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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:58 am

ElonM wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:
ElonM wrote:I'm now catching up on this thread. Great sleuthing going on here.

So from the speculation Alysha could be the F1.

If she is, I now she why Matilda only has one photo of her time on the show.

I found this strange.

My thing is the possible/spoiled F1 only post intimate shots of themselves and the bachelor.

IA. It is my confusion with the show vs. post-show SM activity and why I was so quick to say Alysha is F1 based purely on SM activity so early in the season.

I have the dilemma of edit (Matilda getting intro video and Alysha doesn't for a first season of TBNZ that is odd, imo but still possible as well as the "theme music" between her and Art) and the post-show SM activity (Art liking posts that Alysha makes that are bachelor-related to her dates with him).

If I were to determined the F1 by Art's SM activity that person would be Alysha.

However, thus far Matilda has been very quiet on IG whereas Alysha has been posting up a storm. Also from her posting she is no longer  teaching but rather doing a post grad.

As nice a person that Art is I don't think he's that nice to be liking so much pics on her IG given he's with Dani or Matilda. I'm most certain his tweet when he was tagged in the Dani twitter exchange is a good example.

So unless his F1 is good friends with the F2 I don't see that happening.

The editing is telling me Matilda is F1 and social media is saying its Alysha.

Art's SM is also saying Alysha.

So which should I believe?
We are seeing the same thing here ElonM. SM pointing to Alysha while edit pointing to Matilda. Maybe they are trying to give her a good edit so for a possible bachelorette gig? Or just because they are being kind to someone who may be a producer plant? Since the beginning it has been Art's SM activity and liking Alysha's posts and Alysha posting on IG and being excited about the show that made me think she is F1 and still makes me think she may be F1. When looking closely at the season preview I had posted that we hear Mike the host say in VO "true love story" and an image of Art and Alysha on their date from behind was shown with this VO. Alysha also liked this image on IG. So the edit is there if looking for a more hidden edit. I just cannot get over how Alysha's niece would write a letter pretending that she is writing a date card from Art and Art liking this... And this is the same niece in IG posts that Art liked on Alysha's IG account earlier... then the visit to Auckland for Lisa's bday party? Very convenient for a rendezvous/meet up and her posting about the upgrade massage, hotel, etc... If Alysha is F1 based on this post-show SM activity by both her and Art then they did a really good job with editing this for their first season. A casual viewer would never think Alysha based on the first few episodes...

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by ElonM Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:10 pm

From what I observed on the show, Alysha is very emotional. If she was in love and really liked Art and was dumped she would have taken some time to heal. Post show based on her social media activity she's very happy.
The liking of the niece drawing could be a smoke screen. The edit isn't showing me a connection that I can solely say that Alysha is in the running yet. The upcoming episode will be telling.

On the other hand, Matilda has been narrating this series. She has the most ITMs.
Where did she get the time to do these? Could it be she filmed them after she was eliminated.

Also if Matilda is F1 when did she get her second one on one and kiss?
I mean there has to be some sort of physical between the two. This is a 26 yr old man we talking about here giggling

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:19 pm

Very good questions ElonM. She even hashtags her posts #happygirl...

Regarding edit for either Alysha or Matilda... still wondering about all that myself....

I think after this week we will know a bit more. It is going to be very interesting to look back in hindsight at all that transpired after the final airs and see how it matched up.

Just wondering if Matilda is the one who gets hurt not only physically but emotionally through all this as she seems to say a lot in VO? We also didn't hear Art tell Matilda that HE likes HER. We only heard him ITM say "Matilda actually likes me and ... makes me feel good" or something to that effect.

So far he has told Dani, Alysha and Poppy that he likes them. And asked them for kisses. Not Matilda. If that doesn't change soon then that is going to slant things where Matilda won't be F1 possibly.

I am having a very difficult time with TBNZ edit and progression. It really IS very, very different even from TBAussie... one always says to look at who the lead is chasing and it is difficult with Art to figure him out... I guess that is why I am putting stock into post-show SM activity by him... and it is also what is making it sooo confusing because all the girls are following Art and he is following them back (so weird!).

It seems odd to me that he would like Alysha's posts if she is not F1. I would think it would be hurtful for whomever the F1 is if not Alysha since the girls all follow Art so they would see what he likes! :shocked!:


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by ElonM Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:29 pm

I agree with the edit progression.
As much as Dani kissed him the most based on the edit she's not being portrayed as the F1 and even on Poppy's 2 one on one I didn't see a relaxed Art that is falling in like.

So going forward in the episodes before MTP, I'm looking to see his BL vs his words. To me this says a lot than the edit itself.

I also find Matilda's answer to this question a bit weird.
Matilda Rice, 24, media sales executive from Auckland

What is your strategy for staying in the competition?

I don't really have one. Just be yourself. If you didn't win and had been yourself... it was obviously not meant to be and he's not the one for you anyway.

This response had me questioning what she was saying.

From reading that the first time I thought she wasn't the F1. My interpretation is that even though she was herself, he didn't pick her.

I honestly can't get pass this answer.

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:38 pm

^ Good point ElonM! Definitely seems like she was herself and that it was not meant to be. Starting to make sense that she may go home even before F2 especially if there is no kiss from Art.

Her saying that he is not the one for her anyway and using past tense seems like it may be that she is heartbroken as seen when we hear she has doubts? It is so odd though that Matilda likes posts about her and Art more than the other girls do on IG. She even liked the Woman's Day post about her and Art and him being smitten with her in the headline...

Maybe Matilda is going to get an edit of her chasing Art and telling him she is in it for the long haul and even though he grins like crazy they didn't show us him saying that he likes her back? Why not? Maybe the off-camera time when she was hurt? Art said he liked taking care of her and then also saying in ITM that she "actually" likes me?

I will be honest. I will be disappointed if Art chooses Alysha. She posted in her IG pic yesterday in the comments about how she cannot tell who upgraded her hotel because their names are confidential and then commented one name is "Southern Sapphire" for some cacti or something...

Maybe Dani knows that Matilda doesn't win and so is actually telling people not to believe the rumors because she is friends with Matilda and trying to protect her from people thinking this when it is not true? Also Dani liked a post that Art was not following Matilda back. Art doesn't seem to use Twitter, he uses IG the most. So for me, his IG activity is really strange if Alysha is not F1. Or, maybe they planned it this way since he said he is very savvy with IG and would fake his location on IG when he was filming? Strange since by his own admission he is saying he had his phone with him... They all follow each other so they will all see each others likes and follows. So very weird.

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by mercieme Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:00 pm

Great job guys on the sleuthing on the other potential F1's.

I am actually ok with any of the girls (Poppy, Dani, Matilda) being F1. I am still on the fence with Alysha, just don't see her as s fit with Art but Art knows what's best for him. giggling

Also I have followed Alysha's Instagram the closest & I never observed a time gap that she could have had to spend time with Art except this weekend. So when exactly could she have met up with Art for stake house visit? Finally that picture of Alysha on IG without her top on is very mind boggling to me, not something an F1 would do considering the media focus they would get post show.

Regardless all the girls are happy post show & appear to get along so all is well in BACH NZ land bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 3806527698


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by emusha Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:08 pm

great job yall!!  :claphands

I do think since is the first season they'd follow the MF format to a T - the traditional format

with that an Alysia hidden edit being "F1" and the all over the show and very visible Mathilda edit being "F2" with potential for bachette makes sense to me...

actually hearing this description reminds me of the old FORT days when that was the generally accepted format with very few deviations -- so people would look for a hidden F1 and someone overexposed would be the F2/F3/F4 slated for bette... based on that fact of exposure making them very likable and casting doubt on the season to keep people watching for "the most dramatic FRC ever!" giggling ...

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Katiebelle Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:48 pm

Ok the latest rumor going around is that the haven't actually finished filming yet. They stopped when they got to top 3. This might explain why Alysha is still in Auckalnd and why they are all still good friends and why the SM activity is confusing.

What are your thoughts? Think this could be true?

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:53 pm

IF alysha is F1, it is the worse edit version ever.
I made a dani video with all the segment, date, ITM, RC and I had to go thru everyone else. It was clear that up to the 1:1 with arthur, she had no quality time with him. Then we saw her among the girls at the RC, the drama with crystal and the come and get me RC time with arthur. nothing else until next week.
So producers did not develop any romantic connection from M&G and for me as a viewer she came out of nowhere as the potential F4.
The only thing that make me think she is F4 is arthur asking to kiss her at the 1:1 date, holding her hand at a RC segment and next week 1:1 with physical development. I saw no serious conversation about future, family, kids, but mostly a come and get me play.
F4 means they spend a lot of time AND hometown. Hometown is the corner where things are turning more serious with family.
She is 30 so she does not evolve in the same circles as the other girls. So this may explain that... or not.


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:55 pm

The not finish filming could be the live segment WOMEN TELL ALL, and the FINALE.


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 34 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by ElonM Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:58 pm

HEA wrote:IF alysha is F1, it is the worse edit version ever.
I made a dani video with all the segment, date, ITM, RC and I had to go thru everyone else. It was clear that up to the 1:1 with arthur, she had no quality time with him. Then we saw her among the girls at the RC, the drama with crystal and the come and get me RC time with arthur. nothing else until next week.
So producers did not develop any romantic connection from M&G and for me as a viewer she came out of nowhere as the potential F4.
The only thing that make me think she is F4 is arthur asking to kiss her at the 1:1 date, holding her hand at a RC segment and next week 1:1 with physical development. I saw no serious conversation about future, family, kids, but mostly a come and get me play.
F4 means they spend a lot of time AND hometown. Hometown is the corner where things are turning more serious with family.
She is 30 so she does not evolve in the same circles as the other girls. So this may explain that... or not.

I totally agree.

If she is the F1 they did a wonderful job hiding her.

I will never see the connection unless they show a video at the AFTR.

This date and the next will be a deal breaker or not.

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Post by Katiebelle Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:07 pm

HEA wrote:The not finish filming could be the live segment WOMEN TELL ALL, and the FINALE.

When you say Finale you mean FR? Maybe this is a bit left field but...... Is it possible that he hasn't picked his F1 and that Dani and Alysha are F3 F4 and that is why they are posting all that stuff on SM. And Poppy and matilda being the last two, are posting less bachelor posts and more lifestyle posts?

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