Bachelor 19 - Tara - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion

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Bachelor 19 - Tara - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion Empty Bachelor 19 - Tara - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:34 am


Bachelor 19 - Tara - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion 430.1x1

Age: 26
Occupation: Sport Fishing Enthusiast
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Height: 5'10"
Tattoos: None
Can't live without: Chocolate, nail file, whiskey, Beave (my stuffed animal beaver I've had since birth), the ocean
Biggest date fear: A man who nervous talks or won't shut up. Or me having bad gas during the date and he catches on to me.

I love it when my date opens the truck door for me, is kind to everyone around (servers), shows others that he's with me and wants to show me off to the world, and makes me laugh until I can't breathe.

I hate it when my date talks too much (nervous talk) or has no personality, chews with his mouth open, is rude to people, or makes me pay for anything.

What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done?
I went to a different country using my identical twins' I.D. and passport. Obviously it worked just fine.

Do you consider yourself a romantic? If so why, or why not?
Not too romantic. Because I have not been in a relationship for so long, or dated anyone, I have no one to be romantic towards.

Do you prefer a man who wants to be pursued or a man who pusues you and why?
Both. Both of us females and males like the feeling of being pursued. So let's make it interesting and both sexes give it a try.

What does being married mean to you?
It means legal documentation that you are forever committed and loyal to your best friend.


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Bachelor 19 - Tara - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion

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