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Post by luvlady345 Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:41 am

Yeah, I noticed the role reversals also, it's amazing to watch..... To me their relationship is most real world, like how the dynamics changes or progress over time....I love watching Jodi/Team Sushi!!!!!!


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Post by Guest Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:20 am

Elan's Instagram pics are making me think there's a safe house visit going on right now in Palm Springs. He posted a picture out back by the pool saying this was his house for the next few days. And then last night he posted the dinner table and there were three plates. And Andi and Josh have been pretty quiet on social media since yesterday. Just would be surprising that no one saw them on flights.


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Post by pander3575 Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:27 am

dpao84 wrote:Elan's Instagram pics are making me think there's a safe house visit going on right now in Palm Springs. He posted a picture out back by the pool saying this was his house for the next few days. And then last night he posted the dinner table and there were three plates. And Andi and Josh have been pretty quiet on social media since yesterday. Just would be surprising that no one saw them on flights.
I thought the same however if it is then I might start questioning whether Josh is F1. There would be no need to fly them to CA and risk them being seen when they could find a remote cabin in GA to put them up. Of course who knows.

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Post by janeh810 Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:30 am

Sorry if my question has been asked a million times. Would TPTB really allow Andi and Josh to have safe house visits in GA, with all the chances of sightings in GA?

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Post by pander3575 Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:36 am

janeh810 wrote:Sorry if my question has been asked a million times.  Would TPTB really allow Andi and Josh to have safe house visits in GA, with all the chances of sightings in GA?  
Ash and JP had some in NYC in a hotel. I believe Jef and Emily had one at least in or around Ashville, NC when Emily brought Ricki with her. There were pictures of Jef and Ricki fishing I believe after the show. There are so many remote cabins in and around the mountains of both NC and GA.

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Post by janeh810 Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:40 am

Did fans spot the lead and F1 at the above safe house locations? How do you know about these?

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Post by pander3575 Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:47 am

janeh810 wrote:Did fans spot the lead and F1 at the above safe house locations?  How do you know about these?  
With Jef he was spotted in the Ashville, NC area at a fast food place but not pictures but later there was a picture of him in the airport. Emily also posted a picture of her and Ricki with Ricki holding a fish on a line.

JP and Ash I can't remember if someone spotted JP with a gym bag going into the hotel or out but I believe they mentioned it later.

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Post by docnash14 Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:50 am

Alanna wrote:
Eagle Eye wrote:
Alanna wrote:
Those greetings are the cutest! On their last date, I'm not sure what was going on but he got a very serious expression and then shook her a little and rubbed her tummy. Oh my goodness, there's no way she can keep up the ADA persona laugh out loud Totally disarming!
Her obsession with whether or not Josh is going to break her heart is very telling indeed. She's supposed to be the one in the power position here -- the guys are all supposed to be falling in love with her, and she gets to decide who she's going to give her heart to. The fact that she's only concerned about Josh not feeling as strongly, and having the potential to ruin her whole fairytale, pretty much says everything.

And I loved their greeting in Belgium too! She saw him coming and waved and said hi, then said hi again when he reached her, and then said it AGAIN in the cutest, sweetest voice after all the kisses and tummy-rubbing. It wasn't a full-fledged baby voice but it was pretty darn close. We're FOR SURE going to get one on the FDs and I cannot wait!!

soccermom333 wrote:Lots of show to do though, and the producers knew Andi would have to wait before she could have her first date with Josh.  I think this was hard on both but especially Josh.  He even told Andi during the next rose ceremony that he wanted to see her everyday and kiss her everyday but she just said "get away" or something like that.  This tells me he was still very nervous and did not really know how she felt.
Ahem. I may or may not have this conversation pretty much memorized.  :hidingchair  J: "I wanna see you every day. And I wanna kiss you every day. And you're like, 'Stay away from me!'" A: "What do you mean I'm 'Stay away from you'?" J: "It's just tough to see you all the time." A: "I don't stay away from you." J: "It's just tough. Yeah you do." A: "I don't stay..." and then he kisses her and that's the end of that.  :giggle: 

Luvvy wrote:I also notice that Josh is great at reading her. First with judging him and then with too good to be true, he's pretty intuitive about her. I think she needs that and I think she has him pegged too.
It's interesting because for as much as people (cough*Nick*cough) think Andi and Josh would be horrible together because they're too similar, too hot-tempered, too combative together, he's totally the Andi Whisperer. He really does know exactly how to handle her and calm her down.
Gosh love this post!! ITA on the baby voice thing! She was already dangerously close during their greeting and then after his ifly. She needs to be careful! She's seriously about to blow her "I'm so tough and hard" image out of the water. Josh is so rude for unceremoniously turning her into mush. She's going to be channeling Ash and squealing and climbing all over him in no time!

He really does know how to calm her down and handle her. It's kind of amazing because we have seen what she can be like and frankly, it's a little scary. Seeing her with JPG and how angry and bitchy and snarky she can get makes it all the more obvious just how much josh understands her and can manage her. I love how she admits all her feelings to him, confiding she's afraid he might break her heart, and then admitting how much she needed his comfort and reassurance. Judging by what we know of her, I don't think she's ever told other men things like that or really ever expected to. So sweet!

It was so cute and funny when Josh said he's happy she's comforted and feeling relaxed and he's comfortable just being with her. Pretty sure he's the only suitor who can say that. It's amazing to me that instead of getting stressed out by her interrogations and insecurities, he's happy to reassure her and enjoy soothing the fears. 

They are such a perfect fit in all ways, it is ahhhmazing (drink!!)

Along those lines, this may have already been mentioned but I found it almost comical. When they are eating lunch sitting on the wall and Josh is talking about his excitement about seeing his family.  He adds that wants her to talk with him too.  She tries to throw in a little power play and a little snark with her "maybe" most likely because at this point she was getting stonewalled in terms of hearing the profession of love she was needing.  Edit notwithstanding he seemingly remains totally unfazed by it simply nodding and saying "without a doubt."

Speaking of his baby talk (somewhat of a misnomer as it totally does not elicit a child-like response at least in me!), one of my favorite parts of the evening portion of the date was when he whispered "what's that" after Andi said there was one more thing for them to do - wowza - talk about sensual - no wonder she lost her balance and tripped.  I also loved it when they are dancing near the end and he is looking intently into her eyes and then he begins to smile and his dimples appear - truly swoon worthy.  I can see Andi becoming another Meredith very soon - having to be coerced into going on dates with the other guys all the while wishing she was with Josh.

Last edited by docnash14 on Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Mikesgirl83 Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:58 am

Hello all  :WAVEY:  I mostly just lurk on here but as a big Jodi fan I just wanted to suggest this song for a fanvid. I think it would be perfect, thanks


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Post by umngirl Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:59 am

dpao84 wrote:Elan's Instagram pics are making me think there's a safe house visit going on right now in Palm Springs. He posted a picture out back by the pool saying this was his house for the next few days. And then last night he posted the dinner table and there were three plates. And Andi and Josh have been pretty quiet on social media since yesterday. Just would be surprising that no one saw them on flights.

Considering Élan has the gps location turned on on his Instagram location which gives away the address of the house he's staying at, I'm going with not a safe house visit. Plus there could have been more place settings on the table and he took a picture of that half.

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Post by docnash14 Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:05 am

pander3575 wrote:
janeh810 wrote:Did fans spot the lead and F1 at the above safe house locations?  How do you know about these?  
With Jef he was spotted in the Ashville, NC area at a fast food place but not pictures but later there was a picture of him in the airport.  Emily also posted a picture of her and Ricki with Ricki holding a fish on a line.

JP and Ash I can't remember if someone spotted JP with a gym bag going into the hotel or out but I believe they mentioned it later.  

There was also a photo posted by Jef grilling out which turned out to be during a safe house visit in Palm Springs. So I think there is a possibility that this could be a safe house visit. I think it would be like Elan to throw out a clue but I could also argue that he might be playing with us. Based, however,on what he is planning on doing while there (reading, sleeping and being around the pool) it doesn't appear that he is expecting to be doing much interaction with others. And the house looks plenty big for there to be enough room for Andi and Josh to have space to themselves.


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Post by Alanna Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:13 am

Doc, good post! I actually meant Andi's baby voice, not Josh's voice! He definitely doesn't have a baby voice laugh out loud But his voice does get lower and sexier talking to her.

And yes, he definitely doesn't give in to her power plays and it's wonderful! Instead of fighting for dominance, he just ignores her or teases her and it's making her not only infinitely more likeable to me but also helps them establish such a sweet, understanding relationship. 

I agree it's a matter of time before tptb are going to have to pry her away from Josh.

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