Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:18 am

murasaki1393 wrote:AAL hi
i just rewatched Tim-Anna final episodes to compare since im still pondering the filming schedule and have some curio scratch

may i kindly ask you dear?
- what makes you think the Feb 25/26 couldnt be the FRC date? and what makes you think they had to take a break to attend Art's mom wedding?  (pardon me if i have missed something..)
- the thing is, Tim's season started with 25 women and FRC was on episode 13. Im assuming Art' season would have 13 episodes as well*. Going by your take that the filming began Jan 17, with typical FRC every 3 days (per Alysha's IG), even after taking 1-2 days break during FD/LCD, in my calculation with 13 episodes the filming has to be ended on Feb 26 the most. Plausible?
- Wouldnt you think it make more sense if Art attend his Mom's Wedding with his chosen one? wouldnt you think that they could utilize the event as celebration party for Art and his F1, as well as a chance to get to know her more?
Again, pardon if all have been discussed before. Looking forward to hearing from you Praying....and tyvm IA.
*given the fact that Art's girls was 4 less than Tim..i would think the total episodes shouldnt be more than 13..thus the end of the filming shouldnt be after the end of February. JMO
hi Mura. Great questions! Just to recap how the timeline came about, I'm going to post a breakdown of how it was sleuthed by the board to figure out the time (and it may help others who decide to join sleuthing here later on):

1) FRC = end of February
- Regarding the FRC, I'd posted that I thought the FRC ended at the end of Feb (US time) based on The New Zealand Herald reporting that filming had finished by March 1st

2) Show's publicist stated filming starts end of January
- The only issue with FRC=end of Feb was that it had been reported on Jan 11 by The New Zealand Herald by the show's publicist, Megan, that filming would start later that month of January.
- Taking the publicist's word that filming started later that month at the end of January and the article stated that filming had finished the end of February, that made it ~5 weeks if filming started Jan 24 for example. That seemed too short of a timeframe!! (so back to sleuthing).

3) Fliming started Mid-January
- It was then sleuthed by AEF that the filming schedule would be no more than 7 weeks with filming starting mid-January.
- Also IIRC, ElonM, Mercieme, Kapiti, and other posters on board reported end of SM activity for the girls ending mid-January and seeing that Chrystal had posted Jan 15/16 and it was sleuthed that Jan 16/17 was the start of filming since none of the girls were active on SM after that date for a while.

5) Break in filming end of Feb/beginning March
- Then in another article by The New Zealand Herald (all the articles are by them) wherein which they interviewed Art's mother ~March 17, the article stated that Art had taken a break from filming to attend his mother's wedding 2 and 1/2 weeks prior to them interviewing Art's mom.
- So, if the interview was conducted the week of March 17 when the first episode aired, that means it was ~March 1st of the wedding (based on sleuthing the SM of Art's family, it looks like the wedding was ~Feb 27/28).

6) SM activity by the girls.
- At the time, Matilda was speculated to be F1 and her earliest SM activity was Feb 27 so it was speculated that maybe she wasn't F1.
- The latest SM activity we can get (that is public, so it is not 100% accurate) is Alysha and Dani and even Kristie that started SM activity after Feb 28 (when filming was said to be finished)
- And so speculation began that maybe, if one of these girls were F1 and not Matilda, that maybe The New Zealand Herald had said filming had ended by March 1st but had changed that later on to say it was just a 'break' in filming so Art could attend his wedding.
- One speculation is that they reported this so that if people saw him out and about, they would know he was on a 'break' rather than filming had finished since they want to keep the dates of filming a secret.
- Based on all this, it was speculated that if filming did not end by March 1st then maybe it ended the first week of March and so that would be a 7 Week filming schedule and that was then added as a possibility to the 6 Week schedule.

>> Here is the timeline previously made and updated today.

The timeline is currently set at 6 Weeks because it makes the most logical sense (imo) and purely because I believe that it would be easier to end filming and have Art attend a wedding than have him attend a wedding only to have a few more days of filming where MTP, LCD, and FRC would then take place if it was a 7 Week schedule. And the thing is, if his mom got married, would she really want to be doing all that for her honeymoon? Maybe so, so the 7 Week schedule is there just in case.

AllAboutLove wrote:Timeline in New Zealand Time using mercieme and ElonM's (thank you both!!) sleuthing and post from Alysha saying that RCs were about 3 days apart and maximum of 7 weeks shooting starting mid-Jan (thanks to AEF for sleuthing/posting this!)

So... Jan 16/17-28 (6 weeks) or Jan 16/17-March 7 (7 weeks):
(Note that because of the time difference, there could be one day difference: For example, Jan 17 NZ time could be Jan 16 USA time and the same applies to all the other dates since they were 17 hours ahead of EST at time of filming). 

Key (just to help make it easier to read)
M&G= meet and greet
SD= single date (all single date girls have gotten a rose so far. Will only change this if that changes)
GD= group date
GDR= group date rose
SQT= special quality time
CP= cocktail party (including this since almost half of each episode thus far is just CP)
RC= rose ceremony
HTD= hometown date
FD= fantasy date (note that unlikely to have sleepovers)
MTP= meet the parents
LCD= last chance date (will be interesting to see if no girls let go before FRC)
FRC= final rose ceremony (not sure if together post-show. Maybe TBAUS format a clue?)

Possible Timeline in New Zealand Time (*7 week filming timeline would include the week of Mar 1-7th)
Jan 16/17:  M&G/CP/1st RC; Ep 1 (17 girls remain)
Jan 18:  SD= Poppy   
Jan 19:  GD/SQT=Chrystal, Danielle L. and Dani/GDR= Dani
Jan 20:  CP/2nd RC; Ep 2 (15 girls remain) 
Jan 21:  SD= Matilda
Jan 22:  GD/SQT+GDR= Kristie
Jan 23:  CP/3rd RC; Ep 3 (14 girls remain)
Jan 24:  SD= Amanda
Jan 25:  GD/SQT+GDR= Poppy
Jan 26:  CP/4th RC; Ep 4 (13 girls remain)
Jan 27:  SD= Dani  
Jan 28:  GD/SQT = Hayley; GDR = none -- Hayley wins the shooting challenge SQT -- Art changed his FB pic
Jan 29:  CP/5th RC; Ep 5 (12 girls remain) -- Hayley leaves
Jan 30:  SD=Chrsytal
Jan 31:  GD=everyone/GDR=Natalie and Dani/SQT=Dani
Feb 1:  CP/6th RC; Ep 6 (11 girls remain) -- Shivani leaves
Feb 2:  SD= Alysha
Feb 3:  GD= 6 girls (Kristie, Chrystal, Dani, Natalie, Brigette and Danielle);SQT=Dani; GDR= none
Feb 4:  CP/7th RC; Ep 7  (9 girls remain) -- Brigette and Carrisa leave
Feb 5:  SD = Natalie 
Feb 6:  GD = all girls? 
Feb 7:  CP/8th RC; Ep 8  
           -- Hayley active on SM (She was eliminated Ep 5, so SM active possibly 1 week later after being eliminated)
Feb 8:  SD= 
Feb 9:  GD= ?? Tauranga visit could be the horseriding group date where Matilda falls off horse? Could happen Episode 9 or later...              (NZ Tauranga possible visit according to this article posted Feb 24)
Feb 10:  CP/9th RC; Ep 9
Feb 11:  SD= ??  -- Brigette active on SM: "I'm baaaack!" (eliminated Ep 7 with Carrisa)
Feb 12:  GD= ??
Feb 13:  10th RC; Ep 10 (7max to 4min girls remain depending on how many are let go at prior RCs) --**If 4 girls remain, then could be HTDs this week?**
Feb 14:  -- Carrisa active on SM (she was eliminated Ep 7)
Feb 15:
Feb 16:  11th possible RC if not HTDs RC
Feb 17:  
Feb 18:  -- Amanda active on SM
Feb 19:  11th possible RC if had HTDs since 10th RC
Feb 20:  If FDs, then travel to Fiji for at least ONE of the dates according to this article
Feb 21:   -- Natalie active on SM
Feb 22:   MTP?
Feb 23:   -- Poppy active on SM (had Pre-1on1 Intro Video)           
Feb 24:  LCD?
Feb 25:   -- Chrystal active on SM (had Intro Video)
Feb 26:  Possible FRC (6 Week timeline) **or move to Feb 27/28 if Mom's wedding was Mar 1**
Feb 27:  Art's mother's wedding on Feb 27? (Took a 'break from filming' according to this Mar 19 article. 
            -- Art's mom got married this day and he attended the wedding on this day according to SM posts)  
            -- Matilda active on SM (had Intro Video)
Feb 28:   Filming already finished according to this Mar 1st article  
Mar 1:   ****Art's mom's wedding if not Feb 27*** 

___________ Start of Week 7 ____________
Mar 2:
Mar 3:   -- Kristie active on SM with Bali FB post (had Intro Video) The NZHerald article said Fiji. 
Mar 4:
Mar 5:
Mar 6:   
Mar 7:  Possible FRC (7 Week timeline)  
           -- Alysha active on SM
Mar 8:
Mar 9:  -- Dani active on SM (thought I saw earlier activity by her late-Feb but when rechecked her FB was private and cannot guarantee it... so March 9 may or may not be a clue)

Note: SM activity for girls is not 100% accurate since it only reflects what can be found publicly.
For example:
-- Rosie left the first episode but her earliest SM activity was the end of March (so even later than Dani).
-- Lisa who left Ep 4, her earliest SM activity was also end of March (later than Dani).
-- So other than the SM activity before Feb 28, it is not known how accurate Kristie, Dani, or Alysha's SM activity is or anyone else's for that matter. 

Will post a comparison to Bach Aussie season 1 because it is different from Bach NZ in that Bach NZ has 2 episodes per week.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:59 am; edited 4 times in total

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:39 am

Great!!thanks for the thorough explanation AAL! yes

im leaning to 6 weeks as well . Not only bc the wedding, but also 7 weeks for 2ep/week show with only 21 girls to begin with is a little too much, IMO. In this case, it makes more sense that Art (plus his F1?) and the fam can focus on the wedding since Art's gig already completely finished. and IMO Feb 26 was the most likely being the FRC day.

Since for now i am firm in Matilda as the F1, i guess her SM being active on 27 could simply means she needed to contact friends/fams before staying with Art for a while to attend the wedding and spent the typical Bach-ish honeymoon (3-4 days after FRC). Thought please?


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by mercieme Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:47 am

Mura for BACH Aussie S2, the bachelor & F1 spent the FRC day & one more day together according to interviews Sam the F1 gave post break up. No idea how long Tim & Anna spent together post FRC.


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:04 am

mercieme wrote:Mura for BACH Aussie S2, the bachelor & F1 spent the FRC day & one more day together according to interviews Sam the F1 gave post break up. No idea how long Tim & Anna spent together post FRC.

oh really?...thanks Mercieme...bestbud!

i rely on ya'all info on what is the 'SOP' for this show outside US, as this is the first time ever i followed any non-US season closely. However, im guessing Blake's season filming was a lot longer than Art's , yes?..if so..its possible that Art and his F1 still had more time to spend together before getting back to their separate RLs. Besides, this is the first season of TBNZ..perhaps they haven't established any SOP yet giggling . Hey! its always fun to speculate! :cutesmile!:


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:29 am

Before I do the comparison between TBAUS S1 and TBNZ S1, there are a couple of things that make me concerned:
1) Art had never watched the show before filming. The day of M&G he was given Episode 1 of TBAUS S2 with Blake to watch (he freaked out and said he hoped he wasn't anything like Blake laugh out loud) so not sure why that season other than they share 2 episodes/week and it was the most recent down under.
2) TBNZ has 2 episodes/week (what TBAUS S2 had) but TBAUS S1 had mostly 1 episode/week (see below).
-- If TBNZ continues with 2 episodes/week I am not sure how it will work out???
3) Also, the number of girls are different as of Episode 7 for TBAUS S1 and TBNZ S1 which airs this week (see below the graph for details).

For a comparison between Bach Aussie S1 (Tim) and Bach NZ S1 (Art).

TBAUS S1 with Tim and Anna (F1)
- Total of 11 Weeks on television
- 14 episodes total
- 13 episodes from MnG to FRC
- 14th episode was ATFR
- no WTA
- Episodes 1 & 2 first week
- Episodes 3 & 4 second week
- Episodes 5 thru 12, only 1 episode per week
- Episodes 13 & 14 were FRC and ATFR and aired the same week (ATFR aired day after FRC) **Note that Ep 14 ATFR is not included in the table graph below**

This is from Wikipedia and I added some notes. The purple is what is the girls that got Single Dates (SD) and also were on group dates. Anna (F1) and Matilda (possible F1) had the same setup of GD on Ep 2 and then SD Ep 3.(Also, based on similarities, we may just have F3 as Matilda, Poppy, and Dani.. and possibly Alysha but only if she gets an intro video, imo or something...).

bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Timeli10

Some comparisons from the graph:
TBNZ S1 = Week 4 on television = Episode 7 & 8 = Episode 7 there are 11 girls total
TBAUS S1 = Week 5 on television = Episode 7 = Episode 7 there are 9 girls total

>> So from what I can see, if TBNZ continues with 2 Ep/Wk (and there has not been any sign that this will change) we are looking at more SDs and GDs and possibly more episodes total but maybe less weeks on television?

>> We also see that there are more girls still there and so there needs to be more girls eliminated at RCs to get the numbers down to a similar timeline as TBAUS S1.
-- Again, if they stick to 2 Eps/Wk I don't see that happening immediately but it may have something to do with the ending.

>> We have no idea if there were 2 girls taken to FRC.
-- We also have no idea how many girls had HTDs (there could be just 3 on Art's season)
--- no idea how many get FDs (the only article we have is that "at least one girl went to Fiji").

Will have to keep an eye out by Ep 10 to see how many girls left and if HTDs are in the works.

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:58 am

re: the Article.:yes: i just finished read it... it was too funny!... bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 3806527698 . Im glad he is not anywhere near Blake laugh out loud

AAL.. rock Thanks a lot for the well as the comparison analysis yes

when i firstly guessed Tim and Anna's edit resembles Artilda i mostly referred to the M's and Anna's edit on the show (intro vid, MnG time were shown, etc). and the dates 'pattern' as well as the ending prediction : no proposal in the end.

Im guessing M as the F1 going by Anna got the epis 3 date . Also, I placed Poppy as the F3 for now. Its funny that from the chart, Ali, Tim's F3 got the epis 2 date too.  giggling .

i think any Bach series has to follow MF's formula that 4 contenders got HTD, 3 FDs and 1 or 2 at the FRC (regardless any possible twist: returnee, bail out, etc that may happen).  That means, with 11 girls remains, next Art has to eliminate 7 girls in total on epis 7,8 and 9 (3-2-2 respectively). Just my fun guessing Smiley

btw, referring to the chart, its stil interesting to note that they are going with such slowly pace of the elimination process on early episodes. Only 1 girl left per episode?..i mean..... giggling that makes the 3-2-2 for next eliminations as seems way too much. But i dont see it any other way to result in 4 contenders going on HTDs question


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:09 am

So glad you are sleuthing with us on this board Mura! bestbud! Makes it so much more fun!  Especially since we are sleuthing without any spoilers from RS and so it is harder but more fun to sleuth and find those crumbs bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 1377737533. Mercieme was sleuthing last year for TBAUS S2 and it was craziness how we were trying to piece it all together. Crazy fun times Mercieme bestbud!

One thing I am also keeping in mind is there may be similarity to Bach Canada.
1) Michael Hill is the jeweller for TBNZ and was also the jeweller for Bach Canada S2.
2) The website design and the videos on TBNZ website are hosted by the same company as Bach Canada S2. Even the template and design of the site is an exact copy of Bach Canada S2.
3) The GD where Revlon is a sponsor is the same as BachCanada who had Rimmel as a sponsor. Similar modeling episode/challenge.
4) In Bach Canada S1 and S2 there were a lot of changes from the script (even though it is MF, they did their own thing). Bach Canada S1 the lead let the F2 go early before FRC. Bach Canada S2 there were only 3 HTDs and 2 girls at FDs. So, not entirely sure it will be exactly like TBAussie but there is a strong possibility it is.

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:14 am

mercieme wrote:Mura for BACH Aussie S2, the bachelor & F1 spent the FRC day & one more day together according to interviews Sam the F1 gave post break up. No idea how long Tim & Anna spent together post FRC.
Thanks for posting this mercieme yes I don't know how many days Tim and Anna spent together either. Does anyone know? Maybe AEF knows?

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:22 am

AllAboutLove wrote:So glad you are sleuthing with us on this board Mura! bestbud! Makes it so much more fun!  Especially since we are sleuthing without any spoilers from RS and so it is harder but more fun to sleuth and find those crumbs bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 1377737533. Mercieme was sleuthing last year for TBAUS S2 and it was craziness how we were trying to piece it all together. Crazy fun times Mercieme  bestbud!

One thing I am also keeping in mind is there may be similarity to Bach Canada.
1) Michael Hill is the jeweller for TBNZ and was also the jeweller for Bach Canada S2.
2) The website design and the videos on TBNZ website are hosted by the same company as Bach Canada S2. Even the template and design of the site is an exact copy of Bach Canada S2.
3) The GD where Revlon is a sponsor is the same as BachCanada who had Rimmel as a sponsor. Similar modeling episode/challenge.
4) In Bach Canada S1 and S2 there were a lot of changes from the script (even though it is MF, they did their own thing). Bach Canada S1 the lead let the F2 go early before FRC. Bach Canada S2 there were only 3 HTDs and 2 girls at FDs. So, not entirely sure it will be exactly like TBAussie but there is a strong possibility it is.

gotcha...thanks for the info. I didnt notice Tim CAN Had only 3 HTDs and 2 FDs....if this is the case for Art..i wonder how they will speeding up the elimination process? giggling

yep..always fun to dissect the unknowns bestbud!


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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:36 am

The timeline above has been edited to include details from Ep 7 and Ep 8

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:41 pm

So I want to see if my eyes are deceiving me but these PI/ITMs of Art are when he is wearing the same clothes and same background are nearly the same (with some things not quite placed in exact same spot, like the candles but also the color is different, either my screen when I saved it) so don't think they were filmed at the same time and the one with him talking about Matilda is filmed later on.

These s/caps are ALL from Episode 1.
1) The first s/cap is from Art's intro video and where he says he wants to find love... find 'the one'.
** Long hair? One thing I noticed first was Art's hair. It matches how his hair is when he is in first episode and M&G. It is longer just as it was when he met Matilda out the limo

bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Art_mi10
and hair to match with limo M&G when he saw Matilda
bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Matild15


2) These 2 s/caps below are in the intro video of Art Art talks about finding 'the one'
** his hair is looking differently styled here, different time filmed?
1st s/cap = him when he is talking about his family and we see him talking to his mom about the girl he may choose who will have to like his mom
bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Had_he10
2nd s/cap = we see Art (just look at his face! he is about to jump out his skin he looks so happy! :yes: ) saying "It's a little bit overwhelming to think that tonight I may find 'the one'" (Matilda is the first girl that arrives after he says this).This s/cap is dimmer because the lights go down but it is a match for both parts so talked at both times...
bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 The_on10

3) These 3 s/caps are shown after Art meets Matilda out of the limo & also after he gives Matilda the FIR
** notice that his hair is cut?  It even looks like he is fresh from a shower or something.
.........We have yet to see Art gel his hair or have his hair this short? question  
** No way, imo, that this was filmed right after he met Matilda with hair this short and yet he is talking as if he had just met her!  giggling
1st & 2nd s/cap=s after Matilda is the first girl out limo and these s/caps we see him talking about Matilda after he just meets her and he says: "My first impression of Matilda... I really like her she seems really natural, ...relaxed and just... completely open..."
bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Art_it12
bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Art_it13
3rd s/cap = after he gives Matilda the FIR and then trips and falls over  giggling (falling in love???) and Art says "I gave Matilda the first rose tonight because she just blew me away and she seems really laid back and friendly and easy going"
... these words "she blew me away" are heard in the Season Preview by Art (sidenote: at the end of that season preview we hear Art say "will you accept this rose?" and we hear Matilda using the same exact words as when she said "I definitely will" for FIR!
 bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Blew_m10

I loved this moment above of Art because when he talks about Matilda he gets that grin that he tries to suppress everytime he is seen talking to her. Soo cute. It's like he is trying not to smile. He does it at every rose ceremony too. It's what makes me think he fell for her... he can't hide it in his eyes they are happy eyes, imo.

And that's why I believe, imho, Matilda is F1. Not because of her edit alone, but because of Art himself, how he looks when he talks about her. :rosiecolored Going down with the ship if she isn't... hehe

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bodylove - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 18 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:09 pm

Honestly you are very good to be 100% sure that the hair match the M&G and ITM! wow I am impressed because I do not see the perfect match  question

Then again this it looks like the same ITM and I am sure he definitely liked matilda at one point or another.

My concern is that does he like her as much or more than the other such dani after ep3 and after the 1-on-1?

Alysha F2? I do not see it. His first words are: we did not spent much time together and she is still a mystery... not the words for a person that he was dying to know better IMO

I would love someone to list the words he is saying in general to portray the woman of his dreams without any association to whom he said the words about

like here, he said: strong, confident ... is very attractive

anyone game? Smiley


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