F1. And no, I don't believe in the "producers are controlling social media" view. There is no PROOF of that. Even Whitney (F1 for Chris S) had her Twitter profile as "Wannabe Iowan." I have yet to see SM lie. Can people misread it? Sure, especially if they are projecting their own wants onto it.
- Art also was an extra/had a bit part (one line) in Spartacus where he met his friend who co-owns his company with him.
- He has been a model so he knows some of that business too and likely got his acting gig by being such.
- Even though he with 2 others own their own company he is still young and living with mates? Where's his own place? Not exactly conducive to stability in long-term relationship, imo. But could be a lifestyle choice and saving expenses since no need to have his own.
- His post-show interviews I cannot gauge if he is actually in love?? *biggest concern for me* And he hasn't said anything to imply he is, imo. I think AEF or someone posted that in one interview he even said "What is true love?" when asked if he has found it or in it (not that he has to be after dating multiple women for such a short time so he could just be ultra realistic which is a pro and why I don't see a proposal at all at the end of the show, only dating like Tim and Anna from TBAUS).
- There have been rumours posted on SM that he had a girlfriend long distance before he became the lead and dumped her before then to have the gig....
- Who IS his ex that he talks about in the show? Does anyone know? She just disappeared to go on a superyacht (as stated in the media)?

I am just trying not to get caught up in the edit and "bachelor-Art" and view his SM and other activity as more representative of himself. His SM following choices are not that great either. Lots of scantily clad women/models he has followed recently. But, that's a guy thing, eh. no no Rolling Eyes

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:50 pm

AAL, what an insightful post! yes

i would rather him and his F1 following Tim-Anna non-proposal route and working their relationship out than venturing Blake and Sam's proposal route and end up with an awful (F2/F3) switcheroo or splitsville :yes:


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Kapiti Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:38 am

AllAboutLove wrote:
snipped..I think you are correct: Filming beginning week of Jan 14th and ending FRC Feb 27-ish. yes
Just thought I would note that the latest sm date I could find for the girls so far was Chrystal posting something on Jan16, a Friday. Could filming have started the next day, a weekend? Also find it funny that the casting call mentioned 7 weeks max, which would bring the finish date to March the 7th. Is it normal for them to overestimate by a week if the FRC was actually late Feb? If Art did have a break from filming for his mums wedding around March 2, is there any chance of FRC happening after that instead of before? Otherwise why would they have specified that he took a break for the wedding instead of just going after filming was all done? Finding these dates very confusing! Alysha, who is very active on SM was sleuthed by AAL to be active on March 6 which would work with filming continuing into March. I can't see her finishing filming and not getting straight onto SM (if the FRC was late Feb). Hopefully one of you can un-muddle me!!

AllAboutLove wrote:Mercieme, thanks for posting! I do think she is genuine and there for the right reasons. Maybe she knew Art was going to be the lead and decided to apply? Nothing wrong with that and if so, may even add to her credibility? She doesn't seem to be capitalizing on herself like Kristie, Alysha, Dani, Chrystal and others are already doing posting on their SM public figure pages, sponsored clothes, protein things, etc. Nothing wrong with those things and she may very well do that as well, no harm no foul.
And there are some things that give me pause (red flags).
- His following of the girls and vice versa. Not my thing if I was F1. And no, I don't believe in the "producers are controlling social media" view. There is no PROOF of that. Even Whitney (F1 for Chris S) had her Twitter profile as "Wannabe Iowan." I have yet to see SM lie. Can people misread it? Sure, especially if they are projecting their own wants onto it.
- Art also was an extra/had a bit part (one line) in Spartacus where he met his friend who co-owns his company with him.
- He has been a model so he knows some of that business too and likely got his acting gig by being such.
- Even though he with 2 others own their own company he is still young and living with mates? Where's his own place? Not exactly conducive to  stability in long-term relationship, imo. But could be a lifestyle choice and saving expenses since no need to have his own.
- His post-show interviews I cannot gauge if he is actually in love?? *biggest concern for me* And he hasn't said anything to imply he is, imo. I think AEF or someone posted that in one interview he even said "What is true love?" when asked if he has found it or in it (not that he has to be after dating multiple women for such a short time so he could just be ultra realistic which is a pro and why I don't see a proposal at all at the end of the show, only dating like Tim and Anna from TBAUS).
- There have been rumours posted on SM that he had a girlfriend long distance before he became the lead and dumped her before then to have the gig....
- Who IS his ex that he talks about in the show? Does anyone know? She just disappeared to go on a superyacht (as stated in the media)?

I am just trying not to get caught up in the edit and "bachelor-Art" and view his SM and other activity as more representative of himself. His SM following choices are not that great either. Lots of scantily clad women/models he has followed recently. But, that's a guy thing, eh. no no Rolling Eyes
I agree that Matilda seems to be there for the right reasons. Especially with the lack of self-promotion and how genuine her feelings come across on the show. Would be super happy to see her at the end with Art.  
AAL, it was really good to see you opening up the conversation about another side to Art. We have all been singing his praises and haven't really been looking at him from any other point of view.
I think the fact that he lives with his mates is more indicative of the fact that he had been living in Australia for awhile and it was probably easiest to move right in with some friends instead of hunting around for his own place on his own while settling back in and sorting out jobs etc. I'm sure if he got serious with a girl that would change. He's still only 26 and I don't think it's too weird for him to be living with mates after coming back from living in another country.
murasaki1393 wrote:AAL, what an insightful post! yes
i would rather him and his F1 following Tim-Anna non-proposal route and working their relationship out than venturing Blake and Sam's proposal route and end up with an awful (F2/F3) switcheroo or splitsville :yes:
AAL, I do really agree with your point about his post-show interviews, if he's not giving off any indication of being in love then maybe he just isn't! If that's the case, I'm agreeing with Murasaki and hoping for a Tim-Anna dating situation at the end too, rather than a proposal.
That's no good about the long distance gf before the show. Where did you see the post? Did it seem legit? He really doesn't seem the type (Unlike Blake last year who actually did seem to have a long distance gf who ended up on these forums!!).
Have no idea who is ex is, but if they stayed together for 5 years that's hopefully a good indication that he's capable of being a serious partner. They would've broken up when he was 22/23 so he's had a good amount of time to move on and heal too.
Lastly, I also find it weird that he's liking some of those skimpy models on insta. Most of them don't follow him back so it's not like he's being polite by returning the follow. It doesn't really seem like the actions of a guy in love? Maybe we're just super romantics here giggling  and it's something he finds normal? Feeling confused. scratch


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:43 am

Good Post Kapiti


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Post by ElonM Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:42 am

What party is he referencing? Possible group date? I'm seeing Amanda, Shavini and Natalie.

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:10 pm

ElonM wrote:What party is he referencing? Possible group date?  I'm seeing Amanda, Shavini and Natalie.

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Bachelor party #bachelornz #cooldude
Hey ElonM. It is not a group date but the launch party for the show hosted by MediaWorks on March 17 (day show aired). For the photo, from left to right: Natalie in purple short dress (she is very tall), Art, barker dude, Amanda with rose, and Carissa in black dress.

Here is another post for the girls (Natalie, Carissa, and Amanda) from the launch party March 17 via @nzgirlhq on IG.

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Last edited by AllAboutLove on Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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