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Post by nutty1 Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:58 pm

Please move if these are in the wrong spots!

Chris has switched from EW to Yahoo! for his blogs.

Chris Harrison Blogs 'The Bachelor' Season Premiere

Chris Harrison

I'm extremely proud to be debuting my wely blogs here at Yahoo TV this season. Yahoo has always done a fantastic job covering our show and they'll produce even more great content for Bachelor Nation this season. I will attempt to continue to entertain, have fun with the show and give you behind-the-scenes tidbits and knowledge you can't get anywhere else. I'll also answer your burning questions, and starting this season I will include personal photos from the shoot right here on my blog.

I was excited when I heard rumors months ago that we were tossing around the idea of doing a live premiere. We've had such great success with the live finale shows we thought, why not kick off the season with the same fanfare? One of the things I wanted to bring to the live premiere was a red carpet. It was great seeing some of my old friends from past seasons, and getting a chance to say hello to so many Bachelor fans that have supported us for many years. It never ceases to amaze me how devoted Bachelor Nation is and how much you love this show.

When I'm doing press to promote a new season I often get asked, "What makes this Bachelor different?" As you know, no two Bachelors are ever alike. I know reporters are desperate to try to stir up more dirt on the Juan Pablo season, but the truth is you can't compare Chris to Juan Pablo any more than you can compare him to Sean, Brad or Jason. Each Bachelor brings his own history, hopes, issues etc. to the show. We get to know these guys and try to tailor each season to who they are. And how I interact with each Bachelor changes, too; the relationship I had with Sean is different than the one I had with Chris. The best way to describe it is to compare it to the way you act around your different friends. Chris is a good man who's been brought up in the heartland, and he has a healthy respect for a hard day's work. As you saw, Chris just doesn't have the opportunity in his small town to be exposed to very many women. He really appreciated and relished the chance to meet so many dynamic women from such diverse backgrounds.

Speaking of the women, after an hour of fun and previews with the live studio audience it was time for the limos to arrive. Compared to some seasons, it was a pretty tame arrival process but here are some moments that stuck out for me:

Britt: She was first out of the limo and first into Chris' heart. They had an immediate connection that led to Britt not only getting the first impression rose she also got the first real kiss of the season.

Reegan: She walked up with a fake heart in a cooler. I can finally, literally say, "Bless her heart."

Tara: She showed up in a cowgirl outfit and quickly ordered a scotch on the rocks. She's also the first girl I can remember who did a wardrobe change and who sneaked back into the limo to make a second arrival. I was happy Chris noticed her. Of course, the arrival was probably the last thing Tara recognized or remembered that night.

Amanda: She was the secret admirer. Sure, it's a callback to Chris' secret admirer days on Andi's season, but I'm not sure the best way to make a first impression is not to make a first impression?

Kaitlyn: "You can plow the f--k out of my field any day." Need I say more?

Nicole: So, she thought it was a good idea to show up with a pig nose on? Note to future Bachelorettes: Don’t. Ever. When a guy calls your arrival gimmick "very brave," trust me — it didn't go well.

Carly: I'm a little on the fence on this one. I defer to Chris who thought the singing machine and her song were cute, so I'm letting her have a pass.

The big note during arrivals is that they didn't stop. Women and limos just kept coming all night. Thirty women finally arrived the first night and that is a lot. It might sound odd because it's only five more than normal but it seemed like there were a hundred women in the house that night. It may have been too many, as we were barely able to fit everything we needed to into one night. You may have noticed at the end of the show the exit interviews were shot in the daylight. It was so late it actually turned into an early morning wrap that first day.

I have to give a lot of credit to our crew for being so professional and pulling these nights off-season after season. A lot of coffee good craft service and the adrenaline of night one get us all through the night. I think the same can be said for the cast as well. The excitement of being there and experiencing such an event really pushes them through the long hours. The best way to describe it is it’s like being in Vegas. You walk into the mansion and the next thing you know the sun’s coming up.

We had to give Chris as much of a chance as possible to get to know these women so he could make informed decisions during the rose ceremony. It's a fun night to be a part of, but with so many people and so much to do it's a very long night, this one was especially long. Some of my favorite moments from this (almost) never-ending shoot:

Ashley S. and her onion

You have to remember Chris isn't privy to all the interviews and moments you see, so I hope you didn't throw anything at your TV when he gave Ashley a rose. Trust me there's more gold to come from her. By the way, how many points do you get in a Bachelor fantasy league for picking the woman that picks a pomegranate assuming it's an onion? Has to be a lot!

Alfalfa Doubts: When Mackenzie asked Chris if the alfalfa he grows from the ground is organic, the look on his face was priceless.

Rose Rage: You might have noticed by the time Chris gave Britt the first impression rose, it had been manhandled by the ladies and wasn't looking too good — so we gave her a nice new one for the rose ceremony. Chris and Britt walked arm and arm back into the party after he gave her the first impression rose. That may not have been a good idea; he might as well have painted a massive target on the poor girl's back.

Chris and I had a little chat in the foyer before the rose ceremony. In an attempt to really embrace who Chris is and make the show as organic as the alfalfa he grows we'll be doing more of this kind of stuff in the weeks to come. It’s nothing that Chris asked for it’s really just adjustments we’ve made as producers. We’re always looking for ways to improve the show and embrace who the Bachelor is as a person. This, less formal, style seemed to fit him. We’ve done similar things in the past with guys like Brad and Sean but it didn’t always make the show. This season we’ve found a better way to make it all work. I’ll be interested to hear what all of you think of this approach.

The rose ceremony the first night is always a mix of excitement and nerves. What can you say about our girl Tara? It appears her friends Jameson, Johnny Walker and Jim Beam did not treat her well. Tara had a little too much to drink. It happens every season and even though these people do it to themselves, I always feel a little bad for them. During the night several girls tried to get Tara to dial it back but she kept rolling. Sometimes you can’t be saved from yourself.

Tara wobbles at the rose ceremony

Chris didn't notice just how sauced she was until the rose ceremony where she could barely stand up. He walked out of the room so we could talk. To be honest, he was pretty turned off by it all. He came extremely close to pulling her rose and sending her home. He ended up giving her a first night pass but she clearly has a lot to do to make up for that performance.

As the first night (or really, morning) finally came to and end, it didn't. We were watching the interviews in the control room when we noticed that Kimberly took off. Our producer told us she was walking back in the house to talk to Chris. That's where we left you after a long, wild first night but I can confirm that you'll definitely see more about Kimberly next week.

So we're off on another adventure together and I couldn't be more excited for what's to come this season on The Bachelor. Thank you so much for being here with us each and every season. I love this show and the hundreds of people that give up their lives to make it all happen. I know what's in store in the coming weeks and I can't wait for all of you to experience it! Again I'm happy to be here at Yahoo TV and I'll continue to work with them each week to bring you fun, interesting, behind the scenes information. In the meantime you can always find me via Twitter and instagram @chrisbharrison.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
"You're my person" - Lauren

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Post by nutty1 Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:59 pm

Bachelor Chris Soules Blogs About the Season Premiere :

Chris Soules's Bachelor Blog: Britt Gave Me the 'Best Hug of My Entire Life'

By Chris Soules

01/06/2015 AT 08:15 AM EST

Chris Soules is the Bachelor! After a bittersweet exit from Andi Dorfman's season of The Bachelorette, the farmer from Arlington, Iowa, is searching for love once again on ABC's hit franchise. Chris, 33, will be blogging for every week about the women, the dates and the difficult decisions he'll make on his journey to love. So check back each week, and follow Chris on Twitter.

First off, I'm not a writer. I'm a farmer. So if this blog doesn't exactly sound like Hemingway, there's a reason! I don't write blogs. I farm stuff. Regardless, I'm going to give this a shot. What's the worst that could happen, right?

So I flew into L.A. a few days before the women arrived, and it was great to have that time to just wrap my head around what I was about to embark upon. I also did a couple photo shoots and tried on LOTS of clothes. Cary Fetman is the guy who I'm talking to while I'm surrounded by racks and racks of expensive suits, and not only is Cary wonderful with clothes, but he's also just a wonderful man. Cary, you magician, you made this farmer look damn good!

Thankfully, I'd spent the last few weeks working out back in Iowa with my buddy, Cody Sattler. He and I became friends on The Bachelorette, and so I flew him out to help me train. I needed to look good for these women, and I've seen the show enough to know that every once in a while, the Bachelor takes his shirt off! Having Cody train me was an experience. He would wake me up every morning, jumping around my room and playing crazy music. A few minutes later, he and I would begin our first workout of the day. Within a week, I could feel and see the difference. I was ready, at least physically.

As that first night approached, the more nervous and excited I got. How could I not be, knowing that there was a chance I could be meeting my future wife?! That said, none of it felt real until that first limo pulled in. That's the moment I finally knew I was really the Bachelor. Sure, I guess knew I was the Bachelor, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking everyone at ABC (and in America!) was going to change their minds and tell this farmer from Iowa to head home and let the real Bachelor take over. But when I saw the headlights of that first limo, I knew they were stuck with me, for better or for worse.

Oh, and I have a few answers to questions I get all the time. Do they wet down the driveway? Of course; it never rains in Los Angeles! Are the flowers near the fountain real or fake? Some are real, some are fake. You really have to get close to tell the difference. Is Chris Harrison as nice in person as he seems on TV? That's easy. Yes. Chris is great.

When that first limo pulled up, I took some deep breaths and tried to settle my nerves. The hug from Britt definitely helped. And yes, it really did seem to last forever. But I can't put the hug only on Britt. The truth is that I really am a hugger. Always have been. Turns out so is Britt. Put two huggers together and what do you get? Yep, the longest televised hug in history. It really was a nice moment we shared, and I think it helped put both of us at ease.

Now I knew some of the women were going to show up doing crazy stuff to get my attention, and sometimes it worked. Tara was memorable both times I met her, with and without her Daisy Dukes! However, nothing could have prepared me for what Kaitlyn said. Wow, she really had me tongue-tied.

While some of the women were more memorable than others, all of them were drop-dead gorgeous. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be getting to meet them all. On the other hand, I couldn't believe how unlucky I was knowing I was going to have to send some of them home at the end of the night.

After meeting 15 women, I was already feeling a little dazed. I'm not used to dating more than one woman, let alone 15. When Chris suggested I head inside, I didn't hesitate. I didn't know if more women were coming or not; I just wanted to get inside and start getting to know the women who were already there.

Talking to Whitney was definitely a highlight, as was finding Amanda, my secret admirer. But just when I thought I was getting a handle on juggling all these women, Chris let me know there were more about to arrive. And they kept coming and coming!

When it was finally time to hand out that first impression rose, my head was spinning. So many choices! Whitney had impressed me with her beauty and poise, Kaitlyn had killed it with her humor and her dance moves, and countless others like Carly, Kelsey, Tandra and Ashley I. had me thinking maybe they should get that first rose. Ultimately, I gave the first impression rose to Britt, who not only gave me the best hug of my entire life but also really made me feel comfortable on what was a pretty stressful evening.

Walking into that first rose ceremony was truly overwhelming. Thirty women were staring back at me. I tried to say a few words, but speeches aren't exactly my thing. I don't give speeches. I farm stuff!

And then it was time to hand out some roses. To be honest, I couldn't remember everyone's name. It was almost too much for me. I guess I thought Chris would be there next to me with a little cheat sheet or something. But no, I was on my own. More than anything, I just didn't want to make a mistake and send my future wife home on the first night.

As I handed out the roses, I started noticing Tara. I could tell she was a little shaky on her feet and that she had probably had a few too many drinks. I must admit it was a little disappointing to see her so out of it, but I'm no choir boy, and I'm the first person to admit that we all make mistakes. Tara also seemed fun and cool, someone I wanted to get to know better. Ultimately, I gave her a rose, and I don't regret it.

That was the end of one unforgettable night. Or so I thought! Kimberly pulled me aside for one more conversation. Did she really ask for a second chance? And if so, did I give it to her? You'll have to tune in next week to find out!

Okay, that's enough blogging for now. I need to go farm some stuff!

– Chris

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
"You're my person" - Lauren

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:06 pm

Chris Blogs

Here's the link. I just thought of something. I'll change it to all blogs.



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Post by Maddy Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:15 pm

EntertainmentTonight ‏@etnow · 1h1 hour ago
.@nancyodell had a GREAT time on set with #TheBachelor himself @C_Soules!
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Post by Maddy Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:18 pm

AccessHollywoodLive ‏@LiveAccess · 6h6 hours ago
We have @C_Soules shirtless in a hot tub. I repeat, #TheBachelor is shirtless!
Chris Soules, Billy Bush and Kit Hoover
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Post by Maddy Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:20 pm

AccessHollywoodLive ‏@LiveAccess · 6h6 hours ago
Prince Farming in action. Hit RT if you think #TheBachelor @C_Soules is as sweet as roses! He's up next #Access
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Post by Maddy Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:24 pm

AccessHollywoodLiveVerified account
‏@LiveAccess Watch what happens when #TheBachelor @C_Soules is shirtless in a hot tub.

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Post by Maddy Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:51 pm

GMADancing - Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Media - Tweets - Facebook - IG - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion #2 - Page 19 Entertainment+Best+Pictures+Day+January+1+rrZIZNIiNcOx

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The Bachelor 2015 Chris Soules participates in the 126th Annual Tournament of Roses Parade presented by Honda on January 1, 2015 in Pasadena, California.

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Post by Maddy Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:11 pm

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Chris Soules visits 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' on January 5, 2015.

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Post by Maddy Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:48 pm

Billy Bush ‏@billybush · 55m55 minutes ago  Bel Air, Los Angeles
If you missed #thebachelor @C_Soules in our hot tub on @LiveAccess today. The #Access was outstanding & hysterical

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Post by nutty1 Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:16 pm

Does Chris have an IG account? If so, what is his user name?

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
"You're my person" - Lauren

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Post by Hotmomma Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:25 pm

Yes nutty....souleschris

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