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Youmustwerk -  Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - Fan Forum - Discussion  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - Fan Forum - Discussion

Post by Guest Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:51 am

Being kept here for easy reference

Ladybug82 wrote:Ok, I went ahead and re-watched in CC/typed up the whole RC talk between Becca and Chris.  

C: Hi
B: Hi
B: How are you?
C: Good
B:  Like Litta mentioned previously, she gives him an "are you serious?" look.  No actual verbal response.
C:  I mean…I’m ok.  (Chuckling)
C:  How are you?  (Clears throat)
B:  The longest few days.
C:  I thought about you a lot.
B:  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.
B:  I couldn’t sleep and - I don’t know.
B:  I just felt like the way we left things was just — regardless of what happens today is not
    how I wanted it to like, leave off.  But I just… I don’t know if it was the conversation we had
    and then not being able to see you or if it was just something that I realized that I’m crazy about you.
B:  And.. I think I realized that it’s not about like, not wanting to go home.  
    And wanting, like, this whole thing to be over.  Like, not wanting you and I to be over.
    And when you asked me about if I thought it was the show that was the reason that we were having these feelings  
    and falling in love and I kind of hesitated because I was nervous what you were gonna answer.
    But the only think I can credit the for is introducing us.  Like everything else has just been because of what I feel   for you.
C:  You know, I mean, I wanted to… I brought those things up because I really do like you
    and I really do see myself — I’m falling in love with you, I told you that a multiple times.  
B:  And I’m falling in love with you.  I - I want you to know that.
C:  (Heavy sigh)
B:  I realize how important it was that you felt like you could open up to me and share those things with me.
    And I think in that moment instead, I - I like, let it be a wall that came up instead of being able to, like,
    be able to tell you how I feel and reassure you, and I don’t wanna leave without you knowing, like, how I genuinely feel
    and put everything out there for you to know.  Because it’s all real and it’s all honest, and I honestly did not expect to feel
    this way coming in here.  I mean, I hoped I would, but I was like, I know how I am and so it’s just been so surprising to me.  
    And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you and thinking about it, and…  I know it’s a conversation that we’re probably
    gonna have to have more, if this continues, about Arlington, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get to that point.  
    I just don’t want you to think that it’s something that I’ve, like, taken off the table at all.  It’s not like that at all.  
C:  Yeah, I mean, it’s… (sigh)  It’s tough and I’ve thought about it a lot.  I mean, I think I feel like I put you in a tough position
    that morning in general.  I just, I mean, it’s overwhelming.  And that’s because I have feelings for you, and they’re serious and…
    You know, and I — I’m just — was being open and honest, and… for me it’s about, like… finding true love, and finding someone
    that I feel like is the person I’m meant to be with, and this is crazy difficult for me.  And it’s cause I really care about you and —
    and I’ve never really doubted the potential that we have together.  Its just…  this is an extremely big week and — and this decision
    is not — It’s the most difficult decision that I’ve had to make so far.  And.. I don’t know.  This week is nothing I could’ve prepared myself for.
C: (inhales and exhales deeply)

The biggest thing I see, other than the fact they both use like too much  giggling , is that Chris has told Becca multiple times he's falling for her.  And it appears he felt guilt for pushing too hard, too fast on whatever conversation they had in the early hours of the morning of their FS.  Make of it what you will.  no idea


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Post by Pia1 Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:11 am

Thanks for creating this Thread!


And one day I turned around and looked back and saw that each step I’d taken was a choice, to go left, to go right, to go forward or even to not go at all. Every day every man has a choice between right and wrong, between love and hate, and sometimes between life and death and the sum of those choices becomes your life-Jamie Fraser

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Post by Maggenzm Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:22 pm

stuckinsc wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:That reminds me, and totally off topic of when my cousin years ago, told his mother, my aunt he needed to discuss something with her. Since he lived out of town, he made arrangement to be home a week later. She was a mess all week. She knew it was serious, every bad scenario went through her mind. She was in tears by the end of the week. He told her he was changing faith from Catholic to Judaism. She screemed with joy knowing now it wasn't anything bad. He thought she would be devistated since we are of Catholic faith. She was so happy that's all that it was.

I got a hint of that same thought when I saw his reaction. As she was leading up to it, I felt he was wondering if whatever this was , if it was going to be a deal breaker.

So agreed, I thought it his little laugh was relief.  Kind of ha, that's it, okay, I can handle that!

The Becca and Chris has been the saving grace of this season for me.  As the Kaitlyn and Chris fun fell off, the Becca picked up.  They are really the only two women that Chris didn't annoy me when he was with them.  He had actual conversations with them.

ITA, for me too. They are a breath of fresh air of love. I can't wait until the FR. I am so surprise that there are only 2 pages for Becca fan thread.

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Youmustwerk -  Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - Fan Forum - Discussion  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - Fan Forum - Discussion

Post by Maggenzm Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:36 pm

murasaki1393 wrote:Being kept here for easy reference

Ladybug82 wrote:Ok, I went ahead and re-watched in CC/typed up the whole RC talk between Becca and Chris.  

C: Hi
B: Hi
B: How are you?
C: Good
B:  Like Litta mentioned previously, she gives him an "are you serious?" look.  No actual verbal response.
C:  I mean…I’m ok.  (Chuckling)
C:  How are you?  (Clears throat)
B:  The longest few days.
C:  I thought about you a lot.
B:  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.
B:  I couldn’t sleep and - I don’t know.
B:  I just felt like the way we left things was just — regardless of what happens today is not
    how I wanted it to like, leave off.  But I just… I don’t know if it was the conversation we had
    and then not being able to see you or if it was just something that I realized that I’m crazy about you.
B:  And.. I think I realized that it’s not about like, not wanting to go home.  
    And wanting, like, this whole thing to be over.  Like, not wanting you and I to be over.
    And when you asked me about if I thought it was the show that was the reason that we were having these feelings  
    and falling in love and I kind of hesitated because I was nervous what you were gonna answer.
    But the only think I can credit the for is introducing us.  Like everything else has just been because of what I feel   for you.
C:  You know, I mean, I wanted to… I brought those things up because I really do like you
    and I really do see myself — I’m falling in love with you, I told you that a multiple times.  
B:  And I’m falling in love with you.  I - I want you to know that.
C:  (Heavy sigh)
B:  I realize how important it was that you felt like you could open up to me and share those things with me.
    And I think in that moment instead, I - I like, let it be a wall that came up instead of being able to, like,
    be able to tell you how I feel and reassure you, and I don’t wanna leave without you knowing, like, how I genuinely feel
    and put everything out there for you to know.  Because it’s all real and it’s all honest, and I honestly did not expect to feel
    this way coming in here.  I mean, I hoped I would, but I was like, I know how I am and so it’s just been so surprising to me.  
    And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you and thinking about it, and…  I know it’s a conversation that we’re probably
    gonna have to have more, if this continues, about Arlington, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get to that point.  
    I just don’t want you to think that it’s something that I’ve, like, taken off the table at all.  It’s not like that at all.  
C:  Yeah, I mean, it’s… (sigh)  It’s tough and I’ve thought about it a lot.  I mean, I think I feel like I put you in a tough position
    that morning in general.  I just, I mean, it’s overwhelming.  And that’s because I have feelings for you, and they’re serious and…
    You know, and I — I’m just — was being open and honest, and… for me it’s about, like… finding true love, and finding someone
    that I feel like is the person I’m meant to be with, and this is crazy difficult for me.  And it’s cause I really care about you and —
    and I’ve never really doubted the potential that we have together.  Its just…  this is an extremely big week and — and this decision
    is not — It’s the most difficult decision that I’ve had to make so far.  And.. I don’t know.  This week is nothing I could’ve prepared myself for.
C: (inhales and exhales deeply)

The biggest thing I see, other than the fact they both use like too much  giggling , is that Chris has told Becca multiple times he's falling for her.  And it appears he felt guilt for pushing too hard, too fast on whatever conversation they had in the early hours of the morning of their FS.  Make of it what you will.  no idea

Thank you guys for typing this, I have watched it, I think more than 5 times and counting. I don't think he ever expected to meet someone who will challenge his decision to stay in Arlington. I think for the first time, Chris might consider living somewhere else. I think being a bachelar was good for him, all his life he has expected women to jump and move to a city with only 400 people, and then comes BECCA who is a total package, what a man to do? decisions, decisions, decision...

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Post by Maggenzm Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:49 pm

murasaki1393 wrote:crosspost with Becca Thread

CH on the FRC sit down

Becca revealed she was a virgin, and it was fine. But he was later unsure of her feelings. Did you think he'd keep her?
Harrison: Honestly, the way she built it up, I'm guessing once she finally said she was a virgin he was just happy she didn't tell him she was a serial killer. But it didn't have too much of an effect on anything. They still had a great, intimate time together and she's still physical, she's just not going to have sex. They just had an awkward conversation that we didn't get on camera in the suite that morning that set things off and ended everything on such a sour note. When I talked to him, I could tell he was unbelievably torn and very conflicted, but at the same time I knew then that he wanted to pick Becca. He needed a reason and any kind of confirmation from her because he wanted it to be Becca. Nothing was wrong with Kailtyn, but I could tell he just wanted someone to say, "Pick Becca and don't worry about it." But that wasn't my place. That's why we asked him to have a conversation with Becca and either get the confirmation he needed or go in the opposite direction. That talk was everything. It's almost like he could take a deep breath and everything was OK again.

[b]He wanted it to be Becca. Noted Smiley

He wanted it to be Becca, I don't understand how people couldnt see it, it was so clear to me that it was Becca he wants, like dad said in the preview, Whit is a sure thing, but Becca is who he wants. What a problem to have? woman is willing to drop every in her life and go to the moon and back with and for you
2.the other wants to take the time to think and consider if it is going to work because she wants to do it only once. Who would you pick? We shall see!!

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Post by Luvstruck Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:59 pm

According to article Becca Tilley and Chris Soules, 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know posted 2-23-15:
"Each season there are rumors surrounding The Bachelor and this season is no different. Contestant Whitney Bischoff is reported to be the winner this season, but there are rumors it may be Tilley. Here’s what Celeb Dirty Laundry had to say:

"After Chris Soules finished filming The Bachelor he moved to California – where Becca Tilley lives, and sources say that he and Becca have been sneaking around. Rumors are flying around the Internet that Becca Tilley received the final rose because she and Chris Soules have been “sneaking around Cali together.” So, either Becca Tilley is actually the Season 19 winner of The Bachelor, or Chris Soules has been cheating on Whitney Bischoff with Becca Tilley."

Plus if he is going to be on DWTS as rumors go .....then he will be staying in California awhile so it would be easy to continue to court Becca until she is ready to wed. He has said numerous times he is patient!!!!


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Post by stuckinsc Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:15 pm

Luvstruck wrote:According to article Becca Tilley and Chris Soules, 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know posted 2-23-15:
"Each season there are rumors surrounding The Bachelor and this season is no different. Contestant Whitney Bischoff is reported to be the winner this season, but there are rumors it may be Tilley. Here’s what Celeb Dirty Laundry had to say:

"After Chris Soules finished filming The Bachelor he moved to California – where Becca Tilley lives, and sources say that he and Becca have been sneaking around. Rumors are flying around the Internet that Becca Tilley received the final rose because she and Chris Soules have been “sneaking around Cali together.” So, either Becca Tilley is actually the Season 19 winner of The Bachelor, or Chris Soules has been cheating on Whitney Bischoff with Becca Tilley."

Plus if he is going to be on DWTS as rumors go .....then he will be staying in California awhile so it would be easy to continue to court Becca until she is ready to wed. He has said numerous times he is patient!!!!

I love Becca but CDL is one of the least reliable of any of these sites. Not sure I would put much weight to this.

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Post by Luvstruck Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:29 pm

Stuck you may be right about the reliability of the article but it is interesting for fans who may support the dark horse ...Chris and Becca fan thread.


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Post by stuckinsc Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:34 pm

Luvstruck wrote:Stuck you may be right about the reliability of the article but it is interesting for fans who may support the dark horse ...Chris and Becca fan thread.

I want Becca to get her happy however that is. I just don't want people believing a bad source and feeling heart broken if it isn't true. I will be a Chris fan if he picks Becca, if not, then I don't care and wish him the best because she is happy anyway.

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Post by quietpal Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:11 pm

I gotta say, this season has turned around for me and it's all because of Becca. IA with stuck and others that I like the Chris I see when he's with her. It's like he wanted to make this journey as comfortable for her as possible, which has allowed her to open up in ways that she hadn't done before. Even though he said it's been easy with her from day one, he has had to work at chasing her,which I think has made him want to know more. I liked when he said in an itm of their FS date that "our relationship is moving forward and we're excited about it."
Btw, based on what I've seen on SM and the edit, Becca is funny and witty, but also sweet and caring at the same time. Not boring at all.


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Post by mindless Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:19 pm

I think Becca may just be my favourite contestant ever on this silly franchise. There's absolutely nothing about her that annoys me. She's kind, laid back, funny and realistic. She takes negative comments in stride, which show's she has high self-esteem, as does her decision to wait until marriage (not that not waiting automatically means low self-esteem or anything). I don't remember any finalists who've managed to avoid entering the bubble and are still trying to figure out their own feelings at this point. It's so refreshing to watch!

I think Chris would make the biggest mistake of his life letting her go, but either way she'll be fine, because she's awesome.

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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:31 pm

I believe MF is showing us the love story, but because the spoiler is out there, not many believe it. TPTB have done an excellent job in creating suspense/doubt. I've enjoyed watching Chris and Becca's journey thus far and I look forward to the MTP/LCD/FRC! cheerleader

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