Sticky-Bachelorette Season 9-Desiree Hartsock- F1 vs. not F1 Analysis/List

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Sticky-Bachelorette Season 9-Desiree Hartsock- F1 vs. not F1 Analysis/List Empty Sticky-Bachelorette Season 9-Desiree Hartsock- F1 vs. not F1 Analysis/List

Post by agentcurls Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:35 pm

Warning Signs Brooks was not F1:



SC of him and lead having an emotional talk

SC of him exiting in a limo in regular clothes

Seen with other contestants post-show

The cruise

First date

Hesitation halfway through dating process

No airport sightings

Looked sad/disappointed during an interaction with a fan

Lead was more into contestant

No personalized music by recording artist

No F1 romantic sweeping overture music

Was not listed as a cast member for finale

Was not featured in blooper reel at MTA

Was not hidden in beginning of season preview

Was heavily featured in Stefano’s music/ season preview video along with Bryden (the two contestants who left the lead)

Lead stating in an interview “ I wanted someone who would stand by my side no matter what”

On first 1/1, he stated he would risk getting his heart broken to find out if it was meant to be or not=foreshadowing

Des stated she would risk getting her heart broken in order to find love, in regards to Brooks=foreshadowing

Other contestants who stayed later did not believe Brooks was F1

CH rather uncomplimentary towards Brooks in his blogs

Leads' brother tweeting RS spoiler was wrong
RS stating along with spoiler that Brooks was not fully ready for commitment & would probably not make it down the aisle

Brooks flew into LAX a day before ATFR taping (considered to be too late to have done People Mag shoot w/lead the weekend before?)

Des deleting comments from her Instagram that included the Brooks spoiler

Des tweeting " don't be desperate, let them pursue" answer a fan

Signs Chris was F1:


Several FD & LCD SCs

Personalized music by recording artist

F1 romantic sweeping overture music

Mysterious safe house pic posted a week before finale/followed up by a tweet from Des... be-you-tiful #lovelife #loveyou

Did not hang out with other contestants post-show

Strange HTD edit

Instagram pics posted by producers of him and lead’s dates

Had first date with lead in episode 4

Included in blooper reel

Lead was tweeting poetry and rhymes, mirroring Chris’ behavior

PI of lead emotionally saying she “Never felt so loved” in attire she wore on Chris’ LCD

MF commenting that the ending “comes out of left field” (baseball reference pointing to Chris)

Des saying in interview, “found out that what I thought I wanted wasn’t necessarily what I needed”
Des tweets a pic of an open heart necklace (open heart mentioned in poems) and also wore this on some IVs, as well as Chris' HTD
Chris tweets himself on the Seattle pig with the hashtag #piggyback (referencing their HTD?)
Elan's tweet: elan gale ‏@theyearofelan 8 Jul My sources tell me that you're making up your sources
Elan's typical artsy F1 pic- in the helicopter
Ali tweeted she thought Chris was F1 after hanging out with Des


Things that deterred us from Chris being F1 (excluding the spoiler):


Chris’ overconfidence left in edit

SC of limo ride in suit looking emotional

Lead told CH she was in love with Brooks a few times

Cryptic poem

Strange HTD edit, especially his father’s chiropractic adjustments

Awkward moments left in edit (almost tipping the champagne bucket over)

F1 music (sometimes used to throw people off of F1 trail)

No airport sightings

Chris trailing behind Brooks with lead's feelings until Brooks left

Des’ shout-outs to Brooks in her blogs, especially the steamy hot tub comment

Des' mom following Team Bres on Twitter

Last edited by Love_Me on Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:01 am; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Additions)

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Sticky-Bachelorette Season 9-Desiree Hartsock- F1 vs. not F1 Analysis/List

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