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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:39 pm

Note: this is still being edited. Just going to put it on here and see what fits/doesn't fit

Timeline using mercieme and ElonM's (thank you both!!) sleuthing and post from Alysha saying that RCs were about 3 days apart and maximum of 7 weeks shooting starting mid-Jan (thanks to AEF for sleuthing/posting this!) so Jan 17-28 (6 weeks) or Jan 17-March 7 (7 weeks):

Key (just to help make it easier to read)
SD= single date
M&G= meet and greet
GD= group date
GDR= group date rose
SQT= special quality time
CP= cocktail party (including this since almost half of each episode thus far is just CP)
RC= rose ceremony
HTD= hometown date
FD= fantasy date (note that unlikely to have sleepovers)
MTP= meet the parents
LCD= last chance date (will be interesting to see if no girls let go before FRC)
FRC= final rose ceremony (not sure if together post-show. Maybe TBAUS format a clue?)

Possible Timeline (*7 week filming timeline would include the week of Mar 1-7th)
Jan 17:  M&G/CP/1st RC; Ep 1 (17 girls remain)
Jan 18:  SD= Poppy  -- would the single date be the next day after first RC?
Jan 19:  GD/SQT=Chrystal, Danielle L. and Dani/GDR= Dani
Jan 20:  CP/2nd RC; Ep 2 (15 girls remain)
Jan 21:  SD= Matilda
Jan 22:  GD/SQT+GDR= Kristie
Jan 23:  CP/3rd RC; Ep 3 (14 girls remain)
Jan 24:  SD= Amanda
Jan 25:  GD/SQT+GDR= Poppy
Jan 26:  CP/4th RC; Ep 4 (13 girls remain)
Jan 27:  SD= Dani  -- Art changed his FB pic
Jan 28:  GD/SQT+GDR ? -- Hayley or Kristie from preview
Jan 29:  CP/5th RC; Ep 5 (12max to 11min girls remain) -- 1min-2max girls leave?
Jan 30:  SD
Jan 31:  GD
Feb 1:  CP/6th RC; Ep 6 (11max to 9min girls remain) -- 1min-2max girls leave?
Feb 2:  SD
Feb 3:  GD
Feb 4:  CP/7th RC (10max to 8min girls remain) -- 1min-2max girls leave?
Feb 5:  SD
Feb 6:  GD
Feb 7:  CP/8th RC; Ep 8 (9max to 7min girls remain) -- 1min-2max girls leave? - Hayley active on SM
Feb 8:  
Feb 9:  
Feb 10:  CP/9th RC; Ep 9 (8max to 6min girls remain if any RC prior had 2 RCs where 2 girls left) -- 1min-2max girls leave? 
             -- Brigette active on SM: "I'm baaaack!"
Feb 11:
Feb 12:
Feb 13:  10th RC; Ep 10 (7max to 4min girls remain if he had a 2on1 and 1 girl leaves at RC also) -- 1min-2max girls leave?
Feb 14:  If 4 girls left, then this could be the earliest possible time beginning for HTDs?  -- Carrisa active on SM
Feb 15:
Feb 16:  If not HTDs yet, then possible 11th RC; Ep 11 (6max to 4min girls remain) -- 1min-2max girls leave?
Feb 17:  If 4 girls left, then could be HTDs this week
Feb 18:  -- Amanda active on SM
Feb 19:  If earliest HTDs, then possible 12th RC; Ep 12 (5max to 3min girls remain) -- 1min-2max girls leave?
Feb 20:  Earliest possible time for FDs, if had earliest possible HTDs.
             If FDs, then travel to Fiji for at least one of the dates according to this article
Feb 21:   -- Natalie active on SM
Feb 22:   Possible 13th RC; Ep 13 (4max to 2min girls remain) -- 1min-2max girls leave?
Feb 23:   -- Poppy active on SM    (had Pre-1on1 Intro Video)
              NZ Tauranga possible visit according to this article (which talks about one venue featured is a vintage 
              wedding place? Wedding theme date and if so maybe Dani based on s/cap?)?
              Art's mother's wedding? (Took a 'break from filming' according to this Mar 19 article. 
             -- Art's mom likely got married this day and he attended the wedding?
              MTP? (Art's mother lives in Tauranga and their lake house was featured in his intro video with ALL the 
              family from both sides of his parents on 1st Episode so it would be convenient if MTP was this week).
              If filming ended Feb 28, then likely it was MTP (and could also be wedding for Art's mom).            
Feb 24: 
Feb 25:   -- Chrystal active on SM (had Intro Video)
Feb 26:   -- Matilda active on SM (had Intro Video)
Feb 27:  Possible FRC (6 Week timeline)
Feb 28:  Filming finished according to this Mar 1st article  
Mar 1:    Other possible date for Art's mother's wedding? (see Feb 23 for details above)
*Mar 2:
Mar 3:   -- Kristie active on SM with Bali FB post   (had Intro Video)
Mar 4:
Mar 5:
Mar 6:   Possible FRC (7 Week timeline)  -- Alysha active on SM
Mar 7:
Mar 8:
Mar 9:    -- Dani active on SM (thought I saw earlier activity by her late-Feb but when rechecked her FB was private and cannot guarantee it... so March 9 may or may not be a clue)
Note: 4 girls have public figure FB pages that they created themselves 1)Natalie 2)Chrystal 3)Dani 4)Kristie

- Timeline doesn't account for travel before HTDs where they stay at a location other than mansion. NZ is a small country so maybe they stayed at the mansion and just traveled via helicopter/seaplane (as they have done already on single dates) from Auckland? and travel only when HTDs happen and thereafter?
- HTDs travel unknown how many girls (3-4?) or whether on South Island (as is Chrystal, Alysha, and Kristie) or North Island near Auckland (as is Matilda, Poppy, Amanda, Dani).
- FDs mentioned in NZ Herald that at least 1 date was to Fiji. Also stated that only 2 of the FD may be to Fiji (not 3 so maybe only had 1 or 2 girls at that stage left? or the other went somewhere else? Logistically not sure how that would work??)
- MTP location? Seems more likely to travel to Art's family than have the family travel? So that would be Tauranga. Was shown in first episode at his mom's lake house. His dad was there as well (they are divorced and married to other people). Possibly could have occurred week of Feb 23rd according to The New Zealand Herald or has nothing to do with it (see timeline above for links).
- LCDs? Not sure if they had them and if so, where? Back in Auckland or in Tauranga or at another exotic location (Bali?)?
- FRC location? If MTP and LCDs are filmed in Tauranga, then the FRC could be there as well. Could also be filmed in Auckland or at another exotic location (Bali?) or wherever the LCD is filmed if not in Tauranga.

Brigette and Hayley:
- As of Ep 4 they are both still one of the remaining girls.
- Both go on the group date in Ep 5 so will see if they get a rose (they are shown without roses in Ep 5 RC preview).
- Their social media activity may be the most telling when it comes to the filming schedule: Hayley posted on Feb 7 and Brigette posted Feb 10... so thinking based on when they leave we may be able to figure out when filming started at least.

- Any details yet on whether there will be a Women Tell All filmed? (Will have to keep eyes out for women posting about meeting up to film for possible WTA.)
- After The Final Rose filming planned/part of lineup or episodes? (Thinking they will definitely have one if following TBAU S1.)

# of Episodes/Length of Season 1:
- Has anyone heard or found anything regarding how many episodes there are or when the last episode will air?
- All I have heard from media is a possible ~10 weeks of the show (not sure if including WTA/ATFR)?
- If 2 Episodes per Week, then and 10 weeks show on TV, not sure how that all fits? Obviously less girls as the time goes by so less GDs and more SDs, WTA?, HTDs, FD, MTP, LCD (maybe not?), FRC and ATFR?

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:13 pm

So far, Art has liked Alysha and Amanda IG posts. Also, commented with Brigette and Amanda and Alysha has commented on his IG posts as well.

Wondering if those whom he has commented with/on or liked are actually NOT the F1?

Noticed so far, unless someone can correct me, that the only girl not on IG is Kristie? (she does have FB with an alias and an FB public figure page and seems sick of roses from her comments -- check out her thread on this forum). So unless she is F1 (she did have an intro but just not thinking she is F1... yet) thinking maybe it is who he is not communicating with that may be F1? (If there is a F1, that is). Just like he did the Jono&Ben show with Amanda, Carrisa, and Natalie (all not likely to be F1). 


FYI: was informed by inside source that while Art is a real nice guy he is not looking for marriage/settling down. Thinking the source may be correct and this may play a role on the show -- or post-show. He hasn't mentioned love on the show or post-show, just "having fun". Who knows, they could also all be 'acting' like the reality-show "The Hills"?? Art took acting classes and this comment on his IG supports this 
@jasminemaclean_ @art_green Hi Art! I totally remember you from winter slam acting classes with Rene at Ludas!! You are actually the nicest guy out, am stoked they picked you! Wishing you the best 
and had a one-line acting role in "Spartacus" as well as is still currently listed as a model and doing modeling gigs and depending on whom the top 4 are, will be able to see if there is anything real there. Or, just not found the one - nothing wrong with that and everyone seems to be very friendly with each other so it seems all-good, post-show.

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AEF Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:03 am

AAL I agree with you, there seems to be a very friendly vibe and banter going on between Art and several of the girls, maybe it's because the NZ producers are allowing it but no-one seems, including Art, overly emotionally invested - just all fun.


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:58 am

Yup. He hasn't even kissed anyone yet and it is episode 5 this week. Not even a peck. First kiss is Dani on his date in the upcoming episode but I don't think we will see a love match. If they show one on the show I am not going to buy into it.

The only person I have seen that seems a bit 'slighted' acting is Matilda. I think she may just be the F1 and it didn't work out (or he didn't work out). Producer drive, etc. Until I see some dialogue or banter between Matilda and Art post-show then something is a bit off there IMO, since he has a friendly rapport with ALL the other girls.


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:09 am

Not sure if this is a clue or just a fan but interesting comment to make. Notice the person never said "You should pick Matilda" (future tense) but talking past tense....

@tasmamadddy Should have stayed with Matilda after the show!  Cute pup! @art_green 4h

From the edit, I would think Matilda is F1 (I still think it is her in that waterfall photo). However, it seems like Matilda may get hurt/rejected based on the VO from Matilda from Season Preview:

"My heart could be broken, yes"
"My heart's just like 'brrrr'"
"Claws are gonna come out"
"I'll be doing whatever it takes"
"It's gonna end in tears"

So either, imo so far, she is not F1 or she is F1 but it didn't last.

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Mar 29, 2015 2:17 pm

AAL, are you changing your mind about the F1?


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sun Mar 29, 2015 3:01 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Not sure if this is a clue or just a fan but interesting comment to make. Notice the person never said "You should pick Matilda" (future tense) but talking past tense....

@tasmamadddy Should have stayed with Matilda after the show!  Cute pup! @art_green 4h

From the edit, I would think Matilda is F1 (I still think it is her in that waterfall photo). However, it seems like Matilda may get hurt/rejected based on the VO from Matilda from Season Preview:

"My heart could be broken, yes"
"My heart's just like 'brrrr'"
"Claws are gonna come out"
"I'll be doing whatever it takes"
"It's gonna end in tears"

So either, imo so far, she is not F1 or she is F1 but it didn't last.

AAL you know i have guessed Matilda as the F1, (going by the edit) but the conspiracy theorist in me suggesting she is the 'fall-back girl' prepared by production for Art just in case he wanted to pick no one. It happened on US Franchise too. Just sayin...So.. the latter scenario- they already broke up is not too far fetched for me to be thinking of..

Sometimes it is what it is. No great match for the lead in the bunch. I really think the casting department did a poor job for so called a break-through show in NZ. I thought the Aussie franchise did way better first job in finding many attractive personable women for Tim R., their first Bachelor. IMO.

Anyways, im interested to know more about your info. could you tell whether the commenter above has an inside production info/is someone working in or related to the production? . TIA


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by mercieme Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:01 pm

AAL thanks for bringing Art's latest Instagram posting over. The person that posted that "he should have stayed with Matilda" has zero followers & zero postings on their Insta account. So either they truly know something or just trolling.

I agree with Mura that production did a shoddy job of picking great matches for Art. It could also be they had slim pickings to choose from since Art remarked that people just like to hate for the sake of hating in NZ, so that mindset could have deterred more girls to apply for the show.

Since it'sthe first season, we know production will demand/make him pick an F1. I am still doubting a bit that he is not with the F1. He seems friendly with some of the girls on SM & doubt that would be the case if something major went down between him & his F1 already. Based on AAL's filming timeline, we know FRC was either 2 or 3 week ago.

Also after the mess that happened with Bach AU season 2, IMO Bach NZ will ensure that does not happen with Art. Even if he is not with his F1 at the end, it will be a clean & amicable break-up IMO.


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:14 pm

Good Post mercieme


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:03 pm

Hey ladies... sorry I never responded sooner. Been a trying week and just getting worse... thankful for this board that it can be a bit of distraction. yes

As for Art's F1 or non-F1:

Matilda F1/Non-F1 thoughts

- I thought F1 was Matilda based on her preview before the show even started. And that wasn't based on sleuthing because many many viewers viewed her (and still do) as the F1 before the show even aired. She is definitely a fan favorite.
- The Season Preview showed Matilda getting the FIR seemed interesting as did the first limo exit, etc. And the way that Art reacted to her he was definitely taken with her that night. His responses post-show? I cannot read him. He seemed more excited about Matilda the first night than anyone - including her in some ways - since then. He has acted and took acting lessons so maybe he is just a really nice guy who can act post-show... (he does seem like a nice guy)
- First thought was that the waterfall girl is Matilda. Gone all over the place and arrived back to thinking it is her. Hopefully there will be another preview of it as that comes closer to see if that is the case...
- The Season Preview voice overs of Matilda made me pause... all very negative about heartbreak. But they weren't shown  with her ... so not sure..
- Matilda's activity on SM Feb 26 doesn't make me think definitely F1. But, the SM activity of everyone thus far feels all over the place in comparison to TBUS and others so not putting that much stock into it atm.

Alysha F1/Non-F1 thoughts:
- Thought maybe she is F1 when I saw Alysha's posts on IG and that Art had liked them (a few days after FRC if it ended when it was said to have ended) and the "true love" VO mentioned in the season preview with Alysha was odd coupled with TBNZ following her.
- Other than her repeated ITM's and constant worrying about getting a rose (but always does) she is so hidden even at E4 that we have yet to hear her and Art speak TO each other other than their M&G. Bizarre. Yet, we know she gets that 1on1 later on.
- Dani liked a post about Alysha being the one meant for Art and the final girl. Weird that she would do that for a fellow contestant but could mean nothing since, again, now realizing that they are all almost communicating with one another post-show. Fun-fest it is!

Dani, Kristie... these are the only other two viable in some way to me as of Ep4. Like Mura and other said at the beginning of filming ... we were watching for Art not the girls (and that is rare when it comes to this franchise, imo).

Post-show, I am just not seeing Art deeply in love (he just may be the MOST normal bachelor ever! Not even kissing by episode 4? Whowouldathunk it that a lead would not pretend and just take his time getting to know the girls and have fun?! Ha!)

So, I don't see him in love nearly 3 or 4 weeks after filming (but he may be... maybe just great acting skills Smiley ). He doesn't talk about love or mention love but that doesn't mean he didn't pick a F1. Just not sure who that person is if it is not Matilda (because none of the girls are interesting me really it makes it difficult and I announced my bias early on and told Mercieme that I am not even sure that Art is the one for Matilda either).

But! don't think it matters in the end because it seems like everyone just had fun on the show and Art is the least stressed-post-show Bachelor I have ever seen! :yes:  As much as some things about him give me pause I do like that he doesn't seem to be a puppet on the show and neither post-show. He seems to be confident in his skin and I am looking to see how the season progresses... it is only Ep4 I try to keep reminding myself (but b/c I am unsure of how many episodes there are total. Anyone know?)

So... post-show everyone seems a-ok and like Mercieme said, it will be fine.  Praying all is normal and I will take "fun" at this point after grand love stories and disastrous ones. My heart cannot take much more after Bach Can and Bach AU season 2.  Upset

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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by mercieme Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:18 pm

Awww AAL sorry to hear you had a trying week.

Sending love & support your way.

Praying things turn around soon.


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notcaring - Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* - Page 11 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Post by ElonM Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:26 pm

Sending support and love your way AAL.

Great discussion all.

If Art has a true F1 that will be amazing. I'm yet to see a connection with any of the ladies. Episode 5 will be interesting as was mentioned above given he kissed Dani. I believe Alysha got her 1 on 1 in Episode 6? and via the screen caps they look affectionate.

I just find it weird that Alysha is so hidden. If she's in the F4 there's great possibility that she's the F1.

Her social media activity is interesting cause its like she trying to prove a point. I'm currently following her on IG and I think that was a mistake. So much post about family, health and education. I just find it strange.

I'm rooting for Matilda, I haven't seen enough from Alysha as yet to say she's the F1.

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