Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by blessed66 Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:48 am

Mustang19 wrote:
Sable wrote:
Mustang19 wrote:

I disagree that all of the people from this franchise should be called famewhores. There are more people who have gone back to their normal lives than have sold their 15 minutes of fame for money.  I'm all for taking advantage of opportunities that come their way like appearances, but I really don't like endorsing supplement products like Sean/Cat and Andi/Josh have done. Andi is still recent, but Sean is over what 2 years now? Time to go back to a regular life, if he has one; Bachelor opportunities are not going to last forever. Brad, Ben, Emily, Des, Ashley have all gone back to their normal lives. JP is doing Couples Therapy, probably for the $, but he is still recent too, and his appearances were not riding on The Bachelor's coattails. He seemed to distance himself from anything Bachelor related. So, I don't think it's fair at all to say everyone associated with this show is a famewhore.

I agree that some people from the franchise have gone back to their regular lives and don't give the Bachelor franchise another thought.  Chantal (F2) from Brad's season comes to mind.  I don't think the people you mentioned have really gone back to their regular lives though.  Brad did come on for a second season, probably for the money they offered him.  It was probably too good to pass up.  Ben promoted his winery from the celebrity status he gained from the show.  Emily has a blog and sells either jewelry or a clothing line, or maybe both.  Des has a blog and wants to become a clothing or wedding dress designer.  I am sure she will use whatever leverage she can from her appearance in the franchise to help in that endeavor.  Plus, I am sure that she and Chris got paid for their appearance on BIP.  Ashley for the most part has resumed her normal life as a dentist, but she still makes appearances for the franchise.  Her and JP appeared on ATFR (I am sure for a fee and for a few free days in California), and they also might have appeared on BIP if it wasn't for her pregnancy.  Plus, they got a free wedding for their association with the show.  I think when the right opportunity comes along for each individual contestant, then they take advantage of it.  The general public as a whole may agree with what opportunities the contestants take advantage of, or they may not.  I personally think it would be stupid of all these contestants to not take advantage of the opportunities that come their way.  They have to decide what they feel is morally right for them to do.

Like you, I sort of draw the line at endorsing supplemental products like hydroxycut and Advocare.  To me though, the Advocare thing is worse because of the way it is designed.  With Hydroxycut, Sean probably got paid a flat fee for all the advertising he did for the product.  He probably didn't get a percentage of each bottle that was sold.  With the Advocare thing, it looks like Josh and Andi get a percentage of every product that is sold, and they also get a percentage of each product that people that they recruit into the company sell as well.  To me, that is taking advantage of their fans.  The whole pyramid aspect of it just has a very sleazy feeling to me.  Just my opinion.

Edited to add:

I love Sean and Catherine (probably my favorite couple ever from the franchise), but I did not like the Hydroxycut endorsement.  I can still love them and not wholeheartedly agree with everything that they do.  Smiley  Does Sean still even endorse the Hydroxycut product any longer?

The point I was trying to make, and maybe not so clear in my efforts, was that we are now some distance from the airing of Sean's, Emily's, Ben's, Ashley's, Brad's seasons, counted in years now, not months. I don't see any of them continuing to make appearances, riding on the show's name, such as "Come see The Bachelorette's Emily for (insert event)" as Sean and Cat do. They have been out of this bubble a couple of years now and continue to use it. I am only stating my opinion here, but this 15 minutes of fame isn't going to last and if it were me, I would be working on figuring out what I was going to do for a living for the rest of my life. Is he going to be endorsing products when he's 60? It's his life and obviously he is going to do what he wants, but it would make me very nervous if I was Cat. I go for the more secure/predictable careers where there is a plan, a stable income, and a retirement plan in place. The other leads used their fame right after the show, but aren't continuing to make appearances, endorsements, etc. If you look at a lot of the other contestants/lead's threads, there hasn't been a post in months except maybe a new girlfriend/boyfriend, marriage, etc - not having anything to do with the show. Maybe I'm more critical of Sean/Cat because I generally don't think much of them, but I know a lot of you do - which is ok. I was just stating my thoughts on the "famewhore" issue in previous posts. To me, a "famewhore" is someone who sells their fame for money, attention seeker, etc. If you're in the entertainment business, being a "famewhore" is your job, but these contestants aren't in the entertainment business, so I could see the point above where we are now a couple of years out from Sean's season and he is still trying to stay relevant. I don't follow them, and only read what's posted here.  I could be wrong, but all of his deals seem pretty harmless with the exception of Hydroxycut - I just don't agree with any of these constestants endorsing these types of products that have a questionable reputation at best.

You know with God anything is possible, he can make some seasons longer than what men expects.  I believe God has allowed Sean and Catherine to be in this extended season for His Glory!  Our prayer is for God to continue to enlarge their territory so that they may accomplish more for The Kingdom!

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I want to be rich in love ~ Sean Lowe  
I thank God for bringing you to me and igniting that same light ~ Catherine Lowe

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:53 am

I think Sean and Cat are doing a great job of taking advantage of the opportunities that come their way. Sean has been through some not so good times with his dealings, but everyone learns from those types of experiences.

They are young, and if they don't do it now, it will be more difficult to travel etc once they start a family.

I would love to just do appearances and get paid for it, and nothing else! laugh out loud

It annoys some people because they are constantly on SM and sharing their lives. It's like any other couple, if you're a fan of them, it's great and pics are always appreciated. If you're not a fan of a couple, whatever they do, you will find annoying. We may not always agree with what our favourite couples are getting themselves into, but for them they must believe it's a benefit in some way. I don't think we decide to get involved in something because it's a bad idea.

They each are diverse in their fields, Cat being creative, designing etc, Sean, business dealings, ministry etc. Couple that with any paid appearances I would think they are making some sound choices for their future.


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Post by Sable Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:57 am

lexforlife wrote:I don't think endorsing anything other than "eat healthy and exercise" is better than the other, so both couples endorsing any product that encourages our culture's instant fix should leave a bad taste in every one's mouth IMO.

Sean was endorsing Hydroxycut. Josh and Andi are basically sales representatives that get a commission for every product they (or the sales representatives they recruit into the company) sell with Advocare. Plus, there is the whole pyramid scheme aspect of it as well. That is a huge difference for me. I already stated that I did not like or agree with Sean's endorsement of Hydroxycut. If Josh and Andi were simply paid spokespeople for Advocare, I wouldn't feel as distasteful about it. I would probably feel about it the same way I felt about Sean's association with Hydroxycut. Josh and Andi are banking on their popularity with their fans to make them a huge profit in this endeavor. That crosses a line for me. Does anyone know if Josh and Andi's association with Advocare is the "big announcement" they were talking about a few weeks ago?

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by smartcat Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:44 pm

I've spent the morning reading the posts here as I do not usually come to this couples thread. I usually stay on the fan forum threads to enjoy the positive energy there. I am however an advocate of intelligent dialog where people can passionately agree or disagree, so I read this thread sometimes but usually do not post here. Having a watchful administrator helps keep the comments edited well and in line. (Thanks GA)
IMHO whats missing in some of these conversations is the realization that a very small percentage of our population goes on a TV show in a program that spans weeks to begin with. In order to do that it might seem that you are willing to put yourself out there to begin with. What makes anyone think that these individuals who have the desire to return to what we think of as "normal" life ever can 100% after their exposure on national TV, in that context can they ever be "just normal" folks again. I know some of you will point out this one or that one as living a "normal" life but then again how would you even know to use them as an example you hadn't seen them on TV to begin with and have a bit of information about their lives long after their TV moment.
When you say so and so has gone back to this or that job, how would you as an individual know that except from some word, discussion, or article about them in the SM or on twitter or IG or facebook. You wouldn't even know who they were if they had not already made the transition from "normal" into somewhat of a TV personality now or in the past. You might know diddlysquat about any of these people as you would of family member or personal friends in the "real world". I don't see the name smartcat being bantered around in any social media headlines, so lets keep it real and remember these folks are already public figures in reality TV and we are only interested and hopefully voyeurs watching them from what really is afar.
I happen to be a avid fan of Sean and Catherine Lowe, my personal favorites and I don't intend to answer any of the discussion about what they do here as good , bad or indifferent. I follow them because i can through what ever they say about themselves, sleuths find out, and people post. BUT would I know anything about them if they hadn't been on TV to begin with. All this really serious innuendo about any of these people is predicated on what we read, hear and listen to about them or from them. They are not a phone call away. We don't know them personally, we just enjoy some, dislike others, moon over some of the eye candy, get to see interesting situations they are involved in and come to these forums with our own experiences perhaps as the norm.
So now that I put in my 2 cents, back to fans of Sean and Catherine forum where I can enjoy this delicious couple ( to me of course ) while realizing that I don't know them and they don't know me! Part of the great fun world that keeps me here with all of you and takes some time away from the horrid news headlines shaping our world these days.
Smartcat over and out. See, I really can't keep my mouth entirely shut folks cause I have to add I've been an entrepreneur my whole long life and have had maybe one 9 to 5 job years ago as a teacher. It's my norm and fortunately it been successful.

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by bleuberry Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:11 pm

vivi2 wrote:Good morning GA and lipsis,

Before I start my "defense" in a few hours,  I want to know if I'm allowed to talk about other people besides SC here?  I feel that it's important to have this dialogue so that the board will be a better place for all to stop by.


I admire your dedication to them. I usually end up saying nothing because I likely won't be changing any minds. Most people have their minds made up.

I wouldn't go so far as calling Sean and Catherine famewhores because I reserve that word for the Chris Bukowskis of this franchise.

The argument could be made that we 'see' SeanCat more because they just get more offers than others.

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by Sprite Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:50 pm

bleuberry wrote:
vivi2 wrote:Good morning GA and lipsis,

Before I start my "defense" in a few hours,  I want to know if I'm allowed to talk about other people besides SC here?  I feel that it's important to have this dialogue so that the board will be a better place for all to stop by.


I admire your dedication to them. I usually end up saying nothing because I likely won't be changing any minds. Most people have their minds made up.

I wouldn't go so far as calling Sean and Catherine famewhores because I reserve that word for the Chris Bukowskis of this franchise.

The argument could be made that we 'see' SeanCat more because they just get more offers than others.

thumbsup on the bolded blueberry. I think that is a big part of why SeanCat are more prominent than some other couples who have had a more recent stint on the franchise. Let's not forget that Sean is the one and only Bachelor to have actually wed his F1. That was a huge deal after so many unsuccessful seasons. Tptb loved him and as a result, many opportunities came his/their way. Their "fame" increased even more when he did DWTS.
They were hardly a controversial couple and seemed to be well liked wherever they go. In addition, something that I don't think many people think of, but I think this couple have a broader appeal than most. From what we know he is a Christian, southern, Texan with an entrepreneurial streak and interest in sports/fitness, the oil and gas industry, real estate, ministry and now publishing. She is from Seattle and has a creative streak that encompasses fashion, food and design. Both seem to make friends easily and from a wide spectrum of people. They also don't seem to be afraid to take chances and fail. All of these things seem to serve them well.

From what we have read in the past and more recently, it is clear that they are aware that at some point this fame thing will fade and they are making preparations for that eventuality. And as much as we know what goes on in their lives, we are not privy to everything. For the moment, they seem to be enjoying themselves and taking advantage of what opportunities come their way because you never know where those might lead to in the future. I enjoy following them because they always seem to be having fun and enjoying themselves no matter what they do and they often surprise me and I never quite know what to expect.

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by livelife Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:02 pm

In case this wasn't mentioned yet.. Even though we've had Des, JuanPa and Andi's season..Sean and Catherine were married this year on tv so it obviously made them more relevant. I expect Des will also gain additional exposure when she gets married to Chris.

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by dw_a_mom Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:03 pm

I have to start with the fact that none of these people are "like" me to begin with. Me on a reality TV show? Not going to happen, as much I think it sounds like fun. So ... to expect them to follow my standards and values is simply a non-starter.

I don't have a problem with SeanCat making a living off their 15 minutes. Everything they do - and that includes sharing fun things on Instagram - is part of how they make money right now. They are riding out interest that exists, while it exists. It won't last forever. But, yes, EVERYTHING they share is part of their "job;" that is how social media works. They get "paid" to work social media, and they do their jobs well.

Seeing anyone do something well is intriguing to me. I don't care if it is something I would do or not, as long as it isn't highly immoral.

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by MiaHawk Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:06 pm

mtnlvr55 wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Love houses and house hunting. I'm pretty sure that Catherine's huge closet is the add-on at the back of the house. The slanted roof and the window seem to match. I'm pretty sure the other half of the addition is the bathroom. The fence out of the bathroom window seems to match.So I think they still have 3 BR.


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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by vivi2 Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:41 pm

Mustang19 wrote:
Sable wrote:
Mustang19 wrote:

I disagree that all of the people from this franchise should be called famewhores. There are more people who have gone back to their normal lives than have sold their 15 minutes of fame for money.  I'm all for taking advantage of opportunities that come their way like appearances, but I really don't like endorsing supplement products like Sean/Cat and Andi/Josh have done. Andi is still recent, but Sean is over what 2 years now? Time to go back to a regular life, if he has one; Bachelor opportunities are not going to last forever. Brad, Ben, Emily, Des, Ashley have all gone back to their normal lives. JP is doing Couples Therapy, probably for the $, but he is still recent too, and his appearances were not riding on The Bachelor's coattails. He seemed to distance himself from anything Bachelor related. So, I don't think it's fair at all to say everyone associated with this show is a famewhore.

I agree that some people from the franchise have gone back to their regular lives and don't give the Bachelor franchise another thought.  Chantal (F2) from Brad's season comes to mind.  I don't think the people you mentioned have really gone back to their regular lives though.  Brad did come on for a second season, probably for the money they offered him.  It was probably too good to pass up.  Ben promoted his winery from the celebrity status he gained from the show.  Emily has a blog and sells either jewelry or a clothing line, or maybe both.  Des has a blog and wants to become a clothing or wedding dress designer.  I am sure she will use whatever leverage she can from her appearance in the franchise to help in that endeavor.  Plus, I am sure that she and Chris got paid for their appearance on BIP.  Ashley for the most part has resumed her normal life as a dentist, but she still makes appearances for the franchise.  Her and JP appeared on ATFR (I am sure for a fee and for a few free days in California), and they also might have appeared on BIP if it wasn't for her pregnancy.  Plus, they got a free wedding for their association with the show.  I think when the right opportunity comes along for each individual contestant, then they take advantage of it.  The general public as a whole may agree with what opportunities the contestants take advantage of, or they may not.  I personally think it would be stupid of all these contestants to not take advantage of the opportunities that come their way.  They have to decide what they feel is morally right for them to do.

Like you, I sort of draw the line at endorsing supplemental products like hydroxycut and Advocare.  To me though, the Advocare thing is worse because of the way it is designed.  With Hydroxycut, Sean probably got paid a flat fee for all the advertising he did for the product.  He probably didn't get a percentage of each bottle that was sold.  With the Advocare thing, it looks like Josh and Andi get a percentage of every product that is sold, and they also get a percentage of each product that people that they recruit into the company sell as well.  To me, that is taking advantage of their fans.  The whole pyramid aspect of it just has a very sleazy feeling to me.  Just my opinion.

Edited to add:

I love Sean and Catherine (probably my favorite couple ever from the franchise), but I did not like the Hydroxycut endorsement.  I can still love them and not wholeheartedly agree with everything that they do.  Smiley  Does Sean still even endorse the Hydroxycut product any longer?

The point I was trying to make, and maybe not so clear in my efforts, was that we are now some distance from the airing of Sean's, Emily's, Ben's, Ashley's, Brad's seasons, counted in years now, not months. I don't see any of them continuing to make appearances, riding on the show's name, such as "Come see The Bachelorette's Emily for (insert event)" as Sean and Cat do. They have been out of this bubble a couple of years now and continue to use it. I am only stating my opinion here, but this 15 minutes of fame isn't going to last and if it were me, I would be working on figuring out what I was going to do for a living for the rest of my life. Is he going to be endorsing products when he's 60? It's his life and obviously he is going to do what he wants, but it would make me very nervous if I was Cat. I go for the more secure/predictable careers where there is a plan, a stable income, and a retirement plan in place. The other leads used their fame right after the show, but aren't continuing to make appearances, endorsements, etc. If you look at a lot of the other contestants/lead's threads, there hasn't been a post in months except maybe a new girlfriend/boyfriend, marriage, etc - not having anything to do with the show. Maybe I'm more critical of Sean/Cat because I generally don't think much of them, but I know a lot of you do - which is ok. I was just stating my thoughts on the "famewhore" issue in previous posts. To me, a "famewhore" is someone who sells their fame for money, attention seeker, etc. If you're in the entertainment business, being a "famewhore" is your job, but these contestants aren't in the entertainment business, so I could see the point above where we are now a couple of years out from Sean's season and he is still trying to stay relevant. I don't follow them, and only read what's posted here.  I could be wrong, but all of his deals seem pretty harmless with the exception of Hydroxycut - I just don't agree with any of these constestants endorsing these types of products that have a questionable reputation at best.

IMO, "famewhore" means someone who will do anything to go on multiple reality shows just for fame.  Everyone from this franchise s/b called "famewhore" just because...

How do we know who goes on the show for the right reason ( to find love) or just for exposure to promote their career? It doesn't matter because all of them will become "famous" and most of them will get offers that they'd never get before the show.

I don't know these people personally hence I don't care about their financial situation, but I'll be happy for them in whatever they're doing to make a living.

IMO, for Sean,  he is relevant,  he doesn't have to try to stay relevant. He doesn't have to seek attention, because he's already "famous".  The question is how long will the fame last?  Nobody knows, but for now,  Sean and Catherine are having fun no matter what they're doing.  That's good enough for me.

My problem is with the term "famewhore".  To me is name calling.  I'd not call someone famewhore just because I don't like them.  I don't think Sean is a famewhore, because he's already famous! ( even after 2 years,  the offers are still coming)IMO

Last edited by vivi2 on Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:43 pm; edited 2 times in total


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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:30 pm

This is a General Discussion thread. It's not a place to try and change anyone's mind, or a place to stick up for your favourite or purposely put them down without facts.

Please use IMO and what you're thoughts are, whether for or against, ensuring they are not directed at any one poster. Without using IMO it appears as facts, in which many instances it isn't fact, but simply an opinion.


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humbled - Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion - Page 20 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Bachelor 17 - Discussion

Post by Mustang19 Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:01 pm

from Vivi2

To me "famewhore" means someone who will do anything to go on multiple reality shows just for fame.  Everyone from this franchise s/b called "famewhore" just because...

How do we know who goes on the show for the right reason ( to find love) or just for exposure to promote their career? It doesn't matter because all of them will become "famous" and most of them will get offers that they'd never get before the show.

I don't know these people personally hence I don't care about their financial situation, but I'll be happy for them in whatever they're doing to make a living.

As for Sean,  he is relevant,  he doesn't have to try to stay relevant. He doesn't have to seek attention, because he's already "famous".  The question is how long will the fame last?  Nobody knows, but for now,  Sean and Catherine are having fun no matter what they're doing.  That's good enough for me.

My problem is with the term "famewhore".  To me is name calling.  I'd not call someone famewhore just because I don't like them.  I don't think Sean is a famewhore, because he's already famous! ( even after 2 years,  the offers are still coming)[/quote]

I was never disputing the fact that Sean is "famous", but the "fame" and offers because of that fame are probably not what they used to be right after the show - then what does a person do after that with no secure job, etc. It would bother me if I was in that position, but I'm not; I prepared for my future.  I respect the fact that you are a fan of his - I am not. That doesn't mean I don't wish him well or that I will call him names; he's just not my cup of tea. I find his sense of humor or snark to be rude at times. Cat had a post a while back about a child dying in a dishwasher which bothered me a great deal since I have lost a young grandchild. Joking about children dying is not funny to me. I have no doubt she was joking, but some of the comments her fans said to people were really uncalled for and very insensitive. I never saw a response from her, and maybe she shouldn't have to, but I also have the right to think differently of them afterwards.

You're right - famewhore is name calling. Just like people who call Juan Pablo an idiot, or Jef Holm a loser, or Courtney a b***h. It's all name calling, but I'm not sure people will stop and it's not going to change anyone's opinion of that person.

I've voiced my opinion on Sean/Cat, I wish for them a long and happy marriage, and will bow out now. I wasn't trying to bash them or insult their fans, rather just trying to have a peaceful discussion on the differences of opinion.

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